What Seeds Should You Eat Every Day
Seeds, with the help of which flowering plants reproduce, contain the germ of new life and a rich supply of nutrients (endosperm) necessary for both the future plant and our body.
Since ancient times, man has widely used plant seeds for nutrition and treatment. "Site" prepared for you a list of 10 seeds that contain the most protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibers and beneficial acids.
Try to include them in your diet, and they will protect your body from diseases, help lead a healthy lifestyle and become the key to active longevity.
The best seeds.
Flax, about the benefits of seeds of which we have already written in this article, is one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man and has always been highly valued for its medicinal properties.
Find out how flax seeds help to establish the digestive process, get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the skin.
These wonderful seeds are almost unknown. But when you learn about their properties, they will become indispensable in your kitchen!

Since ancient times, man has widely used plant seeds for nutrition and treatment. "Site" prepared for you a list of 10 seeds that contain the most protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibers and beneficial acids.

Try to include them in your diet, and they will protect your body from diseases, help lead a healthy lifestyle and become the key to active longevity.
The best seeds.
- Chia seeds
If you want to know what the perfect food is, try chia seeds. It is a champion in the content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, proteins and healthy fats.
Chia seeds contain five times more calcium than milk and twice as much potassium as bananas. For vegetarians, this product is irreplaceable!
Eating chia seeds can relieve joint pain, promote weight loss, provide extra energy and protect against serious diseases such as diabetes and heart failure. They can be eaten raw, added to ready-made dishes or mixed with juice, yogurt, milk.
DepositPhotos - Flax seeds
Flaxseed is the most valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids indispensable for the prevention of atherosclerosis. 100 grams of seeds contain 22 grams of omega-3. For comparison: in 100 grams of walnuts - 6 grams of fatty acids, and in 100 grams of mackerel - only 5.
DepositPhotos In flaxseed, a high content of manganese, magnesium and coarse dietary fiber, improving digestion and reducing blood cholesterol. This product is a great addition to the diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle.
Especially useful flaxseed women after 35 years - reduces the risk of breast cancer and alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which help regulate the hormonal background of women and are substitutes for the female sex hormone (estrogen). - Hemp seeds
Oddly enough, but hemp seeds are a very nutritious product! They contain all twenty amino acids, including nine essential, that is, those that the human body does not produce, as well as a large number of simple proteins that increase immunity and resistance to toxins.
DepositPhotos Hemp seeds improve mood and increase energy levels, and all due to the high content of magnesium. By the way, a tablespoon of these seeds can provide 45% of the daily iron requirement.
Hemp seeds can be added to all kinds of smoothies, eat for breakfast with oatmeal, and on ground seeds in flour you can cook pastries.
DepositPhotos - Pomegranate grain
Pomegranate has long been known as the best way to combat anemia. People suffering from anemia, it is enough to use diluted pomegranate juice 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.
Pomegranate seeds are one of the few sweets that are not only acceptable, but also useful for diabetics. Consuming only half a teaspoon of pomegranate juice 4 times a day before meals, you can significantly reduce blood sugar levels.
Pomegranates are unusually rich in polyphenols (a special form of antioxidants), which reduce the risk of cancer and heart failure. In fact, pomegranate juice has even higher antioxidant activity than green tea and red wine.
The useful properties of the pomegranate are not exhausted by the above. It helps to restore arthritis-affected cartilage, has the ability to facilitate inflammatory processes and counteract enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue. - Pumpkin seeds
Many of us take pills to make up for the deficiency of B vitamins, while pumpkin seeds can do this much more effectively. They are rich in thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and folate.
Pumpkin seeds are considered the most valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 and vitamin E, which are necessary for the health of the skin, nails and hair, which is especially important for the fair sex.
Due to the presence of the amino acid cucurbitin, pumpkin seeds help fight helminths, although not as effective as pharmacy drugs. In any case, the product can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites. - Apricot seeds
After eating apricot, we do not hesitate to throw out the bones, the contents of which, as it turned out, are much superior to the flesh in the number of vitamins. Apricot seeds are valued by the content of vitamins (PP, B15, B17) and minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium).
The bitter taste of the nuclei gives vitamin B17, or amygdalin, known for its anti-cancer properties. The discoverer of amygdalin biochemist Ernst T. Krebs recommended eating ten to twelve apricot kernels a day for a lifetime to protect themselves against cancer. - Sesame seeds
Sesame, or sesame, came to us from ancient times. It appears in many legends and legends and for good reason, because this product is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Sesame seeds contain a powerful antioxidant sesamin, which is useful for the prevention of many diseases, including cancer, and reduces blood cholesterol.
DepositPhotos - Cumin seeds
Kumin, or cumin, is often confused with cumin, they are very similar in appearance, as they belong to the same family, but they are completely different in taste and in their properties. Cumin seeds are smaller and thinner in appearance, have a pronounced nutty, bitter with sour smell. Cumin seeds act as an analgesic, soothing, expectorant, windbreaking, diuretic. The plant strengthens the intestines, enhances digestion, improves appetite, helps to cope with nausea, treats dysentery and eczema.
DepositPhotos - Grape seeds
The composition of grape seeds includes very strong vegetable antioxidants - substances that can prevent cardiovascular diseases, inhibit the aging process, neutralize the aggressive effects of the external environment.
According to scientists, with regular use grapeseed You can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors. According to a study conducted on laboratory mice, polyphenols contained in the bones can reduce the growth rate of tumors by 67%.
DepositPhotos - Amaranth seeds
The more scientists study this plant, the more startling facts they will learn. Amaranth seeds contain oil, starch, various vitamins, trace elements, pectin, carotene, lysine, mineral salts. Amaranth seeds make flour that does not contain gluten, so very useful products are obtained from it. Amaranth flour helps to reduce blood sugar, helps to lose weight, positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Flax, about the benefits of seeds of which we have already written in this article, is one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man and has always been highly valued for its medicinal properties.
Find out how flax seeds help to establish the digestive process, get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the skin.
These wonderful seeds are almost unknown. But when you learn about their properties, they will become indispensable in your kitchen!