Raw food diet - the physiology of digestion.

Raw food is used in food products without prior heat treatment. Around the issue of raw food a lot of debate and opinion. Someone thinks that it is a way to stay young and healthy always be someone perceives as the raw food way to lose weight or get rid of a couple of extra kilos. For some, it is a whole philosophy of life and an integral part of life. There is a belief that "russula" supposedly ruin their health, malnutrition, and at the same time receive less nutrients and trace elements necessary for the full development of the organism. But despite all this, the raw food diet is still popular, and sometimes even a fashionable way to power. In this case it is better to be at least aware of and understand fully that you are going to deny or support.

Types and raw food deal with the fact that this is the raw food diet, see how raw foodists are classified by type of food.
Omnivore raw food diet. The name speaks for itself. Omnivore raw food diet are allowed to eat all raw. The diet included foods of both vegetable and animal origin. Sometimes the food is subjected to heat treatment in order to avoid getting into the body of parasites. But "clean" omnivorous raw foodists prefer to jerk that can be welded. Vegetarian raw food. Excluded from the diet of meat and fish. All responsibility for the completion of the body with useful substances rests with the raw eggs, milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Vegan raw food. The vegan diet is not the food of animal origin. Instead, welcome dried fruit and raw grains that eating sprouts. Carnivore raw food, or as it is called, syromyasoedenie is to minimize the share of fruit and vegetables in the diet. Syromyasoedy not eat grains, legumes, dairy products, and vegetable oils. All these products are giving way to fish, seafood, meat, eggs, animal fats. Fruitarianism. Raw foodists prefer this type of diet in fruits and berries. Anything that is not a fruit, the menu will not find a fruitarian. Prohibited products also include carrots, beets, potatoes, radishes, cabbage.

For raw foodists, it is important not only to exclude or to welcome in the menu of certain products. They pay special attention to diet planning methods. Depending on this distinction and mixed monotrofnoe raw food diet. Mixed raw food is directly related to the content in the diet of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Permissible combinations on the plate raw foodists are considered different vegetables and different fruits separately. They also eat nuts at the same time. For one meal you can eat some foods with similar composition elements. More stringent requirements for raw food diet monotrofnomu. For one meal you can eat only one product, of course, in its raw form.
Usually after a meal there is heaviness in the stomach and the person sleepy. Scientists attribute this to the fact that for the digestion of food, heat-treated, the body spends its enzymes, can not be said about the raw food. At a temperature of over 40 degrees, it becomes a supposedly dead.

The list of authorized products raw foodists include: Greenery Raw fruits and vegetables Nuts Seeds Vegetable oils cold-pressed cereal grains Dried food without seasoning can drink clean water. Mineral water is prohibited
Benefits of raw food when a person is sick, it is often prescribed diet. The body is required to expend a lot of effort and energy to recycle cooked food. Raw foodists believe that their diet only saturates the body with energy and can cure many diseases. Changing the diet to a raw food diet may be familiar to relieve headaches, arthritis, hypertension. And it is not the whole list of diseases. Raw food diet cleans the body of toxins. Hence the feeling of tidal forces and energy. Raw foodists feel fresh and, it seems ready to move mountains. They sleep less and feel cheerful after six hours of rest. Eating raw foods is used as a diet. If you stick to it, we can significantly throw off the weight of one and a half or two months.

Terms of the transition to raw food diet switch from the usual diet to a raw food diet should be gradual so as not to shock the body and does not cause painful reactions. Some tips and tricks make it easy to adapt to the new menu: the transition to a new diet better in the summer or fall of a balanced diet will help seasonal products give up the habitual food gradually: first from the meat, and then from the fish, then eliminate the egg At first, should accustom the body to polusyroedeniyu. Moreover, any meal - a combination of cooked and raw. Please eat raw food, and after - boiled. Nuts and fruits are eaten before the main course can not drink both during and before eating when the body starts to get used to raw foods, try to fully translate it to a raw food diet tentatively for 14-20 days. If the body accept the new menu without any problems, so the adaptation was successful, and the main thing is now to realize what you have done all this and not be broken. Option menu raw foodists Herbert M.Shelton - the founder of the clinic treatment of natural methods, and one of the most popular raw foodists. It offers the following menu: Breakfast consists of fruits and berries. You can choose from to eat three oranges, grapefruit, two pears, prunes and apples, 200 g of grapes, watermelon, melon, a dish of cherries or peaches Lunch includes a salad of carrots, cabbage or radish, and some nuts Dinner repeats lunch diet Famous raw foodists Contrary to the opinion that raw foodists are poorly developed muscles and there are no forces, there are those who argue the opposite. This famous athletes Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali. In the list of raw foodists, famous throughout the world, tennis player Serena Williams. Many actors are raw foodists. Josh Hartnett once even topped the list of most beautiful vegetarians. It thrives on a raw food diet actor and musician Jared Leto. The list of famous female actresses who at the time carried away raw food diet and follow this diet still Uma Thurman, Demi Moore, Madonna. Those who turned to the raw food diet as a way to eat right, indifferent to the state of his body. And that's good. Examples of successful raw foodists in the face of actors, athletes and musicians are known to the whole world. This means that to name only a raw food diet craze is impossible. Rather, we talk about good habits that you can develop, if you do it consciously and consistently.