Mythical harm of milk

In recent years it became fashionable to "revise" supposedly outdated notions about certain foods. For centuries, milk and dairy products were considered to be incredibly useful. And now nutritional mythology tries to introduce him to all kinds of harm. It turns out that milk is better not to eat, not only adults but also children. Myth illogical and inconsistent, therefore, immediately declared that children should drink whole fat milk. Where is the truth?

Resource Cool Milk published to refute some of the myths about cow's milk. This information is partially based on the British Agency on standardization of food Food Standards Agency.
It should be understood that the lack of scientific evidence of certain facts does not mean that they will not ever obtained. Myths are based on observation and experience, which cannot be fully neglected. A refutation of the myth allows us to look at it critically. And, of course, if you have medical conditions which impose limitations on the use of a product, you should consult with a doctor without relying neither the myths nor their denials, drawn on the pages of Internet resources.
Milk is too fatty and not good for children
Not all types of milk fat. Whole milk contains 189 milliliters 8 grams of fat, while the milk from which the extracted part of the cream has only 3.5 grams of fat, which is 55% lower fat content in whole milk.
Whole milk is better for children than milk with reduced cream content
Many people, on the contrary, believe that whole milk is useful for children just for their high fat content.
In fact, milk with a reduced fat content contains more nutrients than whole; drinking store-bought milk is 55% less bad storyrunner fat, and whole milk should be avoided even two year old children.
Soy milk is healthier than cow
Drinks based on soy are not analogous to cow milk nutritionally, as they do not contain lactose. Soy milk contains only one-quarter of calcium, which is rich cow's milk. So if you, for some reason, replace cow milk with soy, it should be supplemented with other calcium rich products.

Milk causes acne
Acne is caused by hormone testosterone that affects the glands in the skin secrete excess oil. If the selected fat excessively much, the pores on the skin and they are filled with dead skin that leads to the formation of acne.
Some people believe that consumption of milk and dairy products leads to the development and aggravation of acne, but no conclusive evidence is not.
The body barely absorbs the calcium
The human body metabolizes contained in milk and dairy products calcium is easier than the calcium that is in other foods, including green vegetables.
Among others, a calcium-containing foods — leafy green vegetables, canned fish, beans, lentils and bread. Of these products body difficult to absorb calcium and it is contained only in small quantities. From 200-ml glass of milk a person will get as much calcium and how many of the eight stems fashionable among those who adheres to diets, broccoli or kilograms of spinach.
Milk and dairy products increase asthma symptoms
Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. Its cause consists in inflammation of the Airways and increased mucus. For a long time milk was considered a food that aggravates the symptoms of this disease, despite the lack of scientific evidence for this "hypothesis".
Unfortunately, many asthmatics follow the advice and avoid dairy products. This not only alleviates the symptoms of disease, but also leads to a lack of important nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, which are rich in milk and dairy products.
Do you consider milk and milk products from the daily diet? Is it easy to do without cheese, and yogurt even without a yogurt? published
Source: hi-news.ru