The Law of Attraction. You create your reality for yourself.

Nobody else is not capable. You create your own reality, even when they do not understand it. Because of this, you are creating is often the default. When you are consciously aware in our thoughts and deliberately selects them, you deliberately create our own reality - and that this was your intention when you decided to come to this body
Your desires and beliefs - it's just a thought. "Ask, and it shall be given you". You ask when paying for something attention when something you want or crave - all these requests. No matter whether you want that something has happened, or that it does not happen - you still ask
. You do not have to use words. You just have to feel his whole being: "I thirst for it. I love it. I appreciate it, "- and so on. With this desire every attraction begins. You never get tired of inspiration and creation, because the flow of new ideas and desires no end. With each new thought that you would like to experience, what would you like to have that you would like to know ... come its embodiment or expression - and this expression will come and a new perspective, based on which you wish to <. br />
Contrast and diversity there is no limit, so you will always have new desires arise. And if there is no end "requests" and then "reply" there is no end. This means that before you will ever open up new prospects are you new contrasts and awaken in you new desires.
You will never die. Your soul will always be created new desires, which source will always be responsible and, therefore, your development will be eternal. Therefore, if you have not yet received the desired, just relax.
We want you to learn to rejoice in the fact that you have - and at the same time wanting more. It is in this state of mind it is best to do. You are standing at the threshold of the future and happily anticipating the start of it. You do not feel painful impatience, no doubt, you do not think you do not deserve it. All this will prevent what was intended to happen. This is the science of Conscious Creation in its highest manifestation.
After all the world is pouring stream. It runs through the whole universe and all things in it. He - the basis of the universe. When you understand the basis of their world and will be able to find or consciously feel the energy source that underlies all things, you will become more clearly understood all that relates to your own life experience and life experience of those around you.
All, as in mathematics: if you understand its basics, you can successfully apply this knowledge in practice. So here: finding a universal formula for understanding their world, you can always get her the help needed result
. Even in its current incarnation of flesh and blood you stay Vibrational Essence, and all what you face in your physical environment, has the vibrational nature. And only because of its ability to interpret the vibrations you are able to understand all the surrounding physical world.
Your eyes, your ears, even your nose, tongue and fingers - this vibration interpretation tools ... but the best vibration translate your emotions. Paying attention to what your emotions tell you, you can with absolute clarity to understand everything that is happening to you now or happened before.
Attention to your feelings will allow you to understand what reasons led you to your current position. Then you will be able to develop further, while experiencing the joy, as it was planned from the outset. Realizing his emotional bond with his true "I", you will be able to understand not only what is happening with you and its causes - you can understand all living beings with whom you are dealing
Every thought has a vibrational nature, every thought radiates a signal, and pulls back the appropriate response. We call this process the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction states: like attracts like
. Can you imagine the Law of Attraction as a sort of ecumenical manager who sees to it that similar ideas have found each other. The same principle is used when you are setting up the radio to a particular wave. If you set it on the frequency of 98, 6 FM, you would not expect that will hear music transmitted at a frequency of 101 FM. You understand that radio frequencies must match, and the Law of Attraction agrees with you.
In whatever you have turned their attention, it forces you to "broadcast" on a particular vibration frequency and vibration frequency at which you "broadcasts" is equal to your request, the identity, in turn, your point of attraction.
If you have a desire that has not yet become a reality, just concentrate on him your attention, and then, by the law of attraction, it is true. But if you focus on the fact that until now have not received the desired, then the Law of Attraction will continue to respond to the lack of vibration desired - and you did not get what you want. Such is the Law.
When your thoughts are a vibrational match with desires, you feel good. Your emotions at this moment - it is satisfaction, anticipation, sweet impatience, joy. But if you focus on what you are missing or desired that his you do not, your emotions will vary from pessimism to anxiety, frustration, anger, insecurity and depression. Your emotions - is a powerful system of governance, and if you pay them due attention, you will be able to find a way to everything, what you want
According to powerful Universal Law of Attraction, you attract to yourself the essence of what you think mostly. Therefore, if you basically think about what you want, it will be reflected in your life. And if you mainly think about what you do not want it too will affect your life.
The future is determined by your thoughts. Feeling gratitude, you plan the future. Concerned, you too are planning. (Worrying - means to create in your imagination something unwanted.)
Every thought, every idea, every Essence - everything has a vibration, so when you focus on something of their attention, the vibration of your Being begins to match the vibration of what you pay attention. The more you think about it, the more your vibrations coincide. The stronger the vibration coincide, the more similar it will be attracted into your life. This vibration trend will intensify as long as does not change your vibration - and then your life will begin to attract the things that correspond to the new vibration
. If you understand the Law of Attraction, you'll never have to wonder what is going on in your life. You understand that all this yourself it brought - with their own thoughts. Nothing in your life is not motet happen if you did not create it with my own thoughts.
There is a huge difference between the vibrational thoughts about what you value in your partner, and that you would like him or her to change. And your relationship with your partner is always, without exception, to reflect that it dominates your thoughts. Because you are literally "thought up" their relationship, even if you do not realize it consciously.
Your desire for improving the financial well-being can not be translated into reality if you often jealous neighbor luck, because the vibration of your desire is different from the vibration of envy. Understanding their vibrational nature will give you the opportunity to create their own reality and easily targeted. And then, with time and practice, you will find that all your desires are easily fulfilled - because there is nothing that you could not be, that you could not have done and what could not have
You - Consciousness. You - Energy. You - Vibration. You - Electricity. You - a source of energy. You - the Creator. You are standing at the forefront of thought, and although in the beginning you may anoint strange, it will be easier if you can accept yourself as a vibrating essence, because you live in the vibration of the universe, and vibration based laws that this universe is controlled. < br />
Like attracts like, so the vibration of your Being must match the vibration of your desire. In other words, it is possible to tell so:
"So you can get what you want, your desire and your beliefs must be a vibrational match with each other».
The universe does not distinguish between the events real and imaginary events. It takes only vibration and responds only to vibrations, for which necessarily should be their implementation in real life.
Materials from the book of Esther and Jerry Hicks - "Express your desire."