Find out why take this drink in the evening

Of course, you've seen them — lists touting the amazing healing power of Apple cider vinegar with a huge amount of diseases.

"YAU" (as it is sometimes called in the studies) is highly regarded for its ability to:

  • to balance pH,
  • to increase the number of beneficial intestinal bacteria
  • to help control weight
  • and for many its healing properties.

But what is interesting: all this is true, and much more. One of the most sensational is its ability to normalize the level of blood sugar. In a study conducted by Arizona state University, was attended by 11 volunteers with type 2 diabetes (physician-diagnosed) who were not receiving insulin, but was taking prescription drugs.

Each participant before bed take 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar with a snack — slice of cheese (30 g). The researchers demonstrated that the subjects in the morning, the indicators of blood sugar was lower than when they consumed the same snack, with only 2 tablespoons of water.


Other research shows that YAU has a positive effect on blood sugar levels

A recent study showed that three groups of adults in a stage of prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and healthy people — after taking 30 g YAU decreased levels of glucose in the blood, when they used a dish high in carbohydrates: white bagel with butter and a glass of orange juice; again, compared to placebo.

But that's not all: the participants in the stage of pre-diabetes glucose levels in blood has improved by almost half, and in subjects with type 2 diabetes the level of glucose in the blood decreased by 25 percent.

No less striking are the results of a study of potential YAU for weight control. In the "journal of agriculture and food chemistry" reported the study on mice that received feed with a high content of fats and active ingredient of Apple cider vinegar (acetic acid). In the end, the animals of the study group weight was 10 percent less than animals of the control group.

This, according to researchers, shows that acetic acid is able to "turn on" trigger genes that triggers the property of enzymes to break down fat, preventing weight gain. It also contributes to the onset of satiety.

Japanese researchers conducted a similar double blind test among adults with obesity who had the same body weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI), dividing participants into three groups.

Within 12 weeks, the members of one group drank 15 grams YAU, second group — 30 g YAU with a drink and the third group — only drink, no YAU. When the study was completed, it was found that the participants who drank Apple cider vinegar, body weight, volume of fat on the abdomen, waist and triglyceride levels were lower compared to other participants.

Scientists write: "In conclusion, egetnewnode consumption of vinegar can be useful for preventing metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity".

Effect of Apple cider vinegar on cancer cells and immune support

Another feature of Apple cider vinegar is a detoxifier of the lymphatic systemthat helps to optimize the homeostatic function of the body. Perhaps this is due to YAU in antioxidants, which reduce oxidative damage from free radicals, while improving the condition of the blood and organs. In the book "the Truth about cancer" says:

"It was recently found that Apple cider vinegar is a potent antimicrobial agent and alternative to toxic and expensive chemical disinfectants. It turns out that one of the most deadly bacteria — Mycobacterium tuberculosis — resistant to disinfecting tools, but dies under the influence of acetic acid.

Especially patients with a weakened immune system Apple cider vinegar is a great natural anti-microbial tonic, get rid of harmful bacteria and support immunity."

A number of laboratory studies shows that vinegar can kill cancer cells. Resource "Authority Nutrition"" ("food") cites a number of studies; in particular, Japan has used several types of yeast vinegar to induce apoptosis (programmed death) of leukemia cells.

In another study, using rice vinegar was able to inhibit malignant tumors of the breast and colon, lung, bladder and prostate, but particularly cancers of the colon, which was inhibited by 62%.


Vinegar superior tools for healthy digestion and sore throat

If you have problems such as colitis, ulcers or acid reflux (sometimes due to lack of acidity in the stomach), a double whammy in the form of Apple cider vinegar with the added bonus in the form of fermented vegetables will help to alleviate several problems with the stomach.

Soft acid fermented vegetables (lactic, not acetic) helps to strengthen the intestinal flora. When the researchers wanted to test the effect of Apple cider vinegar for digestion, useful animal studies.

One study reports a website

"Apple cider vinegar benefits digestion, according to the results of a study conducted on mice with ulcerative colitis.

The researchers found that adding acetic acid to drinking water of mice in the intestine increased levels of beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and decreased symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases".

Daily for intestinal health will help

  • a mixture of 2 teaspoons YAU and a teaspoon of raw honey diluted in a glass of warm water.

YAU with honey and ginger is a popular and effective remedy for sore throat.

Anothermixture for sore throat recommends Bonnie K. McMillen, a nurse at the University of Pittsburgh:

  • 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • ¼ Tsp ground ginger
  • optional: ¼ tsp Cayenne pepper

It is recommended to take this mixture in tiny SIPS every few hours and slowly swallow, so she made the best hit in the throat. It helps! Not to drink pure YAU, breed him in a few tea spoons (or cups) of water to mask his scent, which, admittedly, is quite jarring.

Here is a simple and delicious recipe for filing with broccoli, asparagus or salad greens:

  • 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic, a pinch of black pepper and a little fresh herbs Basil (chopped).

YAU for health, beauty, and something

Some people swear that from hiccups helps to drink a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar — really! Perhaps this is due to "excessive stimulation" of the nerve endings, which, like a kind of "shock therapy" stops twitching of the diaphragm. It is definitely worth a try!

Soak the cloth in YAU and apply on the bruise — it will help reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process.

Vinegar is very acidic, but that is what is responsible for a number of useful properties that you may not even suspect. Due to its ability to change the pH, as in the case of dandruff, and smooth dry, tired skin, Apple cider vinegar is used in such cases:

You havetomustache insectsIncrease skin tonesunburnIrritation caused by poison ivyAcneWoundsDandruffnail Fungus on the feet,BurnsRemoval of wartsfungal infection footdetox bath

Here are a few more tips that show how this common product useful in the home for cleaning and cooking.

One little-known trick:

  • any spicy dish, from chili to the vegetables, add a tablespoon or two of vinegar — this will give the dish more color and flavor.

Acid Apple cider vinegar will be useful for mouthwash and even brushing your teeth (and dentures) because of its antibacterial properties:

  • prepare a mixture of half a Cup of water, 2 tablespoons YAU and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

Just remember that the same acidity can also harm the teeth. One study calls it "pathological attrition of teeth", so vinegar it is best to dilute with water. published


Also interesting: How to make Apple cider vinegar at home

The healing properties of Apple cider vinegar


Unlike the use of toxic herbicides, Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy for weeds, especially in cracks in the driveway or on the sidewalk.


From Dr. Mercola


The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©



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