A summary table of acid-base balance
Oxidation of the body tissues in the long term leads to greater vulnerability of the immune system, chronic fatigue, is a factor for many serious diseases, including gallstones, bone loss, decreased production of growth hormones (which leads to loss of muscle mass and increase body fat). Weakly pronounced acidosis (acidification) affects the body on a cellular level, it is because of this phenomenon (i.e., oxidation of cells) increases the concentration of free radicals and decreases the body's ability to produce energy). In addition, in the acidic environment of the body feel better and breed bacteria and viruses. Cancer cells, for example, cannot grow in an alkaline environment, which once again confirms the importance of maintaining an alkaline balance in the body.
Summary on the acid-base balance and alkalizing effects of natural and fresh ingredients on cells of the human body.
Blood always remains within a given acidity, but the overall oxidation of the body (through the use of a more oxidizing products), the neutrality of the blood is achieved by neutralizing the excess acid to the most alkaline substance in the body — calcium (i.e., by pulling calcium from bone reserves).
Factor that seriously raises the PH of our food (i.e. tipping the balance in the healthy alkaline side), and through food, and the PH of our body – it's chlorophyll content.
Chlorophyll is responsible for the pigmentation of plants (i.e. green), and it is often called the "blood of plants", it is a plant analogue of the human blood – just as it synthesizes energy and converts the energy of sunlight, captured by plants in the carbs. This process is called photosynthesis, is a key factor in the existence of life on Earth. Animals and people eat plants, thus also feeding on energy from the sun using plants as mediators. Chlorophyll is prized for its ability to purify our blood, which is due to the fact that it helps eliminate toxins received from the environment and food.
In addition, the chlorophyll associated with the synthesis of red blood cells thus daily consumption of foods high in chlorophyll content provides a constant regeneration of cells and the oxygen saturation in the blood (and hence nutrition of the whole body on a cellular level), which, in turn, means for us more energy. Optimization of the mechanism of blood cell regeneration is also very important to achieve the best shape.
Despite the fact that some foods seem to taste sour, in fact, they give an alkaline effect in contact with the gastric juice. These products include natural vinegars and citrus. (But it is believed that citrus combined with honey give a sour effect).
For maintaining health, not necessarily that all the food was "alkaline", but she should prevail, which means that the diet should be high fresh vegetable products, because during heat treatment the PH balance is changed to the acid side (and also destroyed the enzymes needed for assimilation of food received in the stomach and intestines).
++ strong alkalizing effect
+ alkalizing effect
+- neutral
— slightly oxidizing (valid in a small ratio)
— strongly oxidizing (it is desirable to avoid or to compensate for)
(++) Asparagus, Beets, bell peppers, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Cucumbers, Fennel, Red algae (dals), Green beans, leeks, All leafy greens, Onions, Parsley, parsnips, Peas, seaweed, All sprouts
(+)Zucchini, Pumpkin, Potato, Sweet Potato
(+) Amaranth, Buckwheat (green), Millet, Quinoa, Wild rice
(-): Azuki bean (adzuki), Black beans, black-eyed peas (beans pianista), Chickpeas, Lentils
(+) Sesame
(+-) Flax, Hemp seed, Chia
(-)Pumpkin, Sunflower
(++) Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya
(+) Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Most berries, Melon cantaloupe, cherries, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Nectarines, Oranges, Peaches, Plums, Persimmons, Pineapples, Pomegranates
Cold-pressed oil
(+) Flaxseed, Hemp, Pumpkin
(+) Almond, Coconut
(+-)Macadamia Nuts, Walnuts
(- ): Brown rice, Oats, Wheat, spelt
(-) Hemp Seed, Chickpeas
(++) Fresh stevia, honey
(+-) Agave nectar
Other products
(++) Ginger, Green tea, Fresh grass, Rooibos, Yerba Mate
(+) Apple cider vinegar, Balsamic vinegar, Garlic
(+-) Dried herbs, Miso paste, Spices
Often used products in the conventional food system:
grains strongly oxidizing
(--) Cereal for Breakfast, Pasta, White flour (polished), White rice (polished)
meat products
(-) Cold-water fish, Venison, Game
(--)Beef, Pork, poultry, Shellfish
Dairy products
(-) Raw milk
(--)Butter, All cheeses, Cream, Pasteurized milk
(--) Artificial sweeteners, White sugar
(-)weak oxidizing synthesized multivitamins
(--)is strongly oxidizing: Candy, Coffee, Margarine, Roasted peanuts, Peanut butter (paste), Medicines, soft Drinks, Soy protein, Wheat protein
From the table in General, it follows that the most pronounced alkaline effect have products in their original state — not refined, not chemically modified or enriched. Conversely, among the "oxidizing" products made with industrial methods or subjected to serious heat and cooking.
High protein foods consist, basically, of amino acids, so that logically, the more "acid". But with all this there are three questions around which it is possible to determine for itself the products are more alkaline, with higher PH.
These questions are as follows:
1. Product pleasel some degree of cleaning/treatment? This is the main factor that determines PH. For example, if from the product to remove tissue, the concentration of protein will increase, and hence the acid factor too. The most common practice is the "isolated protein", which from the product "singled out" carbs and fat. So are wheat and soy protein, and this process usually involves the use of chemicals and high temperatures. Ironic that wheat protein or soy you can find on the shelves of it stores of health products. And, of course, the resulting protein will have a significantly lower PH than the original protein product.
2. The second question is whether protein is the raw product? Heat treatment of the protein gives it more oxidizing property. And since pasteurization is a form of heat treatment, it is better to choose non-pasteurized products. Best raw protein products (milk, meat), but if pasteurization is necessary to kill bacteria, it is best to choose products which have undergone short ("flash") pasteurization. During instant pasteurization the product is heated just enough to reduce the viability of bad bacteria, but not to seriously affect the quality protein.
The first two points relate to the issues of food processing — the less processing, the better.
3. Is there protein in this product is chlorophyll? Because chlorophyll has a highly pronounced alkalizing effect, a protein containing it, will have a high PH. To determine the content of chlorophyll as the green colour of the product. Algae, hemp seed, many varieties of peas and beans, leafy vegetables and all the greens, though rich in amino acids, but the chlorophyll balances the PH of these products.
Natural protein products with a relatively high PH: sprouts (any — and nuts and seeds, and legumes), seaweed, algae (spirulina, Chlorella etc.), grass (green wheat, oats, barley), cooked beans (although to a lesser extent than sprouts), and seeds of flax and hemp. What to hemp seed, is an excellent alkaline product for several reasons: the protein is left in its natural condition, and this "crude" product — and therefore, amino acids are assimilated easily, and will remain relatively strong alkalizing effect.
Daily added to food protein products with a high PH minimizes the oxidation of the body. Leafy vegetables and fresh herbs also support alkaline balance.
Acidic foods and process of digestion.
When entering the body, in the process of digestion and assimilation, acidic foods produce toxins that the body has to deal with. Manufactured products are devoid of most of its nutritional properties, as well as in the manufacturing process they acquire the high acidity. But the calorie content of these "empty" products persists.
And, in addition to direct oxidation of the body, toxins coming from these products, lead to the degeneration of cells. These properties are most drugs, sweeteners, synthetic vitamins and mineral supplements.
In the process of metabolism in the body processes of oxidation, including in the implementation of the usual functions – movement, digestion, etc. the Formation of acid – a natural process, and it becomes a problem when the power returns the balance to normal – the problem only occurs when the food in a huge number of adds acidity.
And the more complicated the body to absorb food (heat processed, not whole) – the more food will have to be consumed to meet the body's needs for nutrients. This not only leads to constant overeating and gaining excessive amount of calories, but also to ensure that the body has to digest more food than actually necessary. And the more such food passes through the system, the more it zakislate.
The translation of a fragment from the book Thrive The vegan nutrition guide by Brendan Brazier
From this chart should, among other things, that the neutralization of one conventional unit of acidic products requires about 20 units of alkaline foods! published
Lymphatic drainage: body pimp
Is it possible to wash down a meal
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/video_pamyatki/sheets/Svodnaya_po_kislotno_shelochnomy_balansy.html

Summary on the acid-base balance and alkalizing effects of natural and fresh ingredients on cells of the human body.
Blood always remains within a given acidity, but the overall oxidation of the body (through the use of a more oxidizing products), the neutrality of the blood is achieved by neutralizing the excess acid to the most alkaline substance in the body — calcium (i.e., by pulling calcium from bone reserves).
Factor that seriously raises the PH of our food (i.e. tipping the balance in the healthy alkaline side), and through food, and the PH of our body – it's chlorophyll content.
Chlorophyll is responsible for the pigmentation of plants (i.e. green), and it is often called the "blood of plants", it is a plant analogue of the human blood – just as it synthesizes energy and converts the energy of sunlight, captured by plants in the carbs. This process is called photosynthesis, is a key factor in the existence of life on Earth. Animals and people eat plants, thus also feeding on energy from the sun using plants as mediators. Chlorophyll is prized for its ability to purify our blood, which is due to the fact that it helps eliminate toxins received from the environment and food.
In addition, the chlorophyll associated with the synthesis of red blood cells thus daily consumption of foods high in chlorophyll content provides a constant regeneration of cells and the oxygen saturation in the blood (and hence nutrition of the whole body on a cellular level), which, in turn, means for us more energy. Optimization of the mechanism of blood cell regeneration is also very important to achieve the best shape.
Despite the fact that some foods seem to taste sour, in fact, they give an alkaline effect in contact with the gastric juice. These products include natural vinegars and citrus. (But it is believed that citrus combined with honey give a sour effect).
For maintaining health, not necessarily that all the food was "alkaline", but she should prevail, which means that the diet should be high fresh vegetable products, because during heat treatment the PH balance is changed to the acid side (and also destroyed the enzymes needed for assimilation of food received in the stomach and intestines).
++ strong alkalizing effect
+ alkalizing effect
+- neutral
— slightly oxidizing (valid in a small ratio)
— strongly oxidizing (it is desirable to avoid or to compensate for)
(++) Asparagus, Beets, bell peppers, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Cucumbers, Fennel, Red algae (dals), Green beans, leeks, All leafy greens, Onions, Parsley, parsnips, Peas, seaweed, All sprouts
(+)Zucchini, Pumpkin, Potato, Sweet Potato
(+) Amaranth, Buckwheat (green), Millet, Quinoa, Wild rice
(-): Azuki bean (adzuki), Black beans, black-eyed peas (beans pianista), Chickpeas, Lentils
(+) Sesame
(+-) Flax, Hemp seed, Chia
(-)Pumpkin, Sunflower
(++) Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya
(+) Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Most berries, Melon cantaloupe, cherries, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Nectarines, Oranges, Peaches, Plums, Persimmons, Pineapples, Pomegranates
Cold-pressed oil
(+) Flaxseed, Hemp, Pumpkin
(+) Almond, Coconut
(+-)Macadamia Nuts, Walnuts
(- ): Brown rice, Oats, Wheat, spelt
(-) Hemp Seed, Chickpeas
(++) Fresh stevia, honey
(+-) Agave nectar
Other products
(++) Ginger, Green tea, Fresh grass, Rooibos, Yerba Mate
(+) Apple cider vinegar, Balsamic vinegar, Garlic
(+-) Dried herbs, Miso paste, Spices
Often used products in the conventional food system:
grains strongly oxidizing
(--) Cereal for Breakfast, Pasta, White flour (polished), White rice (polished)
meat products
(-) Cold-water fish, Venison, Game
(--)Beef, Pork, poultry, Shellfish
Dairy products
(-) Raw milk
(--)Butter, All cheeses, Cream, Pasteurized milk
(--) Artificial sweeteners, White sugar
(-)weak oxidizing synthesized multivitamins
(--)is strongly oxidizing: Candy, Coffee, Margarine, Roasted peanuts, Peanut butter (paste), Medicines, soft Drinks, Soy protein, Wheat protein
From the table in General, it follows that the most pronounced alkaline effect have products in their original state — not refined, not chemically modified or enriched. Conversely, among the "oxidizing" products made with industrial methods or subjected to serious heat and cooking.
High protein foods consist, basically, of amino acids, so that logically, the more "acid". But with all this there are three questions around which it is possible to determine for itself the products are more alkaline, with higher PH.
These questions are as follows:
1. Product pleasel some degree of cleaning/treatment? This is the main factor that determines PH. For example, if from the product to remove tissue, the concentration of protein will increase, and hence the acid factor too. The most common practice is the "isolated protein", which from the product "singled out" carbs and fat. So are wheat and soy protein, and this process usually involves the use of chemicals and high temperatures. Ironic that wheat protein or soy you can find on the shelves of it stores of health products. And, of course, the resulting protein will have a significantly lower PH than the original protein product.
2. The second question is whether protein is the raw product? Heat treatment of the protein gives it more oxidizing property. And since pasteurization is a form of heat treatment, it is better to choose non-pasteurized products. Best raw protein products (milk, meat), but if pasteurization is necessary to kill bacteria, it is best to choose products which have undergone short ("flash") pasteurization. During instant pasteurization the product is heated just enough to reduce the viability of bad bacteria, but not to seriously affect the quality protein.
The first two points relate to the issues of food processing — the less processing, the better.
3. Is there protein in this product is chlorophyll? Because chlorophyll has a highly pronounced alkalizing effect, a protein containing it, will have a high PH. To determine the content of chlorophyll as the green colour of the product. Algae, hemp seed, many varieties of peas and beans, leafy vegetables and all the greens, though rich in amino acids, but the chlorophyll balances the PH of these products.
Natural protein products with a relatively high PH: sprouts (any — and nuts and seeds, and legumes), seaweed, algae (spirulina, Chlorella etc.), grass (green wheat, oats, barley), cooked beans (although to a lesser extent than sprouts), and seeds of flax and hemp. What to hemp seed, is an excellent alkaline product for several reasons: the protein is left in its natural condition, and this "crude" product — and therefore, amino acids are assimilated easily, and will remain relatively strong alkalizing effect.
Daily added to food protein products with a high PH minimizes the oxidation of the body. Leafy vegetables and fresh herbs also support alkaline balance.
Acidic foods and process of digestion.
When entering the body, in the process of digestion and assimilation, acidic foods produce toxins that the body has to deal with. Manufactured products are devoid of most of its nutritional properties, as well as in the manufacturing process they acquire the high acidity. But the calorie content of these "empty" products persists.
And, in addition to direct oxidation of the body, toxins coming from these products, lead to the degeneration of cells. These properties are most drugs, sweeteners, synthetic vitamins and mineral supplements.
In the process of metabolism in the body processes of oxidation, including in the implementation of the usual functions – movement, digestion, etc. the Formation of acid – a natural process, and it becomes a problem when the power returns the balance to normal – the problem only occurs when the food in a huge number of adds acidity.
And the more complicated the body to absorb food (heat processed, not whole) – the more food will have to be consumed to meet the body's needs for nutrients. This not only leads to constant overeating and gaining excessive amount of calories, but also to ensure that the body has to digest more food than actually necessary. And the more such food passes through the system, the more it zakislate.
The translation of a fragment from the book Thrive The vegan nutrition guide by Brendan Brazier

From this chart should, among other things, that the neutralization of one conventional unit of acidic products requires about 20 units of alkaline foods! published
Lymphatic drainage: body pimp
Is it possible to wash down a meal
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/video_pamyatki/sheets/Svodnaya_po_kislotno_shelochnomy_balansy.html