Cementing food: starch — slow-acting POISON
... We were feeding boiled starch in one form or another. Wheat, rye, oats, rice, corn, potatoes, beans, cassava, is a major. Boiled starch, because grass in its raw form is impossible, so they need to cook. The starch to be edible, must be thermally processed.
Let's see, that gives us starch in the nutritional regard.
The English word starch "starch" means "glue".
Starch is a very long polymer, like nylon or dideron for women plastic or cellophane packages.
Starch consists of branched and highly complex polymers: amylopectin and amylose.
Not much distinguishes starch from plain paper. That is why starch is used as Wallpaper paste.
Thus, starch is an organic adhesive. Previously, pasting Wallpaper used a homemade paste, just spreading the flour with hot water. This scientific process is called "gelatinization of starch".
Every housewife knows that a starch food retains all the properties of the adhesive. Try to scrape from the dish of dried potatoes or porridge. No hot water and the float is impossible, so food starch hardens and turns into cement composition. Cementation dissolved starch occurs from loss originally added hot water. This process of drying — the "cementing" is the essence and staling of bread.
Interestingly, and this is a clear long-term observation of the author that the consumption of a starch food requires more water. That is, if you are in conditions where water is a problem, in any case, do not eat starch food. The starch binds water, and the impression that the additional amount of water necessary for dissolution of starch in the body.
But, among other things, this organic glue is in the human body, is consumed daily. And although it is broken down in the intestine, but, as the whole practice of mankind, — not to the end! Some part of starch food enters the body unsplit, and over the years, and especially decades is a substrate of the notorious "atherosclerosis" and "degenerative disc disease", zakleivayut all the vessels and tissues of the body.
Conclusion: the less a person consumes a starchy food, so it is healthier.
But try to imagine your life without the starch. Because one must strike out the potatoes, bread and pasta, all cereals, root crops and legumes.
Difficult task? For most people, you might say, is unsolvable.
But diabetes, which has become the scourge of humanity, is a disease of the body, the exhausted vegetable starch. And increased blood glucose have nothing to do with. The fact that laboratory methods for diagnosis of diabetes detected in the blood as the supposedly "elevated glucose", not glucose, namely the products of incomplete breakdown of starch. The body was exhausted to process vegetable starch. The enzyme system is depleted. As a result, the products of incomplete breakdown of starch infest the blood and all organs and tissues, violate the microcirculation. And diabetics die from diabetes, their sweet tissue to literally rot alive.
Then, as a pathogenetic treatment for really easy. The diabetic already has, if he wants to live,to exclude from the diet all starchy food. But to inject insulin while continuing to eat cooked starch, is like trying to put out a fire by water, on the other hand pouring it with gasoline.
Two words against bread
One of the main suppliers of harmful starch in food of man is bread. Mankind was put in such conditions that other choice but bread was not. The bread was advertised as "the wealth of the nation".
Among people taking healthy food has long been eaten crackers from the toaster and not the bread. Why? The fact that in addition to starch in white wheat bread is another starch component of the adhesive is actually a paste, according to medical called gluten, which prolonged use causes the disease of the intestines — celiac disease.
Celiac disease manifests with symptoms of malabsorption:
When heated in the toaster gluten breaks down, thus zaliakalnio disease is prevented toaster. No wonder the Jews eat matzah, Matza is unleavened bread.
Modern bread in the stores is a baked and absolutely harmful starch paste, and the inscription on it is that it is fortified with synthetic vitamins — no more than the mockery of the ignorant.
Normal product does enrich not necessary, you don't add synthetic vitamins in strawberries grown in the garden, and the starch paste will not enrich anything.
There is this store-bought bread is impossible. In its composition several tens of chemical additives different fillers, moisturizers and bleaching agents that directly are chemical poisons. Prolonged consumption of starch paste, products of incomplete degradation of the glue blood vessels, causing notorious of atherosclerosis and thrombosis of blood vessels and contribute to the emergence of diabetes.
You can use only pure rye bread,first it "podesteria".
Buckwheat is the only cereal that does not allow reducing its nutritional value due to processing. Unlike wheat, which can be all handled in a clean starch paste. The rye in this regard too bad to clean. "Purification" against the grain it's the opposite — a deterioration of their biochemical properties. Therefore, pure rye bread is much healthier wheat. Thus wheat bread what is the highest grade-so it is harmful for the body.
In respect of rye seed can't do that successfully fails at the "roller" treatment of wheat seed — complete separation vitamin shell (bran, bran) and endosperm of seeds from starch, with the result that wheat bread is always harmful boiled starch! That is, people do the opposite, wholesome bran and germ seed, which a lot of vitamins by the roller separation is sent to feed the pigs, and harmful boiled starch to feed the people. Rye seed as well as wheat divide is not possible, therefore, rye flour, despite all the tricks of modern technology, seeking to eliminate all of the food is useful, contains the nutrients from the bran and endosperm.
Rye bread "podcasters" can be eaten, and wheat bread and products from wheat flour, baked goods — is generally impossible.It is detrimental to health in the long term.
Harm sucrose or ordinary table sugar (also called "sucrose"), caused, in principle the same as the harmfulness of starch. Sucrose – a short polymer: it is a dimer consisting of two atoms of glucose and fructose, which, because of non-animal origin, are not in stereoisomerism form, which is necessary for the body.
So, to of sugar to produce glucose, the body first must expend energy to its enzymatic break to glucose and fructose, and turn them in the right stereoisomers — only then the molecules can be absorbed. But before that, the body still needs to strain, splitting all this is your table sugar, which you store bought bag.
Well-known direct relationship sucrose — "sugar" with such "pests" of humanity as:
Nevertheless, sucrose continue to produce hundreds of millions of tons under the name "sugar"!
I would like to remind that the source of natural sugars from time immemorial was honey.
Casein glue
What is the milk? Milk is a product of secretion of the mammary glands. The main part is filterable in the mammary glands of the blood plasma. Milk based is the blood plasma. But while the blood plasma that is the liquid part of blood without red blood cells, could consume all the milk is the food of newborns. POWER NOVORODENNYH. Because nature is so constituted that only newborns have in the digestive juices, the enzymes are able to digest milk. In adults, these enzymes have long disappeared. The ability to adequately digest milk is only a very early age – only in the first year of life. Then she quickly negated.
What is the milk in composition from the pure blood plasma? Milk is WHITE BLOOD! This emulsion consists of three parts: immunoactive plasma (blood serum) is rich in immune bodies, plus fat and protein. Fat is fat, and the protein in milk is casein. That is, milk is all that is necessary to the newborn for the body to build young body and protection from disease. Wonderful substance milk! However! Only at certain times of life directly from the breast in a warm, fresh meat!
Why the most important to consume milk only in doubles? We just stated that milk is white blood, blood plasma, plus oil emulsion with the casein. The blood also should not be consumed in hot form. The blood from the heat is minimized and there is a blood CLOT. When heated, milk is also there is a blood clot — CHEESE. Even similar words: the CLOT-CHEESE. Already from this Association it is clear that cottage cheese is a protein component of milk, is bad, hard to digest foods for an adult. Because are in milk, but fresh, fresh, there are active enzymes (lactase) that digest. In pasteurized milk all the enzymes, proteins and immune bodies are denatured and become heavy non-digestible substances. Pasteurization, i.e. heating, fundamentally transforms healthy milk in one of the most harmful products.
What does the solid part of milk (curd) harmful? – The presence of extremely severe protein polymer CASEIN. Casein Latin CHEESE. Infants casein splits present in newborns enzymes proteinazami. In the adult, these enzymes have not. Thus, in the adult, the casein is not completely cleaved in the body, and the products of incomplete breakdown of casein gradually clog the body. What is casein in their physical properties? Casein is one of the most durable adhesives for bonding have not even paper and wood. If we pointed out that starch glue paper and cardboard, casein, has firmly glue the tree! CASEIN GLUE! An adult consuming dairy products, consume a casein glue in its pure form.
There is a whole region of the globe, who does not consume dairy products. It is China and other countries in South-East Asia. The health of this region is much higher than that of the Europeans, who consume dairy products, but those and other equally consume a lot of starchy foods.
Of course, milk has beneficial properties, otherwise the mammalian body doesn't produce this wonderful substance for babies. However, the beneficial properties of milk are contained in its neoseiulus part. These useful parts are the whey, which is identical in composition to blood plasma. Don't forget that milk is useful to those that Undenatured, fresh meat is a pure blood plasma, if fresh milk atemperature method useprivate dairy drug.
That is a blood plasma transfusion to a sick person is not necessary, since he can drink the milk serum (especially pregnant cows) that contain elevated concentrations of immunoglobulins and antibodies. So the milk of a pregnant cow is valuable for its high immunity that it is called by a separate term "colostrum". Colostrum — this product is the most close to be called a panacea for all ills. However, do not need to buy colostrum tablets and the banks, because processed colostrum already is denatured, by definition, null and void and is common fraud.
In addition to serum, a useful part of milk is its fatty part of the butter. So when earlier children with sore throat were given hot milk, it was just due to enveloping properties of hot oil in the milk.
Oil everywhere you can buy in stores. However, whey anywhere in the stores can not buy. And now ask yourself — why of human nutrition excluded the most useful part of milk — whey? Now, there are industrial separators, allow to separate the whey from the casein curd is harmful. Why mankind is fed the most harmful part of the milk to form curd and cheese? It does not lose sight of that all the harmful substances modern chemicals and medicamentosas: hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and pass curds, cheeses and other dairy cheese, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and yoghurts.
Did you notice that we list products for increasing the strength of their qualities like durable adhesives? And now we come to the most strong natural glue of the egg protein.
Cement in a thousand years
Medieval cathedrals, monasteries and castles are worth a good thousand years. Cement, which holds them for a thousand years, include egg protein is the strongest glue of all naturally possible. Thus, we should take such food as chicken eggs.
EGG! What could be easier? Inside the "yolk" — the embryo of a chicken. Outside "squirrels" — the protective shell. In Russian — a very bad name "protein." It takes once in the wrong direction. To "protein", that is "protein", the amount of which in the product are now written on all boxes, egg white does not have any relationship! Egg protein is a polymerized sugar! SUGAR! Polymer type starch — polyethylene, nylon, dideron, glue "Moment" – only natural. Scientifically — "Mucopolysaccharide".
This is one of the strongest adhesives in nature. Mucopolysaccharides — this is the banal "slime", against which the first was made by one of the most respected researchers healthy diet Arnold eret. He read about the dangers of mucus.
Mucopolysaccharides, in addition to the adhesive abilities have a high absorbent capacity. That is, raw egg whites absorb from the gastrointestinal tract, including nutrients and vitamins. Proved that eating raw egg whites leads to vitamin deficiency due to the absorption of vitamins and excretion of their faeces. Well cooked egg albumen is denatured — not broken down in the gut and almost all displayed outside.
Thus, two components to eggs, egg protein is not a food product! In a boiled-fried – is a non-digestible dummy. Raw is a strong, natural glue, preventing the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
The fact that the main types of food represent different forces of natural pastes, swallow that, of course, possible, but in the long term – not good. That is fully supported by a modern health among the population.
About dairy products we mentioned above that only fresh milk, due to the presence of active enzymes-lactose, good food for adults. And then, due to the presence of heavy casein, even fresh milk to drink a lot is not necessary. A brilliant idea would be to type "food" for sick people, as the source of immunity, the establishment by centrifugal separation of the production of raw whey. However, the business is more profitable not to care about the cleanliness of the keeping of cows and their health. The business is more profitable to keep half dead, sick cows. However, as you can see, no reason comes to mind a simple idea – to establish production of bovine serum. For some reason, prefer to feed people with casein glue in the form of cheese and yoghurt.
Intensification of milk with lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt is only secondary to activation of the dead, pasteurized product. This,of course,better than milk, because the casein in milk "kefir" is starting to split with lactic acid bacteria. However, you can't even compare their biochemical activity and biochemical substances, the activity and quality of fresh milk and the secondary field. It's like comparing the quality of fresh meat of the slain lamb and meat, already decomposed by bacteria.
Now you can answer the question — how is the egg? Cooking soft-boiled or hard-boiled? Neither so nor so!
Will tell you about one test, which the author inadvertently did myself. The author of this book — the gouty. When else could come from, had to pick up and "gout". Terribly unpleasant chronic disease, reflected in the fact that the consumption of such "germinal products" like eggs, caviar, and also the usual meat food thus acute inflammation of the joints of the foot and pretty strong, so the wall will fit. And all the behavior clearly depends on gout diet. That's when the author in the course of 8 years did not eat anything dairy, or even fish — the author never had gout. And with the introduction of the fish — then the gout was repeated, but rarely — once a year. But it was necessary for the author to eat the eggs of only three eggs in the morning it broke gout, and, moreover, a strong attack. And this author checked repeatedly, making the same mistakes, sacrificing themselves for science. From boiled eggs author lay himself gout in one day. And this is understandable, because exactly in eggs, fish and "eggs" – eggs are the decay products of the DNA that cause gout, the so — called "nitrogenous bases" – purines and pyrimidines.
Don't eat neither,nor — not of the disease.
Also interesting: the Diet of no sugar: a personal experience
Vegetable fat, margarine = myocardial infarction and cancer
On living foods you can not get a yeast infection. In his youth, the whole subject of diseases of uninteresting, but after 50 years when its life energy becomes small, and the disease gets out a lot — the replacement of denatured and cooked foods in live raw may be crucial. This has been proven by the American iwaizumi in the first half of the last century. However, someone took care of that right did not become a tradition.published
From the book of Professor Stoleshnikov A. P. "Than to fill the body?"
Source: lubodar.info/o-vrede-krahmalosoderzhashej-pishi/
Let's see, that gives us starch in the nutritional regard.

The English word starch "starch" means "glue".
Starch is a very long polymer, like nylon or dideron for women plastic or cellophane packages.
Starch consists of branched and highly complex polymers: amylopectin and amylose.
Not much distinguishes starch from plain paper. That is why starch is used as Wallpaper paste.
Thus, starch is an organic adhesive. Previously, pasting Wallpaper used a homemade paste, just spreading the flour with hot water. This scientific process is called "gelatinization of starch".
Every housewife knows that a starch food retains all the properties of the adhesive. Try to scrape from the dish of dried potatoes or porridge. No hot water and the float is impossible, so food starch hardens and turns into cement composition. Cementation dissolved starch occurs from loss originally added hot water. This process of drying — the "cementing" is the essence and staling of bread.
Interestingly, and this is a clear long-term observation of the author that the consumption of a starch food requires more water. That is, if you are in conditions where water is a problem, in any case, do not eat starch food. The starch binds water, and the impression that the additional amount of water necessary for dissolution of starch in the body.
But, among other things, this organic glue is in the human body, is consumed daily. And although it is broken down in the intestine, but, as the whole practice of mankind, — not to the end! Some part of starch food enters the body unsplit, and over the years, and especially decades is a substrate of the notorious "atherosclerosis" and "degenerative disc disease", zakleivayut all the vessels and tissues of the body.
Conclusion: the less a person consumes a starchy food, so it is healthier.
But try to imagine your life without the starch. Because one must strike out the potatoes, bread and pasta, all cereals, root crops and legumes.
Difficult task? For most people, you might say, is unsolvable.
But diabetes, which has become the scourge of humanity, is a disease of the body, the exhausted vegetable starch. And increased blood glucose have nothing to do with. The fact that laboratory methods for diagnosis of diabetes detected in the blood as the supposedly "elevated glucose", not glucose, namely the products of incomplete breakdown of starch. The body was exhausted to process vegetable starch. The enzyme system is depleted. As a result, the products of incomplete breakdown of starch infest the blood and all organs and tissues, violate the microcirculation. And diabetics die from diabetes, their sweet tissue to literally rot alive.
Then, as a pathogenetic treatment for really easy. The diabetic already has, if he wants to live,to exclude from the diet all starchy food. But to inject insulin while continuing to eat cooked starch, is like trying to put out a fire by water, on the other hand pouring it with gasoline.
Two words against bread

One of the main suppliers of harmful starch in food of man is bread. Mankind was put in such conditions that other choice but bread was not. The bread was advertised as "the wealth of the nation".
Among people taking healthy food has long been eaten crackers from the toaster and not the bread. Why? The fact that in addition to starch in white wheat bread is another starch component of the adhesive is actually a paste, according to medical called gluten, which prolonged use causes the disease of the intestines — celiac disease.
Celiac disease manifests with symptoms of malabsorption:
- fatigue,
- ailments
- chronic diarrhea.
When heated in the toaster gluten breaks down, thus zaliakalnio disease is prevented toaster. No wonder the Jews eat matzah, Matza is unleavened bread.
Modern bread in the stores is a baked and absolutely harmful starch paste, and the inscription on it is that it is fortified with synthetic vitamins — no more than the mockery of the ignorant.
Normal product does enrich not necessary, you don't add synthetic vitamins in strawberries grown in the garden, and the starch paste will not enrich anything.
There is this store-bought bread is impossible. In its composition several tens of chemical additives different fillers, moisturizers and bleaching agents that directly are chemical poisons. Prolonged consumption of starch paste, products of incomplete degradation of the glue blood vessels, causing notorious of atherosclerosis and thrombosis of blood vessels and contribute to the emergence of diabetes.
You can use only pure rye bread,first it "podesteria".
Buckwheat is the only cereal that does not allow reducing its nutritional value due to processing. Unlike wheat, which can be all handled in a clean starch paste. The rye in this regard too bad to clean. "Purification" against the grain it's the opposite — a deterioration of their biochemical properties. Therefore, pure rye bread is much healthier wheat. Thus wheat bread what is the highest grade-so it is harmful for the body.
In respect of rye seed can't do that successfully fails at the "roller" treatment of wheat seed — complete separation vitamin shell (bran, bran) and endosperm of seeds from starch, with the result that wheat bread is always harmful boiled starch! That is, people do the opposite, wholesome bran and germ seed, which a lot of vitamins by the roller separation is sent to feed the pigs, and harmful boiled starch to feed the people. Rye seed as well as wheat divide is not possible, therefore, rye flour, despite all the tricks of modern technology, seeking to eliminate all of the food is useful, contains the nutrients from the bran and endosperm.
Rye bread "podcasters" can be eaten, and wheat bread and products from wheat flour, baked goods — is generally impossible.It is detrimental to health in the long term.

Harm sucrose or ordinary table sugar (also called "sucrose"), caused, in principle the same as the harmfulness of starch. Sucrose – a short polymer: it is a dimer consisting of two atoms of glucose and fructose, which, because of non-animal origin, are not in stereoisomerism form, which is necessary for the body.
So, to of sugar to produce glucose, the body first must expend energy to its enzymatic break to glucose and fructose, and turn them in the right stereoisomers — only then the molecules can be absorbed. But before that, the body still needs to strain, splitting all this is your table sugar, which you store bought bag.
Well-known direct relationship sucrose — "sugar" with such "pests" of humanity as:
- atherosclerosis,
- diabetes,
- obesity,
- gout,
- dental caries.
Nevertheless, sucrose continue to produce hundreds of millions of tons under the name "sugar"!
I would like to remind that the source of natural sugars from time immemorial was honey.
Casein glue

What is the milk? Milk is a product of secretion of the mammary glands. The main part is filterable in the mammary glands of the blood plasma. Milk based is the blood plasma. But while the blood plasma that is the liquid part of blood without red blood cells, could consume all the milk is the food of newborns. POWER NOVORODENNYH. Because nature is so constituted that only newborns have in the digestive juices, the enzymes are able to digest milk. In adults, these enzymes have long disappeared. The ability to adequately digest milk is only a very early age – only in the first year of life. Then she quickly negated.
What is the milk in composition from the pure blood plasma? Milk is WHITE BLOOD! This emulsion consists of three parts: immunoactive plasma (blood serum) is rich in immune bodies, plus fat and protein. Fat is fat, and the protein in milk is casein. That is, milk is all that is necessary to the newborn for the body to build young body and protection from disease. Wonderful substance milk! However! Only at certain times of life directly from the breast in a warm, fresh meat!
Why the most important to consume milk only in doubles? We just stated that milk is white blood, blood plasma, plus oil emulsion with the casein. The blood also should not be consumed in hot form. The blood from the heat is minimized and there is a blood CLOT. When heated, milk is also there is a blood clot — CHEESE. Even similar words: the CLOT-CHEESE. Already from this Association it is clear that cottage cheese is a protein component of milk, is bad, hard to digest foods for an adult. Because are in milk, but fresh, fresh, there are active enzymes (lactase) that digest. In pasteurized milk all the enzymes, proteins and immune bodies are denatured and become heavy non-digestible substances. Pasteurization, i.e. heating, fundamentally transforms healthy milk in one of the most harmful products.
What does the solid part of milk (curd) harmful? – The presence of extremely severe protein polymer CASEIN. Casein Latin CHEESE. Infants casein splits present in newborns enzymes proteinazami. In the adult, these enzymes have not. Thus, in the adult, the casein is not completely cleaved in the body, and the products of incomplete breakdown of casein gradually clog the body. What is casein in their physical properties? Casein is one of the most durable adhesives for bonding have not even paper and wood. If we pointed out that starch glue paper and cardboard, casein, has firmly glue the tree! CASEIN GLUE! An adult consuming dairy products, consume a casein glue in its pure form.
There is a whole region of the globe, who does not consume dairy products. It is China and other countries in South-East Asia. The health of this region is much higher than that of the Europeans, who consume dairy products, but those and other equally consume a lot of starchy foods.
Of course, milk has beneficial properties, otherwise the mammalian body doesn't produce this wonderful substance for babies. However, the beneficial properties of milk are contained in its neoseiulus part. These useful parts are the whey, which is identical in composition to blood plasma. Don't forget that milk is useful to those that Undenatured, fresh meat is a pure blood plasma, if fresh milk atemperature method useprivate dairy drug.
That is a blood plasma transfusion to a sick person is not necessary, since he can drink the milk serum (especially pregnant cows) that contain elevated concentrations of immunoglobulins and antibodies. So the milk of a pregnant cow is valuable for its high immunity that it is called by a separate term "colostrum". Colostrum — this product is the most close to be called a panacea for all ills. However, do not need to buy colostrum tablets and the banks, because processed colostrum already is denatured, by definition, null and void and is common fraud.
In addition to serum, a useful part of milk is its fatty part of the butter. So when earlier children with sore throat were given hot milk, it was just due to enveloping properties of hot oil in the milk.
Oil everywhere you can buy in stores. However, whey anywhere in the stores can not buy. And now ask yourself — why of human nutrition excluded the most useful part of milk — whey? Now, there are industrial separators, allow to separate the whey from the casein curd is harmful. Why mankind is fed the most harmful part of the milk to form curd and cheese? It does not lose sight of that all the harmful substances modern chemicals and medicamentosas: hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and pass curds, cheeses and other dairy cheese, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and yoghurts.
Did you notice that we list products for increasing the strength of their qualities like durable adhesives? And now we come to the most strong natural glue of the egg protein.
Cement in a thousand years

Medieval cathedrals, monasteries and castles are worth a good thousand years. Cement, which holds them for a thousand years, include egg protein is the strongest glue of all naturally possible. Thus, we should take such food as chicken eggs.
EGG! What could be easier? Inside the "yolk" — the embryo of a chicken. Outside "squirrels" — the protective shell. In Russian — a very bad name "protein." It takes once in the wrong direction. To "protein", that is "protein", the amount of which in the product are now written on all boxes, egg white does not have any relationship! Egg protein is a polymerized sugar! SUGAR! Polymer type starch — polyethylene, nylon, dideron, glue "Moment" – only natural. Scientifically — "Mucopolysaccharide".
This is one of the strongest adhesives in nature. Mucopolysaccharides — this is the banal "slime", against which the first was made by one of the most respected researchers healthy diet Arnold eret. He read about the dangers of mucus.
Mucopolysaccharides, in addition to the adhesive abilities have a high absorbent capacity. That is, raw egg whites absorb from the gastrointestinal tract, including nutrients and vitamins. Proved that eating raw egg whites leads to vitamin deficiency due to the absorption of vitamins and excretion of their faeces. Well cooked egg albumen is denatured — not broken down in the gut and almost all displayed outside.
Thus, two components to eggs, egg protein is not a food product! In a boiled-fried – is a non-digestible dummy. Raw is a strong, natural glue, preventing the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
The fact that the main types of food represent different forces of natural pastes, swallow that, of course, possible, but in the long term – not good. That is fully supported by a modern health among the population.
About dairy products we mentioned above that only fresh milk, due to the presence of active enzymes-lactose, good food for adults. And then, due to the presence of heavy casein, even fresh milk to drink a lot is not necessary. A brilliant idea would be to type "food" for sick people, as the source of immunity, the establishment by centrifugal separation of the production of raw whey. However, the business is more profitable not to care about the cleanliness of the keeping of cows and their health. The business is more profitable to keep half dead, sick cows. However, as you can see, no reason comes to mind a simple idea – to establish production of bovine serum. For some reason, prefer to feed people with casein glue in the form of cheese and yoghurt.
Intensification of milk with lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt is only secondary to activation of the dead, pasteurized product. This,of course,better than milk, because the casein in milk "kefir" is starting to split with lactic acid bacteria. However, you can't even compare their biochemical activity and biochemical substances, the activity and quality of fresh milk and the secondary field. It's like comparing the quality of fresh meat of the slain lamb and meat, already decomposed by bacteria.
Now you can answer the question — how is the egg? Cooking soft-boiled or hard-boiled? Neither so nor so!
Will tell you about one test, which the author inadvertently did myself. The author of this book — the gouty. When else could come from, had to pick up and "gout". Terribly unpleasant chronic disease, reflected in the fact that the consumption of such "germinal products" like eggs, caviar, and also the usual meat food thus acute inflammation of the joints of the foot and pretty strong, so the wall will fit. And all the behavior clearly depends on gout diet. That's when the author in the course of 8 years did not eat anything dairy, or even fish — the author never had gout. And with the introduction of the fish — then the gout was repeated, but rarely — once a year. But it was necessary for the author to eat the eggs of only three eggs in the morning it broke gout, and, moreover, a strong attack. And this author checked repeatedly, making the same mistakes, sacrificing themselves for science. From boiled eggs author lay himself gout in one day. And this is understandable, because exactly in eggs, fish and "eggs" – eggs are the decay products of the DNA that cause gout, the so — called "nitrogenous bases" – purines and pyrimidines.
- Gout is a disturbance of the excretion of metabolic products of DNA.
- Diabetes mellitus is a disturbance of the excretion of breakdown products of cooked starch.
Don't eat neither,nor — not of the disease.
Also interesting: the Diet of no sugar: a personal experience
Vegetable fat, margarine = myocardial infarction and cancer
On living foods you can not get a yeast infection. In his youth, the whole subject of diseases of uninteresting, but after 50 years when its life energy becomes small, and the disease gets out a lot — the replacement of denatured and cooked foods in live raw may be crucial. This has been proven by the American iwaizumi in the first half of the last century. However, someone took care of that right did not become a tradition.published
From the book of Professor Stoleshnikov A. P. "Than to fill the body?"
Source: lubodar.info/o-vrede-krahmalosoderzhashej-pishi/
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