A necessary condition for happiness
Everyone wants to be happy. And for the sake of this happiness to achieve, we are ready for more. We are ready to read different books, listen to lectures and generally do a lot for the sake of happiness itself. To even slightly touch it, or to make it permanent.
Once women learned that with each act of intercourse they have to have an orgasm. Required. Otherwise, with them something not so, they frigid, they need to be treated, they are complexed and so on. The men, hearing this, also began to pay attention to it – because it is an indicator of their "competence". And not to seem cold and strange, many women began the orgasm to fake. To imitate. So no one thought nothing. Many years later a woman in a divorce can throw in the face of a man, they say, and I with you in bed has always been so-so!
In the pursuit of the orgasm and the desire to get or to simulate, women lost in sexual intimacy very much. The opportunity to enjoy the closeness of a partner, his gentleness, the ability to give him pleasure. Sex has become a kind of sport, how someone who as quickly, and people began to use each other as sports equipment, arguing whether the projectile or not. And all for what and why?
But actually now we are not only in bed pretending. We all wear different masks, creating for people a semblance of something – their success, harmony, happiness. We publicly wear masks perfect mothers, Vedic wives, real women. But come home and remove them, like tight shoes. And what's inside? Under the mask? Sometimes just tired and tortured woman. Or even tortured someone. Sometimes, a person captured against her own will by these close images. Sometimes the invisible man, who only knows how to wear masks. Alas.
After all, if too long, someone pretending to be, it can be very easy to forget this. And what I really am? What I really love? And what I want?No time to think about it, when you need for happiness to chase and be as it is written, there is something there. But there is no happiness. In this race it is always there somewhere. And we – here, in their masks and tired of the eternal chase.
Just in our life lacks one very important component, without which happiness is impossible. That's sincerity. Sincerity is such a terrible and unfashionable now a beast.
Sincerity with yourself
To be happy, you need to be sincere. Sincere with yourself first. To recognize our imperfections, to accept it in myself with love, to be honest in their motives, desires, and feelings. Do not try to embellish your everyday life and your inner world invisible inks. To see yourself as you are. And make it so, and not that which you could be.
Think we wear makeup more often in order to make herself like in a mirror. Because we think our eyelashes are thick enough, bags under the eyes too obvious, the eyes are not expressive enough, lips too thin. And here we carefully draw yourself a new face, not being able to see the true, unvarnished. We are stepping up the hair, eyelashes, nails, make himself artificial Breasts, cheekbones, and so on. Struggling with age by any means – injections, suspenders. Not taking yourself in the mirror today. That which is already fifteen and even twenty. Trying to deceive yourself and all others with respect to their years. There's nothing wrong with makeup, the only question is, how we relate to ourselves without him.
I'm not talking about how women are with their feelings and desires return! Pretend it does not hurt that they did not angry that they do not want to. Living it is unclear what kind of life, it is unclear for whom and for what.
I accidentally talked to the woman, who was over fifty. It was not in Russia. And she told a sad story. About how her husband convinced that children are a distraction in life and need the time to enjoy together, while it's there. Afraid of losing him, she agreed with him. And abandoned their own dreams of children, even doing a couple of abortions. Together with her husband has proved to all family, no children, no life, and Paradise, and even fiercely defended his position – and the Earth is overpopulated, and the children interfere with life. While secretly avoiding to look into his own soul.
When her husband turned 50, he went to another young girl who was pregnant with his child. Finally he said something like: "sorry, I seem to be mistaken". And that's all. And now she's 50, she's lonely, can not have a baby even just for myself. Lived all his life, like she said, nothing. Because dreaming about children. The story has continued – she adopted several children, and her dream was realized at least partially. But she had sincerely to answer for herself the question: "what do I really want?".
The same could apply to any dream and any feelings. I know girls who dream to do something, but it stops the word "right." They say a woman cannot work at all. And here they sit at home and soul in the work. And should explain to the woman that creativity is not a job, and it must be every she breathes, and her eyes begin to glow again. But if there is no one who explain this to her?
With feelings this song is actually infinite. One girl lived with her mother, carrying out her every whim, not having a personal life. Each new boyfriend was equal to another deterioration in the health of the mother, as soon as the gentleman was gone, my mother is very much alive. It is convenient to you so to live, to have a daughter. And I will ask her – what do you feel it with dull eyes muttered something about love to mother and the duty. What really? And in fact, inside it is seething rage, stifled by guilt and the biblical commandment is about respect for the mother. Although what is respect?
If you sincerely look into your own heart, you will realize that there is no respect there. And it was not. That there is a nuclear explosion happened, and living in General was not detected. And her life may change, but for this she would have honestly to admit that there is no love for the mother right now. To live out your anger, and your guilt – and to separate. Start living your life, which is very scary and seems impossible. But she made it. And though the mother was yelling into the phone, which immediately dies, three years later, she is still alive and very healthy.
To understand its nature and follow it. For women it's all the same – initially, women. Add to that her innate temperament, talents, personality traits, character, inclinations, and desires and is an individual set of inherent only to her.But how many of us understand that they have a set? I've long considered myself an extrovert, instead of admit your introversion. Similarly, I have long tried to alter the nature of man, not taking his own. And you could just sincerely look into your heart, which already has all the answers. But it's scary!
The sincerity in their vows. In his spiritual practice. To do as much as can now, not more. Gradually increasing the depth and tempo, but not a jerk. Many in fact want to the top level from a very strong practice the most severe austerities. But what happens if we do? If we do not hear ourselves, and check our zeal about the possibilities? There are kickbacks. There are some cases when the monks, who took renunciation at a young age, many years later "broke down". And suddenly married to 50-60. Because if they truly looked into their heart, they would see there is a desire and would not prematurely tighten the austerity of his life.
Bhakti Vijnana Gosvami says that in any spiritual practice there are three components: people, practice itself (i.e. what we do) and purpose of the practice. The aim of the practice should be as high as possible, so that we could not even get to the end to understand and comprehend. But the daily practice should be below our current level, so it was easy for us to carry it every day. In this much needed sincerity – honestly and realistically identify your current level and follow it.
Sincerity is the best defense. If you are sincere with yourself, you impossible to use, impossible to cheat or use. You cannot impose certain desires or goals, if you can hear yourself. Sincerity in relations with others.
Not to show what is not, not to pretend to be someone you don't have to play any roles. To be honest. If you like something — we talk about it, and not be silent, secretly envying or fearing man's praise to spoil. Don't like something – we talk about it, choosing words, so the man wasn't hurt and to Express only their feelings. To be sincere the motives of creating and maintaining relationships. To be honest and transparent in this place. Not to portray love and affection, where there is only benefit. Not hide love where it the answer is nothing.
To be honest when relationships are difficult. But it is much more profitable. When you do not have to keep up, to remember who and what you've composed, do not need to fear being exposed that you can see this. If you're real with yourself — what are you afraid of? But if you don't know myself, it's scary what they'll come up, but still in full view of everyone?
To be sincere in their activities, to do everything from the heart, not of calculation and gain. But doing so for profit, to admit it – especially to myself. To do not perfect, but with the soul. To do something for which you were born. Even if there are things more prestigious, more profitable and "more interesting".
To be sincere with her husband, children. Honestly tell them when you're in pain, not to show joy when it is not (but to learn again to feel it). To be alive. To have a right to be wrong. To be able to apologize — sincerely. Until we learn to be sincere with yourself, learn to be sincere with other people –impossible. Because how can I be myself with someone, even if you yourself can't? If she does not know your desires as you can about them to tell someone?
Do not confuse sincerity with reckless openness. Sincerity is honesty and the ability to be yourself. Thoughtless openness is the ability to run too close to those who are happy to hurt. The openness we have discussed in sufficient detail.
Without sincerity there is no happiness. The illusion of happiness — Yes. Demonstration of happiness — Yes. Inner happiness — no.
Honesty is the main quality that is used in the Vedic Scriptures. Serving her husband or God call it sincere, the execution of his duty – sincere. And not otherwise. Because if we learn to be sincere, so many problems will resolve themselves!
Now ask yourself:
Author: Olga Valyaeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/neobxodimoe-uslovie-dlya-schastya/
Once women learned that with each act of intercourse they have to have an orgasm. Required. Otherwise, with them something not so, they frigid, they need to be treated, they are complexed and so on. The men, hearing this, also began to pay attention to it – because it is an indicator of their "competence". And not to seem cold and strange, many women began the orgasm to fake. To imitate. So no one thought nothing. Many years later a woman in a divorce can throw in the face of a man, they say, and I with you in bed has always been so-so!

In the pursuit of the orgasm and the desire to get or to simulate, women lost in sexual intimacy very much. The opportunity to enjoy the closeness of a partner, his gentleness, the ability to give him pleasure. Sex has become a kind of sport, how someone who as quickly, and people began to use each other as sports equipment, arguing whether the projectile or not. And all for what and why?
But actually now we are not only in bed pretending. We all wear different masks, creating for people a semblance of something – their success, harmony, happiness. We publicly wear masks perfect mothers, Vedic wives, real women. But come home and remove them, like tight shoes. And what's inside? Under the mask? Sometimes just tired and tortured woman. Or even tortured someone. Sometimes, a person captured against her own will by these close images. Sometimes the invisible man, who only knows how to wear masks. Alas.
After all, if too long, someone pretending to be, it can be very easy to forget this. And what I really am? What I really love? And what I want?No time to think about it, when you need for happiness to chase and be as it is written, there is something there. But there is no happiness. In this race it is always there somewhere. And we – here, in their masks and tired of the eternal chase.
Just in our life lacks one very important component, without which happiness is impossible. That's sincerity. Sincerity is such a terrible and unfashionable now a beast.
Sincerity with yourself
To be happy, you need to be sincere. Sincere with yourself first. To recognize our imperfections, to accept it in myself with love, to be honest in their motives, desires, and feelings. Do not try to embellish your everyday life and your inner world invisible inks. To see yourself as you are. And make it so, and not that which you could be.
Think we wear makeup more often in order to make herself like in a mirror. Because we think our eyelashes are thick enough, bags under the eyes too obvious, the eyes are not expressive enough, lips too thin. And here we carefully draw yourself a new face, not being able to see the true, unvarnished. We are stepping up the hair, eyelashes, nails, make himself artificial Breasts, cheekbones, and so on. Struggling with age by any means – injections, suspenders. Not taking yourself in the mirror today. That which is already fifteen and even twenty. Trying to deceive yourself and all others with respect to their years. There's nothing wrong with makeup, the only question is, how we relate to ourselves without him.
I'm not talking about how women are with their feelings and desires return! Pretend it does not hurt that they did not angry that they do not want to. Living it is unclear what kind of life, it is unclear for whom and for what.
I accidentally talked to the woman, who was over fifty. It was not in Russia. And she told a sad story. About how her husband convinced that children are a distraction in life and need the time to enjoy together, while it's there. Afraid of losing him, she agreed with him. And abandoned their own dreams of children, even doing a couple of abortions. Together with her husband has proved to all family, no children, no life, and Paradise, and even fiercely defended his position – and the Earth is overpopulated, and the children interfere with life. While secretly avoiding to look into his own soul.
When her husband turned 50, he went to another young girl who was pregnant with his child. Finally he said something like: "sorry, I seem to be mistaken". And that's all. And now she's 50, she's lonely, can not have a baby even just for myself. Lived all his life, like she said, nothing. Because dreaming about children. The story has continued – she adopted several children, and her dream was realized at least partially. But she had sincerely to answer for herself the question: "what do I really want?".
The same could apply to any dream and any feelings. I know girls who dream to do something, but it stops the word "right." They say a woman cannot work at all. And here they sit at home and soul in the work. And should explain to the woman that creativity is not a job, and it must be every she breathes, and her eyes begin to glow again. But if there is no one who explain this to her?
With feelings this song is actually infinite. One girl lived with her mother, carrying out her every whim, not having a personal life. Each new boyfriend was equal to another deterioration in the health of the mother, as soon as the gentleman was gone, my mother is very much alive. It is convenient to you so to live, to have a daughter. And I will ask her – what do you feel it with dull eyes muttered something about love to mother and the duty. What really? And in fact, inside it is seething rage, stifled by guilt and the biblical commandment is about respect for the mother. Although what is respect?
If you sincerely look into your own heart, you will realize that there is no respect there. And it was not. That there is a nuclear explosion happened, and living in General was not detected. And her life may change, but for this she would have honestly to admit that there is no love for the mother right now. To live out your anger, and your guilt – and to separate. Start living your life, which is very scary and seems impossible. But she made it. And though the mother was yelling into the phone, which immediately dies, three years later, she is still alive and very healthy.
To understand its nature and follow it. For women it's all the same – initially, women. Add to that her innate temperament, talents, personality traits, character, inclinations, and desires and is an individual set of inherent only to her.But how many of us understand that they have a set? I've long considered myself an extrovert, instead of admit your introversion. Similarly, I have long tried to alter the nature of man, not taking his own. And you could just sincerely look into your heart, which already has all the answers. But it's scary!
The sincerity in their vows. In his spiritual practice. To do as much as can now, not more. Gradually increasing the depth and tempo, but not a jerk. Many in fact want to the top level from a very strong practice the most severe austerities. But what happens if we do? If we do not hear ourselves, and check our zeal about the possibilities? There are kickbacks. There are some cases when the monks, who took renunciation at a young age, many years later "broke down". And suddenly married to 50-60. Because if they truly looked into their heart, they would see there is a desire and would not prematurely tighten the austerity of his life.
Bhakti Vijnana Gosvami says that in any spiritual practice there are three components: people, practice itself (i.e. what we do) and purpose of the practice. The aim of the practice should be as high as possible, so that we could not even get to the end to understand and comprehend. But the daily practice should be below our current level, so it was easy for us to carry it every day. In this much needed sincerity – honestly and realistically identify your current level and follow it.
Sincerity is the best defense. If you are sincere with yourself, you impossible to use, impossible to cheat or use. You cannot impose certain desires or goals, if you can hear yourself. Sincerity in relations with others.
Not to show what is not, not to pretend to be someone you don't have to play any roles. To be honest. If you like something — we talk about it, and not be silent, secretly envying or fearing man's praise to spoil. Don't like something – we talk about it, choosing words, so the man wasn't hurt and to Express only their feelings. To be sincere the motives of creating and maintaining relationships. To be honest and transparent in this place. Not to portray love and affection, where there is only benefit. Not hide love where it the answer is nothing.
To be honest when relationships are difficult. But it is much more profitable. When you do not have to keep up, to remember who and what you've composed, do not need to fear being exposed that you can see this. If you're real with yourself — what are you afraid of? But if you don't know myself, it's scary what they'll come up, but still in full view of everyone?
To be sincere in their activities, to do everything from the heart, not of calculation and gain. But doing so for profit, to admit it – especially to myself. To do not perfect, but with the soul. To do something for which you were born. Even if there are things more prestigious, more profitable and "more interesting".
To be sincere with her husband, children. Honestly tell them when you're in pain, not to show joy when it is not (but to learn again to feel it). To be alive. To have a right to be wrong. To be able to apologize — sincerely. Until we learn to be sincere with yourself, learn to be sincere with other people –impossible. Because how can I be myself with someone, even if you yourself can't? If she does not know your desires as you can about them to tell someone?
Do not confuse sincerity with reckless openness. Sincerity is honesty and the ability to be yourself. Thoughtless openness is the ability to run too close to those who are happy to hurt. The openness we have discussed in sufficient detail.
Without sincerity there is no happiness. The illusion of happiness — Yes. Demonstration of happiness — Yes. Inner happiness — no.
Honesty is the main quality that is used in the Vedic Scriptures. Serving her husband or God call it sincere, the execution of his duty – sincere. And not otherwise. Because if we learn to be sincere, so many problems will resolve themselves!
Now ask yourself:
- How do you feel to any person? (not hiding behind the fact that you should feel, just honestly say to myself that rages in you is now in reality)
- What do you want now? (and no need then to explain to myself why now this is what you want)
- How should do in your difficult situation? (here it may take time)
Author: Olga Valyaeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/neobxodimoe-uslovie-dlya-schastya/
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