Chia seeds: 22 delicious recipes
Add chia seeds in the food and drink! They will give a new taste, nutritional value and benefits.
Simple pudding with chia seeds
1/2 of the usual cup (250ml) of chia seeds
2 cups (250ml) of soy, coconut or almond milk. You can also use an ordinary cow's or goat's milk
Pinch of salt for taste
Additives taste: honey, syrups (Jerusalem artichoke)
How to cook:
All the ingredients you need to mix well and infusions of 30-40 minutes. In the fridge ready pudding can be stored for five days. Adding a snack in your daily diet can be recharged with energy.
Thick vegetable soup with chia seeds
Because of chia seeds soups acquire a thick consistency. Milled or whole chia seeds can be replaced with starch to thicken the soup. To prepare you need the following:
2 tablespoons
olive oil 1 chopped, small onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
2 chopped celery stalks
1 medium chopped peppers
Chopped 2 medium carrots
2 cups fresh green peas
2 liters of chicken, vegetable or beef broth
4 large tomatoes to clear from the film and cut
seeds of two corn cobs
1/2 cup chopped Italian parsley
1/8 cup of chia seeds or chia seed powder
pepper, salt to taste
lemon juice (optional)
red pepper flakes (optional)
How to cook:
Fry in olive oil over medium heat onion, garlic, celery, bell pepper, carrots and green peas. After 5-10 minutes, add the tomatoes, broth, corn, salt and pepper. Add heat and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let stew for 25-30 minutes. Next, add chia seeds for the density, lemon juice and other spices to taste. Once the soup thickens, it can serve, garnish with greens. The recipe is designed for 6 servings.
The recipe for a delicious bread
Add chia seeds in any pastries. As well as sunflower seeds or flax, chia seeds are an excellent addition to any bread. You will need:
baking tray covered with tracing paper
½ cup of chia seeds
1 cup of raw pumpkin seeds (you can take and other seeds, such as sesame seeds)
¾ cup of oatmeal (can be used gluten-free oatmeal)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp oregano
½ h. L. thyme
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder
1 cup water
How to cook:
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spread on a baking tracing.
Combine all the dry ingredients, then add water and mix for 2 minutes or as long as the dough starts to thicken.
Pour the batter into the pan and smooth the surface with a spoon.
Bake for 25 minutes, then remove from the oven and let cool.
Muffins with pomegranate seeds and chia
1/4 cup of flour, meal (you can also use rye)
Jerusalem artichoke 80 ml syrup or agave syrup
1 h. L. baking soda
a pinch of sea salt
140 ml almond milk
1/4 cup applesauce (or applesauce)
1/4 cup grapeseed oil (can substitute olive oil flavored with dim)
a few drops of vanilla extract, or a small pinch of ground vanilla
1/4 cup of chia seeds
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
How to cook:
1. preheat oven to 190 degrees. Prepare the muffin tins 9, put into molds each paper cup and wait until the oven is not warmed up to the temperature necessary to us.
2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the apple sauce / gravy, butter, syrup, Jerusalem artichoke / agave, vanilla extract and almond milk, stir thoroughly.
3. Add the chia seeds and pomegranate seeds. Spoon lay out the dough into muffin tins, filling them about three-quarters (so that there is a place where "grow" Muffin). Bake for 15-20 minutes until the muffins will not rise yet. In any case, check with a toothpick - it should come out clean and dry
. 4. Let cool slightly muffins, remove from the mold directly into the paper cups and serve!
Pumpkin Blondies with chia seeds
1 medium size banana
250 grams of pumpkin
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 tsp soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nut muscat
1/4 cup of stevia, coconut, agave and cane sugar (sweetener)
2 tbsp coconut oil
How to cook:
In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients: chia seeds, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and prepravy. Banana shake up separately in a blender until the consistency of a mousse. Next, the dry ingredients mixed with banana, pumpkin and add coconut oil. Now whisk together until smooth sticky mass.
The resulting dough is necessary to roll out the layer thickness of one cm. Plast cut into squares and rectangles, as you wish. Bake in a preheated 180 ° C oven for 20 minutes. Determine readiness, you can use a wooden stick to it nothing should stick after piercing test.
Vanilla Nut breakfast with chia seeds
2 regular cups (250ml) of milk almond
½ of the same cup (250ml) of chia seeds
Vanilla in any form. The amount depends on the preferences
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup (syrup can be replaced by another, such as Jerusalem artichoke)
Nuts. You can add the hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts or cashews
Fruits and berries are added as desired to your own taste
How to cook:
First you need to mix all the chia seeds and a half cups of almond milk and add vanilla extract in the form of seeds from the pod or in the normal dry. Very good mix all ingredients until thick, close the container and leave for the night, that would be a mixture of the present, and were filled. Store mixture in the refrigerator can be for five days.
Before serving breakfast in the resulting mixture add nuts and fruit to taste. When the pudding is very thick, you can add water.
As an alternative to the mixture from the refrigerator, you can add cocoa, also add nuts or fruit and whipped blender and get a tasty tonic cocktail.
This breakfast energize you for the day.
homemade almond milk Almond (200 g), pour 3-4 cups of water and leave it to the almonds was saturated with water on one or two hours, and even better at night. Thereafter, drain and almonds soaked with pure water in the same amount in place the blender. Grind. To clean the milk, it can strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
Carrots, apples and beets with chia
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
3/4 cup coconut juice
2-3 medium (280g) carrots, cut into quarters
2 medium (300g) green apples, cut into slices
1 small (100g), beets, sliced pieces
How to cook:
Stir chia seeds with coconut water in a sealed container and shake well. Let sit 15 minutes.
Carry out the carrots, beets and apples through a juicer. Mix and pour juice by the glass, leaving a 3 cm to the top of the rim. Stir chia seeds and pour over the juice. Serve immediately with a straw.
Drink: pineapple, apple, ginger and chia
1/2 pineapple
1 apple
1 tablespoon of Chia
One tablespoon of sugar or honey
Pineapple has fibers which help digestion and intestinal functions. Ginger helps to eliminate swelling in the abdomen and is also a great antioxidant.
Drink: carrots with lemon and chia
1 carrot
2 lemons without skin or seeds
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 bundle of mint
1 tablespoon of sugar or honey
Carrot has a lot of fiber, which prolongs the feeling of satiety, accelerates intestinal transit and helps detoxify the body. Lemon improves digestion, reduces cellulite, bloating, and the feeling of hunger.
Drink: kiwi, apple and chia
2 kiwi
1 apple
1 tablespoon of Chia
One tablespoon of sugar or honey
Apples are rich in pectin - the type of fibers which forms a gel in the stomach, reducing appetite and controlling. Kiwi helps to improve intestinal functionality.
Cocktail with chia "Vitamin»
1 orange
1 banana
1 apple
1 kiwi
2 tbsp. l. chia seeds
2 tbsp. l.
orange juice Soak the chia seeds for 10 minutes in the juice, peel and cut into slices of fruit, mix with seeds Chia, if desired, sweeten with honey or stevia.
Salmon in chia seeds
1 strip of salmon fillets without skin (about 400 g)
1/2 cup of chia seeds
1/4 cup sesame seed
2 cups spinach
1 teacup of honey - for seasoning
1 tablespoon olive oil - seasoning
Lemon rind, grated on
taste Post taste:
Salt and pepper and 1 cup of boiled rice
How to cook salmon in the seeds of chia:
Mix all the ingredients (sesame and chia) and sprinkle salmon to the whole he was well covered with seeds.
Then put it on the grate or the shape of the oven without oil, because salmon allocates its own fat.
Bake for 12 minutes on one side and 12 minutes to the other depending on the lattice temperature for frying.
Figure spinach and cook to taste. Bon appetit!
chia seeds with lemon (as a condiment for salads)
Make 3/4 cup:
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 lemon
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sugar substitute
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Squeeze a lemon and get 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add the mayonnaise and whisk. Add sweetener, whisk again. Add mustard Dijon, whisk again. Add Chia seeds and whisk again. Drizzle salad. This is a great salad dressing!
Chia seeds to thicken the soup or gravy
If you do not use corn starch or thickeners, it can sometimes be a problem for thickening a variety of culinary creations. Just add a couple of tablespoons of chia seed (powdered or not), to achieve the desired grounds.
Strawberry jam with chia (500 ml)
3 tbsp. l. chia seeds
3 tbsp. l. natural sweetener (honey, syrup of Jerusalem artichoke, agave nectar)
3 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice
400-500 g strawberries
How to cook:
1. In a small bowl mix together chia with a sweetener and lemon juice.
2. knead with a fork or blender strawberries (consistency monitor themselves);
3. Thoroughly mix the strawberries with chia, we shift into a jar with a lid 500 ml for at least 30 minutes (or as a thickened).
4. The refrigerator can be stored 3-5 days (or infinite in the freezer)
Ideas for use!
spread on your bread useful (bran, whole grain and / or yeast) or raw foodists-cracker
add to
morning porridge to make homemade ice cream even more tempting
sprinkle on top of pancakes
used as a filling for a pie
Figure in veggie
2 cups rice
3 ½ cup water
1 red pepper
½ green pepper
150 gr. tofu
4 cloves garlic, unpeeled
8 teaspoons Chia seeds
Olive oil Parsley
How to cook:
Wash rice and soak in 3 and ½ cups of water. Separately, fry the seeds of Chia. Cook the rice with a pinch of salt. Remove from heat and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Cut the peppers and tofu cubes, then fry the peppers until soft, in a frying pan with a little oil, add the tofu and a few drops of soy sauce, and at the end of Chia seeds. All these add to the rice with finely chopped parsley. Mix well. The dish is ready.
Chia Pudding with
½ cup Chia seeds
375 ml of milk cashew (or homemade almond milk or regular milk)
¼ cup frozen berries or jam (optional)
½ teaspoon vanilla powder
Stevia powder or granular, taste by
a pinch of salt
How to cook:
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Divide in half and put it in a cup or glass jars, and refrigerate for at least 15-20 minutes before use.
Prepared from the night to take with you to work. But add a little more liquid - Chia seeds absorb quite a lot. Puddings can be kept in the refrigerator for several days.
Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2
Yogurt with chia
Add 2-3 tablespoons of Chia to yogurt of choice and then be eaten, or you can wait for about 20 minutes, that would be the seeds of Chia rasbuhli.
Almond balls with chia seeds
200g almonds
50g Herculean flakes roasted
90g Honey
Chia Seeds 70g
120g Cocoa powder
How to cook:
200g almond nuts, a good twist through the processor until mushy state. You can use almond oil.
All the ingredients mix and roll off the beads.
Put in the fridge for an hour.
Raspberry mousse (8 servings)
200g fat-free cream cheese
1 1/4 cups dried (canned or frozen) raspberries
2 1/2 tablespoons chia seeds
10g (1 1/2 envelopes) unflavored gelatin powder
4 tablespoons water
3 egg whites,
1 cup granulated sugar
How to cook:
Remove the cheese from the refrigerator an hour before use, which would be a room temperature, and therefore more easily mixed.
Strain the raspberry to remove the seeds. Soak seeds Chia approximately 90ml raspberry juice.
Soak gelatin in 50ml of cold water. Once it gets wet, heated in a microwave oven for some time to dilute. Prepare the Italian meringue with egg whites and sugar. Combine 1/3 of meringue with cream cheese.
Mix gelatin with raspberry pulp, then add the cheese and meringue into the mixture, and finally the remaining meringue and soaked seeds Chia.
Put in a dessert cup and cooled for at least 3 hours. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.
You can do with kiwi and citrus fruits, raspberries are some of the fruits, which contain the highest amounts of vitamin C.
Nougat from chia
250 grams Chia seeds
200 g of honey
50 grams of sugar or stevia
50 g peeled almonds
How to cook:
Quickly fry the almonds in the oven. Dissolve the honey in a saucepan over low heat. Add sugar or stevia, stirring, bring to a boil. Pour seeds Chia and continue stirring for 5 minutes. Add the almonds and put out the fire. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour everything on a flat surface and roll the roller to a thickness of approximately 1st centimeters. After cut into squares. Store in a clean, dry container.
Browning with chia
To make cheap store-bought mix, in boxes (such as the Browning) is more useful and healthy. Most mixes require 2 eggs for traditional Brownings or 3 eggs for more texture. Try to mix 3 eggs 3 teaspoons Chia seeds instead. Follow the instructions for the rest of your mixture, but reduce the cooking time by about 3-5 minutes.
Salad with citrus and chia
1/4 cup of water room temperature
2 h. L. Chia seeds
Simple pudding with chia seeds
1/2 of the usual cup (250ml) of chia seeds
2 cups (250ml) of soy, coconut or almond milk. You can also use an ordinary cow's or goat's milk
Pinch of salt for taste
Additives taste: honey, syrups (Jerusalem artichoke)

How to cook:
All the ingredients you need to mix well and infusions of 30-40 minutes. In the fridge ready pudding can be stored for five days. Adding a snack in your daily diet can be recharged with energy.
Thick vegetable soup with chia seeds
Because of chia seeds soups acquire a thick consistency. Milled or whole chia seeds can be replaced with starch to thicken the soup. To prepare you need the following:
2 tablespoons
olive oil 1 chopped, small onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
2 chopped celery stalks
1 medium chopped peppers
Chopped 2 medium carrots
2 cups fresh green peas
2 liters of chicken, vegetable or beef broth
4 large tomatoes to clear from the film and cut
seeds of two corn cobs
1/2 cup chopped Italian parsley
1/8 cup of chia seeds or chia seed powder
pepper, salt to taste
lemon juice (optional)
red pepper flakes (optional)
How to cook:
Fry in olive oil over medium heat onion, garlic, celery, bell pepper, carrots and green peas. After 5-10 minutes, add the tomatoes, broth, corn, salt and pepper. Add heat and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let stew for 25-30 minutes. Next, add chia seeds for the density, lemon juice and other spices to taste. Once the soup thickens, it can serve, garnish with greens. The recipe is designed for 6 servings.
The recipe for a delicious bread
Add chia seeds in any pastries. As well as sunflower seeds or flax, chia seeds are an excellent addition to any bread. You will need:
baking tray covered with tracing paper
½ cup of chia seeds
1 cup of raw pumpkin seeds (you can take and other seeds, such as sesame seeds)
¾ cup of oatmeal (can be used gluten-free oatmeal)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp oregano
½ h. L. thyme
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder
1 cup water
How to cook:
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spread on a baking tracing.
Combine all the dry ingredients, then add water and mix for 2 minutes or as long as the dough starts to thicken.
Pour the batter into the pan and smooth the surface with a spoon.
Bake for 25 minutes, then remove from the oven and let cool.
Muffins with pomegranate seeds and chia
1/4 cup of flour, meal (you can also use rye)
Jerusalem artichoke 80 ml syrup or agave syrup
1 h. L. baking soda
a pinch of sea salt
140 ml almond milk
1/4 cup applesauce (or applesauce)
1/4 cup grapeseed oil (can substitute olive oil flavored with dim)
a few drops of vanilla extract, or a small pinch of ground vanilla
1/4 cup of chia seeds
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
How to cook:
1. preheat oven to 190 degrees. Prepare the muffin tins 9, put into molds each paper cup and wait until the oven is not warmed up to the temperature necessary to us.
2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the apple sauce / gravy, butter, syrup, Jerusalem artichoke / agave, vanilla extract and almond milk, stir thoroughly.
3. Add the chia seeds and pomegranate seeds. Spoon lay out the dough into muffin tins, filling them about three-quarters (so that there is a place where "grow" Muffin). Bake for 15-20 minutes until the muffins will not rise yet. In any case, check with a toothpick - it should come out clean and dry
. 4. Let cool slightly muffins, remove from the mold directly into the paper cups and serve!

Pumpkin Blondies with chia seeds
1 medium size banana
250 grams of pumpkin
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 tsp soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nut muscat
1/4 cup of stevia, coconut, agave and cane sugar (sweetener)
2 tbsp coconut oil
How to cook:
In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients: chia seeds, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and prepravy. Banana shake up separately in a blender until the consistency of a mousse. Next, the dry ingredients mixed with banana, pumpkin and add coconut oil. Now whisk together until smooth sticky mass.
The resulting dough is necessary to roll out the layer thickness of one cm. Plast cut into squares and rectangles, as you wish. Bake in a preheated 180 ° C oven for 20 minutes. Determine readiness, you can use a wooden stick to it nothing should stick after piercing test.

Vanilla Nut breakfast with chia seeds
2 regular cups (250ml) of milk almond
½ of the same cup (250ml) of chia seeds
Vanilla in any form. The amount depends on the preferences
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup (syrup can be replaced by another, such as Jerusalem artichoke)
Nuts. You can add the hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts or cashews
Fruits and berries are added as desired to your own taste
How to cook:
First you need to mix all the chia seeds and a half cups of almond milk and add vanilla extract in the form of seeds from the pod or in the normal dry. Very good mix all ingredients until thick, close the container and leave for the night, that would be a mixture of the present, and were filled. Store mixture in the refrigerator can be for five days.
Before serving breakfast in the resulting mixture add nuts and fruit to taste. When the pudding is very thick, you can add water.
As an alternative to the mixture from the refrigerator, you can add cocoa, also add nuts or fruit and whipped blender and get a tasty tonic cocktail.
This breakfast energize you for the day.
homemade almond milk Almond (200 g), pour 3-4 cups of water and leave it to the almonds was saturated with water on one or two hours, and even better at night. Thereafter, drain and almonds soaked with pure water in the same amount in place the blender. Grind. To clean the milk, it can strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
Carrots, apples and beets with chia
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
3/4 cup coconut juice
2-3 medium (280g) carrots, cut into quarters
2 medium (300g) green apples, cut into slices
1 small (100g), beets, sliced pieces
How to cook:
Stir chia seeds with coconut water in a sealed container and shake well. Let sit 15 minutes.
Carry out the carrots, beets and apples through a juicer. Mix and pour juice by the glass, leaving a 3 cm to the top of the rim. Stir chia seeds and pour over the juice. Serve immediately with a straw.
Drink: pineapple, apple, ginger and chia
1/2 pineapple
1 apple
1 tablespoon of Chia
One tablespoon of sugar or honey
Pineapple has fibers which help digestion and intestinal functions. Ginger helps to eliminate swelling in the abdomen and is also a great antioxidant.
Drink: carrots with lemon and chia
1 carrot
2 lemons without skin or seeds
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 bundle of mint
1 tablespoon of sugar or honey
Carrot has a lot of fiber, which prolongs the feeling of satiety, accelerates intestinal transit and helps detoxify the body. Lemon improves digestion, reduces cellulite, bloating, and the feeling of hunger.
Drink: kiwi, apple and chia
2 kiwi
1 apple
1 tablespoon of Chia
One tablespoon of sugar or honey
Apples are rich in pectin - the type of fibers which forms a gel in the stomach, reducing appetite and controlling. Kiwi helps to improve intestinal functionality.
Cocktail with chia "Vitamin»
1 orange
1 banana
1 apple
1 kiwi
2 tbsp. l. chia seeds
2 tbsp. l.
orange juice Soak the chia seeds for 10 minutes in the juice, peel and cut into slices of fruit, mix with seeds Chia, if desired, sweeten with honey or stevia.

Salmon in chia seeds
1 strip of salmon fillets without skin (about 400 g)
1/2 cup of chia seeds
1/4 cup sesame seed
2 cups spinach
1 teacup of honey - for seasoning
1 tablespoon olive oil - seasoning
Lemon rind, grated on
taste Post taste:
Salt and pepper and 1 cup of boiled rice
How to cook salmon in the seeds of chia:
Mix all the ingredients (sesame and chia) and sprinkle salmon to the whole he was well covered with seeds.
Then put it on the grate or the shape of the oven without oil, because salmon allocates its own fat.
Bake for 12 minutes on one side and 12 minutes to the other depending on the lattice temperature for frying.
Figure spinach and cook to taste. Bon appetit!
chia seeds with lemon (as a condiment for salads)
Make 3/4 cup:
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 lemon
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sugar substitute
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Squeeze a lemon and get 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add the mayonnaise and whisk. Add sweetener, whisk again. Add mustard Dijon, whisk again. Add Chia seeds and whisk again. Drizzle salad. This is a great salad dressing!
Chia seeds to thicken the soup or gravy
If you do not use corn starch or thickeners, it can sometimes be a problem for thickening a variety of culinary creations. Just add a couple of tablespoons of chia seed (powdered or not), to achieve the desired grounds.
Strawberry jam with chia (500 ml)

3 tbsp. l. chia seeds
3 tbsp. l. natural sweetener (honey, syrup of Jerusalem artichoke, agave nectar)
3 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice
400-500 g strawberries
How to cook:
1. In a small bowl mix together chia with a sweetener and lemon juice.
2. knead with a fork or blender strawberries (consistency monitor themselves);
3. Thoroughly mix the strawberries with chia, we shift into a jar with a lid 500 ml for at least 30 minutes (or as a thickened).
4. The refrigerator can be stored 3-5 days (or infinite in the freezer)
Ideas for use!
spread on your bread useful (bran, whole grain and / or yeast) or raw foodists-cracker
add to
morning porridge to make homemade ice cream even more tempting
sprinkle on top of pancakes
used as a filling for a pie
Figure in veggie
2 cups rice
3 ½ cup water
1 red pepper
½ green pepper
150 gr. tofu
4 cloves garlic, unpeeled
8 teaspoons Chia seeds
Olive oil Parsley
How to cook:
Wash rice and soak in 3 and ½ cups of water. Separately, fry the seeds of Chia. Cook the rice with a pinch of salt. Remove from heat and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Cut the peppers and tofu cubes, then fry the peppers until soft, in a frying pan with a little oil, add the tofu and a few drops of soy sauce, and at the end of Chia seeds. All these add to the rice with finely chopped parsley. Mix well. The dish is ready.

Chia Pudding with
½ cup Chia seeds
375 ml of milk cashew (or homemade almond milk or regular milk)
¼ cup frozen berries or jam (optional)
½ teaspoon vanilla powder
Stevia powder or granular, taste by
a pinch of salt
How to cook:
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Divide in half and put it in a cup or glass jars, and refrigerate for at least 15-20 minutes before use.
Prepared from the night to take with you to work. But add a little more liquid - Chia seeds absorb quite a lot. Puddings can be kept in the refrigerator for several days.
Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2
Yogurt with chia
Add 2-3 tablespoons of Chia to yogurt of choice and then be eaten, or you can wait for about 20 minutes, that would be the seeds of Chia rasbuhli.
Almond balls with chia seeds
200g almonds
50g Herculean flakes roasted
90g Honey
Chia Seeds 70g
120g Cocoa powder
How to cook:
200g almond nuts, a good twist through the processor until mushy state. You can use almond oil.
All the ingredients mix and roll off the beads.
Put in the fridge for an hour.
Raspberry mousse (8 servings)
200g fat-free cream cheese
1 1/4 cups dried (canned or frozen) raspberries
2 1/2 tablespoons chia seeds
10g (1 1/2 envelopes) unflavored gelatin powder
4 tablespoons water
3 egg whites,
1 cup granulated sugar
How to cook:
Remove the cheese from the refrigerator an hour before use, which would be a room temperature, and therefore more easily mixed.
Strain the raspberry to remove the seeds. Soak seeds Chia approximately 90ml raspberry juice.
Soak gelatin in 50ml of cold water. Once it gets wet, heated in a microwave oven for some time to dilute. Prepare the Italian meringue with egg whites and sugar. Combine 1/3 of meringue with cream cheese.
Mix gelatin with raspberry pulp, then add the cheese and meringue into the mixture, and finally the remaining meringue and soaked seeds Chia.
Put in a dessert cup and cooled for at least 3 hours. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.
You can do with kiwi and citrus fruits, raspberries are some of the fruits, which contain the highest amounts of vitamin C.
Nougat from chia
250 grams Chia seeds
200 g of honey
50 grams of sugar or stevia
50 g peeled almonds
How to cook:
Quickly fry the almonds in the oven. Dissolve the honey in a saucepan over low heat. Add sugar or stevia, stirring, bring to a boil. Pour seeds Chia and continue stirring for 5 minutes. Add the almonds and put out the fire. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour everything on a flat surface and roll the roller to a thickness of approximately 1st centimeters. After cut into squares. Store in a clean, dry container.
Browning with chia
To make cheap store-bought mix, in boxes (such as the Browning) is more useful and healthy. Most mixes require 2 eggs for traditional Brownings or 3 eggs for more texture. Try to mix 3 eggs 3 teaspoons Chia seeds instead. Follow the instructions for the rest of your mixture, but reduce the cooking time by about 3-5 minutes.
Salad with citrus and chia
1/4 cup of water room temperature
2 h. L. Chia seeds