5 simple and affordable products to maintain health in winter
Depression, the eternal "cold" on the lips, lifeless, dry hair and skin – don't be afraid, it's the usual winter story. To cope with this just. Simply enter in the diet 5 the right products! Yes, only 5 simple ingredients will help you to solve most typical seasonal problems with health and appearance.
Product 1: fish
Fish contains lysine – an essential amino acid that has powerful antiviral action (down with "cold sores" on the lips!), prevents the occurrence of acute respiratory infections. The same lysine is involved in the restoration of skin after aggressive effect of frost and wind, promotes better concentration and eliminates fatigue.
Important: combine the fish with the right products
To reduce and prevent the re-emergence of the annoying "colds" on lips will help impact of the antiviral combination of lysine, zinc (look for it in seafood, walnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ), vitamin C (found in broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, parsley, dried rose hips, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, beets, carrots, green peas, garlic, apples, lemons), and lactic acid bacteria (natural yogurt, yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus milk, sour cream, cheese (not processed), cottage cheese).
The first binding product in the list every female – fish. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
All products must be subjected to minimum heat treatment, and you can eat them in the form of vitamin salads. Make it a rule every morning and evening to drink a glass of any sour-milk product.
Product 2: beef, chicken or goose liver Liver is rich in selenium. This valuable trace mineral will help you to cope with a weakened immune system, slow metabolism, hair loss, brittleness and dryness of nails, inflammation of the skin, a sallow complexion and irritability.
How to use to maximum benefit
1. The best way selenium is absorbed in the presence of vitamin E, so you can easily fry the liver on any vegetable oil. It is important to do it the right way: the liver should be cut into a thickness of 1-1,5 cm, roll in flour (to preserve the juiciness), put in hot oil and quickly fry on both sides – no more than 1 minute each. If the liver is to fry it for long, it loses most of the nutrients.
With weakened immune systems are fighting, using any kind of the liver. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
2. Combine liver with foods high in calcium, which is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D: low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt), spinach (can be frozen), and any cabbage, almonds, Brazilian nuts, sesame seeds, soya products and fresh herbs.
Product 3: walnuts Walnuts will help get rid of problems such as spider veins on the face, sagging of skin and wrinkles. And all thanks to the fact that walnuts are rich in special substances – antioxidants, omega-3 and selenium, which prevent aging of the body and enhance its protective function, promote cell regeneration, improve heart, brain, and strengthen blood vessel walls.
Defeat the vascular mesh on the face will help the walnuts. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
How to use
Walnuts are high in calories, so it's best to eat them for Breakfast or as a snack in the morning. Daily intake of nuts – 4-6 pieces, need to use them at least 3 times a week, preferably every day.
Product 4: pumpkin Due to its vitamin and minerals, pumpkin is a winter struggling with such skin problems as dryness, redness, irritation, allergic to the cold and paleness. The content in the pumpkin beta-carotene (or vitamin A), which prevents early wrinkles, soothes the skin and protects it from dehydration and eliminates the dull sallow complexion, five times more than in carrots!
In the outer layers of the pumpkin flesh (near the peel) contains a lot of zinc, which helps skin to stay elastic and soothes irritations.
Tortured allergic to the cold? Eat pumpkin! Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Use a pumpkin to the max:
1. Cleaning the pumpkin, peel, cut as thin as possible.
2. A dish of pumpkin, add a drop of any vegetable oil – vitamin E is essential for the absorption of beta-carotene.
3. During the heat treatment the amount of nutrients reduced by 20-30% — better to eat the pumpkin raw in salads.
4. Beta-carotene is better absorbed from the mashed potatoes is a great reason to make smoothie with pumpkin.
5. Do restorative mask for the face: 2-3 tbsp roasted pumpkin pulp thoroughly mashed with a fork, add a few drops of oil of wheat germ or jojoba oil, mix and apply on skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and moisturize cream.
Product 5: sprouted wheat in winter If you often become depressed, easily annoyed over nothing – your body is sorely lacking folic acid (or vitamin B9), which is most rich in wheat germ.
Folic acid is directly involved in the production of serotonin – "happiness hormone" which calms the nervous system, energizes optimism and creates positive emotions.
Wheat germ is the most effective tool in the fight against winter depression. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
How to germinate
Wheat can be purchased in the departments of healthy and diet food.
Grain, rinse thoroughly, drain the water together with the floating seeds. Fill with clean water and leave for 5-8 hours. Spread out on a plate a clean cloth, place beans, cover with cloth and pour some water. Germinated wheat 1.5–2 days. During this time several times to change the water. Wheat is kept ready in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
How to use
Wheatgrass better raw, adding it to cereals, salads, soups or sandwiches, starting with 1 tablespoon Daily rate of 50-100 g. published
Source: domashniy.ru/
Product 1: fish
Fish contains lysine – an essential amino acid that has powerful antiviral action (down with "cold sores" on the lips!), prevents the occurrence of acute respiratory infections. The same lysine is involved in the restoration of skin after aggressive effect of frost and wind, promotes better concentration and eliminates fatigue.
Important: combine the fish with the right products
To reduce and prevent the re-emergence of the annoying "colds" on lips will help impact of the antiviral combination of lysine, zinc (look for it in seafood, walnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ), vitamin C (found in broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, parsley, dried rose hips, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, beets, carrots, green peas, garlic, apples, lemons), and lactic acid bacteria (natural yogurt, yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus milk, sour cream, cheese (not processed), cottage cheese).

The first binding product in the list every female – fish. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
All products must be subjected to minimum heat treatment, and you can eat them in the form of vitamin salads. Make it a rule every morning and evening to drink a glass of any sour-milk product.
Product 2: beef, chicken or goose liver Liver is rich in selenium. This valuable trace mineral will help you to cope with a weakened immune system, slow metabolism, hair loss, brittleness and dryness of nails, inflammation of the skin, a sallow complexion and irritability.
How to use to maximum benefit
1. The best way selenium is absorbed in the presence of vitamin E, so you can easily fry the liver on any vegetable oil. It is important to do it the right way: the liver should be cut into a thickness of 1-1,5 cm, roll in flour (to preserve the juiciness), put in hot oil and quickly fry on both sides – no more than 1 minute each. If the liver is to fry it for long, it loses most of the nutrients.

With weakened immune systems are fighting, using any kind of the liver. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
2. Combine liver with foods high in calcium, which is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D: low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt), spinach (can be frozen), and any cabbage, almonds, Brazilian nuts, sesame seeds, soya products and fresh herbs.
Product 3: walnuts Walnuts will help get rid of problems such as spider veins on the face, sagging of skin and wrinkles. And all thanks to the fact that walnuts are rich in special substances – antioxidants, omega-3 and selenium, which prevent aging of the body and enhance its protective function, promote cell regeneration, improve heart, brain, and strengthen blood vessel walls.

Defeat the vascular mesh on the face will help the walnuts. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
How to use
Walnuts are high in calories, so it's best to eat them for Breakfast or as a snack in the morning. Daily intake of nuts – 4-6 pieces, need to use them at least 3 times a week, preferably every day.
Product 4: pumpkin Due to its vitamin and minerals, pumpkin is a winter struggling with such skin problems as dryness, redness, irritation, allergic to the cold and paleness. The content in the pumpkin beta-carotene (or vitamin A), which prevents early wrinkles, soothes the skin and protects it from dehydration and eliminates the dull sallow complexion, five times more than in carrots!
In the outer layers of the pumpkin flesh (near the peel) contains a lot of zinc, which helps skin to stay elastic and soothes irritations.

Tortured allergic to the cold? Eat pumpkin! Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Use a pumpkin to the max:
1. Cleaning the pumpkin, peel, cut as thin as possible.
2. A dish of pumpkin, add a drop of any vegetable oil – vitamin E is essential for the absorption of beta-carotene.
3. During the heat treatment the amount of nutrients reduced by 20-30% — better to eat the pumpkin raw in salads.
4. Beta-carotene is better absorbed from the mashed potatoes is a great reason to make smoothie with pumpkin.
5. Do restorative mask for the face: 2-3 tbsp roasted pumpkin pulp thoroughly mashed with a fork, add a few drops of oil of wheat germ or jojoba oil, mix and apply on skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and moisturize cream.
Product 5: sprouted wheat in winter If you often become depressed, easily annoyed over nothing – your body is sorely lacking folic acid (or vitamin B9), which is most rich in wheat germ.
Folic acid is directly involved in the production of serotonin – "happiness hormone" which calms the nervous system, energizes optimism and creates positive emotions.

Wheat germ is the most effective tool in the fight against winter depression. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
How to germinate
Wheat can be purchased in the departments of healthy and diet food.
Grain, rinse thoroughly, drain the water together with the floating seeds. Fill with clean water and leave for 5-8 hours. Spread out on a plate a clean cloth, place beans, cover with cloth and pour some water. Germinated wheat 1.5–2 days. During this time several times to change the water. Wheat is kept ready in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
How to use
Wheatgrass better raw, adding it to cereals, salads, soups or sandwiches, starting with 1 tablespoon Daily rate of 50-100 g. published
Source: domashniy.ru/
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