Pumpkin honey: a unique recipe for balm for your liver!

As you know, honey is one of the most powerful immune-stimulating agents that fight all types of inflammation, bacteria and viruses, it is also recommended to take it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and many other ailments. And with all these beneficial properties of pumpkin, their interaction with honey can produce a truly healing effect on our body.

So useful properties of pumpkin with honey can be used in the fight against stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

We take a large pumpkin, weighing about 9 kg, clean the crust and pass through the meat grinder along with the core and seeds. Add to the resulting gruel 5 kg of honey and stir. Insist for 10 days, stirring regularly. On the 11th day we squeeze the juice through the gauze, throw away the flesh. Drink 50g juice three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In order to cleanse the liver after suffering hepatitis or a course of treatment with strong drugs, the beneficial properties of pumpkin with honey will be more suitable than ever.

We take a medium-sized pumpkin, cut the top and remove the seeds from it with a wooden spoon.

Then fill the pumpkin with honey (preferably acacia), slightly stir and cover the pumpkin with a previously cut “cover”, for sealing along the cut line, lay a regular dough.

Let the pumpkin infuse in a dark place of room temperature for ten days.

On the 11th we begin to take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals, the course is 20 days.

To restore bowel function and remove toxins from the body, you can use the following recipes of very tasty dishes, where the useful properties of pumpkin with honey play an important role.

  • Take a red pumpkin, sweeter, about 150g.
  • We peel it from the skin and seeds, cut it in cubes and roast it on a pan with butter to a soft state.
  • Put on a plate, put honey on top and sprinkle with nuts, you can take pine, peanuts or walnuts.
Or there is another recipe - we will need pumpkin, carrots, honey and sour cream.

  • Pumpkin should be rubbed on a large grater, and carrots - on a small one.
  • Cover the pumpkin with a layer of grated carrots.
  • Separately whip sour cream with honey and water from above.
Useful properties of pumpkin with honey will help to cope with insomnia and increased mental stress, for this, before going to bed, you need to drink a decoction of pumpkin pulp with honey. This tool will help to relax and relieve tension throughout the day.

Useful properties of pumpkin are so multifaceted that it can be used in almost any field of human health. Sometimes, it is difficult to imagine how a useful product can also be really tasty. But, nevertheless, this and pumpkin is a vivid example of this.

Useful properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin absorbed all sorts of microelements and vitamins. Useful properties of pumpkin will be useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, edema, anemia and obesity. Despite the fact that pumpkin has been studied for a long time, its place in the line of healing natural products is unshakable.

Carrots are known for containing useful beta-carotene in it, so in the pumpkin it is several times more. Pumpkin helps with a lack of iron in the body and other problems with blood flow, as it contains not only iron, but also zinc, cobalt and copper. Also in the pumpkin contains calcium, pectin, sugar, carotene and vitamins C and group B.

Men should pay attention to the beneficial properties of pumpkin, since the zinc salts contained in it have a positive effect on potency and sexual activity in general. And vitamin E in the composition of pumpkin inhibit the aging process in the body.

Pumpkin is perfectly absorbed by the body. In particular, when eating raw pumpkin pulp, you can relieve intestinal inflammation and adjust the gallbladder. Pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the stomach with gastritis with high acidity, and is also effective for colds and sore throat. Regular consumption of pumpkin will strengthen your immunity and protect you from the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria. Useful properties of pumpkin are also applicable as a diuretic for urological problems and for weight loss.

You will be surprised, but pumpkin porridge can help get rid of high fever in bronchitis. Pumpkin juice prevents the development of caries and strengthens the enamel on the teeth. Useful properties of pumpkin will be useful in the treatment of skin diseases. To the place of burn or inflammation, you need to apply a finely chopped pumpkin gruel. If the wounds on the skin begin to fester, you need to wash them with a decoction of pumpkin flowers, and they will heal faster.

Pumpkin seeds are a known remedy for worms.

Eat at night 100 g of seeds with honey, and in the morning take 1 tbsp. castor oil. Nothing better from worms has not yet been invented. Also, pumpkin seeds are recommended for pregnant women with toxicosis and with ordinary nausea.

Useful properties of pumpkin have the reverse side of the medal. This vegetable is contraindicated in stomach ulcer and 12-domestic intestine, gastritis with low acidity and people suffering from diabetes.

It is also necessary to observe the rules of storage of pumpkin. The recommended temperature is 2-15 degrees Celsius. And do not leave the pumpkin under the direct rays of the sun (it is better to cover it with a cloth). published

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Source: istoki.kh.ua/chistki/tykvennyj-med


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