10 recipes SUPER alkalizing beverages
10 antioxidant juices and smoothiesJuices and smoothies are not simply drinks. They help to saturate the body with nutrients, and most importantly - it does not take as much time as cooking other foods from scratch. When it comes to cancer (when the special diet is required) or just a balanced diet, smoothies and fresh juices are leaders among other drinks and dishes.
We offer you 10 antioxidant juices and smoothies, which have anti-cancer properties. They all matched the criteria of the advantages and benefits for the body, so is equally useful. Just choose those recipes that will become a new part of your daily diet.
JuiceRecipe 1
Recipe 2
Recipe 3
Recipe 4
Recipe 5
SmoothieRecipe 1
Recipe 2
Recipe 3
Recipe 4
Recipe 5
Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112135-10-retseptov-super-oschelachivayuschih-napitkov
We offer you 10 antioxidant juices and smoothies, which have anti-cancer properties. They all matched the criteria of the advantages and benefits for the body, so is equally useful. Just choose those recipes that will become a new part of your daily diet.

JuiceRecipe 1
- 1 medium mango
- ½ Cup pineapple
- 2 cups spinach
Recipe 2
- 1 Cup of watermelon
- 2 cups pea sprouts
- 1.5 cm ginger
Recipe 3
- 2 cups chopped cabbage
- 1 Apple
- ½ Lemon
- 1.5 cm ginger
Recipe 4
- 1 medium cucumber
- 1 Cup melon
- 4 piece Roman
Recipe 5
- 3 stalks of celery
- 1 kiwi
- 4 piece Roman
- 1.5 cm ginger

SmoothieRecipe 1
- 2 large handfuls of Kale
- 1 Cup strawberries
- 1.5 cups coconut water
- 2 tablespoons Chia seeds
Recipe 2
- 2 large handfuls of broccoli
- 1 banana
- 1 Apple
- 1.5 cups alkaline water
Recipe 3
- 1 orange
- 1 Cup pineapple
- 1 Cup of spinach
- 1.5 cups of brewed green tea

Recipe 4
- 1 Cup papaya
- 1 Cup strawberries
- 1 banana
- 1.5 cups coconut milk
- 1 pinch of bee pollen
Recipe 5
- 1 Cup blueberries
- ½ Cup of almond yogurt
- 1 Cup almond milk
- 2 tablespoons Chia seeds
Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112135-10-retseptov-super-oschelachivayuschih-napitkov
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