15 useful applications of vinegar, which is not even know our mothers
The transition from chemical to natural remedies are becoming more relevant. There are many ways to do this: soda, oil, herbs - all this is an excellent assistant. And now even the vinegar! It's amazing how many benefits it can bring. Variations applying vinegar set, we also give 15 of them.
1. Soothe a sore throat
Apple cider vinegar has the ability to fight bacteria and germs. The next time, when suddenly starts to tickle the throat, mix a cup of warm water with four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Every hour, gargle with this solution to kill any bacteria. < 2. It soothes the burning sensation in the chest
Many lyudipribegayut to apple cider vinegar, not the antacid to soothe discomfort in the chest. Often there is a burning sensation due to the low acidity. Natural apple cider vinegar make up for this shortage and help digest food. It's enough to be dissolved in a glass of water a teaspoon of vinegar.
3. Punch nose
Apple cider vinegar cures perfectly nasal infection. The fact that it contains vitamins B and E and calcium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals help to clear the nasal cavities and soothe allergy attacks. The next time a stuffy nose, dissolve 1 tsp vinegar in a glass of water and drink. Can the same weak solution drip nose.
4. To get rid of dandruff
The high acidity of apple cider vinegar helps to normalize the pH balance of the scalp, preventing the appearance of fungus and bacteria. Recipe against dandruff: Mix vinegar mixed with water and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on your hair until they become significantly wet. Wrap head with a towel and leave for 15 minutes. By the way, this hair will become more and bulky.
5. Remove night cramps
If you often have cramps, which means that the body lacks potassium. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a teaspoon of honey and a glass of warm water. Drink every morning cup of this mixture, and sleep will be much easier.
6. Soothe itchy skin
Apple cider vinegar - antiseptic, has antifungal activity. For itchy skin it acts as a balm. Use it pure point-to itching was gone. In small quantities, it is recommended to apply even to treatment of pets.
7 . Rid of the smell of feet
The main reason for the unpleasant foot odor - is sweating. Sweat itself is odorless, it is - just water is released through the skin, and are responsible for the unpleasant odor microbes are beneficial in this environment proliferate. Apple cider vinegar normalizes alkaline balance of the skin and kills bacteria. Wipe your feet before going to bed soaked in vinegar wipes to solve this problem.
8. Bloating and flatulence
This theme is quite delicate and uncomfortable, but it should not be ignored. You will be a teaspoon of vinegar diluted in water before each meal. This technique will help "reset" the digestive tract.
9. "Expel" unpleasant odors from home
The next time before you throw money at another expensive air freshener, remember that vinegar removes fine "flavors". Spray the mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the heavy scent you will not be disturbed.
10. A non-toxic detergent
Not only soda and vinegar can help you in clearing and cleaning the house. Mixed in equal parts with water, it washes fat, stubborn stains and dirt.
12. Clean the drain
In order to break through the clogged pipe, not necessarily to buy nuclear chemicals. Extinguish 1/2 cup baking soda cup of apple cider vinegar. Then pour into the drain and leave for half an hour.
13. Output mold
To get rid of mold, apply vinegar on moldy surfaces by spray or wipe with damp cloth. An hour later, rinse with water. To prevent mold spray vinegar every week on the problem area.
14. Pat underwear without iron
Mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3 and fill the bottle with a sprayer. The spray mixture on the wet clothes and let dry. Iron is not required!
15. Remove stains from furniture
If you mix salt and vinegar - you get the perfect tool that will bring with furniture stains.
: Marketium.ru
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1. Soothe a sore throat

Apple cider vinegar has the ability to fight bacteria and germs. The next time, when suddenly starts to tickle the throat, mix a cup of warm water with four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Every hour, gargle with this solution to kill any bacteria. < 2. It soothes the burning sensation in the chest

Many lyudipribegayut to apple cider vinegar, not the antacid to soothe discomfort in the chest. Often there is a burning sensation due to the low acidity. Natural apple cider vinegar make up for this shortage and help digest food. It's enough to be dissolved in a glass of water a teaspoon of vinegar.
3. Punch nose

Apple cider vinegar cures perfectly nasal infection. The fact that it contains vitamins B and E and calcium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals help to clear the nasal cavities and soothe allergy attacks. The next time a stuffy nose, dissolve 1 tsp vinegar in a glass of water and drink. Can the same weak solution drip nose.
4. To get rid of dandruff

The high acidity of apple cider vinegar helps to normalize the pH balance of the scalp, preventing the appearance of fungus and bacteria. Recipe against dandruff: Mix vinegar mixed with water and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on your hair until they become significantly wet. Wrap head with a towel and leave for 15 minutes. By the way, this hair will become more and bulky.
5. Remove night cramps

If you often have cramps, which means that the body lacks potassium. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a teaspoon of honey and a glass of warm water. Drink every morning cup of this mixture, and sleep will be much easier.
6. Soothe itchy skin

Apple cider vinegar - antiseptic, has antifungal activity. For itchy skin it acts as a balm. Use it pure point-to itching was gone. In small quantities, it is recommended to apply even to treatment of pets.
7 . Rid of the smell of feet

The main reason for the unpleasant foot odor - is sweating. Sweat itself is odorless, it is - just water is released through the skin, and are responsible for the unpleasant odor microbes are beneficial in this environment proliferate. Apple cider vinegar normalizes alkaline balance of the skin and kills bacteria. Wipe your feet before going to bed soaked in vinegar wipes to solve this problem.
8. Bloating and flatulence

This theme is quite delicate and uncomfortable, but it should not be ignored. You will be a teaspoon of vinegar diluted in water before each meal. This technique will help "reset" the digestive tract.
9. "Expel" unpleasant odors from home

The next time before you throw money at another expensive air freshener, remember that vinegar removes fine "flavors". Spray the mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the heavy scent you will not be disturbed.
10. A non-toxic detergent

Not only soda and vinegar can help you in clearing and cleaning the house. Mixed in equal parts with water, it washes fat, stubborn stains and dirt.
12. Clean the drain

In order to break through the clogged pipe, not necessarily to buy nuclear chemicals. Extinguish 1/2 cup baking soda cup of apple cider vinegar. Then pour into the drain and leave for half an hour.
13. Output mold

To get rid of mold, apply vinegar on moldy surfaces by spray or wipe with damp cloth. An hour later, rinse with water. To prevent mold spray vinegar every week on the problem area.
14. Pat underwear without iron

Mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3 and fill the bottle with a sprayer. The spray mixture on the wet clothes and let dry. Iron is not required!
15. Remove stains from furniture

If you mix salt and vinegar - you get the perfect tool that will bring with furniture stains.
: Marketium.ru
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