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The acid-alkaline balance: the pH change is directly connected with the nervous system

In this article an attempt was made to identify signs of interaction between sympathetic and parasympathetic system and the endocrine system and, as a continuation of the relationship of calcium, potassium and sodium. To think for a few minutes about that relationship is just another way to improve yourself and Your work.


A lot of people have the symptoms of acidosis or alkalosis. Since changes in pH are directly connected with the nervous system. Thus, acidosis is associated with increased activity of its sympathetic and alkalosis — parasympathetic divisions.

The persistence of the acid-alkaline balance is very important.

High pH deduce calcium from cells that are invariably associated with allergies, neurotic and migratory joint pain and complaints of the type of insomnia that is associated with rigidity upon awakening. This condition takes place during muscle activity with increasing levels of lactic acid in the blood due to her admission to the capillaries.

The human body is consuming, producing and bringing the acid the body. Acid is excreted via exhaled air, urine has the same acidity as the vagina. A deficit of acid in the stomach — perhaps the most common after fifty years.

Studies have shown that in 50 years remains in the stomach only 15% of the level acid, which has been in 25 years.

35% of people after 65 years do not produce hydrochloric acid.

Many people with allergies also have acidosis. These patients complain of bloating, nausea, even vomiting and confusing the symptom of "burning in the chest".

They also have a strong heartbeat, complaining of shortness of breath and often complaints of itching in the anus. These people are suffering from natural gas and feelings of bloating in the abdomen immediately after eating. This is sometimes facilitated by the belladonna.

The acidity in the stomach affects the pancreas in such a way that the level of pancreatic secretions increases quantitatively and qualitatively in accordance with the acidity of the stomach. DIAGNEX, manufactured by SQUIBB is a simple test to quickly determine whether enough hydrochloric acid produced by the patient. It's fast, simple, reliable and inexpensive. The test is based on a simple color comparison of the sample of urine, which the patient brings in after taking internally of the resin of the dye. This is a standard, well-accepted method.

Dr. Harold Hawkins, southern California, during the examination of patients revealed 48% too alkaline and only 32% is too acidic. In these studies, he refers not to the stomach, and the blood, finding that saliva is close to blood. This gives an excellent method of determining progress in dynamics the condition of the patient in the treatment process. Thus, the specific problems of gastric acidity are determined by DIAGNEX and daily examination of the patients can be augmented by using pH HYDRION test strips.

As a rule, the case of acidosis or alkalosis cannot be corrected only by changing the percentage of alkalinity or acidity of food. The reason often lies in structural abnormalities of upper cervical or pelvic region. Correction sub-luxury in these zones with appropriate changes in diet is an approach to solving the problem.

The study of saliva is a much better index than urine, more comfortably and more accurately reflects the reaction of the blood. For example, when intake of oxidized fats and oils, the body becomes more alkaline, but if the liver is intoxicated or poor choice of fat waiting to reveal an alkaline reaction in vain. If you change the diet the number of oxidized fats in your attempts to detect increase or decrease in alkalinity by the reaction of the saliva is bound to be significant, while the reaction of the urine is not indicative and depends on many factors (see previous article about research methods of urine).

Overall, the condition of alkalosis is characterized by:

  • weak pulse,
  • parestezijami,
  • the stiffness in the joints,
  • symptoms appearing after rest — such as convulsions, night cough and abnormally high hematocrit.

Symptoms of acidosis will generally refer to the pattern of hypoxia. It is frequent sighing and shortness of breath. Patients suffer from insomnia that is associated with shortness of breath and complain of a "lump" in the throat, the cold sweat may dry skin and dry, dense stool. Basically it is one of the patterns of dehydration.

It is appropriate to explain the pattern of oxygen in the range of acidosis. When the supply of bicarbonate necessary for the body to prevent acidosis, depleted and carbon dioxide accumulates in the tissues, unused oxygen, which the tissues are not able to recycle excreted venous blood. Thus, the patient suffers from suffocation, dehydration and increased irritability.

Many of the symptoms of alkalosis occur due to accumulation of calcium, formed with increasing pH. Paradoxical accumulation of calcium in combination with his apparent deficit was discussed before, but the key factor is the fact that in conditions of alkalosis, the calcium is absorbed even if the patient is on a diet, poor in calcium.

Common in the diet of the citizens of orange and grapefruit juices in the lack of physical activity are not useful. For example, 48% of tested by Dr. Hawkins "alkaline" patients, as their constituent acids, connecting with food contaminated with the usual amount of soda, converted into citrate of soda — alkaline substance, are very interesting in terms of the alkalinity of urine. The recent popularity of Apple cider vinegar and honey as a universal tool in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, neuritis and radiculitis, according to "Folk Medicine", was based on common sense and was the perfect embodiment of the dietary approach in cases of alkalosis.

The endocrine glands regulate the blood pH to a greater extent than diet, as you represent, the more support the endocrine system is important, especially for the kidneys. In this respect, adequate fluid and sufficient amount of vitamin a is very important. Natural sources of vitamin A is preferable, given that there are fourteen forms of vitamin A in all A-complex.

As indicated above, the function of the pancreas depends on the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The deficit of excitation necessary for the work of the pancreas can lead to impaired absorption of protein, in addition to the initial lack of assimilation of the protein that forms proteinemia. This inevitably creates additional problems for digestion and protein level due to the fact that all digestive enzymes by nature are proteins.

The body to preserve protein in conditions of protein deficiency and obvious, but incorrect recommendation to increase the consumption of protein will not lead to success due to the fact that the protein will not be metabolized and will accumulate in the tissues in the form of poisons such as Guanyin, which binds calcium in the dreary series of pain patterns. And again we are confronted with the appropriateness of treatment reasonable methods of increasing the content of hydrochloric acid through the regulation of the upper cervical spine, the thoracic vertebrae and temporarily adding hydrochloric acid to the diet.

The elimination of normal and excess losses of protein occurs via the bile. Bile is solely carnivorous animals is so toxic that it is used as a raw material for the preparation of the poison.

The need for the restoration of liver function using quality fats and oils and a sharp decrease in baked and fried foods observed in the initial stages of treatment the acid-alkaline balance.

The liver and pancreas are in different bowls metabolic "weight". Ill-conceived appointment of b vitamins for the maintenance of the pancreas inhibits the function of the liver. It is better to use small concentrations of these drugs and to prevent any oppression of the liver and absorption of fats by stimulating bile secretion, temporarily assigning the preparations of bile and applying the method of drainage of the liver during the patient visit.

There is a definite antagonism between vitamin a and b, so to use composite products in difficult cases only after an initial period of careful examination and handling.

Sun tan well supports liver function and is one of the best methods for its improvement.

An alkaline stool is also a indicator for the purpose of bile and stimulation of hydrochloric acid. High levels of hydrochloric acid in cases of peptic ulcers is an indicator of the need to improve all liver functions.

Phosphorus enters the circulation only in the form of phospholipids and its passage through the intestinal wall and excretion through the kidneys the necessary fats and oils of high quality in any kind of food. The point of application is unsaturated inappropriate chemical valence. The problem of endocrine and acid-base balance associated with a corresponding intake of fats and the function of the liver and kidneys. Careful control of phosphorus metabolism is particularly important in alkalosis, which is not characteristic of gastric hyperactivity. Hydrochloric acid deficiency is characteristic for both States, despite their total opposite. Phosphorus stabilizes and balances the overactivity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is excited by hyperactivity of the stomach. It reduces blood viscosity and fights with characteristic alkalosis calcium carbonate compounds.

Acidosis frequently occurs when such pathology as diabetes, but more common cause of acidosis is hypoadrenia, as well as excessive sweating in hot climates, where a lot of NaCI is lost with the sweat. Limiting sodium is the cause of the acidosis, because the reserves of sodium are important in the alkaline reserve of the body. Diet with sour seasonings may cause a gradual shift toward acidosis and this can be identified by examination of saliva.

  • The normal reaction of the blood is 7.3 — 7.4 and a 7.0 is the neutral point.

  • The normal pH of saliva kolebletsya of 6.5 to 7.0, but under any conditions the fluctuations in pH changes in the saliva parallel changes in the blood. This is a good indicator of variance.

If litmus paper quite yellow in contrast to the explicitly green, the patient has the problem of acidosis. These people can't hold their breath more than 20 seconds and complain of dry mouth. They can't calm down after the excitement, irritated by loud noise, have dilated pupils, rarely blink, their gaze looks close.

Gives an excellent result correction of upper-division Sheinovo and pelvis and increase the leafy vegetables in the diet.

The improvement comes with the increase in the ration of sodium in the form of:

  • raw or sea salt
  • calcium lactate from milk or concentrated,
  • when you increase the function of the urea due to the best work of the liver.

Urea formed in the liver and stimulates the kidneys, allowing them to withdraw as the fluid and waste. Low urea level shows poor liver function and is often found in acidosis. Urea is formed from the process of respiration carbon dioxide and ammonia produced during the breakdown of animal protein. She can release ammonia if necessary, and it is a measure of the ability of the body to restore the chemical equilibrium.

Normal blood contains buffers to prevent acidosis or alkalosis when the pH changes. In life the blood is always alkaline, but may become less or more alkaline. Infectious diseases cause an increase in temperature and decrease in pH. Changes in pH regulate the activity of enzymes creating enzymes and redirect their activity to tissue destruction, if the pH is reduced to acidosis.

Particularly useful and effective is the matching test strips "pH HYDRION" the patient and physician after the samples pH measurement of saliva. Of course, if the doctor follows the ancient wisdom: "Physician heal yourself".

Seems little in common between the results of the pH test strips and Diagnex reagent, which measures only the HC1 of the stomach. For a long time there was a General view that the yellow color pH test strips, demonstrated a low pH level may indicate deficiency of HC1 in the stomach, but, remember, there is obviously no direct relationship. Since both tests use test strips to study the properties of saliva they are very comfortable for everyday mass use. Low pH, yellow, demonstrates the need for alkalizing minerals and leafy vegetables. The high pH, the blue color shows the need for sakikawa minerals and neutrosophic acids such as Apple cider vinegar.


Also interesting: 5 ways to restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body

Alkalizing food is the source of Your health


Calcium and sodium are good examples of alkalizing, phosphorus and potassium — sakikawa minerals. Apple cider vinegar is a diluted solution of acid potassium and it is useful in alkalosis.

To clarify the acid-alkaline problems in arthritis highly recommend the book about arthritis Dr. Maseo.It seems that potassium is a mineral which is equally necessary on both sides of the acid-alkaline balance. Sometimes it is needed in both cases.published


©George J. Goodheart


The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.


Source: www.kinezio.ru/book/st0043.html