Miraculous nutty (almond) milk

Today I will tell you how to prepare almond milk with the addition of cashew nuts and sesame at home. Almond milk is a great substitute for cow's for vegans and vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance and can also be used in the days of fasting. Nut milk does not contain cholesterol and lactose is a source of protein and vitamins b and E, calcium and magnesium, etc. This means that the cashew milk is good for the skin, hair and nails. It should be noted that the protein in peanut milk less than cow's. Almond milk is lower in calories than cow, which is important for those who want to lose weight. Many models and advocates of healthy food consumed is nut milk. Almond milk can be added to smoothies unlike cow's milk it is combined with all vegetables and fruits. Vegan nut milk can be a component of soups, porridges and smoothies. If you use almond milk as the basis for a cocoa or hot chocolate, the delicate nutty flavor will add to these drinks a special charm. The standard ratio of nuts and water to milk is 1 to 4, but if you want to make richer the taste of the milk, then water can add 3 parts instead of 4. Nuts milk can be taken any: Brazilian, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamia, pecans, etc. The most popular option is almonds. You can add seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, sesame. I took almonds, cashews, a bit of pecans and sesame seeds.

Products for nut milk:
- Cup of nuts ( about 200g)
- 4 cups water
- 20 grams of sesame seeds
- honey to taste

It is best to take raw nuts, because they contain more nutrients. Soak the nuts overnight (for at least 4 hours). Water is necessary to pour a little more, as the nuts will absorb it into himself. And it is best to use water from the filter as for soaking and for preparation of milk.

On the morning of the nuts needs to be cleaned. You will immediately notice how they swelled and increased in size.

Now fill with water and grind in a blender until the appearance of a homogeneous mass. Left strain the stock through a sieve or cheesecloth – milk is ready!

To taste add honey or maple syrup. You can add a little cinnamon, vanilla or turmeric. Store the nut milk should be in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Source: thefork.by/orexovoe-mindalnoe-moloko/
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