21 recipe healthy vegetable milk
The starting product for the preparation of such a product serve a variety of ingredients. It can be nuts, seeds, vegetables (pumpkin, melon, watermelon).
First things first. Whole cow milk contains a special substance, lactose, which is practically not absorbed by the body and cause allergic reactions of varying severity. Today there is still opinion about the indispensability of cow's milk as a source of calcium. They say it helps to keep this mineral in human bone. But long-term studies of the doctors of the world's leading clinics have proved that this statement is not entirely true.You will have much more chances of avoiding osteoporosis by eating a large number of legumes and leafy vegetables. Cow's milk contains a lot of casein. This particular protein is converted in our bodies into icky slime, which causes the occurrence of rhinitis and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Speaking of quality dairy products exhibited on the shelves, you can bet. Industrial method of production of vegetable milk, also questionable. Definitely know that soy and nut milk produced from raw ingredients, and fried in oil. Besides, they add sugar, a large quantity of flavourings, preservatives and thickeners. As you can see, industrial vegetable milk with great difficulty can be called a natural product. Therefore, if you are a follower of the true healthy and natural food, I suggest you not be lazy and cook this delicious beverage with your own hands. It's not that time-consuming process.
The simplest of almond or Brazil nut, cashew, fresh raw peeled pistachios, hazelnuts, shelled hemp seed. Per Cup of nuts will need 3-4 cups of water and the blender jug, the more powerful the better, and honey or dates, stevia extract (it's important to choose natural — no high fructose syrup, which is used as a preservative! Honey winter may not be liquid, unless it's acacia or chestnut).
Everything else touches on, every housewife its. 1. ALMOND MILK Almond milk contains a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids and zinc. Thanks to the vitamin E content of almonds is called "walnut women's beauty". In a glass of almond milk only 63 calories and 208 mg of calcium. A good source of phosphorus, so good for bones and teeth. Ingredients:• 1 Cup of raw almonds.• 4 to 5 cups of water.• 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract. Preparation:1. Soak the almonds overnight. Next, rinse the nuts with water. Put them in a blender, add 4-5 glasses of pure water. Add vanilla. Mix on high speed for 1-2 min. 2. Strain almond milk through cheesecloth. Almond milk it is quite fresh, so to improve the taste you can add honey, cinnamon or dates and vanilla.3. Store in the refrigerator preferably up to 3 days. Shake before use.
2. COCONUT MILK isa Group of vitamins has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system and the eyes. Regular consumption of coconut milk lowers cholesterol, normalizes thyroid function, reduces risk of cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Enhances immunity, helps to restore strength and energy after enhanced mental and physical stress. Contained in milk components, in addition to the above qualities have wound healing and antibacterial effect, reduces the degree of habituation to antibiotics. And its antiviral, anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties is beyond praise. The presence of milk in large quantity of manganese, has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of the male body. Ingredients: • 1 to 4 Mature coconuts (depending on how fat content and density of milk you need)• 3 cups vodichkova additives:• 1 tsp vanilla extract/vanilla paste or ½ teaspoon pulp of vanilla• 4 tablespoons agave nectar or 3-6 dates, pitted Preparation: 1. Clean the coconut. Place the flesh from one coconut in the blender with 3 cups of water and whisk. Strain through cheesecloth or specials. pouch. The remaining coconut meal can be used for the preparation of coconut flour.2. Take the coconut milk you just made and mix it with pulp from the second coconut in a blender. Strain. And so on, depending on the desired fat content and milk density. 3. SESAME MILKSesame seeds are extremely rich in calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. In addition, this product contains large quantities of vitamins E and B. Thus, this calcium-rich drink strengthens your bones. The daily requirement of calcium, you can meet 100 grams of sesame seeds contains konguta – 783 mg of calcium per 100 g In cow's milk — 150 mg (for comparison).However, the beneficial properties of sesame are not limited with this. Milk of sesame displays the body of harmful products of metabolism. Zinc and phosphorus are involved in the construction of bone tissue, so the presence of them in the sesame seeds, put them in the category of the means contributing to the prevention of osteoporosis. A large number of fiber sesame seeds prevents diseases of the digestive system, promotes regular bowel function. Useful polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol in the blood. Ingredients• Cup sesame seeds• vanilla pod;• 1 tbsp honey;• 1 litre of water. Preparation:1. Pre-soak the sesame seeds overnight. Hereinafter, the sesame place in blender, add water and sweeteners, all beat up. You then strain the milk through cheesecloth. Tip: crushing the sesame seeds, it is important not to overdo it, and otherwise he allocates oil and quickly becomes solid.
4. CASHEW MILKCashew nut the least fat: fat around 45%, protein — 17%. Contain vitamins A, B2, B1, iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. Strengthen the immune system, ensures normal heart activity; helps in reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw cashew nuts (soaked for one hour).
• 6 cups of water (depending on desired consistency). Preparation:
1. Cover the nuts with water and refrigerate for 1 hour. Put the cashews in a blender with 4 to 7 cups of water, depending on desired consistency.
2. Mix in a blender for about 1-2 min. cashew Milk ready. Store in refrigerator, use within a week. Shake well before use and stir.
5. FLAX MILKFlax seed is one of the richest sources of lignans, which have anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergenic and a powerful antioxidant effect. Flax seeds are rich in minerals, especially rich in potassium, which they contain about 7 times more than in bananas. Flax seed is the strongest antiparasitic product. Flax seed decoction is fatal for all types of worms except ascarides. He also leaves no one alive fungi, viruses of hepatitis. The composition of Flaxseed is rich in proteins, fats, gluten and fiber. Proteins rich in essential amino acids. Ingredients:• 1/4 Cup raw flax seeds• 6 cups water• 5 pitted dates• 2 tsp pure vanilla extract• Spices of your choice: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves Preparation:1. Place flax seeds in blender and add water. Mix on high speed for 1 minute. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth or with a special pouch. 2. Pour the strained flax milk back into the blender and add the dates, vanilla and spices or additives, if using. Whisk for about 2 minutes. 3. Store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Before drinking a milk shake. 6. CEDAR MILKProteins pine nuts 95% absorbed by the human body and superior in its amino acid composition and nutritional value of the proteins of most cereal and legume crops, and most of the animal proteins (contained in eggs, meat, fish, poultry, milk). Part of the cedar milk protein consists of 19 amino acids, 70% of which are irreplaceable. The composition of cedar milk is also characterized by high content of valuable vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), vitamins E and A. vitamin E pine nuts, cedar kernels which produce milk are much higher than most of the known types of nuts, including walnuts, peanuts and almonds. The vitamin a contained in the cedar jelly, as well as vitamin E is an antioxidant that plays an important role in the prevention of cancer. Cedar jelly is also an excellent source of necessary for the human body macro - and micronutrients ( phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, silicon, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, vanadium, iodine, boron, Nickel, etc.).
Ingredients:• 1 Cup pine nut• 3 to 6 cups of water depending on the desired fat content and density of milk is taken and the proportions of the components. Preparation: 1. Nuts should be clean from the shell, a film to clean off is not necessary. Next, the nuts are crushed in a blender or in a mortar (preferably to perform all actions in a wooden dish, to avoid oxidation of milk) pestle. 2. Gradually water is added to the desired thickness. If you use a blender, add the seeds directly to the cedar some of the liquid. This will allow to carefully grind the nucleoli. Mix for 4 to 5 minutes. 3. To sweeten add honey, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, maple syrup or your favorite fruits. Mix again until smooth. The obtained liquid slurry should infuse for about half an hour. Then, strain it through cheesecloth. Alive and healthy pine milk is ready. 7. MILK of Chia SEEDSChia Seeds contain 32-39% oil, about 25% cellulose, 19% to 23% protein and zero quantity of cholesterol. Rich in fatty acids omega -3 and omega-6, the percentage of their content in Chia oil is about 64%. It is almost 2 times more than the caviar of salmon, 3 times more than in cod liver and 42 times more than in olive oil. Omega-3 improves cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks, regulates blood pressure, etc.
Omega-6, in turn, also promotes healthy skin, lowers cholesterol and improves blood clotting. Chia seeds lower blood pressure and stabilizat the blood sugar levels, thin the blood, making it less viscous and prone to blood clots. Grain Spanish sage is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. Chia seeds are a source of zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamins C and A. Also eating Chia helps to reduce body weight, accelerate the burning and absorption of fat and for a long time reduces appetite.
Ingredients: • 2 tbsp Chia Seeds• 1 tbsp shredded almonds• 1 tbsp sesame Tahini• 1 tbsp agave syrup• 1/2 tsp vanilla• 1/2 tsp cinnamon• 2 1/2 cups water Preparation:
1. Chia seeds and almonds to soak overnight. 2. Then mix in a blender the almonds and Chia seeds with one Cup of water. 3. Add the sesame tahini, vanilla, agave syrup and cinnamon. Mix them together and then slowly add the remaining water. The milk is ready! Place in refrigerator for 4 hours minimum, preferably overnight. 8. MILK FROM PUMPKIN SEEDSPumpkin seeds are a whole repository of useful items, where almost the whole periodic table, so they save us from various ailments. Here you will find iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, vitamins a, B, C, D, K, amino acids, and also vitamin E in large quantities, which is a natural antioxidant. The presence of pumpkin seeds a high percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with fiber added benefit of pumpkin seed even and balanced nutrition. These remarkable seeds are extremely effective in reducing the blood sugar level.
Ingredients: • 1 Cup hemp seeds• 3 cups water• 3-4 tablespoons agave nectar• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Combine all ingredients in a blender at high speed. Strain through cheesecloth. Store in the refrigerator. 11. OAT MILK
Oat milk is a source of important vitamins and minerals that support our energy and mood, and also improve condition of the skin. Oat milk is a source of calcium and iron. Among other minerals present in oatmeal milk is phosphorus; magnesium; potassium; vitamins a, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6 and B-12. Oats is also a source of antioxidants that serve to prevent and protect from serious diseases, including some types of cancer.
For cooking we will need: • 140 g whole-grain rolled oats and 1.5 l of water.
1. Soak the flakes for 10-15 minutes, until they are at least slightly swell. 2. Swollen flakes put in a blender and add water. Tightly close the lid and whisk on high speed 3 minutes, until the liquid in the blender will not lose transparency and will not get the ivory. 3. Strain the milk through several layers of cheesecloth.
In the finished milk, you can add sweeteners — dates or a spoonful of agave nectar or a pinch of stevia and blend in a blender. Store in the refrigerator. Shake before use. 12. MILK, PISTACHIO
Pistachios have a bracing, tonic and restorative effect on the body; reduce predisposition to heart disease; a beneficial effect on the brain. Help in a time of great physical stress, and after severe diseases. Very important substances in pistachios are lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids that help preserve vision. They also help to strengthen the bone tissue of the body: skeleton, bones, teeth. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup of pistachios.
• 4 cups of water.
To make milk of pistachios, buy raw or unsalted nuts. Roasted and salted not buy.
1. Soak one Cup of pistachio nuts in water for 5 hours. After soaking for five hours, drain and place pistachios in a blender with four cups of water. 2. Blend mix in blender for 1 min. will Turn pale green liquid. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. You will get 4 cups of fresh milk, pistachio. Store in the refrigerator in a glass container. To use during the week. Shake well before use. 13. MILK FROM MACADAMIA
The macadamia nut is very rich in healthy fats without the cholesterol. Is a good source of iron. Doctors suggest regularly eating macadamia nuts for those who suffer from varicose veins, arthritis, bone diseases. Macadamia also has a rejuvenating effect. Composition:
• Macadamia nuts — 100 g
• Water — 3 cups
Preparation: 1.Nuts soak overnight. Then the nuts put in a blender and add fresh water. Grind long enough — to the complete crushing of nuts 2. For better grinding, you can start with a smaller amount of water (e.g., half). Then add the remaining water and again grind. 3. Drain. Ready milk stored in the refrigerator. 14. MILK BRAZIL NUT
Brazil nut contains large amounts of vegetable proteins and carbohydrates. These nuts contain a lot of valuable substances. In particular selenium. Selenium is the metabolism of nucleic acids, and fermentation of antiradical protection of an organism, lipids, hormones, etc. Proven that the more selenium in the human body, the more it is protected from the risk of ekoobrazovanie. Selenium encourages the healing of tissue, improves the function of sexual glands, thyroid, heart, immune system.
In Brazil nuts also contains vital vitamin C, D, E, Pantothenic acid, various vitamin substances belonging to the group B. Also, the nut contains betaine, arginine (an important amino acid that regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents it from sticking). Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw Brazil nuts.
• 4 to 5 cups of water.
• 2-3 cups of any nuts. Cashews, almonds. Preparation:
1. Pour the nuts and water and leave them in a cool place for a day. After soaking, drain and rinse them with water. 2. Put the nuts in a blender with 4 — 5 cups of water. Add nuts of choice — cashews, almonds. Mix. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. Milk from Brazil nuts ready. Store in refrigerator and use within a week. Shake or stir before use. 15. RICE MILK Ingredients: • white Rice — 1 Cup
• Water — 7-8 cups
• Honey — 3-5 tbsp
• Vanilla — 1/2 teaspoon Preparation:
1. Soak the rice in cold water for 8 hours. Rinse the rice and drain the water. Put the rice in a blender and whisk, gradually adding water (7-8 glasses). 2. Put the mixture into the pan, put on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly. The milk will start to thicken a bit and stick to the bottom. Continue to cook until boiling, not forgetting to stir. 3. Remove from heat, add honey and vanilla, and optional cinnamon and/or cardamom. Mix. Cover the pan, and allow to stand for 1-1. 5 hours. 4. Strain and pour into a glass bottle or jar. The milk will get thick enough. Just before use, dilute it with a little water and stir. Store in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. 17. MILK FROM WALNUTS Walnuts contain vitamins a, E, b, P, C, mineral substances (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine). Walnuts are 60% from fat, however, most of these fats are unsaturated, which contain virtually no cholesterol. In addition, walnut is an excellent source of protein that can replace animal proteins. Ingredients: • 5 cups water
• 1 Cup walnuts
• 1 tablespoon of agave nectar (less/more to taste)
• 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar with natural vanilla (don't buy artificial vanilla! look for organic!) (less/more to taste)
• 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Preparation: 1. Soak the nuts for 6-8 hours, then drain and rinse them. 2. Nuts add in a blender, pour 5 cups of water and blend at high speed for a minute until the pieces of nuts will be so small, as you like. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. Pour the milk back into the blender, add agave nectar, vanilla and salt. 18. MILK PECANS
Nutritional value of pecans is amazing: they are high-calorie, than walnuts and more sugar; fats in which more than 70%, carbohydrates – about 15%, up to 10 — 15% proteins, 5% of water and ash. Pecans have a high content of vitamins A, E and b group – in particular, folic acid; they also have a lot of calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. Kernels are rich in monounsaturated fats and gamma tocopherol – a substance that protects against oxidation of fats, proteins and even DNA. Their use also strengthens the immune system and protects cells from the effects of carcinogens.
Ingredients: • 1 Cup raw pecans
• 3 3/4 Cup water
• 1/4 Cup maple syrup
• Extract 2 tsp. vanilla
• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
• Pinch of nutmeg
• Pinch sea salt Preparation: 1. Soak the pecans in the bowl of water for 4-8 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse pecans. 2. Put nuts in blender, add 3 3/4 cups of cold water. 3. Blend on high speed for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Strain the milk through cheesecloth or specials. pouch. Pour the milk back into the blender and add maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sea salt. Cover and mix. Ready milk stored in the refrigerator. 19. MILK QUINOA Quinoa (Quinoa) is one of the oldest, cultivated by man, of beans, native to South America. Quinoa is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world. Quinoa is natural, absolutely natural and perfectly balanced complex of minerals and vitamins. Quinoa is rich in fiber, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus (which is the same as in the fish), iron (which is two times more than wheat), vitamins: A, E, C, b, including Riboflavin, which is necessary, in particular, to refresh the blood. In addition, the quinoa grains with a high content of lecithin and selenium – the most important substances involved in the formation of our health. Plus is a unique composition of amino acids found in quinoa make it a complete protein and similar in composition to cow's milk. Besides, the protein in quinoa is from 16 to 20% — more than in any other plant. Composition:
• 1 Cup white quinoa
• water
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 tablespoon of agave syrup or other sweetener Preparation: 1. Wash raw groats. Then pour washed quinoa in a glass jar, cover with water, close the lid and refrigerate overnight. On the trail. morning drain the water in which the soaked quinoa, and again thoroughly rinse the groats (this is necessary in order to wash away the bitter coating from the seeds). 2. Well-washed grits, pour into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of water and add a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil. 3. Then do the gas down and simmer quinoa for 20 minutes until all water is digested (make sure barley is not burnt). 4. Svalivsheesya cooled quinoa and place in a blender, pour 2 cups of water and blend on high speed for 1-2 minutes. Then add water to the milk is the desired consistency. 5. Add seasonings and sweeteners to your taste. Strain the milk through cheesecloth or specials. pouch, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Store in refrigerator, shake before use. 20. HAZELNUTS MILK
Contains about 60% fat and 13% protein, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, zinc, sodium and amino acids. Perfectly removes toxins from the liver, possesses purgative properties. The hazelnut is more than other nuts, folic acid, so it is very useful for those who are going to conceive a child. Milk hazelnut (crushed walnut with water) soothes the nervous symptoms and cures of chronic bronchitis. Another important substance contained in hazelnut, is an anti-cancer substance paclitaxel. That is why it can be used for the prevention of cancers. The composition of the vegetable oils contained in hazelnuts include fatty acids that improve the metabolism, which ultimately slows down the process of aging. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw (not roasted) hazelnuts.
• 4 to 5 cups of water.
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Preparation:
1. Put the nuts in a large bowl and cover with water. Put in the fridge for a day. 2. Drain and rinse the nuts with water. Put the nuts in a blender with 4 — 5 cups of water and blend for 1 min. Strain the milk through cheesecloth.
Store the hazelnut milk in the refrigerator and use it within a week. Stir or shake before use. 21. Milk of the POPPY This product has no equal in calcium content. In a poppy it milk contains about 1500 mg per 100 ml of product. For comparison: cow's milk calcium, 400 mg (100 ml). A daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg. Even the use of poppy seeds in food in small amounts provides the body with the required daily dose of manganese, potassium, iron and magnesium. In addition to these minerals the person receives from food contained in the Maca vitamins: E, A, C, and D. the Beneficial properties of Maca are evident in its vermifuge effects on the human body. Milk of the poppy, which is obtained from seeds is also an excellent source of protein. Ingredients: • 3/4 Cup of poppy seeds• 3 cups water• 1 tbsp agave or honey• vanilla Consumption: 1. Soak the poppy seeds overnight. Mac in the morning rinse and place in a blender or mortar with a small amount of water. 2. Shake vigorously (RUB), adding 1/4 sticks of vanilla and honey. Then add more water. Beat well for 5 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. 3. Pour into a glass dish. Store in the refrigerator. Delicious dairy-free ice cream you will Need:
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //vedamost-pitanie.blogspot.com/2016/01/21.html

First things first. Whole cow milk contains a special substance, lactose, which is practically not absorbed by the body and cause allergic reactions of varying severity. Today there is still opinion about the indispensability of cow's milk as a source of calcium. They say it helps to keep this mineral in human bone. But long-term studies of the doctors of the world's leading clinics have proved that this statement is not entirely true.You will have much more chances of avoiding osteoporosis by eating a large number of legumes and leafy vegetables. Cow's milk contains a lot of casein. This particular protein is converted in our bodies into icky slime, which causes the occurrence of rhinitis and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Speaking of quality dairy products exhibited on the shelves, you can bet. Industrial method of production of vegetable milk, also questionable. Definitely know that soy and nut milk produced from raw ingredients, and fried in oil. Besides, they add sugar, a large quantity of flavourings, preservatives and thickeners. As you can see, industrial vegetable milk with great difficulty can be called a natural product. Therefore, if you are a follower of the true healthy and natural food, I suggest you not be lazy and cook this delicious beverage with your own hands. It's not that time-consuming process.

The simplest of almond or Brazil nut, cashew, fresh raw peeled pistachios, hazelnuts, shelled hemp seed. Per Cup of nuts will need 3-4 cups of water and the blender jug, the more powerful the better, and honey or dates, stevia extract (it's important to choose natural — no high fructose syrup, which is used as a preservative! Honey winter may not be liquid, unless it's acacia or chestnut).
Everything else touches on, every housewife its. 1. ALMOND MILK Almond milk contains a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids and zinc. Thanks to the vitamin E content of almonds is called "walnut women's beauty". In a glass of almond milk only 63 calories and 208 mg of calcium. A good source of phosphorus, so good for bones and teeth. Ingredients:• 1 Cup of raw almonds.• 4 to 5 cups of water.• 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract. Preparation:1. Soak the almonds overnight. Next, rinse the nuts with water. Put them in a blender, add 4-5 glasses of pure water. Add vanilla. Mix on high speed for 1-2 min. 2. Strain almond milk through cheesecloth. Almond milk it is quite fresh, so to improve the taste you can add honey, cinnamon or dates and vanilla.3. Store in the refrigerator preferably up to 3 days. Shake before use.

2. COCONUT MILK isa Group of vitamins has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system and the eyes. Regular consumption of coconut milk lowers cholesterol, normalizes thyroid function, reduces risk of cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Enhances immunity, helps to restore strength and energy after enhanced mental and physical stress. Contained in milk components, in addition to the above qualities have wound healing and antibacterial effect, reduces the degree of habituation to antibiotics. And its antiviral, anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties is beyond praise. The presence of milk in large quantity of manganese, has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of the male body. Ingredients: • 1 to 4 Mature coconuts (depending on how fat content and density of milk you need)• 3 cups vodichkova additives:• 1 tsp vanilla extract/vanilla paste or ½ teaspoon pulp of vanilla• 4 tablespoons agave nectar or 3-6 dates, pitted Preparation: 1. Clean the coconut. Place the flesh from one coconut in the blender with 3 cups of water and whisk. Strain through cheesecloth or specials. pouch. The remaining coconut meal can be used for the preparation of coconut flour.2. Take the coconut milk you just made and mix it with pulp from the second coconut in a blender. Strain. And so on, depending on the desired fat content and milk density. 3. SESAME MILKSesame seeds are extremely rich in calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. In addition, this product contains large quantities of vitamins E and B. Thus, this calcium-rich drink strengthens your bones. The daily requirement of calcium, you can meet 100 grams of sesame seeds contains konguta – 783 mg of calcium per 100 g In cow's milk — 150 mg (for comparison).However, the beneficial properties of sesame are not limited with this. Milk of sesame displays the body of harmful products of metabolism. Zinc and phosphorus are involved in the construction of bone tissue, so the presence of them in the sesame seeds, put them in the category of the means contributing to the prevention of osteoporosis. A large number of fiber sesame seeds prevents diseases of the digestive system, promotes regular bowel function. Useful polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol in the blood. Ingredients• Cup sesame seeds• vanilla pod;• 1 tbsp honey;• 1 litre of water. Preparation:1. Pre-soak the sesame seeds overnight. Hereinafter, the sesame place in blender, add water and sweeteners, all beat up. You then strain the milk through cheesecloth. Tip: crushing the sesame seeds, it is important not to overdo it, and otherwise he allocates oil and quickly becomes solid.

4. CASHEW MILKCashew nut the least fat: fat around 45%, protein — 17%. Contain vitamins A, B2, B1, iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. Strengthen the immune system, ensures normal heart activity; helps in reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw cashew nuts (soaked for one hour).
• 6 cups of water (depending on desired consistency). Preparation:
1. Cover the nuts with water and refrigerate for 1 hour. Put the cashews in a blender with 4 to 7 cups of water, depending on desired consistency.
2. Mix in a blender for about 1-2 min. cashew Milk ready. Store in refrigerator, use within a week. Shake well before use and stir.

5. FLAX MILKFlax seed is one of the richest sources of lignans, which have anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergenic and a powerful antioxidant effect. Flax seeds are rich in minerals, especially rich in potassium, which they contain about 7 times more than in bananas. Flax seed is the strongest antiparasitic product. Flax seed decoction is fatal for all types of worms except ascarides. He also leaves no one alive fungi, viruses of hepatitis. The composition of Flaxseed is rich in proteins, fats, gluten and fiber. Proteins rich in essential amino acids. Ingredients:• 1/4 Cup raw flax seeds• 6 cups water• 5 pitted dates• 2 tsp pure vanilla extract• Spices of your choice: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves Preparation:1. Place flax seeds in blender and add water. Mix on high speed for 1 minute. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth or with a special pouch. 2. Pour the strained flax milk back into the blender and add the dates, vanilla and spices or additives, if using. Whisk for about 2 minutes. 3. Store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Before drinking a milk shake. 6. CEDAR MILKProteins pine nuts 95% absorbed by the human body and superior in its amino acid composition and nutritional value of the proteins of most cereal and legume crops, and most of the animal proteins (contained in eggs, meat, fish, poultry, milk). Part of the cedar milk protein consists of 19 amino acids, 70% of which are irreplaceable. The composition of cedar milk is also characterized by high content of valuable vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), vitamins E and A. vitamin E pine nuts, cedar kernels which produce milk are much higher than most of the known types of nuts, including walnuts, peanuts and almonds. The vitamin a contained in the cedar jelly, as well as vitamin E is an antioxidant that plays an important role in the prevention of cancer. Cedar jelly is also an excellent source of necessary for the human body macro - and micronutrients ( phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, silicon, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, vanadium, iodine, boron, Nickel, etc.).
Ingredients:• 1 Cup pine nut• 3 to 6 cups of water depending on the desired fat content and density of milk is taken and the proportions of the components. Preparation: 1. Nuts should be clean from the shell, a film to clean off is not necessary. Next, the nuts are crushed in a blender or in a mortar (preferably to perform all actions in a wooden dish, to avoid oxidation of milk) pestle. 2. Gradually water is added to the desired thickness. If you use a blender, add the seeds directly to the cedar some of the liquid. This will allow to carefully grind the nucleoli. Mix for 4 to 5 minutes. 3. To sweeten add honey, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, maple syrup or your favorite fruits. Mix again until smooth. The obtained liquid slurry should infuse for about half an hour. Then, strain it through cheesecloth. Alive and healthy pine milk is ready. 7. MILK of Chia SEEDSChia Seeds contain 32-39% oil, about 25% cellulose, 19% to 23% protein and zero quantity of cholesterol. Rich in fatty acids omega -3 and omega-6, the percentage of their content in Chia oil is about 64%. It is almost 2 times more than the caviar of salmon, 3 times more than in cod liver and 42 times more than in olive oil. Omega-3 improves cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks, regulates blood pressure, etc.
Omega-6, in turn, also promotes healthy skin, lowers cholesterol and improves blood clotting. Chia seeds lower blood pressure and stabilizat the blood sugar levels, thin the blood, making it less viscous and prone to blood clots. Grain Spanish sage is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. Chia seeds are a source of zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamins C and A. Also eating Chia helps to reduce body weight, accelerate the burning and absorption of fat and for a long time reduces appetite.
Ingredients: • 2 tbsp Chia Seeds• 1 tbsp shredded almonds• 1 tbsp sesame Tahini• 1 tbsp agave syrup• 1/2 tsp vanilla• 1/2 tsp cinnamon• 2 1/2 cups water Preparation:
1. Chia seeds and almonds to soak overnight. 2. Then mix in a blender the almonds and Chia seeds with one Cup of water. 3. Add the sesame tahini, vanilla, agave syrup and cinnamon. Mix them together and then slowly add the remaining water. The milk is ready! Place in refrigerator for 4 hours minimum, preferably overnight. 8. MILK FROM PUMPKIN SEEDSPumpkin seeds are a whole repository of useful items, where almost the whole periodic table, so they save us from various ailments. Here you will find iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, vitamins a, B, C, D, K, amino acids, and also vitamin E in large quantities, which is a natural antioxidant. The presence of pumpkin seeds a high percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with fiber added benefit of pumpkin seed even and balanced nutrition. These remarkable seeds are extremely effective in reducing the blood sugar level.

- Cup pumpkin seeds, shelled (raw)
- water
- 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon for flavor
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (for flavor)
- 3-4 dates
- vanilla

Ingredients: • 1 Cup hemp seeds• 3 cups water• 3-4 tablespoons agave nectar• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Combine all ingredients in a blender at high speed. Strain through cheesecloth. Store in the refrigerator. 11. OAT MILK
Oat milk is a source of important vitamins and minerals that support our energy and mood, and also improve condition of the skin. Oat milk is a source of calcium and iron. Among other minerals present in oatmeal milk is phosphorus; magnesium; potassium; vitamins a, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6 and B-12. Oats is also a source of antioxidants that serve to prevent and protect from serious diseases, including some types of cancer.

For cooking we will need: • 140 g whole-grain rolled oats and 1.5 l of water.
1. Soak the flakes for 10-15 minutes, until they are at least slightly swell. 2. Swollen flakes put in a blender and add water. Tightly close the lid and whisk on high speed 3 minutes, until the liquid in the blender will not lose transparency and will not get the ivory. 3. Strain the milk through several layers of cheesecloth.
In the finished milk, you can add sweeteners — dates or a spoonful of agave nectar or a pinch of stevia and blend in a blender. Store in the refrigerator. Shake before use. 12. MILK, PISTACHIO
Pistachios have a bracing, tonic and restorative effect on the body; reduce predisposition to heart disease; a beneficial effect on the brain. Help in a time of great physical stress, and after severe diseases. Very important substances in pistachios are lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids that help preserve vision. They also help to strengthen the bone tissue of the body: skeleton, bones, teeth. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup of pistachios.
• 4 cups of water.
To make milk of pistachios, buy raw or unsalted nuts. Roasted and salted not buy.
1. Soak one Cup of pistachio nuts in water for 5 hours. After soaking for five hours, drain and place pistachios in a blender with four cups of water. 2. Blend mix in blender for 1 min. will Turn pale green liquid. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. You will get 4 cups of fresh milk, pistachio. Store in the refrigerator in a glass container. To use during the week. Shake well before use. 13. MILK FROM MACADAMIA
The macadamia nut is very rich in healthy fats without the cholesterol. Is a good source of iron. Doctors suggest regularly eating macadamia nuts for those who suffer from varicose veins, arthritis, bone diseases. Macadamia also has a rejuvenating effect. Composition:
• Macadamia nuts — 100 g
• Water — 3 cups
Preparation: 1.Nuts soak overnight. Then the nuts put in a blender and add fresh water. Grind long enough — to the complete crushing of nuts 2. For better grinding, you can start with a smaller amount of water (e.g., half). Then add the remaining water and again grind. 3. Drain. Ready milk stored in the refrigerator. 14. MILK BRAZIL NUT
Brazil nut contains large amounts of vegetable proteins and carbohydrates. These nuts contain a lot of valuable substances. In particular selenium. Selenium is the metabolism of nucleic acids, and fermentation of antiradical protection of an organism, lipids, hormones, etc. Proven that the more selenium in the human body, the more it is protected from the risk of ekoobrazovanie. Selenium encourages the healing of tissue, improves the function of sexual glands, thyroid, heart, immune system.
In Brazil nuts also contains vital vitamin C, D, E, Pantothenic acid, various vitamin substances belonging to the group B. Also, the nut contains betaine, arginine (an important amino acid that regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents it from sticking). Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw Brazil nuts.
• 4 to 5 cups of water.
• 2-3 cups of any nuts. Cashews, almonds. Preparation:
1. Pour the nuts and water and leave them in a cool place for a day. After soaking, drain and rinse them with water. 2. Put the nuts in a blender with 4 — 5 cups of water. Add nuts of choice — cashews, almonds. Mix. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. Milk from Brazil nuts ready. Store in refrigerator and use within a week. Shake or stir before use. 15. RICE MILK Ingredients: • white Rice — 1 Cup
• Water — 7-8 cups
• Honey — 3-5 tbsp
• Vanilla — 1/2 teaspoon Preparation:
1. Soak the rice in cold water for 8 hours. Rinse the rice and drain the water. Put the rice in a blender and whisk, gradually adding water (7-8 glasses). 2. Put the mixture into the pan, put on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly. The milk will start to thicken a bit and stick to the bottom. Continue to cook until boiling, not forgetting to stir. 3. Remove from heat, add honey and vanilla, and optional cinnamon and/or cardamom. Mix. Cover the pan, and allow to stand for 1-1. 5 hours. 4. Strain and pour into a glass bottle or jar. The milk will get thick enough. Just before use, dilute it with a little water and stir. Store in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. 17. MILK FROM WALNUTS Walnuts contain vitamins a, E, b, P, C, mineral substances (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine). Walnuts are 60% from fat, however, most of these fats are unsaturated, which contain virtually no cholesterol. In addition, walnut is an excellent source of protein that can replace animal proteins. Ingredients: • 5 cups water
• 1 Cup walnuts
• 1 tablespoon of agave nectar (less/more to taste)
• 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar with natural vanilla (don't buy artificial vanilla! look for organic!) (less/more to taste)
• 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Preparation: 1. Soak the nuts for 6-8 hours, then drain and rinse them. 2. Nuts add in a blender, pour 5 cups of water and blend at high speed for a minute until the pieces of nuts will be so small, as you like. 3. Strain the milk through cheesecloth. Pour the milk back into the blender, add agave nectar, vanilla and salt. 18. MILK PECANS
Nutritional value of pecans is amazing: they are high-calorie, than walnuts and more sugar; fats in which more than 70%, carbohydrates – about 15%, up to 10 — 15% proteins, 5% of water and ash. Pecans have a high content of vitamins A, E and b group – in particular, folic acid; they also have a lot of calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. Kernels are rich in monounsaturated fats and gamma tocopherol – a substance that protects against oxidation of fats, proteins and even DNA. Their use also strengthens the immune system and protects cells from the effects of carcinogens.

Ingredients: • 1 Cup raw pecans
• 3 3/4 Cup water
• 1/4 Cup maple syrup
• Extract 2 tsp. vanilla
• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
• Pinch of nutmeg
• Pinch sea salt Preparation: 1. Soak the pecans in the bowl of water for 4-8 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse pecans. 2. Put nuts in blender, add 3 3/4 cups of cold water. 3. Blend on high speed for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Strain the milk through cheesecloth or specials. pouch. Pour the milk back into the blender and add maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sea salt. Cover and mix. Ready milk stored in the refrigerator. 19. MILK QUINOA Quinoa (Quinoa) is one of the oldest, cultivated by man, of beans, native to South America. Quinoa is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world. Quinoa is natural, absolutely natural and perfectly balanced complex of minerals and vitamins. Quinoa is rich in fiber, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus (which is the same as in the fish), iron (which is two times more than wheat), vitamins: A, E, C, b, including Riboflavin, which is necessary, in particular, to refresh the blood. In addition, the quinoa grains with a high content of lecithin and selenium – the most important substances involved in the formation of our health. Plus is a unique composition of amino acids found in quinoa make it a complete protein and similar in composition to cow's milk. Besides, the protein in quinoa is from 16 to 20% — more than in any other plant. Composition:
• 1 Cup white quinoa
• water
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 tablespoon of agave syrup or other sweetener Preparation: 1. Wash raw groats. Then pour washed quinoa in a glass jar, cover with water, close the lid and refrigerate overnight. On the trail. morning drain the water in which the soaked quinoa, and again thoroughly rinse the groats (this is necessary in order to wash away the bitter coating from the seeds). 2. Well-washed grits, pour into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of water and add a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil. 3. Then do the gas down and simmer quinoa for 20 minutes until all water is digested (make sure barley is not burnt). 4. Svalivsheesya cooled quinoa and place in a blender, pour 2 cups of water and blend on high speed for 1-2 minutes. Then add water to the milk is the desired consistency. 5. Add seasonings and sweeteners to your taste. Strain the milk through cheesecloth or specials. pouch, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Store in refrigerator, shake before use. 20. HAZELNUTS MILK
Contains about 60% fat and 13% protein, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, zinc, sodium and amino acids. Perfectly removes toxins from the liver, possesses purgative properties. The hazelnut is more than other nuts, folic acid, so it is very useful for those who are going to conceive a child. Milk hazelnut (crushed walnut with water) soothes the nervous symptoms and cures of chronic bronchitis. Another important substance contained in hazelnut, is an anti-cancer substance paclitaxel. That is why it can be used for the prevention of cancers. The composition of the vegetable oils contained in hazelnuts include fatty acids that improve the metabolism, which ultimately slows down the process of aging. Ingredients:
• 1 Cup raw (not roasted) hazelnuts.
• 4 to 5 cups of water.
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Preparation:
1. Put the nuts in a large bowl and cover with water. Put in the fridge for a day. 2. Drain and rinse the nuts with water. Put the nuts in a blender with 4 — 5 cups of water and blend for 1 min. Strain the milk through cheesecloth.
Store the hazelnut milk in the refrigerator and use it within a week. Stir or shake before use. 21. Milk of the POPPY This product has no equal in calcium content. In a poppy it milk contains about 1500 mg per 100 ml of product. For comparison: cow's milk calcium, 400 mg (100 ml). A daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg. Even the use of poppy seeds in food in small amounts provides the body with the required daily dose of manganese, potassium, iron and magnesium. In addition to these minerals the person receives from food contained in the Maca vitamins: E, A, C, and D. the Beneficial properties of Maca are evident in its vermifuge effects on the human body. Milk of the poppy, which is obtained from seeds is also an excellent source of protein. Ingredients: • 3/4 Cup of poppy seeds• 3 cups water• 1 tbsp agave or honey• vanilla Consumption: 1. Soak the poppy seeds overnight. Mac in the morning rinse and place in a blender or mortar with a small amount of water. 2. Shake vigorously (RUB), adding 1/4 sticks of vanilla and honey. Then add more water. Beat well for 5 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. 3. Pour into a glass dish. Store in the refrigerator. Delicious dairy-free ice cream you will Need:
- 2 cups coarsely chopped fresh berries and fruits
- 1 Cup coconut milk
- honey or dates to taste
- 1/8 tsp. fresh lime juice (lemon)
- 1/4 of vanilla pod
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //vedamost-pitanie.blogspot.com/2016/01/21.html