Useful properties of vinegar
Vinegar exists in every kitchen. It can be added in home canned soda to extinguish it or to pour it into dumplings.
Vinegar mankind has been using for thousands of years, and during that time people have found a lot of unexpected ways to apply this amazing liquid. White table and apple cider vinegar can be used for domestic cleaning, for healing, personal care, and even use it in the garden!
Get rid of the weeds.
Weeds invade favorite flower bed? Prolazit through the cracks in the stone blocks laid out perfectly patio? If you water the weeds dilute a 25% acetic acid, then you destroy them, do not stain your hands in the earth.
Remove perspiration stains from clothing.
Yellow underarm stains messed up your favorite shirt? The sad fact that deodorant - antiperspirant with a part aluminum aggravate the situation, because This component reacts with the salt of sweat and stains under the armpits are obtained even clearer and more stable. Dampen the stain before washing white vinegar, and dissolve it.
To cure a sore throat.
If you have a sore throat, then rinse with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water will ease the pain and relieve inflammation.
Make hair obedient.
Want to have silky, shiny hair and do not spend money on expensive care? Apple cider vinegar - your way! It will dissolve plaque by styling the hair and make it smooth and docile, closing the scales of the hair just like in advertising shampoo.
Add 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water for a pleasant smell can add a few drops of a fragrant essential oil. Rinse after shampooing with shampoo, then rinse with plain water.
Relieve muscle pain.
Apple cider vinegar helps to dissolve the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles after exercise is the cause of post-workout pain. Stir a few tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and make a compress on the affected area for 20 minutes.
Peeled off the price tag or other label.
Give a gift with a price tag inconvenient, but pull a nasty label you are trying to have an hour .... Heat a bit of white vinegar on the stove or in a microwave oven, wet a cloth and apply it to the price list. The label peeled off without leaving a sticky residue.
Remove rust.
Acetic acid reacts with iron oxide and remove rust from small items (such as nuts, bolts, washers). Boil them in a pan with the vinegar, then rinse thoroughly with water to stop the reaction.
Remove musty smell.
Wipe the surface of the refrigerator, cabinet or food container with a cloth soaked in vinegar. In the case of a very strong smell of vinegar soaked rag leave within a few hours or even overnight.
Remove scum.
According to TV advertising lime deposits can not only stain in tea and coffee, they can score a hole in his heart function and reduce the dishwasher and washing machine. But do not necessarily buy the advertised vehicle. Pass the mixture of water and vinegar through the coffee machine and you remove the stains inside it. The dishwasher can add vinegar to the rinse compartment. A piece of cloth soaked in vinegar can be wrapped around a tap or shower, and lime deposits dissolve.
Correct taste of spoiled food.
If you have overdone with spices while cooking, add a meal one teaspoon of white and apple cider vinegar to neutralize the spice.
Save the color of clothing.
Half a cup of vinegar to one load of washing machine will not only provide a slight antistatic effect your clothes and help preserve the color, but also to remove bad plaque from soap and clothing, and with the washing machine.
If you have a toddler in the house, wash the diapers, diapers and sliders with the addition of soda and vinegar will reduce the likelihood of diaper rash, destroying the bacteria that cause them.
Freshen the air.
The smell of cigarettes, mold, pets or burnt dinner can make his home unbearable. Various air freshener trying to mask the unpleasant smell pleasant, often just creating indigestible mixture. Spray the solution of vinegar around the room, wipe the surface of them, and you will notice how the indoor air is cleaner.
Dissolve dried paint on the brush.
Someone forgot to wash the brush after the paint? Stubble stick together and become stiff. It is not necessary to throw them away. Fill the pan with vinegar and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Dip the brush into the boiling vinegar and rub the brush on the bottom of the pan.
Get rid of ants.
Ants do not like vinegar, so if you spray a 50% solution of vinegar and water in a place where insects have noticed, they leave themselves and hassle-free for you. The secret is simple: vinegar washes trail that ants left on the path and in which their colleagues to follow the food source.
Relieve hiccups.
It is said that a sip of vinegar diluted with water, relieve hiccups. It is not clear whether the sour taste of a distraction from the problem, or do the vinegar removes those nasty involuntary spasms, but there are people convinced that the best way to stop hiccups. There is another recipe - soak in vinegar, sugar cube, and quickly saw through swallow.
Wash the glass, plastic and chrome.
50% solution of water and vinegar will dissolve the dirt on the walls and shelves of the refrigerator, and eliminate unpleasant odors. My window, add the water, dishwashing detergent to remove dirt and a little vinegar to the windows is left of divorce.
A paste made from a mixture of baking soda and a small amount of vinegar can be polished to clean chrome and stainless steel. Vinegar should not be used for cleaning surfaces made of marble, granite and slate.
Extend the life of the bouquet.
Bouquet of fresh flowers decorate the room for long, often fading within a few days. Add two tablespoons of white vinegar per gallon of water in a vase, and flowers will delight you with its beauty and aroma a bit longer.
To cure the fungus on his feet.
Light fungal infections, such as dandruff, of course, unpleasant. White and apple cider vinegar can be applied to the affected skin to destroy the fungus. Good therapeutic foot bath is obtained from a solution of one part vinegar to five parts water.
Prepare delicious meat for barbecue.
Marinated in apple vinegar meat is juicy and soft on the barbecue or skewer. In addition, the vinegar will kill pathogens that may threaten your health.
Vinegar mankind has been using for thousands of years, and during that time people have found a lot of unexpected ways to apply this amazing liquid. White table and apple cider vinegar can be used for domestic cleaning, for healing, personal care, and even use it in the garden!

Get rid of the weeds.
Weeds invade favorite flower bed? Prolazit through the cracks in the stone blocks laid out perfectly patio? If you water the weeds dilute a 25% acetic acid, then you destroy them, do not stain your hands in the earth.

Remove perspiration stains from clothing.
Yellow underarm stains messed up your favorite shirt? The sad fact that deodorant - antiperspirant with a part aluminum aggravate the situation, because This component reacts with the salt of sweat and stains under the armpits are obtained even clearer and more stable. Dampen the stain before washing white vinegar, and dissolve it.

To cure a sore throat.
If you have a sore throat, then rinse with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water will ease the pain and relieve inflammation.

Make hair obedient.
Want to have silky, shiny hair and do not spend money on expensive care? Apple cider vinegar - your way! It will dissolve plaque by styling the hair and make it smooth and docile, closing the scales of the hair just like in advertising shampoo.
Add 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water for a pleasant smell can add a few drops of a fragrant essential oil. Rinse after shampooing with shampoo, then rinse with plain water.

Relieve muscle pain.
Apple cider vinegar helps to dissolve the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles after exercise is the cause of post-workout pain. Stir a few tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and make a compress on the affected area for 20 minutes.

Peeled off the price tag or other label.
Give a gift with a price tag inconvenient, but pull a nasty label you are trying to have an hour .... Heat a bit of white vinegar on the stove or in a microwave oven, wet a cloth and apply it to the price list. The label peeled off without leaving a sticky residue.

Remove rust.
Acetic acid reacts with iron oxide and remove rust from small items (such as nuts, bolts, washers). Boil them in a pan with the vinegar, then rinse thoroughly with water to stop the reaction.

Remove musty smell.
Wipe the surface of the refrigerator, cabinet or food container with a cloth soaked in vinegar. In the case of a very strong smell of vinegar soaked rag leave within a few hours or even overnight.

Remove scum.
According to TV advertising lime deposits can not only stain in tea and coffee, they can score a hole in his heart function and reduce the dishwasher and washing machine. But do not necessarily buy the advertised vehicle. Pass the mixture of water and vinegar through the coffee machine and you remove the stains inside it. The dishwasher can add vinegar to the rinse compartment. A piece of cloth soaked in vinegar can be wrapped around a tap or shower, and lime deposits dissolve.

Correct taste of spoiled food.
If you have overdone with spices while cooking, add a meal one teaspoon of white and apple cider vinegar to neutralize the spice.

Save the color of clothing.
Half a cup of vinegar to one load of washing machine will not only provide a slight antistatic effect your clothes and help preserve the color, but also to remove bad plaque from soap and clothing, and with the washing machine.
If you have a toddler in the house, wash the diapers, diapers and sliders with the addition of soda and vinegar will reduce the likelihood of diaper rash, destroying the bacteria that cause them.

Freshen the air.
The smell of cigarettes, mold, pets or burnt dinner can make his home unbearable. Various air freshener trying to mask the unpleasant smell pleasant, often just creating indigestible mixture. Spray the solution of vinegar around the room, wipe the surface of them, and you will notice how the indoor air is cleaner.

Dissolve dried paint on the brush.
Someone forgot to wash the brush after the paint? Stubble stick together and become stiff. It is not necessary to throw them away. Fill the pan with vinegar and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Dip the brush into the boiling vinegar and rub the brush on the bottom of the pan.

Get rid of ants.
Ants do not like vinegar, so if you spray a 50% solution of vinegar and water in a place where insects have noticed, they leave themselves and hassle-free for you. The secret is simple: vinegar washes trail that ants left on the path and in which their colleagues to follow the food source.

Relieve hiccups.
It is said that a sip of vinegar diluted with water, relieve hiccups. It is not clear whether the sour taste of a distraction from the problem, or do the vinegar removes those nasty involuntary spasms, but there are people convinced that the best way to stop hiccups. There is another recipe - soak in vinegar, sugar cube, and quickly saw through swallow.

Wash the glass, plastic and chrome.
50% solution of water and vinegar will dissolve the dirt on the walls and shelves of the refrigerator, and eliminate unpleasant odors. My window, add the water, dishwashing detergent to remove dirt and a little vinegar to the windows is left of divorce.
A paste made from a mixture of baking soda and a small amount of vinegar can be polished to clean chrome and stainless steel. Vinegar should not be used for cleaning surfaces made of marble, granite and slate.

Extend the life of the bouquet.
Bouquet of fresh flowers decorate the room for long, often fading within a few days. Add two tablespoons of white vinegar per gallon of water in a vase, and flowers will delight you with its beauty and aroma a bit longer.

To cure the fungus on his feet.
Light fungal infections, such as dandruff, of course, unpleasant. White and apple cider vinegar can be applied to the affected skin to destroy the fungus. Good therapeutic foot bath is obtained from a solution of one part vinegar to five parts water.

Prepare delicious meat for barbecue.
Marinated in apple vinegar meat is juicy and soft on the barbecue or skewer. In addition, the vinegar will kill pathogens that may threaten your health.
