10 reasons to eat nuts every day

In ancient times it was known the beneficial effects of nuts, they are even used in the treatment of diseases. Nuts contain large amounts of nutrients, their consumption is extremely helpful for the body. And here are the main reasons:
1. Reduce the level of "bad" cholesterolemia studies show the positive impact of walnuts on the heart and cardiovascular system. In connection with the content of unsaturated fat, approximately 60%, as well as potassium and magnesium, nuts are recommended for people suffering from various heart diseases or hypertension. Studies have shown that they reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Thus, people consuming 30 grams of nuts two or three times a week, a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease. So that the nuts support flexible arteries, healthy heart and prevent stroke.2. Diabetes For diabetics, nuts are a valuable product because they contain a small percentage of carbohydrates. They can consume people with diabetes who do not eat meat, nuts are a perfect replacement. In addition, nuts can reduce blood sugar.
3. Against cancer a Diet rich in walnuts helps prevent breast cancer due to omega-3, antioxidants, polyphenols and phytosterols.
4. Useful for the skin because Of the fat content of nuts is recommended especially in winter when the external factors have a negative effect on the skin. In addition, they improve skin elasticity and their consumption is useful for people suffering from eczema or psoriasis.
5. Improve memory Research shows that the active substances contained in nuts, have beneficial effects on the blood vessels that supply the brain. Thus, they help to improve memory and concentration. To enhance the ability to concentrate is recommended daily intake of eight or ten nuts, mixed with four teaspoons of honey added.
6. Against thyroid cancer due to the rich iodine content of nuts are recommended in cases of thyroid disease.
7. Against stress Headaches and stress can be eliminated with the help of peanut butter. Mix thoroughly until a paste of the kernel of ten green nuts with a tablespoon of honey, and then add the glass of natural fruit juice. This drug energizes and reduces stress. For more lasting effect, it is recommended to take the drug for four weeks.
8. Peel good for the stomach We used to peel the green walnuts and throw away the peel, not knowing that it has beneficial effects on health. Green hulls of walnuts are useful for combating disorders of the stomach, for example, in the case of acute intestinal infections. Preparation: 300 ml of water add about five teaspoons finely chopped green rind of nuts, and leave for ten hours. Strain the remaining mixture is boiled with 300 ml of water for five minutes. To combine the two ingredients and drink during the day, about a liter of the drug.
9. Treat rheumatism Rich in salts of zinc, magnesium, iron, sulphur, calcium and vitamins a, b and E, nuts have a high energy value. The recommended daily intake of core six nuts that need a good chew. External poultice of walnut leaves, applied topically, reduce rheumatic pain.
10. Help to lose weight a Lot of people say that nuts make you fat. In fact, nuts are rich in fats and protein, but do not change the metabolism. So nuts, in moderation, can be included in the diet: they give a feeling of satiety and prevent overeating.
Contraindications the Consumption of walnuts is not contraindicated for people suffering from hepatitis, but they should eat a small amount. Walnuts do not cause digestive disorders if the right to use them. Never eat nuts after a heavy lunch or dinner. Nuts can be combined with raw food, but it is not recommended to use them together with pasta, meat, starch, confectionery and sweets.
Source: www.ecology.md