Apple cider vinegar therapeutic properties and method of use

The range of therapeutic action of Apple cider vinegar are so vast that to tell about him in one publication impossible.
Suffice it to say that all the nutrients and, consequently, the medicinal properties of apples are practically no losses transferred to Apple cider vinegar, and nothing about the benefit of apples has been said and written a lot.
The English even have a popular saying: “If you eat at least one Apple a day, forget the way to the doctor.”
Apple cider vinegar is extremely useful for the whole digestive system of man: it protects from infection, destroys putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, promotes the formation of healthy intestinal microflora, helps the liver to neutralize toxins, and stimulates peristalsis.
Apple cider vinegar ways to treat food poisoning, it gets rid of obsessive belching, hiccups.
It is effective in the treatment of cough and high temperature.
Very effective Apple cider vinegar in the treatment of various skin diseases: it treats various fungal infections (ringworm, athlete's foot, etc.), eczema, atopic dermatitis and even psoriasis.
In combination with bee products (honey, propolis, etc.) Apple cider vinegar to cope with a periodontal disease, varicose veins, flatulence, hemorrhoids, migraines, and is the most efficient means of getting rid of chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion and General loss of strength.
How to apply.
Specific ways to use Apple cider vinegar in the treatment of various diseases — the subject is so vast that in one publication it is impossible to cover.
There is a special literature and professional naturopaths.
Here we show several ways of preparing beverages using Apple cider vinegar.
Regular consumption of these drinks boosts the immune system, rids the body of various toxins, perfectly regulates metabolism and is the prevention of many diseases.
Method the first.
In a glass of boiled water add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. Stir well.
The founder of the method of treatment of Apple cider vinegar Dr. Jarvis called this drink “elixir of health” and argued that anyone who wants to live a long and, most importantly active life, not burdened by disease and senile decrepitude, this drink should be taken daily at least once.
The second way.
In a glass of boiled water add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon honey and stir well. Then add a pinch of baking soda and stir again.
This kind of effervescent drink very similar to lemonade and very fond of children.
At the same time — this is the most mild option of drinking Apple cider vinegar. which is suitable even for people with high acidity
Soda neutralizes the acetic acid, but trace minerals from it from the vinegar will not disappear.
The third way.
In a glass of mineral water (Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki or any other), add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and honey to taste.
This kind of drink “mineral cocktail” is not inferior to the “classics”.
The way the fourth.
In a glass of boiled water add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 drop of “Lugol's iodine” (iodine-containing drug that you can ask at any pharmacy).
Jarvis called this drink the “energy drink” because it is especially powerful effect on the nervous system.
It has a high tonic effect, perfectly invigorates and elevates mood.
This drink is extremely beneficial for chronic fatigue and weakness, insomnia and nervous exhaustion.
This effect is due to the fact that by adding to the beverage the same drops of Lugol's iodine in the body receives a good dose of iodine, and Apple cider vinegar and honey provide a light and quickly absorbed.
Thus, there is a saturation of the body with iodine, a critical shortage which primarily impact exactly on the nervous system and General energy vitality.
If you do not have Lugol's solution, then you can add in a glass 1 drop of ordinary tincture of iodine, but this option is long-term use can give side effects because in this form, iodine is barely absorbed by the body why, and possible allergic reaction.
The Lugol solution in this case is much better: it is less toxic and easier to digest.
The method of the fifth.
In a glass of chilled herbal tea add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar, honey to taste and stir well.
This drink is perfect for people that use different herbs in your diet.
But even if you don't drink herbal teas, try brewing mint or lemon balm, or any other fragrant herbs and make the drink this way — you will see that it is very tasty.
For faster cooling you can use ice cubes from the refrigerator, which in addition will bring this beverage remarkable properties of melt water. In General, Apple cider vinegar can be added to almost any dish except sweet porridge.
He is especially good in salads, soups, vegetable stews, steamed vegetables.
It gives any dish a wonderful “laughing sour”, the taste becomes more saturated, and smell more fragrant.
How to choose?
The key to success in the use of Apple cider vinegar is the right choice.And to be able to do it you must know how to distinguish the natural Apple cider vinegar from the fake, ie synthetic.
It turns out there are three kinds of Apple cider vinegar:
natural unrefined
natural refined
fake associated with genuine Apple cider vinegar only with an identical name.If you want to use Apple cider vinegar for the solution of really serious health problems, you need unrefined Apple cider vinegar.
But to buy such vinegar is impossible; because the manufacturers produce only refined, so if you seriously want to treat with Apple cider vinegar do it yourself.
Then you will see for yourself why this vinegar is not for sale: it has quite unpresentable appearance, because it is quite turbid liquid, and even often with foam on the surface.
We, the people, accustomed to the “clear as a tear” refined products, this kind of vinegar do not like it, but pay for it its a real price no one wants.
But despite all this, you will be the most miraculous substance known to man for several thousand years, a description of the therapeutic properties which is not one book.
As for the foam on the surface is not mold, but a very interesting substance called “vinegar mother” or “film yeast-like fungus.”
The medicinal properties of this film as much as three times the curative properties of Apple cider vinegar.
If you don't have the time and capabilities to make Apple cider vinegar yourself and your health you really want, then you have to buy organic refined Apple cider vinegar.
On the healing potential of this vinegar, of course, inferior unrefined, but this does not mean that it has no therapeutic effect.
Very even has. Moreover, examples of improvement with the use of refined Apple cider vinegar — most of those that it describes.What is natural Apple cider vinegar from synthetic.
First of all, natural vinegar is 4-5% of the fortress, and synthetic, usually 9%.
On the label with natural Apple cider vinegar should be the inscription: “ingredients: Apple cider vinegar”, and synthetic, as a rule, we read: “ingredients: acetic acid, 9%”.
Natural vinegar — at least for the moment — this is imported product.
The domestic industry produces mainly only synthetic Apple cider vinegar.
Bottle of natural Apple cider vinegar pretty quickly (within a few months) formed some strange brownish flakes — natural sediment, synthetic vinegar this feeling is impossible due to the deadness of this solution.
By the way, this sediment is called “fungus Kombucha”, and if you remember, this is one of the many names of “Kombucha” — so Apple cider vinegar and “Kombucha mushroom tea” do direct relatives (and some sources suggest to add in the infusion of fungus teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar and claim that it's delicious and healthy).And finally, the price of natural vinegar is considerably higher than the price synthetic. Natural vinegar is not cheap. The most “time-tested” at the moment are Apple cider vinegar firms “Kolinska” (Slovenia) and “Charbonneaux Brabant S. A.” (France).
Claims on quality of these vinegars, although naturally with natural unrefined Apple cider vinegar they are not comparable neither in softness nor for the richness of its taste or medicinal properties.
Not to be soared with a choice, Apple cider vinegar is better to do it yourself.
Cooking recipes Apple cider vinegar, there are several. All of them are described in the extensive literature on the subject.
Here we present two. One of the most simple and economical way, and the other is the "famous" — from the most famous popularizer of Apple cider vinegar Jarvis.
The easiest way
Are the apples (and you can use overripe fruit), thoroughly washed, and then finely cut with a knife, placed in an enamel pan with a wide bottom and pour hot, not boiled water (60-70 degrees). The water should be above the level of the apples for 3-4 see After that is added sugar at the rate of 50 g sugar for 1 kg of sweet apples and 100 g of sugar 1 kg sour apples.
The pot is put in a dark warm place (in any case not in the sun) and is for two weeks with frequent stirring of the mass (3-4 times a day), so it does not dry out on top.
Two weeks later, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, folded in 2-3 layers and poured into large jars for a second fermentation for another month.
Banks is best not to top up to the top 5-7 cm
The finished vinegar is poured, not shaking, not in bottle, again, in any case without adding to the edge.
The precipitate is filtered through a thick cloth.
Boiled corked bottle stoppers. If the prepared solution has a long storage — cork better pour paraffin.
Stored vinegar in a cool dark place.
Recipe Dr Jarvis
This is slightly more complicated recipe, but it is the most authoritative, classic. Wash the apples, remove the rotten or worm-eaten pieces, then crush or RUB on a coarse grater, and using the core.
You can eat and peel, and also residues from the preparation of jam, compote, etc., or the Apple platform remaining from cooking the cider.
This raw Apple pulp is placed in a vessel of glass (cans), wood (barrels without lid) or enamel bowl.
Pour lukewarm water (0.5 l of water per 0.4 kg Apple pulp).
For each liter of water was added 100 g of honey or sugar.
A vessel with a mixture of stores open in the room at a temperature of 20-30°C.
Acetic acid fermentation contributes to a more constant temperature (approx. 20°C) and more surface contact with air (aerobic fermentation).
The vessel should be kept in the dark, because the sun's ultraviolet rays prevent fermentation
For the first-stage fermentation vessel is kept warm for 10 days (temperature 20-30°C), stirring 2-3 times a day Apple pulp with a wooden spoon, then shift it in a gauze bag and squeeze.
The resulting juice is again filtered through cheesecloth, to determine the weight and poured into a vessel with a wide throat.
Can be added to each liter of juice at 50-100 g of honey or sugar, stirring until complete homogenization.
For the second stage of fermentation, the Bank closed with gauze, tied and stored in a warm 40-60 days to continue the fermentation process.
Fermentation is finished when the liquid calmed down and cleared up.
Then it is poured hose in a bottle by filtering it using a watering can with gauze.
Bottle tightly caulk tubes, sealed with wax and stored in a cool place
Source: /users/1077