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Protein smoothie: 15 original recipes

Protein shakes — great idea for those who always eat Breakfast or snack on the fly. Such formulas not only complement any meal, but can become a full replacement, provided the fractional meal, so often suggested by nutritionists. The main proteinaceous "heroes" of these smoothies steel Greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, peanut paste and protein powder.

Dissent is welcomed — any of the missing hand ingredients you can replace in tune. For example, instead of almond milk you can successfully use cow, rice or soy. Now for our delicious recipes!

1. Banana coffee smoothies a smoothie with the taste of banana cake and coffee in the morning... What could be better for Breakfast? A portion of the protein generously shares natural yogurt. Ingredients:
  • Cooked unsweetened кофе1 glass
  • Банан1,5 PCs.
  • Йогурт1 glass
  • Seeds льна1 tbsp
  • Мед2. L.
  • Cinnamon, nutmeg orakpo taste
  • Лед6 cubes
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

2. Smoothie with the taste of hot chocolate Warm the smoothie cocktail for special moments when you want something cozy and fragrant. Sources of protein are egg, milk and protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Молоко1,5 cups
  • Яйцо1 PCs.
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Какао2 tbsp
  • Ваниль0,5 tsp.
  • Мед1,5 tbsp.
Method of preparation:

Bring milk to boil over medium heat. At this time, mix all the remaining ingredients in a blender. Gently combine the mixture with the milk. Drink serve hot.

3. Smoothie with banana, peanut butter, and oatmeal, Another combination of ingredients that individually might be the perfect Breakfast. The protein we get from peanut butter and flax seeds. Ingredients:
  • Almond молоко2 Cup
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Peanut паста0,25 glass
  • Мед1 tsp.
  • Seeds льна1 tbsp
  • Овсянка2 tbsp
Method of preparation:

Grind flax seeds into powder. Connect with all the other ingredients and let the blender until smooth. Serve the smoothies cold.

4. Smoothie with papaya and ginger Tropical smoothie with a spicy note of ginger cheer, warm and tune in. Solo protein — Greek yogurt. Ingredients:
  • Папайя1,5 cups
  • Лед1 glass
  • Йогурт0,5 cups
  • Имбирь2 tsp.
  • Juice лимона0,5 PCs.
  • Agave nectar or teaspoon мед1
  • Leaves methorst
Method of preparation: whisk All ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

5. Smoothie with peanut butter American classic — toast with peanut butter and jam in a glass. For even more protein charge protein peanut it added protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Fresh or zamorzhennye ягоды1 glass
  • Peanut паста1 tbsp
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Овсянка2 tbsp
  • Soy молоко1 glass
Method of preparation: whisk All ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

6. Smoothie with blueberries and oatmeal as You love your oatmeal — boring and traditional or fashionable smoothie? Loaded with protein from Greek yogurt and protein powder.
  • Fresh or frozen голубика1 glass
  • Банан1 PCs.
  • Ананас0,5 PCs.
  • Cubes льда10 PCs.
  • Almond молоко0,5 cups
  • Овсянка0,5 cups
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Greek йогурт0,5 cups
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

7. Chocolate smoothie with mint the world's Best smoothies for fans of chocolate sweets. Protein-based protein powder and milk. Ingredients:
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Лед3-4 cube
  • Молоко1 glass
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Какао2 tbsp
  • Soldatka
  • Mint экстракт0,25 tsp.
  • Sokolado taste
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Grate chocolate on a grater and add to the mix. Serve cold.

8. Banana smoothie with honey, a Rich mix from which the soul becomes warmer, and stomach — satisfying. It provides protein and Greek yogurt. Ingredients:
  • Greek йогурт1 glass
  • Банан1 PCs.
  • Orange сок1 glass
  • Мед1 tsp.
  • Butternut origdate
Method of preparation: whisk All ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Smoothies serve cold, garnish with pinch of nutmeg.

9. Chocolate smoothie with coffee a full-Bodied, combined with a powerful restorative effect — the best start to the day! The main protein component of protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Chocolate protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Coffee порошке1 tsp.
  • Cane сахар1 tsp.
  • Coconut молоко1 glass
  • Лед0,5 cups
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

10. Smoothie with almonds and spinach the Addition of almond paste gives this drink a nutty flavor, good maskiruya highly beneficial spinach. Protein sources: almond paste, protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Coconut молоко1 glass
  • Шпинат2 Cup
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Almond паста2 tbsp
  • Экстракт2 tsp. vanilla
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Лед1 glass
Method of preparation: whisk All ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

11. Smoothie with pomegranate pomegranate Rich in antioxidants will add to this drink not only depth of flavor but also by its beautiful ruby color. Protein source: protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Protein порошок0,25 glass
  • Лед1 glass
  • Вода1 glass
  • Grain граната3 tbsp
  • Pomegranate сок3 tbsp
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

12. Smoothies "Carrot cake" Smoothies with a taste of the famous American pie would be a great option for a healthy snack and will generously share protein found in protein powder. Ingredients:
  • Carrot сок0,5 cups
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Almond молоко0,75 cups
  • Protein порошок1 tbsp
  • Corcadorca
  • Льда4 cubes–5.
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve the smoothies cold.

13. Smoothie with acai berries and herbs the Contents Superfoods rolls in this smoothie — acai powder, blueberries, Chia seeds, hemp protein, flax seed. Drink promises to be supernational! Ingredients:
  • Банан1 PCs.
  • Fresh or frozen клубника0,33 cups
  • Fresh or frozen голубика0,33 cups
  • Kale or шпинат0,5 cups
  • Almond молоко0,25 glass
  • Linen семя1 tbsp
  • Seeds чиа1 tbsp
  • Powder асаи1 tbsp
  • Corcadorca
Method of preparation:

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Serve cold.

14. Smoothies with blackberries and orange berries, This drink energizes and nourishes protein Greek yogurt and surprises with its incredible color. Ingredients:
  • Fresh or frozen ежевика1 glass
  • Frozen банан1 PCs.
  • Апельсин1 PCs.
  • Йогурт150 ml
Method of preparation:

Orange peel, remove the seeds and cut the pulp in pieces. Whisk all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. The mixture serve cold.

15. Smoothie with strawberries, the Strawberries will make any dish more beautiful and desirable! Complement superfuntime smoothie with Chia seeds, rich in antioxidants, fiber and omega fatty acids. Source of protein: low fat cottage cheese. Ingredients:
  • Fresh or frozen клубника1–1.5 cups
  • Low fat творог0,33 cups
  • Молоко0,5 cups
  • Лед0,5 cups
  • Seeds чиа1 tbsp
Method of preparation:

Chia seeds soak in the milk for at least 2 hours, then mix with all other ingredients and let the blender until smooth. Serve cold. published

Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/proteinovye-smuzi-15-originalnykh-retseptov