7 reasons to choose whole milk
When it comes to choosing milk at your local grocery store, it can be quite challenging. What to choose: all of 2.6%, 1% or skim. Is skim milk really better for you than whole? I really don't know, but I think there are several good reasons why you should choose whole milk.
Whole milk naturally
When it comes to drinking whole or skim, a natural choice is whole milk.Drinking milk is not a product of modern civilization. People were drinking milk since time immemorial.Cave paintings show the cultivation of animals, milk residues have been discovered in ancient pottery. Undoubtedly, these people ate and drank whole milk products, not skim or low fat milk.In the past it was very difficult to separate cream from milk. The first mechanical cream separator was invented by Gustaf de Laval in 1894. Skim milk was thrown away or fed to pigs.Creamer was the most valuable component of milk.
Whole milk does not cause heart disease
When you look at trends in nutrition in the United States, it becomes clear that saturated fat is not the cause of cardiovascular disease and obesity . Intake of dietary fat has decreased over the past 30 years, but the rate of heart disease, and obesity are not reduced.
Injury and inflammation of our blood vessels is caused by a diet low in fat is recommended for many years.What are the main culprits of chronic inflammation? Simply put, the oversupply is simple, with a high degree of uzuakoli carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.
The beneficial effects of fatty acids
Milk fat actually has a positive effect on organism person, researchers are only beginning to understand it. . Fats are composed of fat molecules known as fatty acids . These fatty acids have a very beneficial effect on the body. Some well-known fatty acids in milk:
Lauric acid — antiviral properties, improves the condition of skin and hair
Conjugated linoleic acid Help with weight control and weight loss
Oleic acid that makes olive oil healthy
Butyric acid — anti-inflammatory
Milk fat globules
Researchers are just beginning to study this structure in milk, but have noted that there are many different biologically active compounds that are key in antiviral and antimicrobial mechanisms to fight infection and bacteria in the gut.Studies have shown that even can benefit from colon cancer.
Whole milk helps absorb the vitamins in milk
If you drink skim milk, nutrients in milk can not be digested by the body.Many of the vitamins in milk (Vitamins D, E, A, K) are fat soluble, making them readily available for your body. If you drink milk without fat, fat-soluble vitamins are not absorbed by the body. Fat-soluble nutrients will pass in transit.
The one who drinks skim milk will gain weight more likely than those who drink whole.
Dr. mark Daniel deboer, Professor of pediatric endocrinology appreciated the choice of milk and body mass index (BMI.) Initially, the researcher believed that children consuming whole milk will have a higher BMI than children who consume skim milk. They were shocked to find that children consuming whole milk had a healthier body mass index than children who consume skim milk. In fact, they found that children who were normal weight at baseline and drinking 1% milk showed a 57% greater chance of obesity.
Low fat, but not lower consumption of calories!!!
Doctors say that milk with low fat content does not reduce calorie intake. When you consume some healthy fats will make you full longer, leading to fewer snacks and reduced consumption of calories. So, when you include fats in your diet, you can increase the energy reserve of your body, and eat less.
It's really interesting how nature has specially designed milk to maximize the transfer of nutrients. Every component in milk has a special meaning. The problem is that researchers still know very little about components of milk and their goals, but a new study proclaims milk for health.If the whole milk of course, why settle for less? It's several good reasons why you should choose whole milk.
Source: /users/1077
Whole milk naturally
When it comes to drinking whole or skim, a natural choice is whole milk.Drinking milk is not a product of modern civilization. People were drinking milk since time immemorial.Cave paintings show the cultivation of animals, milk residues have been discovered in ancient pottery. Undoubtedly, these people ate and drank whole milk products, not skim or low fat milk.In the past it was very difficult to separate cream from milk. The first mechanical cream separator was invented by Gustaf de Laval in 1894. Skim milk was thrown away or fed to pigs.Creamer was the most valuable component of milk.
Whole milk does not cause heart disease
When you look at trends in nutrition in the United States, it becomes clear that saturated fat is not the cause of cardiovascular disease and obesity . Intake of dietary fat has decreased over the past 30 years, but the rate of heart disease, and obesity are not reduced.
Injury and inflammation of our blood vessels is caused by a diet low in fat is recommended for many years.What are the main culprits of chronic inflammation? Simply put, the oversupply is simple, with a high degree of uzuakoli carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.

The beneficial effects of fatty acids
Milk fat actually has a positive effect on organism person, researchers are only beginning to understand it. . Fats are composed of fat molecules known as fatty acids . These fatty acids have a very beneficial effect on the body. Some well-known fatty acids in milk:
Lauric acid — antiviral properties, improves the condition of skin and hair
Conjugated linoleic acid Help with weight control and weight loss
Oleic acid that makes olive oil healthy
Butyric acid — anti-inflammatory
Milk fat globules
Researchers are just beginning to study this structure in milk, but have noted that there are many different biologically active compounds that are key in antiviral and antimicrobial mechanisms to fight infection and bacteria in the gut.Studies have shown that even can benefit from colon cancer.
Whole milk helps absorb the vitamins in milk
If you drink skim milk, nutrients in milk can not be digested by the body.Many of the vitamins in milk (Vitamins D, E, A, K) are fat soluble, making them readily available for your body. If you drink milk without fat, fat-soluble vitamins are not absorbed by the body. Fat-soluble nutrients will pass in transit.

The one who drinks skim milk will gain weight more likely than those who drink whole.
Dr. mark Daniel deboer, Professor of pediatric endocrinology appreciated the choice of milk and body mass index (BMI.) Initially, the researcher believed that children consuming whole milk will have a higher BMI than children who consume skim milk. They were shocked to find that children consuming whole milk had a healthier body mass index than children who consume skim milk. In fact, they found that children who were normal weight at baseline and drinking 1% milk showed a 57% greater chance of obesity.
Low fat, but not lower consumption of calories!!!
Doctors say that milk with low fat content does not reduce calorie intake. When you consume some healthy fats will make you full longer, leading to fewer snacks and reduced consumption of calories. So, when you include fats in your diet, you can increase the energy reserve of your body, and eat less.
It's really interesting how nature has specially designed milk to maximize the transfer of nutrients. Every component in milk has a special meaning. The problem is that researchers still know very little about components of milk and their goals, but a new study proclaims milk for health.If the whole milk of course, why settle for less? It's several good reasons why you should choose whole milk.
Source: /users/1077