Aging - a completely unnatural process

Almost all of the people had never thought that aging - this is a completely unnatural process that evolution has not been created, including for humans, but also for other species diversity
. Many a child is taken as a fact and as the truths that all animals and humans will inevitably grow old and die, and that there is nothing to be done about it, and just need to wait for the development of science, to defeat aging and death.
< br> In fact, all the animals, and in particular people and age for the simple reason that you can not even imagine, and, by the way, do you do this every day. That is, the food is the cause of aging animals and humans.
All eating and animals and humans, animals are raw foodists, and their food healthier than the person who prepares the food on the plate, and sprinkles it with spices and chemical additives, but all die anyway.
Of course, you can only eat fruits, raw and live about three hundred years, according to your genetic code, and can live about seventy years old, eating meat and dairy products. Also, on veganism without chemicals, have a chance to live up to one hundred and fifty years.
But, you are still going to die, for the reason that you are still eating, and therefore get proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a consistent set of chemicals. Especially dangerous to eat protein food, in other words, the more protein foods, the sooner your body into a state of destruction.
Proteins are the major building blocks of cells, but only at the time when the body is not formed, and is in the process of growth and development of organs and the brain. And this period ends about twenty years, and in the future the useful protein brings a devastating effect on the body.
This is due to the fact that until a person grows, his genetic program gives instructions for building new cells from which organs are built. But when growth stops, the genetic program is not disabled and continues to grow new cells in the body, as a result of that and the formation of various free radicals.
The bottom line, not even in this, when it comes to popular science, the new cells are not fully formed after the next division cycle, and its growth and development, they destroy all the neighboring cells, disrupting their DNA strands in the nucleus.
As a result of genetic mutations occur in these cells, and they begin to degrade, and this is due to an excess supply of the organism to which it is generally not necessary, since it is fully formed. The body, at this stage only need a small amount of energy and materials.
This you can see on the flabby skin, disturbance of work of the organs, especially the endocrine system, leading to a climax in the future, and it leads to the destruction of bone and other negative consequences. The body continues to break down, and the old man goes on, there is another portion of food, it is waiting for the destruction of brain cells, Alzheimer's disease and other effects.
Man lives, like all people, like other animals, someone goes to a fully healthy lifestyle, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, eats only raw fruit, but he simply pushes the boundaries of much of his death.
How is it possible to live forever and not die, so that the body did not grow old, and not destroyed, and more and gradually updated. The answer may seem unusual, but it's a complete rejection of food.
Of course, once it will lead you to death, and you are thus contrary to accelerate the process, and do not try to quit power if you feel the weight of failure, and all signs of exhaustion, which means that it is time to stop fasting, weight gain and try again . Otherwise, no good, it will not result, and you will die of a heart attack, which occurs when the body eating proteins of cardiac muscle.
Start necessary with the complete rejection of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, and subsequently, to refuse the use of animal food. The next stage - a vegetarian, then vegan. In the future, when you fixed on veganism, and not think of meat and milk, it is necessary to abandon any chemical additives, yeast from bread and not just natural that you can find in the store.
Now, you can now gradually begin to exercise fasting and can go to the next stage - the raw food diet, nutrition raw vegetables and fruits, and then on fruitarianism - this food only raw fruits, they are not mixing with each other, and then the power is only one fruit of a long time.
But, you can give up eating and veganism. And if you can not for economic reasons to live on raw food and fruitarianism, you can move on to life without eating and veganism. Fruits and nuts are currently in Russia is quite expensive.
For starters, you can try to starve for three days, and wisely to get out of the famine, about how to get out of starvation, says a lot. But the essence is simple, first juice, then fruit, then light food on veganism, then heavy food on veganism.
Fasting for more than twenty days at the wrong exit will lead to death and the twisting of the stomach, and it is important to go on the juice, diluted with water and a few days so thirsty, gradually reducing the water, then fruit and veganism, as usual.
On fasting is important to drink water, dry fasting is also useful, but it does not fit you for the refusal of food, and help only for some diseases. That is, fasting cure almost all diseases, even cancer and AIDS, as well as allergies and asthma, including diabetes, schizophrenia, stress, psychoses, and much more.
On fasting, you may notice some symptoms, which are called ketosis, when the supply of glucose is over, the body switches to internal power supply that causes ketosis, begins to produce ketone bodies. They pass through the blood-brain barrier is the brain, and nourish it during fasting.
Then, change the acidity of the body and its balance, which leads to an increase in ketosis, and by about the seventh day of fasting leads to a state acidotic crisis.
Before that, you have been very good, except the plaque on the tongue and the smell of acetone breath, and on that day you will notice the deterioration of health, weakness, and much more, but once you become better again. You have experienced a crisis, and now the body is switched to internal power supply, and is powered by your fat reserves, the maximum saving protein.
In addition, the fact you start to feed the nitrogen from the air, you begin to change the DNA code, fade mutation that results in enhanced immune system, all of the cells are not absolutely protected against viruses and bacteria.
At the twenty-first day of the hunger comes the second acidotic crisis, which means that almost all the diseases you are cured, and the weight loss will be even less, but continue. You begin to absorb nitrogen from the air even more than before.
Over time, if all is well, then the weight loss stops, you will have a good mood, it is said that you can live without food, but if weight loss continues and already critical, the mood you have not, then it's time to get out of hunger, otherwise you die.
Most likely, you'll just have to exhaustion and cure all diseases, and begin again the power, for a full transition to life without food, it is necessary to arrange such fasting on a regular basis to clean the body from food until the end.
In addition, it is important to change your mind, learn to love, literally love the whole world, and if there is your favorite, you love them, because without it, you will not have the energy, and you can only go hungry, and not live without food .
Fasting without weight loss after the second crisis, it is possible only with love, that it will give you the energy to carry out cold fusion process and absorb nitrogen from the air sufficiently.
Over time, as the purification of the body, you will probably give up the water as it is synthesized in your body itself, but I do not advise you to do this, and I myself have not checked. The body you may tell yourself.
It is possible that in the future, you stop and breathe, living on cold fusion, and the energy of love that will help you to implement it. Despite, the fact that cold fusion is the subject of dispute of modern science, and is not well understood, it occurs in nature, including in the cellular structures of living organisms.
In addition, when you try to go on fasting and living without food, you may be faced with psychological symptoms, namely food dependence.
Your mind will suggest memories of your favorite food, but also about the food you're thinking all the time, but in practice many of the third day there were fewer thoughts about food. But, you may not be, depending on the food, and such thoughts may be associated with the activity of parasites in your body, including mold and fungi.
But, even if on the tenth day of famine, thoughts about food are gone, it is a sign, depending on the food, it was psychological. But, in fact, eating is a psychological and physiological dependence in animals and humans, including.
Food - this is a real drug and not endogenous and exogenous, as is caused by ingestion of substances reception. And all the animals from birth podsazheny to this drug, with the help of which they change their mood, and also carry out an exogenous way to provide energy for life.
Food acts, like all drugs, but more like a morphine and other opiates, then eat a meal substitute natural endorphins, which are produced by the brain, on the exogenous pathway of synthesis of brain neurotransmitters, including endorphins.
Symptoms of food consumption, soft extent similar to the symptoms of morphine use, in particular for human food becomes a source of good mood and a stimulant for the activity.
A rejection of it leads to a deterioration in mood and well being, as well as a sign of weakness, blood pressure fluctuations and other symptoms that are characteristic of the abandonment of morphine and other drugs in this class.
Food serves as a defense mechanism against stress, exogenous mechanism as humans and animals have not learned during the evolution of love to all. As a result, even before the time of the Silurian, when everyone lived in the water, there were first animals that can sift through water particles by themselves, that is already possessed by mouth.
Later, with the evolution of the species formed teeth and the entire digestive system, but if it does not, then the animals are unable to eat and love to carry out cold fusion, just to have died of starvation.
It is for this reason that meal was important to the evolution of species, including mammals and humans. Food helps animals get rid of stress and avoid fatigue, which leads to depletion.
When a person is hungry, the cause of his exhaustion, it is to fatigue, which occurs due to psychological withdrawal and the unwillingness of human beings to live without the drug under the name of the food, the same is observed in the treatment of morphine addiction.
To avoid fatigue, you need to love the whole world, which will allow you to live in happiness, and to restore the endogenous pathway generating endorphins your brain.
Similarly, as well as with morphine addiction, the treatment is necessary to get rid of drugs and toxins from it formed, otherwise it will lead to death, often while attempting to addicts, something to throw.
Also, refusal to eat and lead to death if you do not clean your body of food, and this requires periodic fasting also you need to restore the endogenous pathway power of the body, it needs love to all.
Besides, have you ever wondered why you are asleep, and do not wonder why evolution made permanent toxins poisoning the brain, and the brain during sleep purification using glimfaticheskoy system.
Sleep brain caused a decrease rate in accordance with a circadian rhythm, as done for the convenience of the animal to sleep it at one time, rather than during the day. First, brain activity decreases to the alpha rhythm, and later it drops to a sigma-delta rhythm and rhythm. The next stage is REM sleep phase.
Throughout all stages except the REM phase, brain via glimfaticheskoy system cleanses the brain from toxins, and that it needs sleep, because the brain is conscious, can not bring these poisons. When illness these poisons much more, but have you ever wondered where they were going, and why the brain itself poisons.
These poisons arise from the food, and it is easy to prove, a man who for a long time do not eat completely ceases to sleep, without compromising the health, it just the brain does not poison itself, and therefore it does not need to reduce its activity, according to circadian rhythms.
REM sleep is especially necessary for the brain, as it performs the function of protecting the brain stress. And it serves as a protection from psychological trauma, and if a person loves the whole world, and he has no emotions, that REM sleep is lost completely.
It is for this reason, young children sleep only mainly in the REM phase of sleep, but because of the unformed brain, they need it more than adults, and children are more prone to stress. Namely, food and stress are the causes of sleep.
Sleep is not good, it's a regular cycle of poisoning and purification of the brain, which is also dangerous for the body, and, refusing to eat, as well as loving the world, your body will give up sleep. By the way, fasting restores brain cells, including pyramidal neurons, the latter often restored during sleep, but it happens on hunger itself. This removes the need to have a dream.
By getting rid of food and sleep, you will have eternal life, you will have a lot of strength and energy, you'll love the whole world, and you will know the new features of your consciousness, and feelings that are not available in ordinary people's lives.
All drugs, lead to death, and the food is one of those drugs, and completely sober life and love to all lead to immortality.
Author: Wes Anastasia
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