Laws of attraction: the 3 main "NEVER"
The main universal Law of Our life is subordinate to the chief of the universal law – the law of attraction. It is simple and logical: man attracts what he thinks. Our thoughts are signals that we are constantly sending into the Universe.
She responds to each of them, that is fulfilling all our requests. But, alas, doing it literally. And when we have thoughts about things we fear and want to avoid sickness, poverty, infidelities, disappointments, then we also get. It is impossible to dream of happiness and think: "life is a failure: no money, no health, no love..." the universe responds to similar setup with the helpfulness of gin from a magic lamp. "Well, she says. – As you command. You really have nothing. And never will be". The negative message returns a double negative. But magnetic energy of our thoughts is able to make happy every one of us.
Act 1. Filled with love attracts the love of other people
This is one of the main tenets of the law of attraction. Like attracts like. All people, events, things in our life are not random. Ourselves surround yourself with them voluntarily or involuntarily. You must force yourself to think only about good things and to see beauty in the surrounding people and objects.
Unfortunately, it is often the children's complexes form a position unhappy and unloved person. Experts call it "the victim consciousness". It seems that he seeks out, but in reality the following occurs: the constant talk about an unhappy love affair put it in a small closed world of endless hurts and disappointments, in a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out.
The victim simply ceases to notice the positive aspects of life, and the more suffering, the more often makes mistakes. To expect happiness in this state, at least, naive. How to change the situation? First, to realize that love may not come from the outside, forced to get to the man.The willingness to love and be loved must first be born in the soul, to fill all corners of consciousness. Remember: no one and nothing can do for us. We and we alone create our own reality. Happy people take pleasure in the most insignificant matter.
10 Golden rules of attraction love
1. Always Wake up with a smile. Think about the fact that today you will have a very good day. Learn to enjoy every detail and positive emotions to displace from a life of unnecessary negativity.
2. Only surround yourself with bright, positive people.
3. Learn how to be interesting myself. Constantly develop, try every day to learn something new, remember: a person who is not bored with himself always causes interest of other people.
4. Do what brings you joy, love and happiness. Of course, there are things and events which are almost impossible to avoid, there are people with all the reluctance has to face. In this case, try to find them all the best, and henceforth refer only to this positive side. Very soon you will notice how it will change your mood, relationships improve and you will feel easy and comfortable.
5. Never doubt in their own exceptionalism. Every person is unique and deserves to be loved. Do not criticize and do not blame yourself. Be proud of yourself, love your own way and notice how you will be a positive change.
6. Don't lose your inner harmony. If you feel that you are overcome with feelings of fear, hatred or irritation, try to quickly switch to the positive: bright and pleasant memories, the image of a loved one, a dream. So you can protect yourself from trouble, which always attract negative emotions.
7. Collect old photos of former loved ones, memories that cause you pain. Put them in a box, tie it with red ribbon and send it to the mezzanine. Experts in Feng Shui say that in this way you will be able to put an end to past relationships and be open to new feelings.
8. Dream about love. Colorful and bright, to the smallest detail to draw in his imagination the picture of happiness. Clearly imagine the person I would like to see. Play in your thoughts, entire stories, in which a favorite would behave exactly as you want. Your request is sure to be heard.
9. On a beautiful sheet of paper describe in detail the man would like to meet. Be sure to cover all the possible traits: appearance, character, manner of speech, dress. Answer the questions – who he works for, earns, what his friends, habits, passion, spiritual qualities. Whether he knows how to be compassionate, to be loyal, does he have a sense of humor, tact, does he do desperate things. The more you describe the portrait of the future of a loved one, the more accurate will be executed your order.
10. Make a map of desires. If love for you plays a crucial role, place in the center of a large poster your photo next to the portrait of a man, whose appearance you like. Surround your couple all the attributes of happiness. Find the picture of the house you would like to have children, money, cars, exciting travel. Hang the map in a visible place, most look at it and dream. Visualization is one of the most powerful ways to turn fantasy into reality.
Most people are happy as they have decided to be happy
A. Lincoln
3 main never
1. Never don't Harbor old grudges, especially former lovers. Resentment subconsciously block opportunities for positive changes in life.
2. Never say to yourself, I have nothing. Belief in success – is the main key to the success.
3. Never turn the search for love is an end in itself. Real sense, comes naturally and harmoniously.
Act 2. A happy person lives much longer and less sore
"All illnesses from nerves". Our physical health is a mirror reflection of the health of soul. And we are not talking about mental disorders. It turns out, excitement, fear, grief and other negative emotions destroy the body at the cellular level, creating in him an incurable disease.
Psychologists closely studying this issue, saying: people die from negative thoughts. Today scientists have proved that all processes in the body are under the control of the Central nervous system, which creates a scenario of age-related changes. It reflects our perceptions of life, traditions and expectations.
For example, if people believe that after forty years there comes a time of decay, carrying with it a range of illnesses, disappointments and setbacks, so it will happen.
After passing forty, he begins to actively grow old, get sick and die. While his age will not lose health, energy and joy to a ripe old age simply because will believe – man is able to enjoy life at any age. Now, faith works wonders, helps to cope with incurable diseases, raises people with wheelchairs. A sense of mental harmony and happiness heals a man better than any of the most effective drugs.
Healers armies of Alexander the great was astonished at the amazing fact: the soldiers of the losing army died of those wounds with which the soldier-victors were dealt with very quickly. Much later a doctor of Napoleon Bonaparte had formulated this idea as follows: "the wounds of the winners heal quicker." In other words, the success of any treatment depends on lust for life. In our bodies are designed in such a way that it is able to heal itself. Right thoughts and the power of the spirit is the main condition.
Dreams are a preview of what life already brings to the future albert Einstein
10 Golden rules of attraction health
1. Conditionevery that meets your desires a scenario of age-related changes. Imagine yourself in thirty, forty, fifty further years. Needless to say, choose the perfect option in which you will look much younger than actual age, and much more energetic in their peers. This will help you to preserve youth, health and beauty.
2.Avoid stress. Caught in a bad situation, think about how insignificant it is in comparison with the scale of a lifetime. Treat the issue philosophically, remember the famous saying, written on the ring of king Solomon "this too shall pass this too shall pass".
3.Be kind and forgiving people. Learn to forgive them for mistakes – and you will notice how much better your health. After all, when your soul live on resentment, you are unconsciously tied to the offenders, lose their strength and become ill. Forgiveness also frees you from this addiction and heals the soul.
4. All that you undertake, try to do calmly and confidently. Doctors called the rush "the hasty killer" because it causes the body to produce adrenaline in large quantities, which "drives" the heart, creates tension and ultimately serious upsets health.
5.Try to get as much positive emotions. Proven fact: optimists live longer than pessimists and look much younger. Because positive emotions improve immunity and inhibit the aging process.
6. The unhealthy feelings are anger, guilt and dissatisfaction with yourself and others. Remember that health starts with love to yourself and your fellow man.
7. Laugh as often as possible. Studies have shown that laughter in humans increases blood flow, which is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But negative emotions include mechanisms of self-destruction.
8. Learn how to completely relax. Find time for contemplation. You give this ten minutes a day, preferably before bedtime. Get a room, turn on your favorite music, sit comfortably. Select the object that would act on the most beneficial. It may be a fire in the fireplace, the fish in the aquarium, anything. Most importantly, in the moment of contemplation you felt the balance and harmony. Enjoy the peace, experience the peace, try not to think about anything that could cloud your mind. Experts claim that such moments are capable of restoring the body from daily stress.
9. The rule is to analyze your own disease. All the symptoms of our illnesses are signs that say, "You're doing something wrong, pay attention to their actions and thoughts" Even the common cold does not occur on level ground. She "feeds" irritation and resentment.
10. Fight with a bad mood, don't let him pull you into depression. Psychologists suggest two minutes a day to train the "muscle of happiness". Smile at her reflection in the mirror and this time think about what you – the healthiest, most beautiful and happiest person on earth. Mental balance – the fuel for good luck.
3 main never
1. Never complain about the disease, unless the doctor. A person who constantly complains about ailments, tells in detail about them to others, unconsciously undermine their own health.
2. Never put yourself diagnosis. When you say probably, I have this disease, then programme it, and soon your fears come true.
3. Never argue with aggressive people who don't affiliate to movement against something. The negative message destroys the body. And health begins with inner peace and positive attitude to life.
The law third. Money does not bring happiness, but happiness is money
We do not even suspect how much mistaken when you say: "Now, if I had the money, I would be really happy." The law of attraction is exactly the opposite: wealth, success and other benefits begin to appear in humans when he feels truly happy. In other words the feeling of happiness can make a person more productive, purposeful, persistent, self-confident, which directly depends on the increase in financial income.
But, being a discouragement to get rich just impossible, experts say. So first we need to understand the reasons for experiencing depression, and only by eliminating them, start moving to the wealth and well-being.
Wealth and prosperity starts with a big dream, open, bright, without any doubt or fear. After dreaming, we risk nothing, and therefore can afford the most incredible. But, unfortunately, most people limit themselves, even in this simply because do not see, is how fantasies can become reality. Experts calm: none of us are able to calculate the path to success, you just need to believe in him and this faith, as the magnet itself will attract luck. Martin Luther king said, "Take the first step and believe. Even if you do not see the entire path, just take the first step".
"Follow your happiness and the universe will open doors where once were only walls". Joseph Gambella
10 Golden rules of attraction wealth
1. Change your beliefs about wealth. If as a child you were told that big money cannot be earned by honest means, then the installation can be fatal and block the road to prosperity in the future. The blockers are allegations that the money earned with sweat and blood, you need to save every penny. With such thoughts of wealth is not achieved. Take another setting: money comes easily and regularly. This attitude frees your mind from unnecessary fears and open the way for new beginnings.
2. Do not turn money into an end in itself. Think about what they – above all, freedom that will help you to implement your plans and become a happier person.
3. Attend only to love. It is impossible to make a career and get rich on the fact that contrary to your nature. First, you will always experience internal resistance, and second, around you are sure to find many enthusiastic professionals and sooner or later you will turn into an outsider. Therefore, sparing time and effort, look for the job for which you are created. Become the best and your efforts will be adequately rewarded.
4. Exercise restraint and patience. Many people are losing faith halfway to wealth. They go to great efforts and want to get instant results, but without waiting for him, saying: "It doesn't work". So do stop and cancel the already running process.
5. Remember: money is energy, they need constant movement. So learn how to give them. To do this, learn one exercise: paying bills or paying for the purchase in the shop, wish good to the person who receives your notes. Imagine that your funds will go towards the purchase of new goods will pay for those who you serve. Thus, you will feel part of the global financial process in which incomes increase steadily.
6. Do not be greedy. Remember that the avaricious pays twice. One of the main laws of attraction money says: the more waste, the more financial income.
7. All the time looking for new additional sources of income. This will help you to expand your potential and it is possible to find the most precise scope of your professional interests.
8. Think in terms of abundance. Behave like a rich man. Even if you have insufficient funds, be guided by good expensive things. Imagine yourself in them. Soak up the atmosphere of wealth, and it will come into your life.
9. Visualize the image of money. Clearly decide what amount you need for complete happiness. Think about it. Finish to unit on the left side is the number of zeros, which would constitute the required amount. Carry it in your wallet or attach in a prominent place. The thought is material.
10. Don't forget to say "thank you" to life for all the good that is in it.Gratitude is a great force, increasing success. Change yourself, and the world will change with you.
3 main never
1. Never say "never". Permanently eliminate from your life the phrase: "I'll never get out of debt," "I'll never find a good job" and the like. This phrase is a strong ban on the wealth and well-being.
2. Never delay the money for a "rainy day", otherwise you run the risk of it very soon wait. It is better to take a different wording: "a pleasant surprise".
3. Never scold yourself for unplanned expenditure and spontaneous purchases. Because they are the portion of positive emotions, without which the process of making money is meaningless. In Slavic culture it is not customary and even indecent to show happiness, to rejoice in a time when other people, things are not going well. Even in Soviet times, we are long accustomed to the idea that happiness is born in the bitter struggle that it can only be earned through hard work. One way or another, but "the struggle for happiness" is gone, but the stereotypes remained.
Organization of social scientists World Values Survey was conducted by the international study "level of happiness". Respondents were asked to assess their own life satisfaction. Our country was in eightieth place, surrounded by post-Soviet States. And the first positions were taken not even Americans – they only ended up in fifteenth place.
"Lucky" were the residents not of the rich, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Not lagged behind them and India. By the way, people, who visited this mysterious country are surprised to note the conspicuous contrast with the rampant poverty and miserable life combined with an open, enlightened persons of the Hindus. All these studies tell only one thing: wealth does not guarantee happiness. You can be rich and at the same time deeply unhappy man. And, as practice shows, on the contrary – to enjoy life without apparent reason.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //anchiktigra.livejournal.com/1201.html
She responds to each of them, that is fulfilling all our requests. But, alas, doing it literally. And when we have thoughts about things we fear and want to avoid sickness, poverty, infidelities, disappointments, then we also get. It is impossible to dream of happiness and think: "life is a failure: no money, no health, no love..." the universe responds to similar setup with the helpfulness of gin from a magic lamp. "Well, she says. – As you command. You really have nothing. And never will be". The negative message returns a double negative. But magnetic energy of our thoughts is able to make happy every one of us.
Act 1. Filled with love attracts the love of other people
This is one of the main tenets of the law of attraction. Like attracts like. All people, events, things in our life are not random. Ourselves surround yourself with them voluntarily or involuntarily. You must force yourself to think only about good things and to see beauty in the surrounding people and objects.
Unfortunately, it is often the children's complexes form a position unhappy and unloved person. Experts call it "the victim consciousness". It seems that he seeks out, but in reality the following occurs: the constant talk about an unhappy love affair put it in a small closed world of endless hurts and disappointments, in a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out.
The victim simply ceases to notice the positive aspects of life, and the more suffering, the more often makes mistakes. To expect happiness in this state, at least, naive. How to change the situation? First, to realize that love may not come from the outside, forced to get to the man.The willingness to love and be loved must first be born in the soul, to fill all corners of consciousness. Remember: no one and nothing can do for us. We and we alone create our own reality. Happy people take pleasure in the most insignificant matter.
10 Golden rules of attraction love
1. Always Wake up with a smile. Think about the fact that today you will have a very good day. Learn to enjoy every detail and positive emotions to displace from a life of unnecessary negativity.
2. Only surround yourself with bright, positive people.
3. Learn how to be interesting myself. Constantly develop, try every day to learn something new, remember: a person who is not bored with himself always causes interest of other people.
4. Do what brings you joy, love and happiness. Of course, there are things and events which are almost impossible to avoid, there are people with all the reluctance has to face. In this case, try to find them all the best, and henceforth refer only to this positive side. Very soon you will notice how it will change your mood, relationships improve and you will feel easy and comfortable.
5. Never doubt in their own exceptionalism. Every person is unique and deserves to be loved. Do not criticize and do not blame yourself. Be proud of yourself, love your own way and notice how you will be a positive change.
6. Don't lose your inner harmony. If you feel that you are overcome with feelings of fear, hatred or irritation, try to quickly switch to the positive: bright and pleasant memories, the image of a loved one, a dream. So you can protect yourself from trouble, which always attract negative emotions.
7. Collect old photos of former loved ones, memories that cause you pain. Put them in a box, tie it with red ribbon and send it to the mezzanine. Experts in Feng Shui say that in this way you will be able to put an end to past relationships and be open to new feelings.
8. Dream about love. Colorful and bright, to the smallest detail to draw in his imagination the picture of happiness. Clearly imagine the person I would like to see. Play in your thoughts, entire stories, in which a favorite would behave exactly as you want. Your request is sure to be heard.
9. On a beautiful sheet of paper describe in detail the man would like to meet. Be sure to cover all the possible traits: appearance, character, manner of speech, dress. Answer the questions – who he works for, earns, what his friends, habits, passion, spiritual qualities. Whether he knows how to be compassionate, to be loyal, does he have a sense of humor, tact, does he do desperate things. The more you describe the portrait of the future of a loved one, the more accurate will be executed your order.
10. Make a map of desires. If love for you plays a crucial role, place in the center of a large poster your photo next to the portrait of a man, whose appearance you like. Surround your couple all the attributes of happiness. Find the picture of the house you would like to have children, money, cars, exciting travel. Hang the map in a visible place, most look at it and dream. Visualization is one of the most powerful ways to turn fantasy into reality.
Most people are happy as they have decided to be happy
A. Lincoln
3 main never
1. Never don't Harbor old grudges, especially former lovers. Resentment subconsciously block opportunities for positive changes in life.
2. Never say to yourself, I have nothing. Belief in success – is the main key to the success.
3. Never turn the search for love is an end in itself. Real sense, comes naturally and harmoniously.
Act 2. A happy person lives much longer and less sore
"All illnesses from nerves". Our physical health is a mirror reflection of the health of soul. And we are not talking about mental disorders. It turns out, excitement, fear, grief and other negative emotions destroy the body at the cellular level, creating in him an incurable disease.
Psychologists closely studying this issue, saying: people die from negative thoughts. Today scientists have proved that all processes in the body are under the control of the Central nervous system, which creates a scenario of age-related changes. It reflects our perceptions of life, traditions and expectations.
For example, if people believe that after forty years there comes a time of decay, carrying with it a range of illnesses, disappointments and setbacks, so it will happen.
After passing forty, he begins to actively grow old, get sick and die. While his age will not lose health, energy and joy to a ripe old age simply because will believe – man is able to enjoy life at any age. Now, faith works wonders, helps to cope with incurable diseases, raises people with wheelchairs. A sense of mental harmony and happiness heals a man better than any of the most effective drugs.
Healers armies of Alexander the great was astonished at the amazing fact: the soldiers of the losing army died of those wounds with which the soldier-victors were dealt with very quickly. Much later a doctor of Napoleon Bonaparte had formulated this idea as follows: "the wounds of the winners heal quicker." In other words, the success of any treatment depends on lust for life. In our bodies are designed in such a way that it is able to heal itself. Right thoughts and the power of the spirit is the main condition.
Dreams are a preview of what life already brings to the future albert Einstein
10 Golden rules of attraction health
1. Conditionevery that meets your desires a scenario of age-related changes. Imagine yourself in thirty, forty, fifty further years. Needless to say, choose the perfect option in which you will look much younger than actual age, and much more energetic in their peers. This will help you to preserve youth, health and beauty.
2.Avoid stress. Caught in a bad situation, think about how insignificant it is in comparison with the scale of a lifetime. Treat the issue philosophically, remember the famous saying, written on the ring of king Solomon "this too shall pass this too shall pass".
3.Be kind and forgiving people. Learn to forgive them for mistakes – and you will notice how much better your health. After all, when your soul live on resentment, you are unconsciously tied to the offenders, lose their strength and become ill. Forgiveness also frees you from this addiction and heals the soul.
4. All that you undertake, try to do calmly and confidently. Doctors called the rush "the hasty killer" because it causes the body to produce adrenaline in large quantities, which "drives" the heart, creates tension and ultimately serious upsets health.
5.Try to get as much positive emotions. Proven fact: optimists live longer than pessimists and look much younger. Because positive emotions improve immunity and inhibit the aging process.
6. The unhealthy feelings are anger, guilt and dissatisfaction with yourself and others. Remember that health starts with love to yourself and your fellow man.
7. Laugh as often as possible. Studies have shown that laughter in humans increases blood flow, which is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But negative emotions include mechanisms of self-destruction.
8. Learn how to completely relax. Find time for contemplation. You give this ten minutes a day, preferably before bedtime. Get a room, turn on your favorite music, sit comfortably. Select the object that would act on the most beneficial. It may be a fire in the fireplace, the fish in the aquarium, anything. Most importantly, in the moment of contemplation you felt the balance and harmony. Enjoy the peace, experience the peace, try not to think about anything that could cloud your mind. Experts claim that such moments are capable of restoring the body from daily stress.
9. The rule is to analyze your own disease. All the symptoms of our illnesses are signs that say, "You're doing something wrong, pay attention to their actions and thoughts" Even the common cold does not occur on level ground. She "feeds" irritation and resentment.
10. Fight with a bad mood, don't let him pull you into depression. Psychologists suggest two minutes a day to train the "muscle of happiness". Smile at her reflection in the mirror and this time think about what you – the healthiest, most beautiful and happiest person on earth. Mental balance – the fuel for good luck.
3 main never
1. Never complain about the disease, unless the doctor. A person who constantly complains about ailments, tells in detail about them to others, unconsciously undermine their own health.
2. Never put yourself diagnosis. When you say probably, I have this disease, then programme it, and soon your fears come true.
3. Never argue with aggressive people who don't affiliate to movement against something. The negative message destroys the body. And health begins with inner peace and positive attitude to life.

The law third. Money does not bring happiness, but happiness is money
We do not even suspect how much mistaken when you say: "Now, if I had the money, I would be really happy." The law of attraction is exactly the opposite: wealth, success and other benefits begin to appear in humans when he feels truly happy. In other words the feeling of happiness can make a person more productive, purposeful, persistent, self-confident, which directly depends on the increase in financial income.
But, being a discouragement to get rich just impossible, experts say. So first we need to understand the reasons for experiencing depression, and only by eliminating them, start moving to the wealth and well-being.
Wealth and prosperity starts with a big dream, open, bright, without any doubt or fear. After dreaming, we risk nothing, and therefore can afford the most incredible. But, unfortunately, most people limit themselves, even in this simply because do not see, is how fantasies can become reality. Experts calm: none of us are able to calculate the path to success, you just need to believe in him and this faith, as the magnet itself will attract luck. Martin Luther king said, "Take the first step and believe. Even if you do not see the entire path, just take the first step".
"Follow your happiness and the universe will open doors where once were only walls". Joseph Gambella
10 Golden rules of attraction wealth
1. Change your beliefs about wealth. If as a child you were told that big money cannot be earned by honest means, then the installation can be fatal and block the road to prosperity in the future. The blockers are allegations that the money earned with sweat and blood, you need to save every penny. With such thoughts of wealth is not achieved. Take another setting: money comes easily and regularly. This attitude frees your mind from unnecessary fears and open the way for new beginnings.
2. Do not turn money into an end in itself. Think about what they – above all, freedom that will help you to implement your plans and become a happier person.
3. Attend only to love. It is impossible to make a career and get rich on the fact that contrary to your nature. First, you will always experience internal resistance, and second, around you are sure to find many enthusiastic professionals and sooner or later you will turn into an outsider. Therefore, sparing time and effort, look for the job for which you are created. Become the best and your efforts will be adequately rewarded.
4. Exercise restraint and patience. Many people are losing faith halfway to wealth. They go to great efforts and want to get instant results, but without waiting for him, saying: "It doesn't work". So do stop and cancel the already running process.
5. Remember: money is energy, they need constant movement. So learn how to give them. To do this, learn one exercise: paying bills or paying for the purchase in the shop, wish good to the person who receives your notes. Imagine that your funds will go towards the purchase of new goods will pay for those who you serve. Thus, you will feel part of the global financial process in which incomes increase steadily.
6. Do not be greedy. Remember that the avaricious pays twice. One of the main laws of attraction money says: the more waste, the more financial income.
7. All the time looking for new additional sources of income. This will help you to expand your potential and it is possible to find the most precise scope of your professional interests.
8. Think in terms of abundance. Behave like a rich man. Even if you have insufficient funds, be guided by good expensive things. Imagine yourself in them. Soak up the atmosphere of wealth, and it will come into your life.
9. Visualize the image of money. Clearly decide what amount you need for complete happiness. Think about it. Finish to unit on the left side is the number of zeros, which would constitute the required amount. Carry it in your wallet or attach in a prominent place. The thought is material.
10. Don't forget to say "thank you" to life for all the good that is in it.Gratitude is a great force, increasing success. Change yourself, and the world will change with you.
3 main never
1. Never say "never". Permanently eliminate from your life the phrase: "I'll never get out of debt," "I'll never find a good job" and the like. This phrase is a strong ban on the wealth and well-being.
2. Never delay the money for a "rainy day", otherwise you run the risk of it very soon wait. It is better to take a different wording: "a pleasant surprise".
3. Never scold yourself for unplanned expenditure and spontaneous purchases. Because they are the portion of positive emotions, without which the process of making money is meaningless. In Slavic culture it is not customary and even indecent to show happiness, to rejoice in a time when other people, things are not going well. Even in Soviet times, we are long accustomed to the idea that happiness is born in the bitter struggle that it can only be earned through hard work. One way or another, but "the struggle for happiness" is gone, but the stereotypes remained.
Organization of social scientists World Values Survey was conducted by the international study "level of happiness". Respondents were asked to assess their own life satisfaction. Our country was in eightieth place, surrounded by post-Soviet States. And the first positions were taken not even Americans – they only ended up in fifteenth place.
"Lucky" were the residents not of the rich, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Not lagged behind them and India. By the way, people, who visited this mysterious country are surprised to note the conspicuous contrast with the rampant poverty and miserable life combined with an open, enlightened persons of the Hindus. All these studies tell only one thing: wealth does not guarantee happiness. You can be rich and at the same time deeply unhappy man. And, as practice shows, on the contrary – to enjoy life without apparent reason.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //anchiktigra.livejournal.com/1201.html