How to clean walnuts from shells
I have a friend who works exclusively in autumn. In spring and summer he lives in the village in the country, and in September he returns to the city to winter. He says he can easily earn a year in three months. His main source of income is walnuts.
After a long conversation, I managed to learn from a strategic businessman all about earning on walnuts. The real numbers of this case are shocking! To earn decent money, you do not need to have a huge plantation and hectares of fields.
On average, an adult walnut tree can produce up to 100 kg of fruit in the peel. But this tree with a trunk of at least 1 m, it should grow for at least 20 years. More like 30 or more. A fruit-bearing tree aged from 10 to 20 years can produce only 20-30 kg of walnuts per season.
A lot depends on the fact that walnut growingUnder what conditions, what terrain. The variety and weather conditions play an important role. There's a lot of nuance. And in the end, it is not the number of collected kilograms that matters, but the output of those very nuclei – “butterflies”.
They represent commercial value in the market. Much cheaper are quarters, octopuses and “amber”.
Therefore, planting nut plantations and hoping for a quick arrival is not necessary. How to count on a lot of money if you have several old fruit-bearing trees growing on the site.
That's what my friend Valery does. Early autumn, when the time comes pluckHe's buying them whole. They are not expensive, the main thing is to choose a variety with a thin shell. Then cleanse and sells.
Inshell nuts are stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated room, in canvas bags or in wooden boxes. If the fruits are good, from 3 kg of whole nuts, almost 2 kg of "butterflies" are obtained.
But how to crack walnutsWithout damaging the core? If there are a lot of them, it is better to use special devices for these purposes. These are mechanical and household nuts and homemade “clickers”.
To reduce the amount of low-value products (quarters, octopuses, "amber"), the best way available at home is to crack nuts on normal. glass-bottle.
For this purpose, a bottle of champagne or beer is suitable. Put the nut on the neck of the bottle with the base down and hit the sock with a hammer. Try to evenly distribute the force of the blow and be careful!
In this way, you can split even the densest shell, leaving the core intact. All you have to do is gently take out the partition by breaking the core in half. If you catch on, with the help of a regular bottle you can peel 5 kg of nuts per hour.
More on that, How to peel a walnutLook at the video.
Purified cores can be stored for 1-2 months at room temperature. With longer storage, they lose their taste and can become rancid.
I hope this method of cleaning nuts will help you achieve maximum results in the process of processing walnuts.

After a long conversation, I managed to learn from a strategic businessman all about earning on walnuts. The real numbers of this case are shocking! To earn decent money, you do not need to have a huge plantation and hectares of fields.
On average, an adult walnut tree can produce up to 100 kg of fruit in the peel. But this tree with a trunk of at least 1 m, it should grow for at least 20 years. More like 30 or more. A fruit-bearing tree aged from 10 to 20 years can produce only 20-30 kg of walnuts per season.

A lot depends on the fact that walnut growingUnder what conditions, what terrain. The variety and weather conditions play an important role. There's a lot of nuance. And in the end, it is not the number of collected kilograms that matters, but the output of those very nuclei – “butterflies”.
They represent commercial value in the market. Much cheaper are quarters, octopuses and “amber”.
Therefore, planting nut plantations and hoping for a quick arrival is not necessary. How to count on a lot of money if you have several old fruit-bearing trees growing on the site.

That's what my friend Valery does. Early autumn, when the time comes pluckHe's buying them whole. They are not expensive, the main thing is to choose a variety with a thin shell. Then cleanse and sells.
Inshell nuts are stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated room, in canvas bags or in wooden boxes. If the fruits are good, from 3 kg of whole nuts, almost 2 kg of "butterflies" are obtained.

But how to crack walnutsWithout damaging the core? If there are a lot of them, it is better to use special devices for these purposes. These are mechanical and household nuts and homemade “clickers”.

To reduce the amount of low-value products (quarters, octopuses, "amber"), the best way available at home is to crack nuts on normal. glass-bottle.
For this purpose, a bottle of champagne or beer is suitable. Put the nut on the neck of the bottle with the base down and hit the sock with a hammer. Try to evenly distribute the force of the blow and be careful!

In this way, you can split even the densest shell, leaving the core intact. All you have to do is gently take out the partition by breaking the core in half. If you catch on, with the help of a regular bottle you can peel 5 kg of nuts per hour.
More on that, How to peel a walnutLook at the video.
Purified cores can be stored for 1-2 months at room temperature. With longer storage, they lose their taste and can become rancid.
I hope this method of cleaning nuts will help you achieve maximum results in the process of processing walnuts.
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