What can be eaten nursing mom
One of the most popular questions, which is still in the hospital moms can ask experts on breastfeeding: "What I want is to milk it a lot and it was good?" To answer is not so simple, because it contains several common misconceptions about the impact of nutrition mother's milk.
First of all you need to understand how to produce milk. During lactation, directly in charge of two hormones – prolactin and oxytocin. When baby's sucking (or pumping) the nerve endings in the nipple and areola send signals to the brain, where it is the production of prolactin and oxytocin. The first provides a sufficient amount of milk and the second milk helps to stand out from the chest. So it works on a simple principle: how much the baby will suck – so much milk and will arrive. Because of that, the child is encouraged to feed on demand, watching a good, deep attachment to the breast: this is the main key to the adequacy of milk. And the mother advised not to be nervous, because released during stress adrenalin suppresses oxytocin, and the baby becomes difficult to extract the milk, despite the fact that it is – this situation is popularly called "nerves milk was gone." All this means that there was a lot of milk, the mother does not need to try to eat something special, enough to feed the baby whenever he wants it.
As for "good" milk, mother's milk is inherently good and contains everything needed for each specific child nutrients. The lactating mother provides primarily the needs of the baby, and if mom's diet is lacking in any nutrients, then they will be compensated at the expense of resources of the parent organism, the mother may have health problems... So every woman needs to know that a full feeding, she cares primarily about their own health, and the child will get what he needs.
Mother's milk – product is very complex in its composition, which combines hundreds of components, many of which are poorly understood and, of course, are not reproduced in industrial mixtures. If you simplify the process of milk production, it is produced in the Breasts of the components of blood plasma. Mother's nutrition affects milk composition to the same extent as on the composition of the blood: some substances, which penetrate into the blood and then into the breast milk, can cause reactions in predisposed to allergies of a child.
We should mention that the product which, being in my mom's menu has always led to negative consequences in any child, does not exist in principle. There are just some groups of products, which when used complications more or less probable, and that in the case of predisposition. Just remove them from your menu is not worth it, if only my mother herself is allergic to some of them (but then she herself tries to avoid such a product). There is by quite possible, especially if you really want – lactating mothers, and during pregnancy, he sometimes dictates that you need to eat to compensate for the lack of some substance. But if a baby suddenly gives you an allergic reaction or sometimes an upset tummy, mom needs to remember that "risk" has she eaten in the last day, and for a couple of weeks to eliminate the product from your menu.
So, what is "risk"?
1) In the blood and, accordingly, the mother's milk in a certain amount of a foreign protein enters. Of all the varieties foreign to the human body proteins are often allergic to cow's milk protein. It may seem strange to many mothers as there is a widespread belief that cow's milk is uniquely useful and indispensable source of calcium, but cow's milk is nothing like a human. The cow then produces milk for feeding their own baby, and herbivorous ungulate animal for optimal development need absolutely not what the human child. Therefore, if the mother is drinking large quantities of fresh (not fermented) cow's milk, her baby may appear abdominal pain and even an allergic reaction. In fermented milk protein assumes a different form – and thus, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese and other foods mom used can eat in peace. And the dollop of cream in a mug of tea won't hurt, but if immediate family have allergies or diabetes, glasses to drink milk still not worth it, the predisposition to Allergy is inherited.
Another foreign protein which sometimes causes problems is the gluten contained in many grains, including wheat. Kashi, which certainly is no gluten, rice, buckwheat and corn; all other kas it is.
Much rarer, but sometimes still happens, that the baby makes Allergy when the mother is a big fan of soy products, eggs and meat poultry or fish and seafood. They also contain foreign proteins, which accumulate in large quantity, can overcome the protective barriers of the child's body.
2) the Pigment that gives vegetables and fruits red color. Like other allergens, it might work, if the baby has a genetic predisposition, and mom overdid the treats. In practice, this means that you eat a few cherries or strawberries is not a sin, but if the mother will come off from the dish with the berries in half an hour – the child can and sprinkle. It also, incidentally, grow legs, and spread in hospitals beliefs "red apples are not": actually it is possible, and if the mother still wants to be on the safe side enough to clear the red skin.
3) Exotic fruits (kiwi, mango, etc.) and citrus – precisely because of its foreignness. For example, in Spain or Sunny Florida oranges are often among the first products to foods, and are considered to be much less allergenic than the same gljuteinovye cereal. But our country is still exotic, but because stuff happens. Although, again, one Mandarin duck child does not respond almost never, but for a dozen tangerines eaten in one sitting — can already.
4) Chemical additives: preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and flavor, sweeteners (aspartame and others). Well, everything is clear: the child's body, not adapted to anything but mother's milk, still unable to cope with the "chemical attacks", which are familiar to adult. But, strictly speaking, all we could choose the most natural food...
Finally, can badly affect the mother's health and lactation some herbs – it is very important for those who like today's popular herbal teas. So, it is better not to drink teas that contain hawthorn (contains stimulants for the heart and lowering blood pressure), clover (substances that can impair the clotting of blood), ginseng (may cause insomnia, breast tenderness), milkweed (a potent laxative), tansy. Reduce the formation of milk, mint, chamomile, sage, hop cones, leaves of the walnut .
Now you can find out more in some popular claims about what should and should not eat mother.
"If arrived a lot of milk and chest bursting, the mother should limit drinking"
It's just pointless because the amount of milk is not regulated in the received quantity of liquid. Milk developed as much as in the body of prolactin – and if the mother is drinking enough, then it can become dehydrated, until the rise of temperature, headache and General weakness - and milk does not become less. Therefore, it is necessary to drink for thirst – more, but smaller too.
"That was a lot of milk, the mother needs before each feeding to drink half a liter of tea"
If mum feeds on demand, then according to this principle it turns out that the drink she needs for days. And even if the baby asks to eat, for example, 8 times a day – it turns out that mom needs to drink 4 liters of tea. And 10 times a day – it is 5 liters...
However, this belief is a tiny grain of truth. Namely: any hot liquid is drunk for 10-15 minutes before feeding, it stimulates the release of oxytocin, and, accordingly, causes a rush of milk. That is, more milk will not, but at high tide the baby will be much easier to suck. But not necessarily to drink a pint, and not necessarily in front of each attachment, and then when I want to.
"A nursing mother should eat for two"
Look at this, "second", which is supposed to feed the mother. How much can this baby eat? This is not comparable with the diet of an adult. Therefore, it is completely normal when the diet of the mother includes 300-400 calories more than before pregnancy. Mom enough is appetite. In this case it is optimal to continue to eat about the same as during pregnancy: small portions, but frequently to the body constantly received all the necessary for the production of milk and yet not overloaded. The first few months of baby's life, when he often asks for the breast, the mother can come in handy to leave for the night somewhere beside the bed the snacks and drinking: hunger can roll forward unexpectedly, after another night of the meal of the child. As humor said one nursing mother about life with a newborn: "All day sleep all night don't eat – of course, tired!.."
"That milk was fat — you should eat nuts." Belief, which, alas, caused many moms to really unwanted issues. Nuts don't increase the overall fat content of the milk, but change the composition of milk fat after the mother eats nuts, her milk becomes more viscous, barely leaving the chest and contributes to lactose. And if the mother is calcium optionally accepts — chest formed the nastiest "dairy tube" when calcification in connection with viscous dairy fats literally clog your milk ducts. So to abuse the nuts (and a very fatty foods, too) a nursing mother should not.
"Baby sprinkled – then mom eats something!"
It is not necessary. The child first months of life is not so often reacts rash that is on my mother's food compared to the other possible stimuli (the most popular of which are: inappropriate children's cosmetics, washing powder with bio-additives, substances in tap water, hair and dust). Not to mention that many kids around the age of three weeks experiencing the phenomenon known as "neonatal acne" rash on the face hormonal in nature. From the mother's nutrition, they do not depend on absolutely nothing and are themselves approximately one and a half months, but a nursing mother during this time is usually time to at least try to put on a strict diet...
"The baby farting and pooping greens because my mom ate cucumbers and cabbage"
And here is the truth, but small. Indeed, if some foods cause mom heartburn or flatulence, it can cause a change in the composition of the blood, and therefore be passed to the baby. To gas-forming products often include cabbage, cucumbers, beans, grapes, pears, gassy drinks. But if the mother is eating these foods and it bloating does not suffer, and the baby will not affect.
But as for the chairs with herbs, it really can indicate intolerance to any products and then you need to think not cucumbers or cabbage, and to remember the products at risk. But the most common reason for green stool is the so-called imbalance of the front and rear of milk when the baby is too often shift from one breast to the other, and it gets too large portions rich in lactose "front" milk. Stocks of the enzyme that breaks down lactose, in the body of a small child, and when they end the problems start with digestion... this problem is Solved very simply: not to change the breast until the baby will not drain it completely; in this case, he will receive not only the "front" but also bold, well-assimilated "back" milk.
"Nursing mom can't eat dessert"
A categorical "no"! There's a sweet nursing mom need because carbohydrates are actively consumed in the process of milk production. Another question – exactly what it will be carbs because high blood sugar is not too good for mom and baby and if the mother every day to eat a jar of condensed milk — fermentation in the tummy and rash is really quite real. It is best to consume the so-called complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, muesli with fruit, but without sugar. Directly let sweet mom will always be stocks not too sweet cookies and white candy, which supply the body with carbohydrates without undue burden sucrose.
"Onions, garlic, spices – out of sight!"
This is also an extra precaution. It is believed that they can change the taste and smell of milk, but studies spicy food is not made kids less interested in her mother's chest. On the contrary, some children "spiced milk" liked even more!..
"Mother is a vegetarian can't follow your regular diet while nursing"
May well, despite the increased needs of the body. Mama vegetarian need more protein – this can be done by increasing the share of legumes and cereals, and grains – preferably whole, very rich in nutrients sprouted grains. You need lots of quality fats, which are best obtained from vegetable oils, preferably olive and sunflower. If the vegetarian diet involves not eating dairy products, remember that from plant foods most calcium contain parsley, dill, onion, garlic, walnuts and almonds, raisins and grapes, apricots, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, carrots, beets, legumes (including all the variety of soy products), peaches, pumpkin, sesame.
As for vitamins, plant foods contain all the essential vitamins except B 12, which we get mainly from foods of animal origin (meat, liver, kidney, egg yolk, cheese, fish); and if the mother does not consume them, you should take care of additional receipt. In vegetative products this vitamin practically is absent, although some of the amount discovered in seaweed and Chlorella. Stores of vitamin B 12 under normal diet accumulate in the liver and, therefore, deficiency symptoms may occur several years after starting the diet. Even if the deficiency is not visible at mom, his lack of milk can play a big role in the health of the child. A deficiency of vitamin B 12 in infants is manifested in the poor appetite, delayed motor development, muscle atrophy, vomiting, abnormalities in the blood, low hemoglobin.
But there are a vegetarian diet and pros: milk moms vegetarian contains less environmental contaminants than the milk of other mothers. Environmental pollutants are present mainly in fat, and vegetarian diets typically contain less fat than those in which there are animal products.
In short, breastfeeding is a reason not to go on a strict diet, but rather to improve their menu in General. And that's good, isn't it? published
author Irina Ryjova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.new-degree.ru/articles/mother/pitanie

First of all you need to understand how to produce milk. During lactation, directly in charge of two hormones – prolactin and oxytocin. When baby's sucking (or pumping) the nerve endings in the nipple and areola send signals to the brain, where it is the production of prolactin and oxytocin. The first provides a sufficient amount of milk and the second milk helps to stand out from the chest. So it works on a simple principle: how much the baby will suck – so much milk and will arrive. Because of that, the child is encouraged to feed on demand, watching a good, deep attachment to the breast: this is the main key to the adequacy of milk. And the mother advised not to be nervous, because released during stress adrenalin suppresses oxytocin, and the baby becomes difficult to extract the milk, despite the fact that it is – this situation is popularly called "nerves milk was gone." All this means that there was a lot of milk, the mother does not need to try to eat something special, enough to feed the baby whenever he wants it.
As for "good" milk, mother's milk is inherently good and contains everything needed for each specific child nutrients. The lactating mother provides primarily the needs of the baby, and if mom's diet is lacking in any nutrients, then they will be compensated at the expense of resources of the parent organism, the mother may have health problems... So every woman needs to know that a full feeding, she cares primarily about their own health, and the child will get what he needs.
Mother's milk – product is very complex in its composition, which combines hundreds of components, many of which are poorly understood and, of course, are not reproduced in industrial mixtures. If you simplify the process of milk production, it is produced in the Breasts of the components of blood plasma. Mother's nutrition affects milk composition to the same extent as on the composition of the blood: some substances, which penetrate into the blood and then into the breast milk, can cause reactions in predisposed to allergies of a child.
We should mention that the product which, being in my mom's menu has always led to negative consequences in any child, does not exist in principle. There are just some groups of products, which when used complications more or less probable, and that in the case of predisposition. Just remove them from your menu is not worth it, if only my mother herself is allergic to some of them (but then she herself tries to avoid such a product). There is by quite possible, especially if you really want – lactating mothers, and during pregnancy, he sometimes dictates that you need to eat to compensate for the lack of some substance. But if a baby suddenly gives you an allergic reaction or sometimes an upset tummy, mom needs to remember that "risk" has she eaten in the last day, and for a couple of weeks to eliminate the product from your menu.
So, what is "risk"?
1) In the blood and, accordingly, the mother's milk in a certain amount of a foreign protein enters. Of all the varieties foreign to the human body proteins are often allergic to cow's milk protein. It may seem strange to many mothers as there is a widespread belief that cow's milk is uniquely useful and indispensable source of calcium, but cow's milk is nothing like a human. The cow then produces milk for feeding their own baby, and herbivorous ungulate animal for optimal development need absolutely not what the human child. Therefore, if the mother is drinking large quantities of fresh (not fermented) cow's milk, her baby may appear abdominal pain and even an allergic reaction. In fermented milk protein assumes a different form – and thus, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese and other foods mom used can eat in peace. And the dollop of cream in a mug of tea won't hurt, but if immediate family have allergies or diabetes, glasses to drink milk still not worth it, the predisposition to Allergy is inherited.
Another foreign protein which sometimes causes problems is the gluten contained in many grains, including wheat. Kashi, which certainly is no gluten, rice, buckwheat and corn; all other kas it is.
Much rarer, but sometimes still happens, that the baby makes Allergy when the mother is a big fan of soy products, eggs and meat poultry or fish and seafood. They also contain foreign proteins, which accumulate in large quantity, can overcome the protective barriers of the child's body.
2) the Pigment that gives vegetables and fruits red color. Like other allergens, it might work, if the baby has a genetic predisposition, and mom overdid the treats. In practice, this means that you eat a few cherries or strawberries is not a sin, but if the mother will come off from the dish with the berries in half an hour – the child can and sprinkle. It also, incidentally, grow legs, and spread in hospitals beliefs "red apples are not": actually it is possible, and if the mother still wants to be on the safe side enough to clear the red skin.
3) Exotic fruits (kiwi, mango, etc.) and citrus – precisely because of its foreignness. For example, in Spain or Sunny Florida oranges are often among the first products to foods, and are considered to be much less allergenic than the same gljuteinovye cereal. But our country is still exotic, but because stuff happens. Although, again, one Mandarin duck child does not respond almost never, but for a dozen tangerines eaten in one sitting — can already.
4) Chemical additives: preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and flavor, sweeteners (aspartame and others). Well, everything is clear: the child's body, not adapted to anything but mother's milk, still unable to cope with the "chemical attacks", which are familiar to adult. But, strictly speaking, all we could choose the most natural food...
Finally, can badly affect the mother's health and lactation some herbs – it is very important for those who like today's popular herbal teas. So, it is better not to drink teas that contain hawthorn (contains stimulants for the heart and lowering blood pressure), clover (substances that can impair the clotting of blood), ginseng (may cause insomnia, breast tenderness), milkweed (a potent laxative), tansy. Reduce the formation of milk, mint, chamomile, sage, hop cones, leaves of the walnut .
Now you can find out more in some popular claims about what should and should not eat mother.
"If arrived a lot of milk and chest bursting, the mother should limit drinking"
It's just pointless because the amount of milk is not regulated in the received quantity of liquid. Milk developed as much as in the body of prolactin – and if the mother is drinking enough, then it can become dehydrated, until the rise of temperature, headache and General weakness - and milk does not become less. Therefore, it is necessary to drink for thirst – more, but smaller too.
"That was a lot of milk, the mother needs before each feeding to drink half a liter of tea"
If mum feeds on demand, then according to this principle it turns out that the drink she needs for days. And even if the baby asks to eat, for example, 8 times a day – it turns out that mom needs to drink 4 liters of tea. And 10 times a day – it is 5 liters...
However, this belief is a tiny grain of truth. Namely: any hot liquid is drunk for 10-15 minutes before feeding, it stimulates the release of oxytocin, and, accordingly, causes a rush of milk. That is, more milk will not, but at high tide the baby will be much easier to suck. But not necessarily to drink a pint, and not necessarily in front of each attachment, and then when I want to.
"A nursing mother should eat for two"
Look at this, "second", which is supposed to feed the mother. How much can this baby eat? This is not comparable with the diet of an adult. Therefore, it is completely normal when the diet of the mother includes 300-400 calories more than before pregnancy. Mom enough is appetite. In this case it is optimal to continue to eat about the same as during pregnancy: small portions, but frequently to the body constantly received all the necessary for the production of milk and yet not overloaded. The first few months of baby's life, when he often asks for the breast, the mother can come in handy to leave for the night somewhere beside the bed the snacks and drinking: hunger can roll forward unexpectedly, after another night of the meal of the child. As humor said one nursing mother about life with a newborn: "All day sleep all night don't eat – of course, tired!.."
"That milk was fat — you should eat nuts." Belief, which, alas, caused many moms to really unwanted issues. Nuts don't increase the overall fat content of the milk, but change the composition of milk fat after the mother eats nuts, her milk becomes more viscous, barely leaving the chest and contributes to lactose. And if the mother is calcium optionally accepts — chest formed the nastiest "dairy tube" when calcification in connection with viscous dairy fats literally clog your milk ducts. So to abuse the nuts (and a very fatty foods, too) a nursing mother should not.
"Baby sprinkled – then mom eats something!"
It is not necessary. The child first months of life is not so often reacts rash that is on my mother's food compared to the other possible stimuli (the most popular of which are: inappropriate children's cosmetics, washing powder with bio-additives, substances in tap water, hair and dust). Not to mention that many kids around the age of three weeks experiencing the phenomenon known as "neonatal acne" rash on the face hormonal in nature. From the mother's nutrition, they do not depend on absolutely nothing and are themselves approximately one and a half months, but a nursing mother during this time is usually time to at least try to put on a strict diet...
"The baby farting and pooping greens because my mom ate cucumbers and cabbage"
And here is the truth, but small. Indeed, if some foods cause mom heartburn or flatulence, it can cause a change in the composition of the blood, and therefore be passed to the baby. To gas-forming products often include cabbage, cucumbers, beans, grapes, pears, gassy drinks. But if the mother is eating these foods and it bloating does not suffer, and the baby will not affect.
But as for the chairs with herbs, it really can indicate intolerance to any products and then you need to think not cucumbers or cabbage, and to remember the products at risk. But the most common reason for green stool is the so-called imbalance of the front and rear of milk when the baby is too often shift from one breast to the other, and it gets too large portions rich in lactose "front" milk. Stocks of the enzyme that breaks down lactose, in the body of a small child, and when they end the problems start with digestion... this problem is Solved very simply: not to change the breast until the baby will not drain it completely; in this case, he will receive not only the "front" but also bold, well-assimilated "back" milk.
"Nursing mom can't eat dessert"
A categorical "no"! There's a sweet nursing mom need because carbohydrates are actively consumed in the process of milk production. Another question – exactly what it will be carbs because high blood sugar is not too good for mom and baby and if the mother every day to eat a jar of condensed milk — fermentation in the tummy and rash is really quite real. It is best to consume the so-called complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, muesli with fruit, but without sugar. Directly let sweet mom will always be stocks not too sweet cookies and white candy, which supply the body with carbohydrates without undue burden sucrose.
"Onions, garlic, spices – out of sight!"
This is also an extra precaution. It is believed that they can change the taste and smell of milk, but studies spicy food is not made kids less interested in her mother's chest. On the contrary, some children "spiced milk" liked even more!..
"Mother is a vegetarian can't follow your regular diet while nursing"
May well, despite the increased needs of the body. Mama vegetarian need more protein – this can be done by increasing the share of legumes and cereals, and grains – preferably whole, very rich in nutrients sprouted grains. You need lots of quality fats, which are best obtained from vegetable oils, preferably olive and sunflower. If the vegetarian diet involves not eating dairy products, remember that from plant foods most calcium contain parsley, dill, onion, garlic, walnuts and almonds, raisins and grapes, apricots, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, carrots, beets, legumes (including all the variety of soy products), peaches, pumpkin, sesame.
As for vitamins, plant foods contain all the essential vitamins except B 12, which we get mainly from foods of animal origin (meat, liver, kidney, egg yolk, cheese, fish); and if the mother does not consume them, you should take care of additional receipt. In vegetative products this vitamin practically is absent, although some of the amount discovered in seaweed and Chlorella. Stores of vitamin B 12 under normal diet accumulate in the liver and, therefore, deficiency symptoms may occur several years after starting the diet. Even if the deficiency is not visible at mom, his lack of milk can play a big role in the health of the child. A deficiency of vitamin B 12 in infants is manifested in the poor appetite, delayed motor development, muscle atrophy, vomiting, abnormalities in the blood, low hemoglobin.
But there are a vegetarian diet and pros: milk moms vegetarian contains less environmental contaminants than the milk of other mothers. Environmental pollutants are present mainly in fat, and vegetarian diets typically contain less fat than those in which there are animal products.
In short, breastfeeding is a reason not to go on a strict diet, but rather to improve their menu in General. And that's good, isn't it? published
author Irina Ryjova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.new-degree.ru/articles/mother/pitanie