Famous raw foodists
For centuries, people have tried to understand how to eat right. This desire is understandable: the food - it is life. It is for this reason that the fashion is the raw food diet, ie eating only neobrotannyh products.
The number has been steadily increasing raw foodists. More famous people joined this movement, including Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Mel Gibson, Madonna, Natalie Portman and others. Stars on publicly touted their power system; they often see in restaurants for raw foodists. Let us dwell on the most famous raw foodists.
One of the first turned to the raw food diet Demi Moore. Its length is more than 7 years. Not surprisingly, the actress became a model for his followers. It is believed that the secret of her youth was in the diet. Despite the forced abandonment of the usual dishes, Demi Moore alleges that receives pleasure from eating. She happily drinking a cocktail of tomato 10 tomatoes and your favorite candy substitute frozen cherry juice without sugar. Thanks to stellar mentor, it became known nutritionist Douglas Graham.
Demi Moore has long been a inexorable syroedkoy and recommends a power supply system, as the most perfect. This long experience of the raw food diet is considered a major success of its irresistibility. Because only natural products, in its view, helps cleanse the body, keeping it in excellent shape and the accumulation of huge amounts of energy.
Natalie Portman has expanded the number of famous raw foodists in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer novel "full illumination". But during pregnancy, decided to expand their diet and other products, not becoming raw foodists, just vegetarian. She claims not to regret about the experience syroedstva. But when you are responsible for the life and health of another person, it is important to closely monitor what you eat. And while watching indicators iron, hemoglobin and proteins which may be reduced in such a diet.
It is believed that just by Demi Moore took over the diet Natalie Portman.
Another famous syroedka - Uma Thurman - also believes in the benefits of this type of power and does not intend to give up their beliefs. According to her, it is difficult to adapt to the new way of life, and then there is the ease and you become unshakeable raw foodists. The actress admits that it's hard to get used to this menu only the first time. But after a raw food diet brings pleasure. So at 44, she looks much younger than his years.
Mel Gibson also went further. Since 2001, he eats raw meat, which is the main part of his daily diet. Such dramatic changes in diet have been motivated by a desire to slow down the aging process. Oddly enough, the actor had not been poisoned. He himself argues the fact that exclusively uses eco-friendly meat. Particular preference is beef.
But Jared Leto (lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars) is limited fruit. During the interview, he noticed that eating the bananas, the mandarins. Twitter is full of the singer photos watermelon, young coconuts, pomegranates and raw peanuts. Even in the photo session he is always with fruit in their hands. Jared came to a raw food diet is very unusual way. He was to star in the movie about Mark Chapman, John Lennon's killer, and dial for this 30 kg. After the shooting, to quickly lose weight and get rid of the risk of being in a wheelchair, the artist decided to become raw foodists. Finally, Summer has returned the optimal physical shape.
Few know that Steve Jobs has become raw foodists still young. He preferred the fruit, especially apples varieties McIntosh. Subsequently, Jobs moved on to a full diet. Once on Helluin, convinced raw foodists, he gave the children who came to the bottle, filled with carrot juice instead of traditional sweets.
Movies affected the power of Alicia Silverstone. The girl decided to change the diet after the movie "Batman and Robin" as received by the audience unpleasant nickname Thick-Mouse (played bat). With the new diet Alicia managed to not only lose weight but also to get rid of allergies, which had plagued her since childhood. The main meal of the actress - vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and sprouts, Sprout. All this does not necessarily lend itself to heat treatment.
More than 10 years of raw meal fed and Carol Alt (super model), which even dared to write a book about his diet. The main products for the model - sashimi (raw) dairy products and nepastirizovannye
. From vegetarian to raw food has passed one of the most famous musicians - Sting. Now his diet consists of a variety, but raw food. The singer is so fond of a dish called slices of raw sweet potatoes with a paste made of macadamia nuts that the orders to his Seed Live Cuisine Delivery (Los Angeles) for their friends. From America to England dinner delivery is carried out by the personal plane Sting.
Woody Harrelson also rawfoodist. Most of the products that he uses is grown by an actor on the plot (the Hawaiian island of Maui). For Woody ordinary burger became a symbol of civilization falling into the abyss.
Of Russian celebrities select the director of the series "School" Valeria Gai Germanicus. On its addiction to raw food fans first learned at the ceremony Resto Rate Awards 2011. The awards ceremony was held in the Italian style. Valeria Gai gladly tasted Italian wines, and a brand pizza and pasta is not even touched. As it turned out, the director eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, raw meat and fish, completely abandoning the prepared dishes. She believes that this diet increases creativity.
With raw food diet lost weight singer Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z. Together, they dropped 50 kilos in 22 days. The stunning singer has demonstrated to form Grammy 2013.
For raw foodists joined the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. The truth on the diet she was sitting only a few days a week. The main objective of the Duchess - glowing skin, blush and get rid of fine wrinkles. The diet includes Kate gazpacho cold soup, salad with watermelon, green salad tabbouleh, almond milk and goji berries.
Raw food has become quite widespread popularity. Even among the stars a lot of practice the use of environmentally friendly products, rich solely by solar energy. Bright representative of the raw food diet among celebrities - Ornella Muti. Famous actress has been repeatedly recognized the most beautiful girl in Italy. Performer 90 roles practicing a raw food diet for more than 20 years. That is why, according to relatives and acquaintances of the actress, in her 59 years, she has kept the old harmony, beauty, shine and elasticity of the skin.
The most famous raw foodists is and Angelina Jolie. It is believed that it has brought this industry vegetarianism following Hollywood and "infect" the rest of her stars. Once in an interview with a fashion magazine Jolie admitted that for many years now eats only raw foods, and that is the key to its beauty and charming appearance. The only thing it breaks the standard raw foodists menu - is the use of chicken and fish, steamed. Angelina motivated by the fact that the body in any case need protein, which can be received only from the meat.
Carol Alt - Famous supermodel and a 27-year veteran. It occupies the 5th place in the top ten top models of all time. In 47 years, he became the face of the cover of the December issue of the popular magazine. Carol believes that it is the raw food diet is the main secret of its long-term attractiveness and irresistible.
Anne Hathaway started her path of vegetarianism even 12 years, but completely raw food diet could go on only in adulthood after reading the book Safran Foer "Belly of animals." Since then she activist for animal rights and a staunch rawfoodist.
Madonna. He devoted himself to the raw food diet since 15 years. In addition, it is actively engaged in yoga and keen spiritual practice. At 55 is a slender, flexible, plastic woman. For it is not difficult to do the splits or stand "on the bridge." And this, according to the singer, the merit of good nutrition. Michelle Pfeiffer joined the ranks of raw foodists recently. In 2011, after seeing a film about Bill Clinton, where he was told that the heart problems helped him to overcome the rejection of meat and dairy products, Michelle decided to go on a vegetarian diet. "I want to live a long time," - she explained his action. That is why in her diet now only raw vegetables and fruits. Alexey Martynov was a supporter of a healthy lifestyle from school. He never smoked and did not drink spirits, but in the pursuit of athletic body had completely forgotten about proper nutrition. In addition to sports, he indulged frequent snacking and large portions. And for the past two years with the growth of 170 cm Alex weighed 120 kg. Realizing that it was time to lose weight, I began to study a lot of literature. Then I come to the conclusion that the useful and effective diet becomes vegetarian. But over time, the singer excluded from their diet even dairy products, eggs, bread and completely switched to a raw food diet. For over 8 years, Alex proudly talks about his healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and boasts a slim athletic figure.
No less known in the circles of raw foodists is Annette Larkins. This girl eats raw food has been 26 years. At the same time argues that full of energy, vitality and easy to tolerate the cold, in its 69 years, she walks in high heels and wearing tight clothing that accentuates her waist in 46 sm. In addition, a unique phenomenon is observed that the hair turns gray Annette not . Her family history is heavy: grandmother and mother died of breast cancer before they reach even up to 50 years. Annette's father was also ill with cancer and diabetes. That's why she gave up meat and dairy products later on, and then completely from the heat treatment of food. And, according to Annette since she was never sick. To share your experiences, it has released several books and video lessons on a raw food diet.
This is not a complete list of celebrities who have come to the raw food diet for one reason or another. But all these people argue that the key to health - it is proper nutrition. And their appearance and physical ability - the best proof
. More than 20 years of practicing a raw food diet Ornella Muti, who has repeatedly received the title of the most beautiful Italian. At 57 she continues to shine on the covers of fashion magazines. Ornella loves bananas and mangoes, but indulges in raw seafood. Actress found in raw food source of cheerfulness, which allows it to store energy, in spite of the tight schedule.
Many celebrity raw food diet combined with exercise. According to them, because the ideal shape is maintained. Separately raw food diet improves skin color and hair condition. Actresses do look younger than their years. But not only the health and beauty of the stars being pushed to waive the usual food. One of the reasons - the protection of animals
. So popular among western stars a raw food diet, there is little spread among our celebrities, but fashion is inexorably approaching. In addition, raw foodists arouse great interest among journalists, raising popularity. So we expect a new boom.
The star of the series "Charmed" Alyssa Milano. She became a fan of vegetarianism after the September 11 attacks. "My friend then came back from New York and said that he could not get the smell of roasted flesh. It alienated me from the barbecue at the same moment. " Alice is now agitating their fans to participate in the protection of animals, not wearing fur, do not eat meat.
Eric Anthony Roberts (born Eric Anthony Roberts, 18 April 1956, Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.) - American film actor. The older brother of Julia Roberts. He acted in more than 100 reel of film.
Paul McCartney
The legendary member of the quartet The Beatles, Sir Paul McCartney, became a vegetarian with a light hand of his wife, Linda. According to him, the realization of this choice came to him when he had once watched the grazing sheep. Later, the actor stopped eating not only meat but also fish. It is also more than twenty years with the organization PETA and animal rights advocates.
By the way, the daughter of ex-Beatle, designer Stella McCartney is a vegetarian since birth. In addition, it never uses fur and leather in their collections.
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin is actively promoting a vegetarian lifestyle. "Every time he sat down at the dinner table, we choose. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for the animals. Do it for the environment and your own health, "- he keeps repeating throughout the world actor.
They say that the interest in "green" food at Alec raised his ex-wife Kim Basinger, who herself is a vegetarian.
Richard Gere
Richard Gere switched to "green" diet, adopting Buddhism. However, by his own admission, he never regretted it, because now every year feels more and more young and healthy.
Mike Tyson
Unexpectedly for many vegetarian and found himself renowned boxer Mike Tyson. He said that he fully gave up animal products, which enabled him to lose a few dozen extra kilos. In addition, Tyson claims that the change of the diet has changed not only its shape, but also the nature, miraculously making it more calm and balanced.
Nikolai Drozdov
The main animal lover on domestic television, Nikolai Drozdov, became a vegetarian in 1970 while working in India. According to him, having read books about yogis teaching, he realized that eating meat is not necessary for three reasons: because it is poorly digested by a moral (not to hurt animals) and spiritual (vegetable diet makes people more peaceful and friendly).
Besides meat Nicholas tries not to eat eggs, and only occasionally allows himself to dairy products. As his favorite food is squash.
Lyme Vajkule
Singer Laima Vajkule - not just vegetarian. It is - an active defender of all living things, for more than 20 years does not wear fur, criticizes the circus and any business with animals. The changes occurred after the death of his beloved dog artist, Candy. She admits that it is a dog raised in her love for a living.
Pevitsv Valery admitted that she was a vegetarian for almost 10 years, but the first under duress. Her ex-husband and producer Alexander Shulgin did not eat meat, but because she was not supposed to do that. Now Valeria allows himself to eat seafood. At the same time she regularly fasts.
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt not to eat meat for many years, but at the same time his eating habits is hardly correct. He admits that his favorite food - pizza and coffee. The actor not only does not eat meat myself, but can not look, as do his children. However, it allows them Angelina Jolie, who, although trying to follow its civil spouse, give up meat completely failed. Therefore, there are rumors that some time all family members eat separately from each other.
Adriano Celentano vegetarian and defender of animals. 6.01.38.- '74.
... 1988. It was another edition of the TV show "Fantasy", which led Adriano live. But, holy Madonna that is ?! Celentano snatches the microphone from a guest, and earnestly looking at the camera, says passionately:
"Every year, hunters kill two billion two billion birds, and the state pays them for it. Who is the killer - the state or hunters? Animals - these are the same people as us ... They play as we weep and suffer like us. Everyone has a father and mother, as well as ours.
They bring joy to people, the harmony of nature. And we want to destroy this harmony ... Can you imagine, the young hunters, children tyulenihi that cries, lost cubs. Can you write to the President and immediately about their attitude towards hunting ?! »» [more]
"Mother, father crazy?" - He asks quietly watching TV Giacomo. "I do not know" - whispers shocked Claudia, the wife of Adriano ...
And at this time it was something unimaginable in a television studio's first national channel RAI. Lawyer Mario jumps on maffucci Celentano: "Abnormal, you know that done? Tomorrow referendum today banned any campaigning! Your actions will be considered as an incitement! »
The next day, fourteen million Italians wrote in their papers: "We are against killing, for we love, we are for Celentano ...»
Ballot papers were invalidated. Скандал вышел грандиозный, Адриано едва откупился кругленькой суммой в двести миллионов лир…
… Четырнадцать миллионов итальянцев написали в своих бюллетенях: «Мы против убийств, мы за любовь, мы за Челентано...»
Адриано: «Вегетарианство — это здоровье, удар по индустрии «холокоста» сознательных живых существ, возможность объявить о том, что «не из-за меня ягнята и козлята забиваются на скотобойнях на Рождество и Пасху»
В прикрепленном видео — «Они — не люди, с ними можно договориться» (из «Укрощение строптивой»)
The number has been steadily increasing raw foodists. More famous people joined this movement, including Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Mel Gibson, Madonna, Natalie Portman and others. Stars on publicly touted their power system; they often see in restaurants for raw foodists. Let us dwell on the most famous raw foodists.

One of the first turned to the raw food diet Demi Moore. Its length is more than 7 years. Not surprisingly, the actress became a model for his followers. It is believed that the secret of her youth was in the diet. Despite the forced abandonment of the usual dishes, Demi Moore alleges that receives pleasure from eating. She happily drinking a cocktail of tomato 10 tomatoes and your favorite candy substitute frozen cherry juice without sugar. Thanks to stellar mentor, it became known nutritionist Douglas Graham.
Demi Moore has long been a inexorable syroedkoy and recommends a power supply system, as the most perfect. This long experience of the raw food diet is considered a major success of its irresistibility. Because only natural products, in its view, helps cleanse the body, keeping it in excellent shape and the accumulation of huge amounts of energy.

Natalie Portman has expanded the number of famous raw foodists in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer novel "full illumination". But during pregnancy, decided to expand their diet and other products, not becoming raw foodists, just vegetarian. She claims not to regret about the experience syroedstva. But when you are responsible for the life and health of another person, it is important to closely monitor what you eat. And while watching indicators iron, hemoglobin and proteins which may be reduced in such a diet.
It is believed that just by Demi Moore took over the diet Natalie Portman.
Another famous syroedka - Uma Thurman - also believes in the benefits of this type of power and does not intend to give up their beliefs. According to her, it is difficult to adapt to the new way of life, and then there is the ease and you become unshakeable raw foodists. The actress admits that it's hard to get used to this menu only the first time. But after a raw food diet brings pleasure. So at 44, she looks much younger than his years.
Mel Gibson also went further. Since 2001, he eats raw meat, which is the main part of his daily diet. Such dramatic changes in diet have been motivated by a desire to slow down the aging process. Oddly enough, the actor had not been poisoned. He himself argues the fact that exclusively uses eco-friendly meat. Particular preference is beef.
But Jared Leto (lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars) is limited fruit. During the interview, he noticed that eating the bananas, the mandarins. Twitter is full of the singer photos watermelon, young coconuts, pomegranates and raw peanuts. Even in the photo session he is always with fruit in their hands. Jared came to a raw food diet is very unusual way. He was to star in the movie about Mark Chapman, John Lennon's killer, and dial for this 30 kg. After the shooting, to quickly lose weight and get rid of the risk of being in a wheelchair, the artist decided to become raw foodists. Finally, Summer has returned the optimal physical shape.

Few know that Steve Jobs has become raw foodists still young. He preferred the fruit, especially apples varieties McIntosh. Subsequently, Jobs moved on to a full diet. Once on Helluin, convinced raw foodists, he gave the children who came to the bottle, filled with carrot juice instead of traditional sweets.
Movies affected the power of Alicia Silverstone. The girl decided to change the diet after the movie "Batman and Robin" as received by the audience unpleasant nickname Thick-Mouse (played bat). With the new diet Alicia managed to not only lose weight but also to get rid of allergies, which had plagued her since childhood. The main meal of the actress - vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and sprouts, Sprout. All this does not necessarily lend itself to heat treatment.
More than 10 years of raw meal fed and Carol Alt (super model), which even dared to write a book about his diet. The main products for the model - sashimi (raw) dairy products and nepastirizovannye
. From vegetarian to raw food has passed one of the most famous musicians - Sting. Now his diet consists of a variety, but raw food. The singer is so fond of a dish called slices of raw sweet potatoes with a paste made of macadamia nuts that the orders to his Seed Live Cuisine Delivery (Los Angeles) for their friends. From America to England dinner delivery is carried out by the personal plane Sting.
Woody Harrelson also rawfoodist. Most of the products that he uses is grown by an actor on the plot (the Hawaiian island of Maui). For Woody ordinary burger became a symbol of civilization falling into the abyss.
Of Russian celebrities select the director of the series "School" Valeria Gai Germanicus. On its addiction to raw food fans first learned at the ceremony Resto Rate Awards 2011. The awards ceremony was held in the Italian style. Valeria Gai gladly tasted Italian wines, and a brand pizza and pasta is not even touched. As it turned out, the director eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, raw meat and fish, completely abandoning the prepared dishes. She believes that this diet increases creativity.
With raw food diet lost weight singer Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z. Together, they dropped 50 kilos in 22 days. The stunning singer has demonstrated to form Grammy 2013.
For raw foodists joined the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. The truth on the diet she was sitting only a few days a week. The main objective of the Duchess - glowing skin, blush and get rid of fine wrinkles. The diet includes Kate gazpacho cold soup, salad with watermelon, green salad tabbouleh, almond milk and goji berries.
Raw food has become quite widespread popularity. Even among the stars a lot of practice the use of environmentally friendly products, rich solely by solar energy. Bright representative of the raw food diet among celebrities - Ornella Muti. Famous actress has been repeatedly recognized the most beautiful girl in Italy. Performer 90 roles practicing a raw food diet for more than 20 years. That is why, according to relatives and acquaintances of the actress, in her 59 years, she has kept the old harmony, beauty, shine and elasticity of the skin.
The most famous raw foodists is and Angelina Jolie. It is believed that it has brought this industry vegetarianism following Hollywood and "infect" the rest of her stars. Once in an interview with a fashion magazine Jolie admitted that for many years now eats only raw foods, and that is the key to its beauty and charming appearance. The only thing it breaks the standard raw foodists menu - is the use of chicken and fish, steamed. Angelina motivated by the fact that the body in any case need protein, which can be received only from the meat.

Carol Alt - Famous supermodel and a 27-year veteran. It occupies the 5th place in the top ten top models of all time. In 47 years, he became the face of the cover of the December issue of the popular magazine. Carol believes that it is the raw food diet is the main secret of its long-term attractiveness and irresistible.
Anne Hathaway started her path of vegetarianism even 12 years, but completely raw food diet could go on only in adulthood after reading the book Safran Foer "Belly of animals." Since then she activist for animal rights and a staunch rawfoodist.
Madonna. He devoted himself to the raw food diet since 15 years. In addition, it is actively engaged in yoga and keen spiritual practice. At 55 is a slender, flexible, plastic woman. For it is not difficult to do the splits or stand "on the bridge." And this, according to the singer, the merit of good nutrition. Michelle Pfeiffer joined the ranks of raw foodists recently. In 2011, after seeing a film about Bill Clinton, where he was told that the heart problems helped him to overcome the rejection of meat and dairy products, Michelle decided to go on a vegetarian diet. "I want to live a long time," - she explained his action. That is why in her diet now only raw vegetables and fruits. Alexey Martynov was a supporter of a healthy lifestyle from school. He never smoked and did not drink spirits, but in the pursuit of athletic body had completely forgotten about proper nutrition. In addition to sports, he indulged frequent snacking and large portions. And for the past two years with the growth of 170 cm Alex weighed 120 kg. Realizing that it was time to lose weight, I began to study a lot of literature. Then I come to the conclusion that the useful and effective diet becomes vegetarian. But over time, the singer excluded from their diet even dairy products, eggs, bread and completely switched to a raw food diet. For over 8 years, Alex proudly talks about his healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and boasts a slim athletic figure.
No less known in the circles of raw foodists is Annette Larkins. This girl eats raw food has been 26 years. At the same time argues that full of energy, vitality and easy to tolerate the cold, in its 69 years, she walks in high heels and wearing tight clothing that accentuates her waist in 46 sm. In addition, a unique phenomenon is observed that the hair turns gray Annette not . Her family history is heavy: grandmother and mother died of breast cancer before they reach even up to 50 years. Annette's father was also ill with cancer and diabetes. That's why she gave up meat and dairy products later on, and then completely from the heat treatment of food. And, according to Annette since she was never sick. To share your experiences, it has released several books and video lessons on a raw food diet.

This is not a complete list of celebrities who have come to the raw food diet for one reason or another. But all these people argue that the key to health - it is proper nutrition. And their appearance and physical ability - the best proof
. More than 20 years of practicing a raw food diet Ornella Muti, who has repeatedly received the title of the most beautiful Italian. At 57 she continues to shine on the covers of fashion magazines. Ornella loves bananas and mangoes, but indulges in raw seafood. Actress found in raw food source of cheerfulness, which allows it to store energy, in spite of the tight schedule.
Many celebrity raw food diet combined with exercise. According to them, because the ideal shape is maintained. Separately raw food diet improves skin color and hair condition. Actresses do look younger than their years. But not only the health and beauty of the stars being pushed to waive the usual food. One of the reasons - the protection of animals
. So popular among western stars a raw food diet, there is little spread among our celebrities, but fashion is inexorably approaching. In addition, raw foodists arouse great interest among journalists, raising popularity. So we expect a new boom.

The star of the series "Charmed" Alyssa Milano. She became a fan of vegetarianism after the September 11 attacks. "My friend then came back from New York and said that he could not get the smell of roasted flesh. It alienated me from the barbecue at the same moment. " Alice is now agitating their fans to participate in the protection of animals, not wearing fur, do not eat meat.

Eric Anthony Roberts (born Eric Anthony Roberts, 18 April 1956, Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.) - American film actor. The older brother of Julia Roberts. He acted in more than 100 reel of film.
Paul McCartney

The legendary member of the quartet The Beatles, Sir Paul McCartney, became a vegetarian with a light hand of his wife, Linda. According to him, the realization of this choice came to him when he had once watched the grazing sheep. Later, the actor stopped eating not only meat but also fish. It is also more than twenty years with the organization PETA and animal rights advocates.
By the way, the daughter of ex-Beatle, designer Stella McCartney is a vegetarian since birth. In addition, it never uses fur and leather in their collections.
Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin is actively promoting a vegetarian lifestyle. "Every time he sat down at the dinner table, we choose. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for the animals. Do it for the environment and your own health, "- he keeps repeating throughout the world actor.
They say that the interest in "green" food at Alec raised his ex-wife Kim Basinger, who herself is a vegetarian.
Richard Gere

Richard Gere switched to "green" diet, adopting Buddhism. However, by his own admission, he never regretted it, because now every year feels more and more young and healthy.
Mike Tyson

Unexpectedly for many vegetarian and found himself renowned boxer Mike Tyson. He said that he fully gave up animal products, which enabled him to lose a few dozen extra kilos. In addition, Tyson claims that the change of the diet has changed not only its shape, but also the nature, miraculously making it more calm and balanced.
Nikolai Drozdov

The main animal lover on domestic television, Nikolai Drozdov, became a vegetarian in 1970 while working in India. According to him, having read books about yogis teaching, he realized that eating meat is not necessary for three reasons: because it is poorly digested by a moral (not to hurt animals) and spiritual (vegetable diet makes people more peaceful and friendly).
Besides meat Nicholas tries not to eat eggs, and only occasionally allows himself to dairy products. As his favorite food is squash.
Lyme Vajkule

Singer Laima Vajkule - not just vegetarian. It is - an active defender of all living things, for more than 20 years does not wear fur, criticizes the circus and any business with animals. The changes occurred after the death of his beloved dog artist, Candy. She admits that it is a dog raised in her love for a living.

Pevitsv Valery admitted that she was a vegetarian for almost 10 years, but the first under duress. Her ex-husband and producer Alexander Shulgin did not eat meat, but because she was not supposed to do that. Now Valeria allows himself to eat seafood. At the same time she regularly fasts.
Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt not to eat meat for many years, but at the same time his eating habits is hardly correct. He admits that his favorite food - pizza and coffee. The actor not only does not eat meat myself, but can not look, as do his children. However, it allows them Angelina Jolie, who, although trying to follow its civil spouse, give up meat completely failed. Therefore, there are rumors that some time all family members eat separately from each other.

Adriano Celentano vegetarian and defender of animals. 6.01.38.- '74.
... 1988. It was another edition of the TV show "Fantasy", which led Adriano live. But, holy Madonna that is ?! Celentano snatches the microphone from a guest, and earnestly looking at the camera, says passionately:
"Every year, hunters kill two billion two billion birds, and the state pays them for it. Who is the killer - the state or hunters? Animals - these are the same people as us ... They play as we weep and suffer like us. Everyone has a father and mother, as well as ours.
They bring joy to people, the harmony of nature. And we want to destroy this harmony ... Can you imagine, the young hunters, children tyulenihi that cries, lost cubs. Can you write to the President and immediately about their attitude towards hunting ?! »» [more]
"Mother, father crazy?" - He asks quietly watching TV Giacomo. "I do not know" - whispers shocked Claudia, the wife of Adriano ...
And at this time it was something unimaginable in a television studio's first national channel RAI. Lawyer Mario jumps on maffucci Celentano: "Abnormal, you know that done? Tomorrow referendum today banned any campaigning! Your actions will be considered as an incitement! »
The next day, fourteen million Italians wrote in their papers: "We are against killing, for we love, we are for Celentano ...»
Ballot papers were invalidated. Скандал вышел грандиозный, Адриано едва откупился кругленькой суммой в двести миллионов лир…
… Четырнадцать миллионов итальянцев написали в своих бюллетенях: «Мы против убийств, мы за любовь, мы за Челентано...»
Адриано: «Вегетарианство — это здоровье, удар по индустрии «холокоста» сознательных живых существ, возможность объявить о том, что «не из-за меня ягнята и козлята забиваются на скотобойнях на Рождество и Пасху»
В прикрепленном видео — «Они — не люди, с ними можно договориться» (из «Укрощение строптивой»)