Who are you - man-stone, man-man-plant or animal?
Jorge A. Livraga (H.A.L.): You asked me about the different types of people, their inner nature
. As we know, what we call a man - this is not the beginning and not the end, but only a moment in the evolution of the Monad (Aeon), which comes from the depth of the original ages and rushes into the future. In the words of the divine Plato, a man carries a memory of the first Golden Age, and at the same time a premonition and awaits the coming of the new. But so far he has not come, the person affected by the volatile factor called time, which involves him in a circle.
Humanity as a whole - is the crown of the experience gained as a result of passing through the simpler forms. In this so-called evolutionary scientific theories fashionable in this age, we agree with the ancient philosophical and theological doctrines. But the official science says about the biological forms and ancient wisdom - that contain these forms - that's the main difference. Looking deeper, we see that the difference of opinion is that materialism denies the existence of an immortal soul, while for the esoteric philosophy of the immortality of the soul is a basic postulate.
We - the supporters of the second approach, and we believe that what is now the human soul, once upon a time inhabited animal forms, even earlier - vegetable, and in times so remote that we can hardly imagine them - mineral structure. This common, collective phenomenon includes, of course, and individual processes. This means that each person is the experience of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms as the basis of its current identity. And since nature has the property cycles and constant renewal, every man unconsciously holds deep within itself something of stones from a plant and an animal.
It is the combination of these elements, along with the knowledge, albeit vague, eternal destiny, cosmic journey beyond what we call life and death, and makes us human, and not simply the sum of the three past stages of evolution.
To this sum is added a spark of spiritual consciousness, without which a man with all his experience would be like a beacon fire. However, the experience of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, which is stored in the collective unconscious, and there is an individual unconscious, and the predominance of one of these principles are reflected in the actions of the man and his psychological motivation, allows us to distinguish different types of people.
The unconscious person stored experience of the mineral, plant, animal.
Man-mineral, his main concern - to exist, to survive at any cost. He lives within itself and for itself, without experiencing great fear. He rarely thinks about death. He sees in the life of any mysteries, it all seems clear, resolved, or at least understandable, it is not concerned with the phenomenon, beyond the everyday. He does not care neither to the past nor to the future; He lives only in the present, caused by random events. As with any stone, he was not able to move independently and under the influence of the pulse - whether internal or external impulse response, or atavistic legacy - shows all his psychological inertia. He mechanically repeats the action, because it is not capable of anything new.
He needs the atmosphere of monotonous uniformity; changes violate its self-sufficiency. If he seems nice, then it is only a superficial impression of its beauty - a sort of patina, following interactions with the environment. The principle of its action - resistance. Left to himself, he usually rolls down. For all his immobility call his telluric nature makes him a craving for the abyss and the constant expectation of a fall. The harmonious combination with others, allowing stones to show its main advantage - the strength of the structure, and his own life is a desperate call time which flows, it seems, not affecting its
. Delia (D) and Ferdinand (FA): Do people-stones insensitive? Is absolutely unfeeling stones themselves, surely they are silent, not able to talk about their pain, not able to cry, no matter whether it is the advantage or disadvantage?
H.A.L .: Do not look in the world of absolute values. It is not and never will be anything definite. The absolute insensitivity or absolute sensitivity relative to eliminate border - a kind of shell, similar to the one that has a gas bubble: without gas have vanished; the same shell has all the manifest and without it there can not exist. At the stone is very low sensitivity, but it is there, as well as in everything that exists.
If you strike a rock pick, rock will not cry, but her voice, her cry is the sound that we hear kick. Every living creature, every item will moan and cry when it changes state or the external conditions - including during the birth or death (the name itself will depend on where you look). The ability to cry - not a virtue and not a disadvantage, this property is just manifested. All forms always involves a certain share of suffering, and any form of suffering - is both an engine for knowledge and evidence of ignorance. And it is inevitable. It is inevitable for all and sundry.
Man-stone, his main concern - to survive at any cost
. Let us now turn to the man-plant. He is obsessed with his own growth and expansion of its sphere of influence. Leisurely and he works tirelessly, creating a fiber connecting them beam for the beam to create a trunk - a solid footing for future growth. For him, everything old is left behind at the bottom - as in the woody trunk of a date palm tree old leaves die off over time, but at the same time, like the stairs, serve as a support for new green shoots. Human-plant does not entail journey, not attract great adventure; it grows inside itself, driven by a constant, silent and persistent aspiration.
And let the desire of its vertical or at least directed upwards, its roots are woven in the depths of the earth to the other, a fixed vertical. That continued support for his journey, in support of its cyclically repeating the experience.
Domestic wood fiber of his stable, but its foliage is constantly moving in the slightest breath of wind. It depends on the environment it lives inside her and for her. Its flexibility is limited, and the limited strength, but that it flexibly differs in structure from its solid part; such a natural duality causes that maintain a single, continuous line of historical development with all its impermanence.
He loves silence and die in silence. The need for its presence is recognized only when it is not there.
D. and F .: So what is a forest? Are there people-forest?
H.A.L .: Forest - is not just a collection of trees, because the union and mutual supplement is always much more than just the sum of its parts. There is no concept of "people-forest", but the people-group of plants can indeed form a forest. Then they mutually enrich each other with their qualities, and all of their community creates an atmosphere of mutual protection and the protection of those who are associated with them. But among all kinds and types of people-plant could be set aside and a variety of subspecies. Some people started to loneliness, which, like the cypress, even next to other forests do not create the impression; and there are people, plants like shrub: they have such a complicated system of branches and foliage restless that even alone they create a sense of chaos and crowds
. At this historic juncture, people are trees there are, perhaps, more frequently than others; They in no way affect the course of history, but they are the most vulnerable to its impact.
Man-plant: obsessed with its own growth and expansion of its sphere of influence
. The man-beast combines the positive qualities of pets and negative traits of predators. It is hardy and aggressive, it is never balanced, and rarely - to wise men; his patience very quickly passes or passive contemplation or in violent aggression. In the animal-human incredibly developed sense of self-preservation, centered around a single center - self, eaten up by exceptional selfishness
. It is always guided by the psychology of war, whether economic struggle, armed conflict, a love rivalry or religious war. For him, there are only winners or losers, it does not take any other law or conditions, except for self-assertion at any cost.
His restless nature awakens in him a craving for wandering, to diversity, to changes in habitat. If a person, an animal can not travel physically, he wanders through its lively, rich imagination, the fruits of which hardly differs from reality. He can not clearly define the boundaries of his fictional world as the starting point for his consciousness is his own self and everything around him seems to be not very real, or at least insignificant.
The value of anything was determined by its proximity to I am the closest and dearest to the animal-human and will be the most realistic, regardless of whether it actually exists. "Not-I" for it is almost equivalent to "non-existence". Only I is a measure of the whole.
D. and F .: And what is manifested aggressive pets? Can they be more selfish than predators?
H.A.L .: You have already understood that in nature we often encounter the "optical illusion", with certain psychological illusions: for example, we are not afraid of a wolf cub or cubs, on the contrary, they cause us tenderness and affection. Similarly, wild animals, unless they are mad with hunger, never attack the baby. This talk is not only the most ancient traditions of all countries and peoples (including esoteric, such as about Romulus and Remus), but also modern shockers (remember Tarzan reared monkeys).
Man-animal, as "home", more or less unconsciously uses his "charm"; It is a kind of weapon, type of aggression without the use of force: powerful and paralyzing helplessness and defenselessness mesmerizing weak. Such a method is the opposite of aggressive violence, but in terms of the survival of the end result and egoistic intentions are the same.
Playing in the weakness of man-animal achieves the same, albeit less ambitious, benefits; this weakness is only apparent, he is weak only in appearance. And his mind completely focused on her I have involved aggression or only triggered by the so-called aggression without violence. All this is just different forms of the same selfishness.
D. and F .: So, the human animal is always selfish? Even when it is combined with others, and create community?
H.A.L .: It is clear that he is ready to unite with a single purpose - to better protect yourself. In any group of his style of behavior - the individualistic criticism and attempts at self-assertion, which only superficially will fade in the face of the team. If society does not suit him, or there appear at odds with his ego, or human-animal escapes therefrom or uses it for a society to find a more comfortable shelter. Man-animal can travel a lot, but inside himself he is always shackled and motionless: no internal movement, no inner path does not make him change his base deep biological utilitarianism
. The man-beast: Only the "I" is a measure of the entire
. D. and F .: So, each person has a great inner peace, and the world determines the type of his behavior, his character. You always tell us that there is no training, no experience is not entirely new, not a mere accumulation of knowledge.
You said that the fate of the amazing weavings and if we do not take out the "new" forms of experience in the truest sense of the word, yet these forms are not similar to any of the previous ones. So, we have a man-stone, wood and man-man-beast. But what is man-man? Man-stone, obviously due to the fact that the alchemists called "Earth", the man-plant - to "Water", a man-animal - with the "air". And what is the Man- "Fire"? And how it is linked with the new man, which you often say to us?
H.A.L .: The soul is always striving to get off the ground. It tends to rise higher and higher each time. All people living on earth now, are contemporaries, but not "the same age" - the age of the soul at all different, and therefore in every person dominates a particular quality, according to its inner nature. Note: the stone is always striving to down, the plant is pulled up, and the animal moves horizontally
. If we combine these three forces, three parts of ourselves, they will become the Fourth Way, a crossroads: one of our parts give the ancient, going from time immemorial vertical, downward, and the other - vertical, upward, but fixed, and the third - the movement to plane, able to climb or descend.
All of these capabilities combines man-Fire: he does not cling to the roots of the earth, but relies on it, he is able to rise up, but can also move in the direction of its movement and transmit to others. Fire Man is unstable, it can simultaneously sing and shout, destroy and create, he tramples underfoot the ground, upon which, while reaching for the stars. It is a transitional stage on what is, to what it should be. Man Fire - is a typical example of a man-philosopher, from which to grow the New Man
. D. and F .: What is the New Man? Can we already identify his main qualities? whether he has been living in us? Will it be some new physiological race, like the so-called Negroid or Mongoloid?
H.A.L .: Let us imagine a pregnant woman: naturally, she feels within himself another being; it being powered the same as it breathes with the help of her lungs, but she feels that it is growing and gradually begins to make its own motion.
At the same time, even with no experience, no special training, she inwardly convinced that this creature with its help will be born. She knows that the baby will like it, but still it is not she. She knows that he will give her strength, but at the same time make her cry. She both loves and fears it. Mother does not know exactly how and what will happen, but nature does its job.
We transfer this image to the human race, which now rules the world. In its interior gradually matured a new race. The first manifestation of a new race hurt her, but the old instinct does not allow to think about how to get rid of this pain by a new generation of poverty, because it is our future and our hope, from which we will never give up completely.
This process is very similar to the appearance of the child: the current human, changeable and diverse, both born carrying the fire even more vertical - a kind of "Cold Fire" constant teleological vertically. Before you will be a race in the truest sense of the word, is to form a new "race", a new spiritual community.
Psychological and physical differences manifest much later, just as the shadow of an eagle on the ground becomes visible only when it is climbing. Prior to that, it will take more than one millennium. The process itself is very complex, but it is based on a fairly simple mechanisms, because the ultimate goal is clear: to improve the current human and the transition to the New Man. Creator of Nature, Logos, since the beginning of time is in your mind, what would be the new man, but to properly assess the steps to it, we can not, because they do not able to see the distant horizons.
Sometimes, these steps seem to us contradictory - the accelerated development, it slows down - and we invent ourselves that the process has stopped. But any contradictions become clear, if we look at them from above; It can not solve them only one who stayed in the plane of the contradictions themselves.
Man-Man: combines all the experience of the previous kingdoms and even more
. The ultimate goal is clear:. Improve the current human and the transition to the New Man
D. and F .: And is there something on this New Man in ourselves, or maybe now people are born already belonging to this new "mean»?
H.A.L .: In your opinion matters already breaks through the New Man, but to the eye of the soul is fully opened, it takes time. Конечно же, в вас, как и в любом акропольце, есть кое-что от Нового Человека, но пока это нечто непостоянное, точечное, оно проявляется случайным образом и не удерживается долго.
Я говорю о тех грандиозных и мучительных замыслах, которые одолевают вас по ночам, о страстном желании покорить мир во имя Идеала, об эмоциональных всплесках, заставляющих вас преодолевать любую усталость, лишь бы завершить начатое, наконец, о послушании, которое уже у вас в крови, — все эти и еще многие ваши естественные проявления являются первыми проблесками в вас Нового Человека.
Поэтому многие ваши слова и дела вам кажутся будто бы чужими, а иногда вы интуитивно понимаете что-то, что не можете ни четко сформулировать, ни обосновать. Но я не думаю, что в наше время существует готовый «образец» Нового Человека, да и вряд ли он появится внезапно… Если бы он появился, он мог бы изменить ход истории за считанные годы, избавив нас от «средневековья», до которого мы скатились за несколько веков братоубийственных войн и геноцида.
Одним взмахом он разорвал бы наши оковы… Мы же пилим их медленно и мучительно, встречая нападки со стороны приверженцев материализма, а иногда получая кратковременные передышки, чтобы залечить свои раны.
Д. и Ф.: Нас удивляет еще кое-что. Ты часто используешь в своих объяснениях притчи, аллегории, даешь примеры с очень широким смыслом. Конечно, мы, как и другие твои слушатели, так понимаем лучше, но тем, кто далек от «Акрополя», твои объяснения зачастую кажутся слишком уж короткими и простыми, и они говорят, что иногда ты заставляешь их чувствовать себя детьми. Бывает даже, что человеку становится неудобно от того, что он так внимательно тебя слушал, хотя в твоем присутствии он чувствовал себя совершенно счастливым. Ты можешь рассказать нам, почему так происходит?
Х.А.Л.: Сегодня мир переживает апогей технического прогресса; технический прогресс вытесняет, подменяет собой многое, в том числе и развитие многих отраслей науки. Уровень техники иногда настолько высок, что наука не в состоянии даже объяснить, как действует то или иное устройство. Такое опережение уже само по себе опасно, но реальная угроза не в этом, а в том неприятии, недоверии, с которым живут люди, — будучи прагматиками и требуя конкретных результатов, они становятся похожими на детей: им проще и удобнее что-то увидеть или потрогать, чем понимать.
Философия как наука остановилась на уровне бесплодного субъективизма XVIII–XIX веков. Поскольку у этого субъективизма нет духовных корней, он является не более чем материалистическим калейдоскопом и делит природу на такие виды, которые существуют лишь в лабораторных условиях или в головах их исследователей. Именно поэтому на протяжении 25 веков люди всегда охотнее обращались к тем философам, которые были естественными и человечными.
Но сегодня их избегают или читают украдкой, чтобы не казаться старомодными. Для практической, повседневной жизни пространные размышления философов-субъективистов совершенно непригодны. Даже немногие высказывания Иисуса, Будды, Пифагора изменили больше судеб, чем долгие мудрствования картезианцев.
Человек-Огонь — вот пример Человека-Философа, из которого должен вырасти Новый Человек.
Я стараюсь избегать псевдофилософских рассуждений и предпочитаю учиться у Природы, дающей нам простые примеры, которые можно использовать в жизни. Но только при условии, что человеку хоть на какое-то время удастся освободиться от предвзятости, стать естественным и попытаться прожить эти примеры на собственном опыте. Если же он наденет тяжелую маску интеллектуализма, он потеряет простоту и чистоту восприятия. Мы же должны обращаться к Природе, выражаться естественно, говорить именно о том, о чем говорим.
Я разделяю идею основополагающего Единства в Природе и поэтому каждый естественный пример, взятый из этой Естественной Природы, считаю ценным. Именно поэтому я использую в своей речи аналогии, притчи, примеры. Ибо все в мире взаимосвязано, а Философия нужна для того, чтобы открыть это Основополагающее Единство во Всем, а не для того, чтобы расчленять и препарировать все на свете. Для меня то, что Есть, безусловно равно тому, что Существует.
Основа нашего учения должна быть пропитана Идеалом, подобно тому, как пропитан маслом фитилек лампадки — только поэтому он горит и называется фитилем. Иначе он останется лишь кусочком веревки и никогда не сможет давать свет. Без Идеала нет Философии.
Современному человеку не хватает Идеала, и поэтому он жаждет его. Даже в глубине самых примитивных проявлений человека проглядывает поиск Идеала. Но необходимы столь глубокие перемены, от стольких вещей нужно избавиться, что сам поиск оказывается очень трудным. Однако лишь за трудные дела стоит браться, ибо существует таинственная связь между трудным и ценным. Но откуда бы мы черпали силы, не будь у нас Идеала, который, подобно звезде, указывает нам путь в ночи? Вновь и вновь возносясь на небесный свод, эта Звезда не дает нам двигаться по замкнутому кругу; благодаря ей мы можем идти к нашей Цели. Эта Звезда и есть Идеал.
Автор: Хорхе Анхель Ливгара
. As we know, what we call a man - this is not the beginning and not the end, but only a moment in the evolution of the Monad (Aeon), which comes from the depth of the original ages and rushes into the future. In the words of the divine Plato, a man carries a memory of the first Golden Age, and at the same time a premonition and awaits the coming of the new. But so far he has not come, the person affected by the volatile factor called time, which involves him in a circle.

Humanity as a whole - is the crown of the experience gained as a result of passing through the simpler forms. In this so-called evolutionary scientific theories fashionable in this age, we agree with the ancient philosophical and theological doctrines. But the official science says about the biological forms and ancient wisdom - that contain these forms - that's the main difference. Looking deeper, we see that the difference of opinion is that materialism denies the existence of an immortal soul, while for the esoteric philosophy of the immortality of the soul is a basic postulate.
We - the supporters of the second approach, and we believe that what is now the human soul, once upon a time inhabited animal forms, even earlier - vegetable, and in times so remote that we can hardly imagine them - mineral structure. This common, collective phenomenon includes, of course, and individual processes. This means that each person is the experience of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms as the basis of its current identity. And since nature has the property cycles and constant renewal, every man unconsciously holds deep within itself something of stones from a plant and an animal.
It is the combination of these elements, along with the knowledge, albeit vague, eternal destiny, cosmic journey beyond what we call life and death, and makes us human, and not simply the sum of the three past stages of evolution.
To this sum is added a spark of spiritual consciousness, without which a man with all his experience would be like a beacon fire. However, the experience of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, which is stored in the collective unconscious, and there is an individual unconscious, and the predominance of one of these principles are reflected in the actions of the man and his psychological motivation, allows us to distinguish different types of people.
The unconscious person stored experience of the mineral, plant, animal.
Man-mineral, his main concern - to exist, to survive at any cost. He lives within itself and for itself, without experiencing great fear. He rarely thinks about death. He sees in the life of any mysteries, it all seems clear, resolved, or at least understandable, it is not concerned with the phenomenon, beyond the everyday. He does not care neither to the past nor to the future; He lives only in the present, caused by random events. As with any stone, he was not able to move independently and under the influence of the pulse - whether internal or external impulse response, or atavistic legacy - shows all his psychological inertia. He mechanically repeats the action, because it is not capable of anything new.
He needs the atmosphere of monotonous uniformity; changes violate its self-sufficiency. If he seems nice, then it is only a superficial impression of its beauty - a sort of patina, following interactions with the environment. The principle of its action - resistance. Left to himself, he usually rolls down. For all his immobility call his telluric nature makes him a craving for the abyss and the constant expectation of a fall. The harmonious combination with others, allowing stones to show its main advantage - the strength of the structure, and his own life is a desperate call time which flows, it seems, not affecting its
. Delia (D) and Ferdinand (FA): Do people-stones insensitive? Is absolutely unfeeling stones themselves, surely they are silent, not able to talk about their pain, not able to cry, no matter whether it is the advantage or disadvantage?
H.A.L .: Do not look in the world of absolute values. It is not and never will be anything definite. The absolute insensitivity or absolute sensitivity relative to eliminate border - a kind of shell, similar to the one that has a gas bubble: without gas have vanished; the same shell has all the manifest and without it there can not exist. At the stone is very low sensitivity, but it is there, as well as in everything that exists.
If you strike a rock pick, rock will not cry, but her voice, her cry is the sound that we hear kick. Every living creature, every item will moan and cry when it changes state or the external conditions - including during the birth or death (the name itself will depend on where you look). The ability to cry - not a virtue and not a disadvantage, this property is just manifested. All forms always involves a certain share of suffering, and any form of suffering - is both an engine for knowledge and evidence of ignorance. And it is inevitable. It is inevitable for all and sundry.
Man-stone, his main concern - to survive at any cost
. Let us now turn to the man-plant. He is obsessed with his own growth and expansion of its sphere of influence. Leisurely and he works tirelessly, creating a fiber connecting them beam for the beam to create a trunk - a solid footing for future growth. For him, everything old is left behind at the bottom - as in the woody trunk of a date palm tree old leaves die off over time, but at the same time, like the stairs, serve as a support for new green shoots. Human-plant does not entail journey, not attract great adventure; it grows inside itself, driven by a constant, silent and persistent aspiration.
And let the desire of its vertical or at least directed upwards, its roots are woven in the depths of the earth to the other, a fixed vertical. That continued support for his journey, in support of its cyclically repeating the experience.
Domestic wood fiber of his stable, but its foliage is constantly moving in the slightest breath of wind. It depends on the environment it lives inside her and for her. Its flexibility is limited, and the limited strength, but that it flexibly differs in structure from its solid part; such a natural duality causes that maintain a single, continuous line of historical development with all its impermanence.
He loves silence and die in silence. The need for its presence is recognized only when it is not there.
D. and F .: So what is a forest? Are there people-forest?
H.A.L .: Forest - is not just a collection of trees, because the union and mutual supplement is always much more than just the sum of its parts. There is no concept of "people-forest", but the people-group of plants can indeed form a forest. Then they mutually enrich each other with their qualities, and all of their community creates an atmosphere of mutual protection and the protection of those who are associated with them. But among all kinds and types of people-plant could be set aside and a variety of subspecies. Some people started to loneliness, which, like the cypress, even next to other forests do not create the impression; and there are people, plants like shrub: they have such a complicated system of branches and foliage restless that even alone they create a sense of chaos and crowds
. At this historic juncture, people are trees there are, perhaps, more frequently than others; They in no way affect the course of history, but they are the most vulnerable to its impact.
Man-plant: obsessed with its own growth and expansion of its sphere of influence
. The man-beast combines the positive qualities of pets and negative traits of predators. It is hardy and aggressive, it is never balanced, and rarely - to wise men; his patience very quickly passes or passive contemplation or in violent aggression. In the animal-human incredibly developed sense of self-preservation, centered around a single center - self, eaten up by exceptional selfishness
. It is always guided by the psychology of war, whether economic struggle, armed conflict, a love rivalry or religious war. For him, there are only winners or losers, it does not take any other law or conditions, except for self-assertion at any cost.
His restless nature awakens in him a craving for wandering, to diversity, to changes in habitat. If a person, an animal can not travel physically, he wanders through its lively, rich imagination, the fruits of which hardly differs from reality. He can not clearly define the boundaries of his fictional world as the starting point for his consciousness is his own self and everything around him seems to be not very real, or at least insignificant.
The value of anything was determined by its proximity to I am the closest and dearest to the animal-human and will be the most realistic, regardless of whether it actually exists. "Not-I" for it is almost equivalent to "non-existence". Only I is a measure of the whole.
D. and F .: And what is manifested aggressive pets? Can they be more selfish than predators?
H.A.L .: You have already understood that in nature we often encounter the "optical illusion", with certain psychological illusions: for example, we are not afraid of a wolf cub or cubs, on the contrary, they cause us tenderness and affection. Similarly, wild animals, unless they are mad with hunger, never attack the baby. This talk is not only the most ancient traditions of all countries and peoples (including esoteric, such as about Romulus and Remus), but also modern shockers (remember Tarzan reared monkeys).
Man-animal, as "home", more or less unconsciously uses his "charm"; It is a kind of weapon, type of aggression without the use of force: powerful and paralyzing helplessness and defenselessness mesmerizing weak. Such a method is the opposite of aggressive violence, but in terms of the survival of the end result and egoistic intentions are the same.
Playing in the weakness of man-animal achieves the same, albeit less ambitious, benefits; this weakness is only apparent, he is weak only in appearance. And his mind completely focused on her I have involved aggression or only triggered by the so-called aggression without violence. All this is just different forms of the same selfishness.
D. and F .: So, the human animal is always selfish? Even when it is combined with others, and create community?
H.A.L .: It is clear that he is ready to unite with a single purpose - to better protect yourself. In any group of his style of behavior - the individualistic criticism and attempts at self-assertion, which only superficially will fade in the face of the team. If society does not suit him, or there appear at odds with his ego, or human-animal escapes therefrom or uses it for a society to find a more comfortable shelter. Man-animal can travel a lot, but inside himself he is always shackled and motionless: no internal movement, no inner path does not make him change his base deep biological utilitarianism
. The man-beast: Only the "I" is a measure of the entire
. D. and F .: So, each person has a great inner peace, and the world determines the type of his behavior, his character. You always tell us that there is no training, no experience is not entirely new, not a mere accumulation of knowledge.
You said that the fate of the amazing weavings and if we do not take out the "new" forms of experience in the truest sense of the word, yet these forms are not similar to any of the previous ones. So, we have a man-stone, wood and man-man-beast. But what is man-man? Man-stone, obviously due to the fact that the alchemists called "Earth", the man-plant - to "Water", a man-animal - with the "air". And what is the Man- "Fire"? And how it is linked with the new man, which you often say to us?
H.A.L .: The soul is always striving to get off the ground. It tends to rise higher and higher each time. All people living on earth now, are contemporaries, but not "the same age" - the age of the soul at all different, and therefore in every person dominates a particular quality, according to its inner nature. Note: the stone is always striving to down, the plant is pulled up, and the animal moves horizontally
. If we combine these three forces, three parts of ourselves, they will become the Fourth Way, a crossroads: one of our parts give the ancient, going from time immemorial vertical, downward, and the other - vertical, upward, but fixed, and the third - the movement to plane, able to climb or descend.
All of these capabilities combines man-Fire: he does not cling to the roots of the earth, but relies on it, he is able to rise up, but can also move in the direction of its movement and transmit to others. Fire Man is unstable, it can simultaneously sing and shout, destroy and create, he tramples underfoot the ground, upon which, while reaching for the stars. It is a transitional stage on what is, to what it should be. Man Fire - is a typical example of a man-philosopher, from which to grow the New Man
. D. and F .: What is the New Man? Can we already identify his main qualities? whether he has been living in us? Will it be some new physiological race, like the so-called Negroid or Mongoloid?
H.A.L .: Let us imagine a pregnant woman: naturally, she feels within himself another being; it being powered the same as it breathes with the help of her lungs, but she feels that it is growing and gradually begins to make its own motion.
At the same time, even with no experience, no special training, she inwardly convinced that this creature with its help will be born. She knows that the baby will like it, but still it is not she. She knows that he will give her strength, but at the same time make her cry. She both loves and fears it. Mother does not know exactly how and what will happen, but nature does its job.
We transfer this image to the human race, which now rules the world. In its interior gradually matured a new race. The first manifestation of a new race hurt her, but the old instinct does not allow to think about how to get rid of this pain by a new generation of poverty, because it is our future and our hope, from which we will never give up completely.
This process is very similar to the appearance of the child: the current human, changeable and diverse, both born carrying the fire even more vertical - a kind of "Cold Fire" constant teleological vertically. Before you will be a race in the truest sense of the word, is to form a new "race", a new spiritual community.
Psychological and physical differences manifest much later, just as the shadow of an eagle on the ground becomes visible only when it is climbing. Prior to that, it will take more than one millennium. The process itself is very complex, but it is based on a fairly simple mechanisms, because the ultimate goal is clear: to improve the current human and the transition to the New Man. Creator of Nature, Logos, since the beginning of time is in your mind, what would be the new man, but to properly assess the steps to it, we can not, because they do not able to see the distant horizons.
Sometimes, these steps seem to us contradictory - the accelerated development, it slows down - and we invent ourselves that the process has stopped. But any contradictions become clear, if we look at them from above; It can not solve them only one who stayed in the plane of the contradictions themselves.
Man-Man: combines all the experience of the previous kingdoms and even more
. The ultimate goal is clear:. Improve the current human and the transition to the New Man
D. and F .: And is there something on this New Man in ourselves, or maybe now people are born already belonging to this new "mean»?
H.A.L .: In your opinion matters already breaks through the New Man, but to the eye of the soul is fully opened, it takes time. Конечно же, в вас, как и в любом акропольце, есть кое-что от Нового Человека, но пока это нечто непостоянное, точечное, оно проявляется случайным образом и не удерживается долго.
Я говорю о тех грандиозных и мучительных замыслах, которые одолевают вас по ночам, о страстном желании покорить мир во имя Идеала, об эмоциональных всплесках, заставляющих вас преодолевать любую усталость, лишь бы завершить начатое, наконец, о послушании, которое уже у вас в крови, — все эти и еще многие ваши естественные проявления являются первыми проблесками в вас Нового Человека.
Поэтому многие ваши слова и дела вам кажутся будто бы чужими, а иногда вы интуитивно понимаете что-то, что не можете ни четко сформулировать, ни обосновать. Но я не думаю, что в наше время существует готовый «образец» Нового Человека, да и вряд ли он появится внезапно… Если бы он появился, он мог бы изменить ход истории за считанные годы, избавив нас от «средневековья», до которого мы скатились за несколько веков братоубийственных войн и геноцида.
Одним взмахом он разорвал бы наши оковы… Мы же пилим их медленно и мучительно, встречая нападки со стороны приверженцев материализма, а иногда получая кратковременные передышки, чтобы залечить свои раны.
Д. и Ф.: Нас удивляет еще кое-что. Ты часто используешь в своих объяснениях притчи, аллегории, даешь примеры с очень широким смыслом. Конечно, мы, как и другие твои слушатели, так понимаем лучше, но тем, кто далек от «Акрополя», твои объяснения зачастую кажутся слишком уж короткими и простыми, и они говорят, что иногда ты заставляешь их чувствовать себя детьми. Бывает даже, что человеку становится неудобно от того, что он так внимательно тебя слушал, хотя в твоем присутствии он чувствовал себя совершенно счастливым. Ты можешь рассказать нам, почему так происходит?
Х.А.Л.: Сегодня мир переживает апогей технического прогресса; технический прогресс вытесняет, подменяет собой многое, в том числе и развитие многих отраслей науки. Уровень техники иногда настолько высок, что наука не в состоянии даже объяснить, как действует то или иное устройство. Такое опережение уже само по себе опасно, но реальная угроза не в этом, а в том неприятии, недоверии, с которым живут люди, — будучи прагматиками и требуя конкретных результатов, они становятся похожими на детей: им проще и удобнее что-то увидеть или потрогать, чем понимать.
Философия как наука остановилась на уровне бесплодного субъективизма XVIII–XIX веков. Поскольку у этого субъективизма нет духовных корней, он является не более чем материалистическим калейдоскопом и делит природу на такие виды, которые существуют лишь в лабораторных условиях или в головах их исследователей. Именно поэтому на протяжении 25 веков люди всегда охотнее обращались к тем философам, которые были естественными и человечными.
Но сегодня их избегают или читают украдкой, чтобы не казаться старомодными. Для практической, повседневной жизни пространные размышления философов-субъективистов совершенно непригодны. Даже немногие высказывания Иисуса, Будды, Пифагора изменили больше судеб, чем долгие мудрствования картезианцев.
Человек-Огонь — вот пример Человека-Философа, из которого должен вырасти Новый Человек.
Я стараюсь избегать псевдофилософских рассуждений и предпочитаю учиться у Природы, дающей нам простые примеры, которые можно использовать в жизни. Но только при условии, что человеку хоть на какое-то время удастся освободиться от предвзятости, стать естественным и попытаться прожить эти примеры на собственном опыте. Если же он наденет тяжелую маску интеллектуализма, он потеряет простоту и чистоту восприятия. Мы же должны обращаться к Природе, выражаться естественно, говорить именно о том, о чем говорим.
Я разделяю идею основополагающего Единства в Природе и поэтому каждый естественный пример, взятый из этой Естественной Природы, считаю ценным. Именно поэтому я использую в своей речи аналогии, притчи, примеры. Ибо все в мире взаимосвязано, а Философия нужна для того, чтобы открыть это Основополагающее Единство во Всем, а не для того, чтобы расчленять и препарировать все на свете. Для меня то, что Есть, безусловно равно тому, что Существует.
Основа нашего учения должна быть пропитана Идеалом, подобно тому, как пропитан маслом фитилек лампадки — только поэтому он горит и называется фитилем. Иначе он останется лишь кусочком веревки и никогда не сможет давать свет. Без Идеала нет Философии.
Современному человеку не хватает Идеала, и поэтому он жаждет его. Даже в глубине самых примитивных проявлений человека проглядывает поиск Идеала. Но необходимы столь глубокие перемены, от стольких вещей нужно избавиться, что сам поиск оказывается очень трудным. Однако лишь за трудные дела стоит браться, ибо существует таинственная связь между трудным и ценным. Но откуда бы мы черпали силы, не будь у нас Идеала, который, подобно звезде, указывает нам путь в ночи? Вновь и вновь возносясь на небесный свод, эта Звезда не дает нам двигаться по замкнутому кругу; благодаря ей мы можем идти к нашей Цели. Эта Звезда и есть Идеал.
Автор: Хорхе Анхель Ливгара