What is the raw food diet?

Raw food diet - a food products have not undergone heat treatment. It can be fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals - everything that grows and is suitable for food in the form in which it is found in nature
. Many are horrified: it is ?! Do not eat normal food ??? The fact that such food is the most that neither is normal and you can easily verify this. People who switched to this way of eating, not only did not die from a lack of nutrients and other valuable items, but also live a full life without being ill and aging.
Did you know that over 99% of the inhabitants of the planet consume plenty of your favorite food and do not get sick and not gain weight? And only a tiny fraction of the remaining hard shoves a horrible, suffering from various diseases, and can not imagine my life without medicine. This is the people. After all the other inhabitants of our planet are fed quite naturally, do not worry about all sorts of diets, doctors, etc., and at the same time have a perfect health.
The man, who is the most intelligent being on the planet has become too complacent and forget about their origins. But we can learn a lot of wild animals.
The habit of "normal" eating imposed on us from childhood by brainwashing. We do not usually eat something that they themselves have chosen, but that's what we have been taught. In infancy, we could not choose between breast milk and artificial feeding - is solved for us. And how many times a day we have also solved for us.
And in the high school years were you able to have just what you like? Even in the restaurant of your choice is limited menu.
Perhaps you have considered these arguments unconvincing and lost interest, but think about it: in the raw food diet, you can eat as much as you want and whenever you want, and still maintain perfect health. Please note, you do not have to eat only some certain foods because they contain very helpful and there are some essential elements. You can have any living plant foods which you enjoy in any quantity. After all, you probably have some favorite fruit or vegetable? Here they eat and how much you want. Anyone living product contains all the necessary substances to the human body. Lack of vitamins, nutrients, etc. is the result of thermal processing of food - that's really malnutrition. I often hear that to go on a raw food diet requires an iron willpower, but let me ask you, what power will need to eat your favorite foods from the belly? Now, typing this text, I guzzle watermelon, and believe me, do not feel left out :)
Raw food diet - is the norm. Absolute health - is the norm. Disease - a deviation from the norm. "Average power" imposed on us by civilization - it's all a misunderstanding for some :)
Our habits related to food, not so much the result of our free choice, as conditioned reflexes, imposed on us by society. A society reflexes, in turn caused by commercial advertising and selfish motives.
Many people are afraid to pass on the raw food diet, as it does not want to give up food diversity. Go to the market or in the vegetable department store and look at the abundance and diversity of living food that it sells. You of anything not refuse, you just get a new.
Another common "horror stories" about the raw food: raw food diet can lead to depletion of the body. Well, if you starve yourself by eating one mandarin on the day - certainly can. But I have said that on the raw food diet do not need to limit yourself to the amount of food. Do not forget that the largest animals on earth are herbivores, they do not need to eat the flesh in order to maintain its massive bones and muscles. Gorilla - a close relative of a person - eats only fresh fruit and possesses such force that her envy of any weightlifter
. You do not want to compare myself with the animals? Well, here's an example of the human race: www.thegardendiet.com - man already for 50 years, and he thrust the iron and has a strong, healthy, young body. Both he and his family have perfect health, and they are 100% raw foodists. And this is not the only example.
So, to sum up, what is the raw food diet?
Raw food diet - a estesstvenno, a normal life, which live in all beings on our planet
. Raw food diet - it is an absolute free health and longevity
. Raw food diet - a mass of time saved due to the lack of need to cook, bake, fry, float etc.
. You is not enough? Well, in the end, the choice is yours. But when you once again want to complain about the health of the high cost of medicines, think about this method of healing khalyavnykh :)