5 ways to restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body
The acid-alkaline balance is very important to maintain the body healthy.
The problem is that most people do not pay attention to the level of acidity in the body and thinks about it only when faced with one or more diseases.
Our body is a huge number of beneficial microorganisms that can normally exist, when we lead a healthy lifestyle.
However, harmful microorganisms can proliferate too quickly, if we create in the body unfavourable for good bacteria environment because of the improper diet, medication, or contact with contaminated environment.
That is why it is very important to keep on hand effective methods of removing toxins from the body and restore an alkaline environment.
Fortunately, you do not need to spend huge sums of money in order to quickly restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
On the basis of such a cheap and popular means as baking soda can be cooked a huge number of therapeutic drugs.
1. Baking soda and water
Mix baking soda with water is one of the most popular tools for alkalizing the blood and excretion of toxins.
The food normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, helps fight acid reflux and other symptoms that are associated with a high level of acidity.
You will need:
The combination of baking soda with lemon and water turns to an effervescent drink with alkaline properties, which allows you to quickly and effectively purify the body.
Lemon is considered one of the best ways to restore the acid-alkaline balance of the body.
You will need:
This natural formula has acid-alkaline balance, is approximately equal to 7, and it is recommended to increase the vitality of our body.
The combination of baking soda and vinegar is recommended for alkalizing the blood and excretion of toxins and harmful substances.
Just make sure that you use Apple cider vinegar organic because refined vinegar does not have the same useful properties.
You will need:
Many people suffer from problems with sodium, so they can't accept the funds referred to above, in order to adjust the pH of the body.
For this purpose we have selected another tool, which removes salt from the body, combats fluid retention and is effective against toxins.
Don't forget that it should be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise it can cause diarrhea.
You will need:
What you need to do?
Lime is one of the best citrus products, which helps to purify the blood and restores the natural acid-alkaline balance of the body.
Its useful properties in combination with baking soda make it an excellent remedy for acidity, gas and indigestion.
You will need:
Why disturbance of acid-base balance does not lose weight
Pay attention!
All the tools mentioned above are unable to replace any medications prescribed by your doctor, and should be taken in moderation.
We suggest you to drink more water and eat more alkaline foods.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: steptohealth.ru/5-sposobov-vosstanovit-kislotno-shhelochnoj-balans-v-organizme/
The problem is that most people do not pay attention to the level of acidity in the body and thinks about it only when faced with one or more diseases.
Our body is a huge number of beneficial microorganisms that can normally exist, when we lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, harmful microorganisms can proliferate too quickly, if we create in the body unfavourable for good bacteria environment because of the improper diet, medication, or contact with contaminated environment.
That is why it is very important to keep on hand effective methods of removing toxins from the body and restore an alkaline environment.
Fortunately, you do not need to spend huge sums of money in order to quickly restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
On the basis of such a cheap and popular means as baking soda can be cooked a huge number of therapeutic drugs.
1. Baking soda and water
Mix baking soda with water is one of the most popular tools for alkalizing the blood and excretion of toxins.
The food normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, helps fight acid reflux and other symptoms that are associated with a high level of acidity.

You will need:
- ¼ Teaspoon of baking soda (1.2 g)
- 1 Cup water (200 ml)
- Dissolve baking soda in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach or after a heavy meal.
- Take this remedy up to 3 times a day, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.
The combination of baking soda with lemon and water turns to an effervescent drink with alkaline properties, which allows you to quickly and effectively purify the body.
Lemon is considered one of the best ways to restore the acid-alkaline balance of the body.
You will need:
- the juice of half a lemon
- ¼ Teaspoon of baking soda (1.2 g)
- ½ Cup water (100 ml)
- Squeeze the juice of half lemon and dissolve it in half a glass of water.
- Add the baking soda and wait until the mixture will hiss.
- Drink this remedy as soon as possible.
- Do not take it more than 1 time a day.
This natural formula has acid-alkaline balance, is approximately equal to 7, and it is recommended to increase the vitality of our body.
The combination of baking soda and vinegar is recommended for alkalizing the blood and excretion of toxins and harmful substances.
Just make sure that you use Apple cider vinegar organic because refined vinegar does not have the same useful properties.

You will need:
- 1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar (10ml)
- ¼ Teaspoon of baking soda (1.2 g)
- 1 Cup warm water (200 ml)
- Dissolve Apple cider vinegar and baking soda in a glass of warm water.
- Once the mixture is smooth, drink it.
- It is best to take this remedy on an empty stomach.
Many people suffer from problems with sodium, so they can't accept the funds referred to above, in order to adjust the pH of the body.
For this purpose we have selected another tool, which removes salt from the body, combats fluid retention and is effective against toxins.
Don't forget that it should be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise it can cause diarrhea.
You will need:
- ⅛ Teaspoon of baking soda (0.6 g)
- 1 pinch of potassium carbonate
- ¼ Teaspoon citrus acid (1.2 g)
- 1 Cup water (200 ml)
What you need to do?
- Stir all ingredients in a glass of water until smooth.
- Drink it one SIP, a maximum of 2 times a day.
Lime is one of the best citrus products, which helps to purify the blood and restores the natural acid-alkaline balance of the body.
Its useful properties in combination with baking soda make it an excellent remedy for acidity, gas and indigestion.

You will need:
- the juice of one lime
- ¼ Teaspoon of baking soda (1.2 g)
- ½ Cup water (100 ml)
- Squeeze the juice from the lime and dissolve it in half a glass of water with baking soda.
- Drink this remedy as soon as possible.
- Do not take more than two or three times a day.
Why disturbance of acid-base balance does not lose weight
Pay attention!
All the tools mentioned above are unable to replace any medications prescribed by your doctor, and should be taken in moderation.
We suggest you to drink more water and eat more alkaline foods.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: steptohealth.ru/5-sposobov-vosstanovit-kislotno-shhelochnoj-balans-v-organizme/
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5 ways to restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body