About “chemistry”, grain, hair and...
Will sum up some results of my brief communication with bloggers — raw foodists, vegetarians...
To begin with, I am well aware of the level of competence in the subject matter and the importance of understanding for raw foodists that I tried to convey to them. Much of what I write, they will not find anywhere else, because it's still anyone is not clearly understood, and therefore can not be formulated.
And it's not inflated ego – the more information you learn about specific rawfoodist, about where they live and how they eat, about their views about the subject, the clearer it is understood. Raw community is in captivity of false dogmas, misperceptions, misunderstandings and gross errors often distort the meaning and concept of natural power, but because – in the search of some far-fetched solutions to the problems of a raw food diet.
Don't know if I'll write more on the topic of power – no sense “to pound water in a mortar”. You do understand, of those who do not understand – gradually “filling cones”, understand well, and those who categorically does not understand – will be looking for your exclusive path to raw food.
What I was unpleasantly surprised, it is obscene language, and some bloggers – sophisticated, cynical Mat is quite peculiar to the Slavs. As if they are not nutrition and health learn, and compete in a mate, not realizing that to the greatest extent he humiliates the author.
Of course, Wednesday bloggers-raw foodists are heterogeneous – there are random, just have fun people who are not aware of the seriousness and complexity of the subject. But it's not about them, but about the bloggers, whose serious attitude to health and nutrition, and whose intellectual potential is not cause any doubts. What causes them to speak this way?
This and the desire to be free and above the conventional rules of communication and some frustration realities, and the desire to emphasize their originality – hence the mangling of the words – and it easily becomes a habit, manner of communication.
But the main reason, though, in the other. “Healthy body, healthy mind” – the correct raw food diet definitely leads a person in a state of mind, that it is almost nothing can ruffle.
There are many examples of those that I have now on view – Leonid To his municipality. And another example – even ardent matershinik Frutta in those moments when he initially managed more or less successfully zeroedit in Cambodia was declared a “slander of a fight.”
Wrote, but again — if rawfoodist makes mistakes in the selection of products, and most importantly – they are clean (often forced), the toxic substances will be sure to suffer his whole body (symptoms are different), but first and foremost – the liver, the main desintoxication the blood and body.
While liver toxicity, even before the diagnosis and some of its clinics, even the most seasoned intellectual will be more irritable, short-tempered and harsh, and will vent this frustration in some form – uninhibited – profanity and obscenities, and more discreet – with some sarcastic remarks to someone's address.
To clarify the question about the grain – in fact, everything is simple. A corn is a specific food! But, this does not mean that it is not digested – absorbed, as well as many other Nefedova food, but is absorbed much more “expensive price” — the cost of the resource, much larger voltages some systems of the body, which leads, eventually, to their rapid deterioration, to the emergence and growth of some of the symptoms of metabolic disorders.
Some raw foodists can't bear the thought that they have something in common with the primates, and therefore, grossly distorting Darwin, to prove that man “evolved not from monkeys,” and that his natural food is not fruit, and grain...
Even the grain for ruminants is not a species of food – or rather, in the ear it another species because grass and collected – not species. After gathering in the grain, there are some complex processes of education trudnosmyvaemye starch, so even for ruminant animals dry grain is milled into grits or flatten it to them to digest better.
Any outrage sooner or later ends will soon be completed and “cereal mess” with the dry spelt and artificial to her “twists” – will be completed before collect a new harvest of Emmer wheat, and break the heart of one obscurative his adept and expanding the raw view of the community about the subject, including my supplementing, clarifying and confirming them.
I hope that other raw foodists will not have time to hurt “burned” on the rie and other dry cereals. Monogenea any one of the product is ideal for any living being – this facilitates digestion and assimilation of food – but it is provided that the product is the species, grain, and in particular spelt the species for man is not, but because monoamine grain and even spelled can not last long. After monoamine dry spelt is quite likely forced to “bounce” a vegetarian with dairy and eggs.
But the grain was technologically a very convenient surrogate catering option for large numbers of people, and people found ways to make it more easily digestible – starch part of the grain moved in a more simple and easily digestible carbohydrates.
Variants in principle, the two – germination, in which part of the starch passes into dextrin, and thermal processing – cooking, baking... but not raw grain – here intuition fails “rawfoodist in law” the Tortoise, but again he doesn't trust her.
But, the use of germinated even without subsequent heat treatment of grain in significant amounts and for a long time is not desirable, it fundamentally contradicts the idea of a raw food diet – this grain was used only internally, with the aim to somehow feed themselves and survive, but not for the purpose of improvement, not as the best way to consume cereal.
Actually, not knowing exactly what are the negative consequences for the body this will lead, it is clear that over the millennia the use of grain from the great and divided masses of people, this way of eating, which is quite simple to implement (easier than making bread, cereals...) must have established at least someone, if it gave good results.
About “chemistry”. Many raw foodists perceive authors informed on nutrition, raw food, fasting... as some idols, infallible against the truth of people. It is not – the information coming from these authors, is not the absolute, these authors were not quite normal, but real people, and in many ways was misguided, didn't understand much, made mistakes, victims of which often do and become.
I won't touch their system errors – each their own, but today blindly follow their recommendations is very dangerous, because at least the authors of the past had nothing to write about “chemicals” in the products – it did not yet exist. And today's “guru” subject “chemistry” can't understand it, because it is extremely difficult to differentiate the effects on the body of the product itself and the “chemistry” in it.
In raw food today has claimed is absolutely false, misleading, representation of all raw foodists that raw food, in any case, much more useful than Seegene, but, like, if used in raw food products contain “chemicals”, the benefits of a raw food diet just slightly decrease, but still, it will be an unquestionable benefit, though not 100%, but on a 90-80-70-60... but even this is very good. Fatal delusion!
Raw foodists eat fruits, vegetables, and, in their natural form, at times, and many raw foodists and ten times more than seedy, so the damage from the “chemistry” for the body rawfoodist many times more than seed. Chemistry works in the body rawfoodist “chaos” – disturbs the harmony in the body, which raw foodists seeks to create through proper, natural nutrition, raw food diet, and the effect, ultimately, is the opposite – hence the munchies, and disruptions, and crises.
The stricter the diet, the importance of each component increases – if to speak about the selection of products rawfoodist, and if we talk about the degree of Nacimiento products, the damage to the body from the “chemistry” is increasing “exponentially”. Depending on the degree of Nacimiento products, the entire range of possible results from a raw food diet, and very often a raw food diet may not only bring no benefit, and causes very great harm. Even Seegene, vegetarianism, veganism, but brought to the ideal, and the nuances there's a lot you can be much more comfortable, more useful and more effective than a raw food diet blunders.
Many raw foodists, feeling discomfort and not being aware of its causes, but, clearly realizing that it is a harbinger of some imminent disease, if nothing is changed, often in a panic and leave the raw food, cursing him and those who “dragged” them into this, and their “gullibility”.
They can't understand that the reason for their failure is not in the raw food diet, and in practice it them – once again – in the selection of products and their purity of “chemistry”.
Selection of products is very important – he can make “no” attempt the raw food diet, but incomparably more important, the purity of the products. If all foods were clean, then failed in the selection of products in close communication and exchange of information by raw food enthusiasts across the Internet, are rejected quickly, and gelled better options, but the influence of “chemistry” completely “confused card” rawfoodist, incredibly complicating the analysis and classification of information.
One more thing. Briefly touch on the issue, which seemingly has no direct relationship to the raw food diet, but I will say this – absolutely everything. Some people, including representatives of non-traditional food – vegetarians, raw foodists... wear very long hair, braided pigtail, braid... they themselves, and others, perceive it as a manifestation of individuality, originality in everything – in food, in hair...
To clarify – in case anyone knows. The lifespan of female hair several times more than men – this is due to female hormones. Therefore, in men, hair was always several times shorter than women – they just don't have time in his short life, to grow same as women's.
This is when the balance of male/female hormones in men normal when the balance is disturbed and shifted in favor of female hormones, the hair men can grow long, the female. It's not the hair and not about who has a taste... And an excess of female hormones affects not only the hair in the character traits more typical of girls: the smugness, the narcissism, pettiness, irresponsibility, lack of restraint, the intrigue, the heightened interest in their appearance, painful need for attention... and what is more interesting in the context of this post – the more feminine logic.
And female logic, she's like that woman feels is right, this is the truth, and the logic and some of the arguments are adjusted to it under this feeling, as if does not fit, that is their problem. However, the next day or even the evening feeling may change, and then the light appears a new truth-theory “far-fetched” the rationale and so on to infinity. For girls and long hair, and female logic, and all these female traits functional is developed in the process of evolution for the realization of their destiny, men have it all, at least inappropriate, because the purpose of the men more.
All raw foodists for its original worldview – romance and dream of a more simple, natural, and, moreover, still, very tasty and pleasant food, which gives us dramatically better than conventional food health and all its manifestations – inexhaustible energy, enthusiastic, a joy of life and much greater longevity.
Raw food by definition should be extremely simple, not requiring any artificial methods. But the real raw food diet even in the southern countries, and especially in Slavyani is difficult – there are some uncomfortable condition, some health problems, in an attempt to get rid of the which raw food diet gradually forcedly cluttered with all sorts of iskusstvennost large, very complicated life, but in the end, anyway, does not lead to what they dreamed of.
But this does not mean that the idea of raw food, proteinsthe is an illusion and does not work – work, and even how, but only those who eat properly – fruits-vegetables.
Raw foodists-Slavs is very fragmented, each “cooked in their own juice” – of course, some information is exchanged, but the effectiveness of such communication is low – it's not skoordinirovanno and haphazardly, is not the accumulation of information about the results, its analysis and generalization, are allowed the same gross mistakes, gain experience, and therefore individual attempts to zeroedit have little chance of success – “who in the woods, who for firewood”.
It would be necessary to raw food enthusiasts to unite, to cooperate to achieve the desired results, “so as not to perish one by one” – a lot of options, you need to think, to discuss, to try – some of them may be implemented by: joint orders and purchases of products, including exotic abroad, the contract for production, the creation of communes, the settlements, as in Slavyani and in warm edges ...
Existing small raw Russian centers in warm areas, alas, are not aimed at systematic study and improvement of a raw food diet – they believe that with this case everything is clear – what is there to learn and they are just busy making money in order to continue to live in “Paradise”.
But if not understood the main thing – the system then it will always be permissible errors in the particulars, the details, which in the end will distort the raw food diet and its results.
Perhaps the most clear and without any artificial sediment understands the essence of the raw food diet and the aimed at the improvement and development of the practice of a raw food diet and achieve maximum results it is up To Leonid.
But not everyone can captivate the lifestyle of Leonid. And it goes on great option – if he tried to adhere to the same principles of nutrition, living in some Slavic city, his attempt would have ended in a collapse or a transition to vegetarianism, even veganism, and it would be very right and wise.
Psychosomatics: a viral disease — the lack of meaning of lifeInstead of pills, squats, pushups and abdominal exercises
Probably, but Leonid has other fanatically loyal to the idea of raw foodism, but I do not know about them. In its intuitive perception of raw food, Frutta, despite the confusion very close to the correct understanding of the raw food diet, but he is too social, he still lacks thoughtfulness and seriousness, he was too hasty, and the nature – not the honey.
Once again I Express my frustration – it is sad that an ambitious, large-scale, comprehensively thought out and planned, require determination, effort and expense, and most importantly, absolutely project of Anton dies. And he just die for his rude and witnesses of their mistakes on the raw food diet, as well as its dogmatic character, blocking the perception of anything, if he hadn't come himself. This project could significantly change the picture of the Russian-speaking sector of a raw food diet. published
Author: Vladimir Togoev
Source: v-togoev.livejournal.com/2762.html?thread=73674
To begin with, I am well aware of the level of competence in the subject matter and the importance of understanding for raw foodists that I tried to convey to them. Much of what I write, they will not find anywhere else, because it's still anyone is not clearly understood, and therefore can not be formulated.
And it's not inflated ego – the more information you learn about specific rawfoodist, about where they live and how they eat, about their views about the subject, the clearer it is understood. Raw community is in captivity of false dogmas, misperceptions, misunderstandings and gross errors often distort the meaning and concept of natural power, but because – in the search of some far-fetched solutions to the problems of a raw food diet.
Don't know if I'll write more on the topic of power – no sense “to pound water in a mortar”. You do understand, of those who do not understand – gradually “filling cones”, understand well, and those who categorically does not understand – will be looking for your exclusive path to raw food.

What I was unpleasantly surprised, it is obscene language, and some bloggers – sophisticated, cynical Mat is quite peculiar to the Slavs. As if they are not nutrition and health learn, and compete in a mate, not realizing that to the greatest extent he humiliates the author.
Of course, Wednesday bloggers-raw foodists are heterogeneous – there are random, just have fun people who are not aware of the seriousness and complexity of the subject. But it's not about them, but about the bloggers, whose serious attitude to health and nutrition, and whose intellectual potential is not cause any doubts. What causes them to speak this way?
This and the desire to be free and above the conventional rules of communication and some frustration realities, and the desire to emphasize their originality – hence the mangling of the words – and it easily becomes a habit, manner of communication.
But the main reason, though, in the other. “Healthy body, healthy mind” – the correct raw food diet definitely leads a person in a state of mind, that it is almost nothing can ruffle.
There are many examples of those that I have now on view – Leonid To his municipality. And another example – even ardent matershinik Frutta in those moments when he initially managed more or less successfully zeroedit in Cambodia was declared a “slander of a fight.”
Wrote, but again — if rawfoodist makes mistakes in the selection of products, and most importantly – they are clean (often forced), the toxic substances will be sure to suffer his whole body (symptoms are different), but first and foremost – the liver, the main desintoxication the blood and body.
While liver toxicity, even before the diagnosis and some of its clinics, even the most seasoned intellectual will be more irritable, short-tempered and harsh, and will vent this frustration in some form – uninhibited – profanity and obscenities, and more discreet – with some sarcastic remarks to someone's address.

To clarify the question about the grain – in fact, everything is simple. A corn is a specific food! But, this does not mean that it is not digested – absorbed, as well as many other Nefedova food, but is absorbed much more “expensive price” — the cost of the resource, much larger voltages some systems of the body, which leads, eventually, to their rapid deterioration, to the emergence and growth of some of the symptoms of metabolic disorders.
Some raw foodists can't bear the thought that they have something in common with the primates, and therefore, grossly distorting Darwin, to prove that man “evolved not from monkeys,” and that his natural food is not fruit, and grain...
Even the grain for ruminants is not a species of food – or rather, in the ear it another species because grass and collected – not species. After gathering in the grain, there are some complex processes of education trudnosmyvaemye starch, so even for ruminant animals dry grain is milled into grits or flatten it to them to digest better.
Any outrage sooner or later ends will soon be completed and “cereal mess” with the dry spelt and artificial to her “twists” – will be completed before collect a new harvest of Emmer wheat, and break the heart of one obscurative his adept and expanding the raw view of the community about the subject, including my supplementing, clarifying and confirming them.
I hope that other raw foodists will not have time to hurt “burned” on the rie and other dry cereals. Monogenea any one of the product is ideal for any living being – this facilitates digestion and assimilation of food – but it is provided that the product is the species, grain, and in particular spelt the species for man is not, but because monoamine grain and even spelled can not last long. After monoamine dry spelt is quite likely forced to “bounce” a vegetarian with dairy and eggs.

But the grain was technologically a very convenient surrogate catering option for large numbers of people, and people found ways to make it more easily digestible – starch part of the grain moved in a more simple and easily digestible carbohydrates.
Variants in principle, the two – germination, in which part of the starch passes into dextrin, and thermal processing – cooking, baking... but not raw grain – here intuition fails “rawfoodist in law” the Tortoise, but again he doesn't trust her.
But, the use of germinated even without subsequent heat treatment of grain in significant amounts and for a long time is not desirable, it fundamentally contradicts the idea of a raw food diet – this grain was used only internally, with the aim to somehow feed themselves and survive, but not for the purpose of improvement, not as the best way to consume cereal.
Actually, not knowing exactly what are the negative consequences for the body this will lead, it is clear that over the millennia the use of grain from the great and divided masses of people, this way of eating, which is quite simple to implement (easier than making bread, cereals...) must have established at least someone, if it gave good results.
About “chemistry”. Many raw foodists perceive authors informed on nutrition, raw food, fasting... as some idols, infallible against the truth of people. It is not – the information coming from these authors, is not the absolute, these authors were not quite normal, but real people, and in many ways was misguided, didn't understand much, made mistakes, victims of which often do and become.
I won't touch their system errors – each their own, but today blindly follow their recommendations is very dangerous, because at least the authors of the past had nothing to write about “chemicals” in the products – it did not yet exist. And today's “guru” subject “chemistry” can't understand it, because it is extremely difficult to differentiate the effects on the body of the product itself and the “chemistry” in it.

In raw food today has claimed is absolutely false, misleading, representation of all raw foodists that raw food, in any case, much more useful than Seegene, but, like, if used in raw food products contain “chemicals”, the benefits of a raw food diet just slightly decrease, but still, it will be an unquestionable benefit, though not 100%, but on a 90-80-70-60... but even this is very good. Fatal delusion!
Raw foodists eat fruits, vegetables, and, in their natural form, at times, and many raw foodists and ten times more than seedy, so the damage from the “chemistry” for the body rawfoodist many times more than seed. Chemistry works in the body rawfoodist “chaos” – disturbs the harmony in the body, which raw foodists seeks to create through proper, natural nutrition, raw food diet, and the effect, ultimately, is the opposite – hence the munchies, and disruptions, and crises.
The stricter the diet, the importance of each component increases – if to speak about the selection of products rawfoodist, and if we talk about the degree of Nacimiento products, the damage to the body from the “chemistry” is increasing “exponentially”. Depending on the degree of Nacimiento products, the entire range of possible results from a raw food diet, and very often a raw food diet may not only bring no benefit, and causes very great harm. Even Seegene, vegetarianism, veganism, but brought to the ideal, and the nuances there's a lot you can be much more comfortable, more useful and more effective than a raw food diet blunders.
Many raw foodists, feeling discomfort and not being aware of its causes, but, clearly realizing that it is a harbinger of some imminent disease, if nothing is changed, often in a panic and leave the raw food, cursing him and those who “dragged” them into this, and their “gullibility”.
They can't understand that the reason for their failure is not in the raw food diet, and in practice it them – once again – in the selection of products and their purity of “chemistry”.
Selection of products is very important – he can make “no” attempt the raw food diet, but incomparably more important, the purity of the products. If all foods were clean, then failed in the selection of products in close communication and exchange of information by raw food enthusiasts across the Internet, are rejected quickly, and gelled better options, but the influence of “chemistry” completely “confused card” rawfoodist, incredibly complicating the analysis and classification of information.

One more thing. Briefly touch on the issue, which seemingly has no direct relationship to the raw food diet, but I will say this – absolutely everything. Some people, including representatives of non-traditional food – vegetarians, raw foodists... wear very long hair, braided pigtail, braid... they themselves, and others, perceive it as a manifestation of individuality, originality in everything – in food, in hair...
To clarify – in case anyone knows. The lifespan of female hair several times more than men – this is due to female hormones. Therefore, in men, hair was always several times shorter than women – they just don't have time in his short life, to grow same as women's.
This is when the balance of male/female hormones in men normal when the balance is disturbed and shifted in favor of female hormones, the hair men can grow long, the female. It's not the hair and not about who has a taste... And an excess of female hormones affects not only the hair in the character traits more typical of girls: the smugness, the narcissism, pettiness, irresponsibility, lack of restraint, the intrigue, the heightened interest in their appearance, painful need for attention... and what is more interesting in the context of this post – the more feminine logic.
And female logic, she's like that woman feels is right, this is the truth, and the logic and some of the arguments are adjusted to it under this feeling, as if does not fit, that is their problem. However, the next day or even the evening feeling may change, and then the light appears a new truth-theory “far-fetched” the rationale and so on to infinity. For girls and long hair, and female logic, and all these female traits functional is developed in the process of evolution for the realization of their destiny, men have it all, at least inappropriate, because the purpose of the men more.
All raw foodists for its original worldview – romance and dream of a more simple, natural, and, moreover, still, very tasty and pleasant food, which gives us dramatically better than conventional food health and all its manifestations – inexhaustible energy, enthusiastic, a joy of life and much greater longevity.
Raw food by definition should be extremely simple, not requiring any artificial methods. But the real raw food diet even in the southern countries, and especially in Slavyani is difficult – there are some uncomfortable condition, some health problems, in an attempt to get rid of the which raw food diet gradually forcedly cluttered with all sorts of iskusstvennost large, very complicated life, but in the end, anyway, does not lead to what they dreamed of.
But this does not mean that the idea of raw food, proteinsthe is an illusion and does not work – work, and even how, but only those who eat properly – fruits-vegetables.
Raw foodists-Slavs is very fragmented, each “cooked in their own juice” – of course, some information is exchanged, but the effectiveness of such communication is low – it's not skoordinirovanno and haphazardly, is not the accumulation of information about the results, its analysis and generalization, are allowed the same gross mistakes, gain experience, and therefore individual attempts to zeroedit have little chance of success – “who in the woods, who for firewood”.

It would be necessary to raw food enthusiasts to unite, to cooperate to achieve the desired results, “so as not to perish one by one” – a lot of options, you need to think, to discuss, to try – some of them may be implemented by: joint orders and purchases of products, including exotic abroad, the contract for production, the creation of communes, the settlements, as in Slavyani and in warm edges ...
Existing small raw Russian centers in warm areas, alas, are not aimed at systematic study and improvement of a raw food diet – they believe that with this case everything is clear – what is there to learn and they are just busy making money in order to continue to live in “Paradise”.
But if not understood the main thing – the system then it will always be permissible errors in the particulars, the details, which in the end will distort the raw food diet and its results.
Perhaps the most clear and without any artificial sediment understands the essence of the raw food diet and the aimed at the improvement and development of the practice of a raw food diet and achieve maximum results it is up To Leonid.
But not everyone can captivate the lifestyle of Leonid. And it goes on great option – if he tried to adhere to the same principles of nutrition, living in some Slavic city, his attempt would have ended in a collapse or a transition to vegetarianism, even veganism, and it would be very right and wise.
Psychosomatics: a viral disease — the lack of meaning of lifeInstead of pills, squats, pushups and abdominal exercises
Probably, but Leonid has other fanatically loyal to the idea of raw foodism, but I do not know about them. In its intuitive perception of raw food, Frutta, despite the confusion very close to the correct understanding of the raw food diet, but he is too social, he still lacks thoughtfulness and seriousness, he was too hasty, and the nature – not the honey.
Once again I Express my frustration – it is sad that an ambitious, large-scale, comprehensively thought out and planned, require determination, effort and expense, and most importantly, absolutely project of Anton dies. And he just die for his rude and witnesses of their mistakes on the raw food diet, as well as its dogmatic character, blocking the perception of anything, if he hadn't come himself. This project could significantly change the picture of the Russian-speaking sector of a raw food diet. published
Author: Vladimir Togoev
Source: v-togoev.livejournal.com/2762.html?thread=73674