The business idea: the cultivation of hazelnuts
Hazelnut is a hardy plant that requires basic conditions. In Italy it is called "the tree for the lazy" because it does not require particularly care. If you choose the right varieties, high yields can be obtained in the Northern and southern zones. A shelf life of cultivated filberts in the shell has a duration of 3-4 years in dry and cool place.
The basic calculation of the profitability of business ideas:
The average yield of hazelnut up to 2 tons per hectare.
The yield of nuclei in an average of 50%.
Wholesale purchase price of the kernel of the nut starts from 5800$ per ton.
The price increases every year, because it stimulates constant growth of needs.
What is the use of hazelnuts? The nuts unbeatable leader in number of useful properties, among other foods. As with all nuts, hazelnuts stimulates the brain and improves the potency. But its main advantage is perfectly balanced 20 amino acids plus a perfect combination of protein and vitamin E increases the vitality of man and well helps with chronic fatigue. Athletes really appreciate this product when you need to regain your strength after repeated exercise. One hundred grams of hazelnuts contains 620 calories. This is a great indicator of the energy value of the product. For comparison, fried potato chips contain the same 100g. 530 calories.
Yielding varieties
To compete with foreign suppliers of nuts, you need to choose varieties that give close to world-class harvest:
+fruit rounded with rich brown shiny shell;
+fat – about 70-72%;
+out of the nucleus is about 60%.
It is important to consider the climatic conditions for hazelnut cultivation: the cultivar must be winter hardy, drought resistant.
For growing cultivated hazel to create reliving business needs its own plot of land. If you rent, it is only with a subsequent purchase, that is in the lease. The fact that to profit from hazelnut garden work only a couple of years. First the nuts on the bushes will appear after 2 years, and to bear fruit to the full capacity will pochnut not earlier than 3 years. Therefore, to invest in leased land is risky.
Care hazelnut does not require much knowledge and effort. This undemanding plant care, but for best yields it is necessary to follow the simple rules of farming.
Requirements for cultivation of hazelnuts:
1. Soil. Special "wishes" no. Best options – different chernozems and gray forest soils. Not like hazelnuts, sandy, swampy and saline soils. Acidic earth, it is desirable to be limed (1kV. m – 500 g of lime). The bushes grow well on sod land. But to respond gratefully to the regular plowing. Autumn, at a depth of 15-18cm. During the growing season – 4-5 times to a depth of 10-12cm.
2. The time of planting. Autumn. The end of October. Hazel plants are characterized by short period of rest. Therefore, when planting in the spring a large part of the seedlings dies.
3. The scheme of planting. Options for the location of the bushes depending on their size, tendency to the formation of shoots. Possible planting rows. Schemes — 3X5 m, 5X4 m, 6X6 m. In Turkey, which occupies the 1st place in the commercial cultivation of hazelnuts, used breeding method of planting. Up to 5 bushes a circle with a diameter of 1m. Subsequently, the plants form in the trunk. When private organizations growing of hazelnut garden on 1 hectare of land is placed 500-700 bushes. Female – to 1400.
4. Landing. Pits prepared in advance, around the end of August. Depth of 30-50 cm Each seedling is watered (20-25L. water). When the water is absorbed, the soil around the shrub mulch.
5. Watering. Only required in regions with arid climate.
6. Trimming the tree hazelnuts. Task – remove a broken, dry and sick branches, the whole growth, to thin out the Bush. Cut all 4-5-year-old shoots. When reduced growth, diminished yield, cut off all aerial part of the plant.
7. Fertilizer. Recommended good filling of the soil organic matter and mineral compositions prior to planting. In 1st year – 1-2 feeding of ammonium nitrate (sqm, 15-20 g). In subsequent years, manure (3 kg per sq m), ammonium nitrate (40 g), superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (30 g).
8. Protection from pests and diseases. Cleaning and burning of leaves, dry and damaged branches. Deep autumn digging the soil. Preventive spraying with insecticides. Destruction of wormy nuts.
9. Harvest. When the nut he falls out of the wrapper it is ready. Optimal time – Cupule just started to change color. If you shake a Bush hard fall.
10. Drying and storage. First the nuts are stored in a dry place together with wrappers. When the shell will acquire a brown color, the nuts are sorted and cleaned from wrappers. Be dried at room temperature, spread a thin layer. If the nuts make a distinctive sound, they are ready. For storage they are placed in paper or fabric bags.
Grown hazelnuts can be stored for 3-4 years in a cool room (3-6°). Humidity 12-14%.
The cultivated hazel nuts do not need advertising. They constantly buy and often for export for resale in European countries. There demand is growing rapidly every year. Especially in the fall, you can often find ads on procurement to small and large parties. Who else buys hazelnuts in addition to the dealers? For example:
1. Most delicious hazelnuts in need factory for the production of chocolate, chocolates and confectionery products. This will be the main wholesale buyers.
2. In second place is the grocery stores. Party procurement of goods will be less.
3. At the retail price of hazelnuts can be implemented to the population.
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Grain farming is an investment in the future. Expect this business idea is not fast, but long-term and stable profit, do not require much effort. Is only the first year with a good work and decades enjoying the fruits of their labor.published
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_18692

The basic calculation of the profitability of business ideas:
The average yield of hazelnut up to 2 tons per hectare.
The yield of nuclei in an average of 50%.
Wholesale purchase price of the kernel of the nut starts from 5800$ per ton.
The price increases every year, because it stimulates constant growth of needs.
What is the use of hazelnuts? The nuts unbeatable leader in number of useful properties, among other foods. As with all nuts, hazelnuts stimulates the brain and improves the potency. But its main advantage is perfectly balanced 20 amino acids plus a perfect combination of protein and vitamin E increases the vitality of man and well helps with chronic fatigue. Athletes really appreciate this product when you need to regain your strength after repeated exercise. One hundred grams of hazelnuts contains 620 calories. This is a great indicator of the energy value of the product. For comparison, fried potato chips contain the same 100g. 530 calories.
Yielding varieties
To compete with foreign suppliers of nuts, you need to choose varieties that give close to world-class harvest:
+fruit rounded with rich brown shiny shell;
+fat – about 70-72%;
+out of the nucleus is about 60%.
It is important to consider the climatic conditions for hazelnut cultivation: the cultivar must be winter hardy, drought resistant.
For growing cultivated hazel to create reliving business needs its own plot of land. If you rent, it is only with a subsequent purchase, that is in the lease. The fact that to profit from hazelnut garden work only a couple of years. First the nuts on the bushes will appear after 2 years, and to bear fruit to the full capacity will pochnut not earlier than 3 years. Therefore, to invest in leased land is risky.
Care hazelnut does not require much knowledge and effort. This undemanding plant care, but for best yields it is necessary to follow the simple rules of farming.

Requirements for cultivation of hazelnuts:
1. Soil. Special "wishes" no. Best options – different chernozems and gray forest soils. Not like hazelnuts, sandy, swampy and saline soils. Acidic earth, it is desirable to be limed (1kV. m – 500 g of lime). The bushes grow well on sod land. But to respond gratefully to the regular plowing. Autumn, at a depth of 15-18cm. During the growing season – 4-5 times to a depth of 10-12cm.
2. The time of planting. Autumn. The end of October. Hazel plants are characterized by short period of rest. Therefore, when planting in the spring a large part of the seedlings dies.
3. The scheme of planting. Options for the location of the bushes depending on their size, tendency to the formation of shoots. Possible planting rows. Schemes — 3X5 m, 5X4 m, 6X6 m. In Turkey, which occupies the 1st place in the commercial cultivation of hazelnuts, used breeding method of planting. Up to 5 bushes a circle with a diameter of 1m. Subsequently, the plants form in the trunk. When private organizations growing of hazelnut garden on 1 hectare of land is placed 500-700 bushes. Female – to 1400.
4. Landing. Pits prepared in advance, around the end of August. Depth of 30-50 cm Each seedling is watered (20-25L. water). When the water is absorbed, the soil around the shrub mulch.
5. Watering. Only required in regions with arid climate.
6. Trimming the tree hazelnuts. Task – remove a broken, dry and sick branches, the whole growth, to thin out the Bush. Cut all 4-5-year-old shoots. When reduced growth, diminished yield, cut off all aerial part of the plant.
7. Fertilizer. Recommended good filling of the soil organic matter and mineral compositions prior to planting. In 1st year – 1-2 feeding of ammonium nitrate (sqm, 15-20 g). In subsequent years, manure (3 kg per sq m), ammonium nitrate (40 g), superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (30 g).
8. Protection from pests and diseases. Cleaning and burning of leaves, dry and damaged branches. Deep autumn digging the soil. Preventive spraying with insecticides. Destruction of wormy nuts.
9. Harvest. When the nut he falls out of the wrapper it is ready. Optimal time – Cupule just started to change color. If you shake a Bush hard fall.
10. Drying and storage. First the nuts are stored in a dry place together with wrappers. When the shell will acquire a brown color, the nuts are sorted and cleaned from wrappers. Be dried at room temperature, spread a thin layer. If the nuts make a distinctive sound, they are ready. For storage they are placed in paper or fabric bags.
Grown hazelnuts can be stored for 3-4 years in a cool room (3-6°). Humidity 12-14%.

The cultivated hazel nuts do not need advertising. They constantly buy and often for export for resale in European countries. There demand is growing rapidly every year. Especially in the fall, you can often find ads on procurement to small and large parties. Who else buys hazelnuts in addition to the dealers? For example:
1. Most delicious hazelnuts in need factory for the production of chocolate, chocolates and confectionery products. This will be the main wholesale buyers.
2. In second place is the grocery stores. Party procurement of goods will be less.
3. At the retail price of hazelnuts can be implemented to the population.
10 books that will inspire me to start my own business
9 rules of financial literacy
Grain farming is an investment in the future. Expect this business idea is not fast, but long-term and stable profit, do not require much effort. Is only the first year with a good work and decades enjoying the fruits of their labor.published
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_18692
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