Other milk: almond, cashew, poppy and nutella hazelnut milk
Becoming vegan or not is everyone’s choice. But what they can’t take away, they have made our diet more diverse. And healthy. In such vegetable milk, all ingredients are not processed and remain raw, which means that vitamins, minerals and enzymes are preserved. In addition, nut milk is much better absorbed by the body than cow milk.
Cooking nut milk is very simple. Practically any nuts and seeds should be soaked in drinking water at night, and in the morning beat in a blender to a homogeneous state. If necessary, strain through a sieve or fabric. More water is a more liquid consistency, less is the consistency of yogurt. Experiment with nuts and supplements. One nuance - to add to coffee, it is better to use soy or rice, but not "milk" from nuts.
Almond milk
One of the most common and delicious non-dairy varieties of “other” milk. In order to make it, the nuts must be soaked in advance. In many recipes, the skin is recommended to be removed by pouring boiling water on almonds. Firstly, it is not so simple and secondly, the taste does not particularly affect, and if you feel a small difference, it will be insignificant, plus the changes will not be for the worse. But if you want to strictly follow the recipe found, look for white almonds on sale. As a rule, it is already blanched and cleaned of the skin. It is enough to soak not at night, but only for 3-4 hours.
For necks with almond milk suitable dates, dried cranberries, banana, bitter chocolate or cocoa.
Poppy milk
Poppy milk contains 1448 mg of calcium, and cow milk contains only 300 mg.
Nutella hazelnut milk
Such milk is loved by all children, it is ideal to use it as a basis for smoothies and nutritious cocktails, as a restorative tool after physical exertion.
Familiar dessert without sugar and preservatives.
Cashew nut milk
Or cashew cream is the perfect ingredient for vegetarian yogurt.
By the same principle, try to prepare milk from pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, rice, coconut shavings.
Source: dgficc.com/
Source: /users/1077
Cooking nut milk is very simple. Practically any nuts and seeds should be soaked in drinking water at night, and in the morning beat in a blender to a homogeneous state. If necessary, strain through a sieve or fabric. More water is a more liquid consistency, less is the consistency of yogurt. Experiment with nuts and supplements. One nuance - to add to coffee, it is better to use soy or rice, but not "milk" from nuts.
Almond milk
One of the most common and delicious non-dairy varieties of “other” milk. In order to make it, the nuts must be soaked in advance. In many recipes, the skin is recommended to be removed by pouring boiling water on almonds. Firstly, it is not so simple and secondly, the taste does not particularly affect, and if you feel a small difference, it will be insignificant, plus the changes will not be for the worse. But if you want to strictly follow the recipe found, look for white almonds on sale. As a rule, it is already blanched and cleaned of the skin. It is enough to soak not at night, but only for 3-4 hours.
- 100g almonds
- 350 ml of water
- vanilla and sweetener to taste
For necks with almond milk suitable dates, dried cranberries, banana, bitter chocolate or cocoa.
Poppy milk
Poppy milk contains 1448 mg of calcium, and cow milk contains only 300 mg.
- half a cup of poppy
- 2 glasses of water
- sweetener
Nutella hazelnut milk
Such milk is loved by all children, it is ideal to use it as a basis for smoothies and nutritious cocktails, as a restorative tool after physical exertion.
- 1 cup hazelnut
- 3 cups of water
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp cocoa
Familiar dessert without sugar and preservatives.
Cashew nut milk
Or cashew cream is the perfect ingredient for vegetarian yogurt.
- 100g raw cashew nuts
- 350 ml of water
- 1 tbsp honey
- vanillin
By the same principle, try to prepare milk from pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, rice, coconut shavings.
Source: dgficc.com/
Source: /users/1077