The threat to the everyday things

There are things that can hurt a lot, but we do not feel the threat, because these things are around us every day and look quite harmless. Did you know that our usual food can bring a lot of harm, but in our house, there are household items, which are best avoided altogether? However, the worst damage may bring, without which today we can not imagine your life - your computer! Do the benefits of popcorn? Popcorn - the most popular appetizer, which can be bought before a session in the cinema and that any variance "with a bang", and at the most amazing prices. There popcorn in a movie - a tradition rooted in the distant past. Fans take in the great hall of the cinema with popcorn bags and did not realize that this product is not as useful as it might pokazatsya.

Corn popcorn often get stuck in the teeth and can lead to infections or tooth decay. Moreover, some unexploded grains during heating so hard that may damage zub.

Popcorn sold in movie theaters, is made for the purpose of selling as many as possible, the nutritional value of this product is questionable, it contains a huge amount of unnecessary fat and salt. If you can not give up the popcorn, even cook it yourself, using natural vegetable oil and adding less salt. What is the harm to the water? Drinking water, it seems, is not the product that may cause harm, but it is not so. If you drink too much water, a person can die under certain circumstances. Intoxication may occur, which is opasno.

If you stay home and drink water, do not drink more than the norm, but in sports, jogging or heat a huge amount of water you drink may be riskovannym.

The problem lies not so much in the water itself, but in the important nutrients that you lose during exercise. This leads to an imbalance in the body. Experts advise at intensive sports drink special sports drinks instead of plain water, which will help to restore the balance lost substances and liquid simultaneously. Harmful if Teflon? Teflon - a special coating material for cookware, which has become popular due to its characteristics. It allows the preparation of the food does not stick. However, PTFE is not entirely bezopasnym.

While some scientists do not believe that the Teflon to cause cancer, while others still have doubts. Teflon found in human blood, dust, food, and water. With strong heating surfaces with Teflon coating emits toxic chemicals that cause some of the symptoms are similar to flu symptoms. This damages the immune system in animals and even cause them cancer. While the researchers can not say exactly how much harm Teflon has on people. Sunscreen Sunscreen is clear from the name, to protect our skin from harmful sun rays, but tests have shown that most of these creams contain harmful ingredients, so regularly smeared sunscreen as bad as sitting in the sun without nego.

These chemicals give rise to a variety of tumors on the skin, and may also disrupt the hormonal balance of the body. Our body actually needs a little sunshine, as they provide important nutrients. However, we do not need a lot of solntsa.

Physicians are advised to stay in the sun more than 10 minutes before being smeared with cream, as well as search for those brands that do not contain harmful substances in its composition. Citric acid is harmful to teeth While some products, of which consists of citric acid, benefit, samoeto substance harm your teeth. According to dentists, it penetrates the enamel and destroys it, and it harms the health of the oral polosti.

Citric acid is found not only in some fruits, but also in soft drinks, so in order to not spoil your teeth, it is best to avoid drinks such as soda. Damage glue Formaldehyde - a colorless natural chemical that is used in a variety of products, from lipstick to toothpaste. Also, this substance has an embedded wood, which is used for furniture and various construction materialov.

This material enables the materials to stick together well, so it is used for samyhraznyh kinds of glue. Although scientists can not yet enough research conducted on this issue, they still believe that formaldehyde is carcinogenic to humans in large quantities causes short-term health problems. Pets danger to children: a means of moth Mothballs are used worldwide for the protection of garments and fabrics from mildew and other pests, especially moths. These products contain pesticides which kill pests. However, it was found that they contain ingredients that are quite dangerous, especially for younger detey.

Balls with naphthalene already banned in some countries. They also contain some other toxic substances - insecticides, which in many ways can penetrate into the human organism: they may be ingested or inhaled. If you feel the smell of mothballs, so harmful substances already in your lungs. Young children are particularly susceptible to these harmful substances, and if the child is somehow tasted the taste of the ball, you should immediately call an ambulance. Skim milk Many believe that the skim milk, ie milk from which skimmed the cream, it is a great way to get the vitamins, while eating less fat. However, many researchers believe that the skimmed milk is not as useful as the usual fat moloko.

When the cream removed from the milk, along with them are removed, and vitamins. Even if such milk added synthetic vitamins, they are naturally not as well absorbed as natural. Worse still, some manufacturers actually "enrich" skim milk, ispolzuyaporoshkovoe milk, which is actually used for the oxidation of cholesterol contained in moloke.

Animals that consume the oxidation of cholesterol, have health problems, have nihpovyshaetsya risk of heart attack. Despite the huge number of opponents of milk fat, it is still more useful than skim. Harm running Running under certain conditions, it is very useful for our body, but there are many opponents of this type of physical activity. Running can actually bring both harm and benefit, so they should be dealt with very ostorozhno.
If you run fast or at very long distances, instead of having to deal with some light jogging, you increase the risk of arthritis and other health problems. Many sports fans are running on a hard surface, such as concrete walkways, and it can hurt a lot of joints, especially kolenyam.

For people who are overweight, running generally contraindicated, because their pressure on the joints of the feet much more. Such people should choose other types of physical activity, and after reaching the desired weight, you can start to run. Harm computer course, you're reading this text from your computer screen, but it appears to use a computer very harmful. For example, the surface of your computer, monitor and keyboard contain the dust having toxic properties, which can lead to the appearance of neurological rasstroystv.

Other studies show that sitting at a computer at least three hours a day takes 3 years of life. What is important is what position we take, sitting at a computer. The light from it causes tension in the eyes and hand position during printing leads to problems with zapyastem.

Unfortunately, in today's world we can not imagine your life without a computer, and on duty have to use it daily. To reduce the harmful effects of the computer, doctors are advised to take a break, relax, stretch, allowing the eyes to relax every hour.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Kakaya-neozhidannaya-ugroza-taitsya-v-povsednevnyh-veshah.html
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