LAW, not chance — your thoughts are real!
Some time ago I spoke with one person about the Power of Mental Attraction. He said he did not believe that the Thought might have something to it to attract — they say, it's all about luck. According to him, he realized that it always has to fail because everything he touches goes wrong. It always has been, always will be, he does not expect. Starting something new, he knows nothing good will come of it, so in theory a Mental Attraction not a word of truth. This man did not understand that the strongest argument in favor of the Law of Attraction and his own beliefs. He confirmed that always looked bad and that always turned out exactly as he expected. A wonderful illustration of the law of Attraction, isn't it. But no arguments could convince him of that. He was "against the Law", always expect setbacks, and everything that happened to him, only strengthened his belief in the failure of Mental Science.
Many people seem to think that the Law of Attraction works only when a man desires ardently, strongly and constantly. They don't seem to understand that a strong Faith is as effective as a strong Desire.
A successful person believes in themselves, in their success, ignoring the delay, looking forward to coming to the goal, no doubt, that he will come to her. His views and goals may change as you move forward — or rather, he can change them along the way, but he knows that in the end everything will be as it should be. Faith of such a person sets in motion the most powerful force in the World of Thought.
The same who believe in their failures, be sure to fail How could it be otherwise? There is no miracle. Just everything he does, thinks and says is filled with thought of failure. Other people feel his attitude and cease to trust in him and his capabilities. In turn, it is necessary to explain it with your own disbelief in yourself, once again convinced of their bad luck.
He constantly offers himself a failure, closes his negative thoughts the area of your mind, where successful action plans, and, as a consequence, certainly reaping the benefits of such self-adjustment. Depression is not something in which come with some brilliant ideas. Our mind provides us with a useful for hints only when we are full of enthusiasm and hope.
People instinctively gathered around some of the atmosphere of failure. And likewise, they feel an atmosphere of success around others. Even hearing about life troubles, fallen on a successful man, they say, "Oh, this get — it is impossible to sink". The atmosphere is failure or success is created, the dominant Mental set up. Clean up your Mental Atmosphere!
There is no such thing as a case.
The law of Attraction works everywhere, and everything that happens, happens because of Him. It is impossible to give even the simplest event that could have occurred by chance, — analyze it and you will see that it is a consequence of the Original Law.
From the movements of worlds to the growth of the mustard seed — everything is subordinated to It. Fall of stone from the mountain is not an accident, it caused the forces that acted over the centuries. And before this cause were other causes, and so on until we get to the Uncaused first cause.
Similarly, it is not random and Life itself. Here, as everywhere, know it or not, the Primordial Law is in full force. Your ignorance of this Law will bring you all sorts of trouble, since you will contradict Him. Conversely, if you begin to act in accord with the Original Law, enter in Its flow, Life appears before you in a different light.
The original Law cannot be set aside. You can try to confront Him and create in His way any obstacles. Will this make sense? Of course not. However, you are free to repeat such attempt as much as you need to learn this lesson.
The law of Mental Attraction is one of the manifestations of primary Law. I repeat: your thoughts are real. You radiate them in all directions, they combine with other thoughts, forming different combinations, moving to where they're attracted to Gravity, and escape from their minds, emitting the opposite thoughts.
Your mind attracts the thoughts of others, sent consciously or unconsciously. But it attracts only those thoughts that are harmonious to you. In the world of thought like attracts like, and opposites repel each other.
Tuning in Courage, Confidence, Strength and Success, you awaken in yourself the thought and attract similar kind of people and events that are consistent with your mental attitude. The dominant thought determines what will come to you. It is mixed with thoughts of people who are determined like you, and among you there is the Force of Attraction. Sooner or later, this force will attract you to each other, if someone isn't going to change the direction of his thoughts.
Compromise is delayed in time conflictof the Beliefs that limit your life
Would probably are tired of what throws you from side to side, so harmonize himself with the Law of Attraction! Act in accord with It. Make It part of yourself. Sign in His threads. Keep your balance. Adjust your consciousness to the Boldness, Confidence and Success. Get in touch with positive thoughts emitted hourly by hundreds of minds. And take all the best that is in the world of Thought — don't settle for less! published
©William Walker Atkinson, from the book "the Law of attraction and the power of thought"
Source: /users/15106
Many people seem to think that the Law of Attraction works only when a man desires ardently, strongly and constantly. They don't seem to understand that a strong Faith is as effective as a strong Desire.
A successful person believes in themselves, in their success, ignoring the delay, looking forward to coming to the goal, no doubt, that he will come to her. His views and goals may change as you move forward — or rather, he can change them along the way, but he knows that in the end everything will be as it should be. Faith of such a person sets in motion the most powerful force in the World of Thought.
The same who believe in their failures, be sure to fail How could it be otherwise? There is no miracle. Just everything he does, thinks and says is filled with thought of failure. Other people feel his attitude and cease to trust in him and his capabilities. In turn, it is necessary to explain it with your own disbelief in yourself, once again convinced of their bad luck.
He constantly offers himself a failure, closes his negative thoughts the area of your mind, where successful action plans, and, as a consequence, certainly reaping the benefits of such self-adjustment. Depression is not something in which come with some brilliant ideas. Our mind provides us with a useful for hints only when we are full of enthusiasm and hope.
People instinctively gathered around some of the atmosphere of failure. And likewise, they feel an atmosphere of success around others. Even hearing about life troubles, fallen on a successful man, they say, "Oh, this get — it is impossible to sink". The atmosphere is failure or success is created, the dominant Mental set up. Clean up your Mental Atmosphere!
There is no such thing as a case.
The law of Attraction works everywhere, and everything that happens, happens because of Him. It is impossible to give even the simplest event that could have occurred by chance, — analyze it and you will see that it is a consequence of the Original Law.
From the movements of worlds to the growth of the mustard seed — everything is subordinated to It. Fall of stone from the mountain is not an accident, it caused the forces that acted over the centuries. And before this cause were other causes, and so on until we get to the Uncaused first cause.
Similarly, it is not random and Life itself. Here, as everywhere, know it or not, the Primordial Law is in full force. Your ignorance of this Law will bring you all sorts of trouble, since you will contradict Him. Conversely, if you begin to act in accord with the Original Law, enter in Its flow, Life appears before you in a different light.
The original Law cannot be set aside. You can try to confront Him and create in His way any obstacles. Will this make sense? Of course not. However, you are free to repeat such attempt as much as you need to learn this lesson.
The law of Mental Attraction is one of the manifestations of primary Law. I repeat: your thoughts are real. You radiate them in all directions, they combine with other thoughts, forming different combinations, moving to where they're attracted to Gravity, and escape from their minds, emitting the opposite thoughts.
Your mind attracts the thoughts of others, sent consciously or unconsciously. But it attracts only those thoughts that are harmonious to you. In the world of thought like attracts like, and opposites repel each other.
Tuning in Courage, Confidence, Strength and Success, you awaken in yourself the thought and attract similar kind of people and events that are consistent with your mental attitude. The dominant thought determines what will come to you. It is mixed with thoughts of people who are determined like you, and among you there is the Force of Attraction. Sooner or later, this force will attract you to each other, if someone isn't going to change the direction of his thoughts.
Compromise is delayed in time conflictof the Beliefs that limit your life
Would probably are tired of what throws you from side to side, so harmonize himself with the Law of Attraction! Act in accord with It. Make It part of yourself. Sign in His threads. Keep your balance. Adjust your consciousness to the Boldness, Confidence and Success. Get in touch with positive thoughts emitted hourly by hundreds of minds. And take all the best that is in the world of Thought — don't settle for less! published
©William Walker Atkinson, from the book "the Law of attraction and the power of thought"
Source: /users/15106