Laws of Attraction HAPPINESS
It is believed that one must be born happy, just as beautiful or rich. Like, it's written on old and not given to everyone. But today, numerous studies and personal examples of thousands of people demonstrated - can enjoy this great gift of each one of us. And not just to get rich or make a spectacular career that, unfortunately, does not always bring peace of mind and be truly happy man, fill your life with joy and a deep sense.
Organization sociologists World Values Survey was conducted an international study of "happiness level". Respondents were asked to assess their satisfaction with life. Our country was on the eightieth place, surrounded by the former Soviet Union states.
A first position occupied even the Americans - they were only on the fifteenth place. "Lucky" were residents is not rich in Puerto Rico and Mexico. I do not keep up with them and India. By the way, people who have been in this mysterious country, was surprised to note the conspicuous contrast - glaring poverty and miserable life, combined with the open, enlightened persons Hindus
. I did not call us to rejoice poverty, but all these studies suggest only one thing: material well-being does not guarantee happiness. You can be rich and at the same time deeply unhappy man. And, as practice shows, on the contrary - to enjoy life without any apparent reason
. So what's the secret of happiness? - you ask. For example, I am impressed version, which adhere to the Australian researchers - the creators of the hit film "The Secret". They claim that our life is subject to the main universal law - the law of attraction
. It is simple and logical: a man attracts what thinks
. Our thoughts - it signals that we constantly send out into the universe. She responds to each of them, that is, it fulfills all our needs. But, alas, it does it literally. And when we have a thought about the things that we fear and want to avoid - on diseases of poverty, betrayals, disappointments, the result of their own and we get
. You can not dream of happiness and at the same time to think: "Life is not a failure: no money, no health, no love ..." The universe responds to a similar setup with complaisance genie from a magic lamp. "Well, - she says. - As you command. Do you really have nothing. I will not. " Negative send back a double negative. But magnetic energy of our thoughts can make happy each of us.
Act first
Filled with love of man attracts the love of other people
This is one of the main postulates of the law of attraction. Like attracts like. All the people, events, things in our life are not accidental. We surround ourselves with them themselves voluntarily or involuntarily.
Happy people enjoy on the most insignificant occasion.
10 golden rules of attraction love
1. Always wake up with a smile. Think about the fact that today you will be a very good day. Learn to enjoy every detail and positive emotions from the life force out unnecessary negativity.
2. Surround yourself with only a light, positive people.
3. Learn to be an interesting itself. Is constantly evolving, try every day to learn something new, remember that a person who is not bored with itself is always of interest to other people
. 4. Do only that which brings you joy, love and happiness. Of course, there are things and events, which are almost impossible to avoid, there are people, faced with all the reluctance. In this case, try to find them all the best, and continue to refer only to these positive aspects. Very soon you will see how to change your mood, improve relationships and make you feel easy and comfortable.
5. Never doubt their own exclusivity. Each person is unique and deserves love. Do not criticize and do not scold yourself. Be proud of yourself, like your own image and notice how you positive changes will occur.
6. Do not lose your inner peace. If you feel that you are overcome by a sense of fear, hatred or irritation, try to quickly switch to the positive: a bright and pleasant memories, the image of a loved one, a dream. So you can protect yourself from the trouble that always attract negative emotions.
7. Collect old photos of former favorite memories of that cause you pain. Put them in a box, tie it with a red ribbon and send it to the mezzanine. Feng Shui Experts say that in this way you will be able to put an end to past relationships and open up to new people.
8. Dream about love. Colourful and bright, to the smallest detail, draw in your mind a picture of happiness. Clearly, imagine a person who would like to see next to each other. Loses in his thoughts the whole scenes in which the favorite would behave exactly as you want. Your request is sure to be heard.
9. On a beautiful sheet of paper, a detailed description of the man, whom they would like to meet. Try to cover all the possible features: appearance, character, manner of speaking, dressing. Answer the questions - whom he works, earns how much, what his friends, habits, hobbies, spiritual qualities. if he knows how to be compassionate, to be loyal, if he had a sense of humor, tact, whether he is able to desperate acts. The more detailed you describe the portrait of the future favorite, the more accurate will be filled with your "order».
10. Make a map of desires. If love is the game for you a decisive role, place in the center of a large poster with a picture next to a portrait of a man, whose appearance you like. Surround your pair of all the attributes of happiness. Find the image of a house, who would you like to have children, money, cars, adventurous journeys. Hang the card in a conspicuous place, often look at it and dream. Visualization - one of the most powerful ways to turn fantasy into reality
. "Most people are as happy as they decide to be happy." A. Lincoln
3 main "never»
1. Never Taita old grudges, especially in the former lovers. Insults subconsciously block the possibility for positive change in life.
2. Never say to yourself: I do not work. Belief in success - the main guarantee of success
. 3. Do not turn the search for love in the end in itself. This feeling comes naturally and harmoniously.
Act second
Happy people live much longer and less sick
Today, scientists have proved that all processes in the body are controlled by the central nervous system, which creates a scenario of aging. It reflects our understanding of life, traditions and expectations. For example, if a person is sure that after forty years of decay comes the time, carrying with them a series of illnesses, disappointments and failures, the way it happens. Once past forty years abroad, he will begin to actively grow old, get sick and wither. While his age will not lose health, energy and the joy of living to a ripe old age, simply because it would be to believe - a person is able to enjoy life at any age.
"Dreams - a preview of what life will brings into the future." Albert Einstein
10 golden rules of attraction health
1. Create your own to suit your desires script age-related changes. Imagine yourself in thirty, forty, fifty years and beyond. Needless to select the ideal option, in which you will look much younger than actual age, and much more vigorously their peers. This will help you maintain youth, health and beauty.
2. Avoid stress. Caught in a bad situation, think about how it is negligible compared to the scale of a lifetime. Treat the problem philosophically, remember the famous statement, written on the ring of King Solomon "Everything passes and it will take place».
3. Be kind and forgiving people. Learn to forgive their mistakes - and you will notice how your health will improve. After all, when your soul live resentment, you find yourself unconsciously attached to the offenders, lose strength and become ill. Forgiveness frees you from this dependence and heals the soul.
4. All of you take, try to make calm and confident. Doctors call rush "hasty killer" because it causes the body to produce adrenaline in large quantities, which "pushes" the heart, creates tension and ultimately seriously upsets health.
5. Try to get as much positive emotions as possible. Proven fact: optimists live longer than pessimists, and look much younger. After all, positive emotions increase immunity and inhibit the aging process.
6. The most harmful feelings - it's anger, a sense of guilt and dissatisfaction with himself and others. Remember: Health starts with loving yourself and your neighbor
. 7. How often can laugh. Studies have shown that because of the laughter in the human body blood flow increases, it is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But negative emotions include self-destruction mechanisms.
8. Learn how to completely relax. Take some time for contemplation. Highlight for this ten minutes a day, preferably before bedtime. Retreat, turn on your favorite music, sit comfortably. Select the object to be acted upon you the most beneficial. This could be a fire in the fireplace, fish in the aquarium you want. The main thing is that at the moment of contemplation you feel balance and harmony. Enjoy the peace, feel peace, try not to think of anything that could dampen your consciousness. Experts say: such moments are able to restore the body from the daily stresses
. 9. Make it a rule to analyze their own illness. All the symptoms of our ailments - are signs that say, "You're doing something wrong, pay attention to their actions and thoughts," Even the common cold does not occur on level ground. It "feeds" irritation and resentment.
10. Fight the bad mood, do not let him pull you into a depression. Psychologists advise to train "happy muscles" for two minutes a day. Smile himself in the mirror and it is time to think about what you - the healthiest, most beautiful and the happiest person on earth
. Mental harmony -. Fuel for luck
3 main "never»
1. Do not complain about the disease, unless the doctor. A person who constantly complains about ailments, tells in detail about them to others, unconsciously, undermines their health.
2. Never put yourself diagnosed. When you say, perhaps, I have such a disease, you are programming it, and your fears come true soon
. 3. Never argue with an aggressive-minded people who do not join the movement against anything. Negative promise destroys the body. A health begins with inner peace and a positive attitude to life.
Act third
Not money brings happiness, but happiness is money
We do not even suspect how mistaken when we say: "If only I had the money, I would be really happy." The Law of Attraction is working exactly the opposite: wealth, success, and other blessings are beginning to appear in person at a time when he felt truly happy. In other words, happiness is able to make a person more productive, purposeful, persistent, confident, which directly depends on the increase in financial income. But, being in low spirits to get rich is simply impossible - experts say. Therefore, to begin to understand the reasons because of which there was a depression, and only by eliminating them, begin to move to the wealth and well-being.
Experts comfort: none of us is able to calculate the path to success, you just need to believe in him, and that faith is like a magnet itself will attract good luck. Martin Luther King said: "Take the first step and trust. Even if you can not see all the way, just take the first step. »
"Follow your happiness, and the universe will open doors where before there were some walls." Joseph Gambell
10 golden rules of attraction wealth
1. Change your idea of wealth. If you as a child taught that you can not earn a lot of money in an honest way, this setting can be fatal and block the road to the future well-being. By blockers are and allegations that the money earned by the sweat and blood that you need to save every penny. With such a wealth of thought to reach. Take another setting: money comes easily and regularly. Such an attitude will free your mind from unnecessary fears and opens the way for new initiatives.
2. Do not make money in the end in itself. Think about what they are - first and foremost the freedom that will help you realize conceived plans and become a happy man
. 3. Engage only love. It is not possible to make a career and make a fortune on the fact that contrary to your nature. Firstly, you will be constantly testing internal resistance, and secondly, you are sure to find around a lot of enthusiastic professionals and sooner or later you will become an outsider. Therefore, spare no time and effort looking for the activity for which you created it. Be it the best and worthy of your efforts will be rewarded.
4. to show restraint and patience. Many people are losing faith halfway to wealth. They work harder and want to get instant results, but without waiting for him, saying, "This is not working." Thus, do stop and cancel an already running process.
5. Remember, money - is energy, they need constant movement. Therefore, learn to give them correctly. To get your hands on this one exercise: paying bills or paying for a purchase in the store, sincerely wish good person, which is awarded to their bills. Imagine that your money will be spent on the purchase of new products, will be the salary for those who serve you. So you feel like a part of a larger financial process, in which revenues are constantly increasing.
6. Do not be greedy. Remember that the miser pays twice. One of the main laws of attraction money goes: the more waste, the more intense the financial revenues
. 7. All the time looking for new and additional sources of income. This will help you expand your capacity and capability to find the most precise scope of professional interests.
8. to think in terms of abundance. Behave like a rich man. Even if at this point you have enough money, guided by good expensive things. Imagine yourself in them. Soak up the atmosphere of wealth, and it is sure to come in your life.
9. Visualize the image of money. It is very clear on the fact how much money you need to be completely happy. Think about it. Doris unit on the note that the number of zeros, which would constitute the required amount. Carry it in your purse or attach a prominent place. Thought is material.
10. Do not forget to say "thank you" to life for all the good that is in it. Thanks - great power and multiplied success
. Change ourselves and the world around us will change with you.
3 main "never»
1. Never say "never". Permanently exclude from his life sentence, "I will never get out of debt", "I'll never find a good job" and the like. These phrases - a strong ban on the wealth and well-being
. 2. Never put off the money for a "rainy day", otherwise you risk to wait for him very soon. It is better to take a different formulation: "At surprises»
. 3. Do not scold yourself for unforeseen expenses and spontaneous purchases. After all, they - a portion of positive emotions, without which the process of earning money is meaningless.
Organization sociologists World Values Survey was conducted an international study of "happiness level". Respondents were asked to assess their satisfaction with life. Our country was on the eightieth place, surrounded by the former Soviet Union states.

A first position occupied even the Americans - they were only on the fifteenth place. "Lucky" were residents is not rich in Puerto Rico and Mexico. I do not keep up with them and India. By the way, people who have been in this mysterious country, was surprised to note the conspicuous contrast - glaring poverty and miserable life, combined with the open, enlightened persons Hindus
. I did not call us to rejoice poverty, but all these studies suggest only one thing: material well-being does not guarantee happiness. You can be rich and at the same time deeply unhappy man. And, as practice shows, on the contrary - to enjoy life without any apparent reason
. So what's the secret of happiness? - you ask. For example, I am impressed version, which adhere to the Australian researchers - the creators of the hit film "The Secret". They claim that our life is subject to the main universal law - the law of attraction
. It is simple and logical: a man attracts what thinks
. Our thoughts - it signals that we constantly send out into the universe. She responds to each of them, that is, it fulfills all our needs. But, alas, it does it literally. And when we have a thought about the things that we fear and want to avoid - on diseases of poverty, betrayals, disappointments, the result of their own and we get
. You can not dream of happiness and at the same time to think: "Life is not a failure: no money, no health, no love ..." The universe responds to a similar setup with complaisance genie from a magic lamp. "Well, - she says. - As you command. Do you really have nothing. I will not. " Negative send back a double negative. But magnetic energy of our thoughts can make happy each of us.
Act first
Filled with love of man attracts the love of other people
This is one of the main postulates of the law of attraction. Like attracts like. All the people, events, things in our life are not accidental. We surround ourselves with them themselves voluntarily or involuntarily.
Happy people enjoy on the most insignificant occasion.
10 golden rules of attraction love
1. Always wake up with a smile. Think about the fact that today you will be a very good day. Learn to enjoy every detail and positive emotions from the life force out unnecessary negativity.
2. Surround yourself with only a light, positive people.
3. Learn to be an interesting itself. Is constantly evolving, try every day to learn something new, remember that a person who is not bored with itself is always of interest to other people
. 4. Do only that which brings you joy, love and happiness. Of course, there are things and events, which are almost impossible to avoid, there are people, faced with all the reluctance. In this case, try to find them all the best, and continue to refer only to these positive aspects. Very soon you will see how to change your mood, improve relationships and make you feel easy and comfortable.
5. Never doubt their own exclusivity. Each person is unique and deserves love. Do not criticize and do not scold yourself. Be proud of yourself, like your own image and notice how you positive changes will occur.
6. Do not lose your inner peace. If you feel that you are overcome by a sense of fear, hatred or irritation, try to quickly switch to the positive: a bright and pleasant memories, the image of a loved one, a dream. So you can protect yourself from the trouble that always attract negative emotions.
7. Collect old photos of former favorite memories of that cause you pain. Put them in a box, tie it with a red ribbon and send it to the mezzanine. Feng Shui Experts say that in this way you will be able to put an end to past relationships and open up to new people.
8. Dream about love. Colourful and bright, to the smallest detail, draw in your mind a picture of happiness. Clearly, imagine a person who would like to see next to each other. Loses in his thoughts the whole scenes in which the favorite would behave exactly as you want. Your request is sure to be heard.
9. On a beautiful sheet of paper, a detailed description of the man, whom they would like to meet. Try to cover all the possible features: appearance, character, manner of speaking, dressing. Answer the questions - whom he works, earns how much, what his friends, habits, hobbies, spiritual qualities. if he knows how to be compassionate, to be loyal, if he had a sense of humor, tact, whether he is able to desperate acts. The more detailed you describe the portrait of the future favorite, the more accurate will be filled with your "order».
10. Make a map of desires. If love is the game for you a decisive role, place in the center of a large poster with a picture next to a portrait of a man, whose appearance you like. Surround your pair of all the attributes of happiness. Find the image of a house, who would you like to have children, money, cars, adventurous journeys. Hang the card in a conspicuous place, often look at it and dream. Visualization - one of the most powerful ways to turn fantasy into reality
. "Most people are as happy as they decide to be happy." A. Lincoln
3 main "never»
1. Never Taita old grudges, especially in the former lovers. Insults subconsciously block the possibility for positive change in life.
2. Never say to yourself: I do not work. Belief in success - the main guarantee of success
. 3. Do not turn the search for love in the end in itself. This feeling comes naturally and harmoniously.
Act second
Happy people live much longer and less sick
Today, scientists have proved that all processes in the body are controlled by the central nervous system, which creates a scenario of aging. It reflects our understanding of life, traditions and expectations. For example, if a person is sure that after forty years of decay comes the time, carrying with them a series of illnesses, disappointments and failures, the way it happens. Once past forty years abroad, he will begin to actively grow old, get sick and wither. While his age will not lose health, energy and the joy of living to a ripe old age, simply because it would be to believe - a person is able to enjoy life at any age.
"Dreams - a preview of what life will brings into the future." Albert Einstein
10 golden rules of attraction health
1. Create your own to suit your desires script age-related changes. Imagine yourself in thirty, forty, fifty years and beyond. Needless to select the ideal option, in which you will look much younger than actual age, and much more vigorously their peers. This will help you maintain youth, health and beauty.
2. Avoid stress. Caught in a bad situation, think about how it is negligible compared to the scale of a lifetime. Treat the problem philosophically, remember the famous statement, written on the ring of King Solomon "Everything passes and it will take place».
3. Be kind and forgiving people. Learn to forgive their mistakes - and you will notice how your health will improve. After all, when your soul live resentment, you find yourself unconsciously attached to the offenders, lose strength and become ill. Forgiveness frees you from this dependence and heals the soul.
4. All of you take, try to make calm and confident. Doctors call rush "hasty killer" because it causes the body to produce adrenaline in large quantities, which "pushes" the heart, creates tension and ultimately seriously upsets health.
5. Try to get as much positive emotions as possible. Proven fact: optimists live longer than pessimists, and look much younger. After all, positive emotions increase immunity and inhibit the aging process.
6. The most harmful feelings - it's anger, a sense of guilt and dissatisfaction with himself and others. Remember: Health starts with loving yourself and your neighbor
. 7. How often can laugh. Studies have shown that because of the laughter in the human body blood flow increases, it is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But negative emotions include self-destruction mechanisms.
8. Learn how to completely relax. Take some time for contemplation. Highlight for this ten minutes a day, preferably before bedtime. Retreat, turn on your favorite music, sit comfortably. Select the object to be acted upon you the most beneficial. This could be a fire in the fireplace, fish in the aquarium you want. The main thing is that at the moment of contemplation you feel balance and harmony. Enjoy the peace, feel peace, try not to think of anything that could dampen your consciousness. Experts say: such moments are able to restore the body from the daily stresses
. 9. Make it a rule to analyze their own illness. All the symptoms of our ailments - are signs that say, "You're doing something wrong, pay attention to their actions and thoughts," Even the common cold does not occur on level ground. It "feeds" irritation and resentment.
10. Fight the bad mood, do not let him pull you into a depression. Psychologists advise to train "happy muscles" for two minutes a day. Smile himself in the mirror and it is time to think about what you - the healthiest, most beautiful and the happiest person on earth
. Mental harmony -. Fuel for luck
3 main "never»
1. Do not complain about the disease, unless the doctor. A person who constantly complains about ailments, tells in detail about them to others, unconsciously, undermines their health.
2. Never put yourself diagnosed. When you say, perhaps, I have such a disease, you are programming it, and your fears come true soon
. 3. Never argue with an aggressive-minded people who do not join the movement against anything. Negative promise destroys the body. A health begins with inner peace and a positive attitude to life.
Act third
Not money brings happiness, but happiness is money
We do not even suspect how mistaken when we say: "If only I had the money, I would be really happy." The Law of Attraction is working exactly the opposite: wealth, success, and other blessings are beginning to appear in person at a time when he felt truly happy. In other words, happiness is able to make a person more productive, purposeful, persistent, confident, which directly depends on the increase in financial income. But, being in low spirits to get rich is simply impossible - experts say. Therefore, to begin to understand the reasons because of which there was a depression, and only by eliminating them, begin to move to the wealth and well-being.
Experts comfort: none of us is able to calculate the path to success, you just need to believe in him, and that faith is like a magnet itself will attract good luck. Martin Luther King said: "Take the first step and trust. Even if you can not see all the way, just take the first step. »
"Follow your happiness, and the universe will open doors where before there were some walls." Joseph Gambell
10 golden rules of attraction wealth
1. Change your idea of wealth. If you as a child taught that you can not earn a lot of money in an honest way, this setting can be fatal and block the road to the future well-being. By blockers are and allegations that the money earned by the sweat and blood that you need to save every penny. With such a wealth of thought to reach. Take another setting: money comes easily and regularly. Such an attitude will free your mind from unnecessary fears and opens the way for new initiatives.
2. Do not make money in the end in itself. Think about what they are - first and foremost the freedom that will help you realize conceived plans and become a happy man
. 3. Engage only love. It is not possible to make a career and make a fortune on the fact that contrary to your nature. Firstly, you will be constantly testing internal resistance, and secondly, you are sure to find around a lot of enthusiastic professionals and sooner or later you will become an outsider. Therefore, spare no time and effort looking for the activity for which you created it. Be it the best and worthy of your efforts will be rewarded.
4. to show restraint and patience. Many people are losing faith halfway to wealth. They work harder and want to get instant results, but without waiting for him, saying, "This is not working." Thus, do stop and cancel an already running process.
5. Remember, money - is energy, they need constant movement. Therefore, learn to give them correctly. To get your hands on this one exercise: paying bills or paying for a purchase in the store, sincerely wish good person, which is awarded to their bills. Imagine that your money will be spent on the purchase of new products, will be the salary for those who serve you. So you feel like a part of a larger financial process, in which revenues are constantly increasing.
6. Do not be greedy. Remember that the miser pays twice. One of the main laws of attraction money goes: the more waste, the more intense the financial revenues
. 7. All the time looking for new and additional sources of income. This will help you expand your capacity and capability to find the most precise scope of professional interests.
8. to think in terms of abundance. Behave like a rich man. Even if at this point you have enough money, guided by good expensive things. Imagine yourself in them. Soak up the atmosphere of wealth, and it is sure to come in your life.
9. Visualize the image of money. It is very clear on the fact how much money you need to be completely happy. Think about it. Doris unit on the note that the number of zeros, which would constitute the required amount. Carry it in your purse or attach a prominent place. Thought is material.
10. Do not forget to say "thank you" to life for all the good that is in it. Thanks - great power and multiplied success
. Change ourselves and the world around us will change with you.
3 main "never»
1. Never say "never". Permanently exclude from his life sentence, "I will never get out of debt", "I'll never find a good job" and the like. These phrases - a strong ban on the wealth and well-being
. 2. Never put off the money for a "rainy day", otherwise you risk to wait for him very soon. It is better to take a different formulation: "At surprises»
. 3. Do not scold yourself for unforeseen expenses and spontaneous purchases. After all, they - a portion of positive emotions, without which the process of earning money is meaningless.
How to respond to a lie
Accumulated on the soul? A simple and very powerful method for solving the problem!