The delicacy which prolongs life and saves from cancer
This type of nut is full of calcium, iron & zinc, contains a lot of antioxidants, fatty acids omega-3 and vitamin B3. Walnuts are high in calories, but not to abuse them. The benefit of nuts is that they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Pistachios have recognized the female nuts because of its effect on this kind of hormones. Pistachios are the most low-calorie nuts, but contain a lot of vitamin B3. To use on the day of these nuts is recommended not more than 5 grams.
Hazelnuts contain a huge amount of different vitamins, minerals and acids useful for the human body. Hazelnuts are very high in calories and useful to the whole human body in General. It is best to consume nuts in raw form, in this case, use more nuts.
Almonds – the best helper of human skin. This type of nuts contains a lot of iron and amino acids that are useful for human skin. Nuts have a medium calorific value.
Cashew – nuts are rich in zinc and iron and also have low fat content and medium calorific value. These nuts will be a great help for the cardiovascular system, but they need to eat is not much, otherwise the benefits of nuts will be offset by problems with the stomach.
Source: /users/559
This type of nut is full of calcium, iron & zinc, contains a lot of antioxidants, fatty acids omega-3 and vitamin B3. Walnuts are high in calories, but not to abuse them. The benefit of nuts is that they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Pistachios have recognized the female nuts because of its effect on this kind of hormones. Pistachios are the most low-calorie nuts, but contain a lot of vitamin B3. To use on the day of these nuts is recommended not more than 5 grams.

Hazelnuts contain a huge amount of different vitamins, minerals and acids useful for the human body. Hazelnuts are very high in calories and useful to the whole human body in General. It is best to consume nuts in raw form, in this case, use more nuts.
Almonds – the best helper of human skin. This type of nuts contains a lot of iron and amino acids that are useful for human skin. Nuts have a medium calorific value.

Cashew – nuts are rich in zinc and iron and also have low fat content and medium calorific value. These nuts will be a great help for the cardiovascular system, but they need to eat is not much, otherwise the benefits of nuts will be offset by problems with the stomach.
Source: /users/559
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