Delicious soups for raw foodists.

The need for food have to be met in a timely manner. But if time is much longer, you should treat yourself and family with delicious soups.
Recipe №1. Fragrant soup with cranberries and blueberries.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
blueberries (glass);
cranberries (half a cup);
almond milk (glass);
vanilla and honey (as much like).
Now you can start the process of preparing the soup. The best option - a liquid almond milk. Berries are carefully ground in a blender. They have become a puree. To this mixture, almond milk, vanilla and honey. The ingredients are thoroughly blended and served the soup on the table.
Recipe №2. Soup with carrots and pineapple.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
almond milk (glass);
Vanilla (a few pinches).
Soup fans enjoy a light meal. It can apply even for breakfast!
First you need to clean the pineapple and carrots. Then squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the milk. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then the soup seasoned with vanilla and served at the table.
Recipe №3. Delicious soup with avocado.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
Avocado (2 pieces);
celery (2 stalks);
Apple (2 pieces);
parsley (beam);
garlic (2 cloves).
Avocados and apples are cleaned and cut into small slices. Then they are sent to the blender along with the celery stalks. The ingredients are thoroughly milled. Bunch of parsley cut as finely as possible. On a plate spread shredded in a blender foods, sprinkle with chopped herbs and add the chopped garlic. The whole was mixed. Serve the dish on the table should be, together with a special bread for raw foodists.
Recipe №4. Bright strawberry soup.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
strawberries (2 cups);
almond milk (glass);
Vanilla (pinch).
Preparation of soup will not take much time. This dish will be enjoyed by even the youngest members of the family!
Strawberries is ground in a blender with a banana. Then, milk is added to the ingredients and thoroughly mixed. Soup is charged with a pinch of vanilla. If the dishes are prepared in the summer, before serving it to cool.
Recipe №6. Soup with peas.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
peeled peas (200 grams);
celery (2 stalks);
Peas grind in a blender together with chopped celery. Apple milled separately from these products. Then you need to mix all the ingredients and add 2 tablespoons of water. Garlic is pulverized and added to the soup. The dish is sprinkled with herbs and serve.