The main laws of life

Regardless of our desires, life sometimes dictates its own rules and laws. But, despite this, everyone has the right to decide whether to accept these laws or not. But, as they say, ignorance is no excuse. We are responsible for what happens in our lives, and themselves responsible for their decisions.
1. The law of neutral position. To change your life and direction in it, most importantly, what you need to do is to take it and stay. Gogol here in his time, wrote about this law: "no wonder God stopped the person right in the place where he is. You just need to look around yourself."
2. The law of mirrors. Think about what the world around us is one huge mirror. Look around you with absolute clarity realize what you seek and where it is necessary to learn. In fact, our world is neither bad nor good. To man the world is indifferent. Everything that happens to a person is only a reflection of his actions and thoughts.
3. The law of choice. Our life, one we live, is not that other, as a result of our choice, and both conscious and not conscious. Throughout life we make choices. There is always a choice. Even in those moments when we think that we do no choice is a choice. Jean-Paul Sartre once said, "I'm able to always make a choice, but I have to be sure that even when I don't choose anything, I thus make the choice."
4. The law of chain reaction. Aware of the fact that man does not control his thoughts, but the thoughts control a person. For example, a minor concern on a particular occasion, with frightening ease can develop into a phobia. It is very important to learn to manage the flow of thoughts and switch to something else. If a person constantly thinks about their feelings, it can start a chain reaction that is able to attract into our lives other negative events and thoughts. Learn to act and not only think, get in the habit to solve problems and not to worry about them, and you can safely interrupt the chain reaction. We thought Benjamin Franklin on this subject: "many people think of protection, a place to focus our thoughts on the possibilities. Are people more afraid of life, not of death."
5. The law of limitation. We all know that can not be foreseen. Each person hears and sees only what he is able to accept and understand. How we perceive depends on how we internally limited. As much as people didn't want to, he is not able to control fully what happens in his life. But do not forget that if the event happened once is an accident, if it happened twice is a coincidence. Well, if three is a pattern. If life in this way trying to teach you – learn.
6. The law of emptiness. Absolutely everything starts with emptiness. But do not forget that the void is always filled. To ensure that our life was something new, or someone new, should make way and prepare the good soil. And a lot of effort to fit no need – enough to get rid of old habits and beliefs about life. Jim Rohn said: "if you are not satisfied with the place where you are – move! You're not a tree!".
7. The law of similarity. As we know, like attracts like. If you understand that in our life there are no coincidences and nothing happens by chance, your life can change for the better. In our life is only what we ourselves meet: thoughts, intentions, expectations. Lao Tzu once said, "Pay close attention to your thoughts, as they are the beginning of actions."
8. The law of taxi. People can be anywhere, we don't choose the route of our lives. But if we take too long to move the way of someone else, on your way then it is very difficult to return. This is evidenced by one statement: "Human life is very similar to running in a dog sled. In that case, if you're not a leader, then your scenery will never change."
9. The law of energy exchange. The more man develops, the more he has opportunities that he can take from the world, and provide environment. But never forget that exchange must always be equal. If you give more than you take, be sure that it would upset your own equilibrium and lead to emotional exhaustion.
10. The law of balance. Almost nobody likes change. If you need to change, as a rule, it meets resistance, since we keep only the old and the past. It is very important to be able to let go of the past and a new life, without a doubt, to obey the law of balance. "Light these changes will never be. People can change only when he changed to have".
11. The law of development. As a rule, the most important tasks in our life are those decisions which we avoided. But understand that sooner or later make decisions still have. The longer you postpone, the more difficult it will be circumstances that require decisions.
12. The law of thinking. Remember that thought is material. All those things that we think, what we fear the most and what dream will occur in real life. "In fact, man is what his thoughts for the day".
13. The law of the barrier. Future opportunities are not given. They appear only when we adopt an internal decision. Mentally step the gate as a mental and conditional constraint. The power of your intention will open the way for realization. "There is no such desire, and don't have enough power. Naturally, this should make some effort".
14. The act of the Board. For anybody not a secret that have to pay for everything. But for action and for inaction, the price is absolutely different. As a rule, the inaction a person to do much more. You will not be happy so that try to avoid errors. In that case, if you intentionally pull with the decision, you already made the decision to leave everything in its place.
15. The law of cause and effect. Whatever happens in our lives is a consequence not only of our actions but also our thoughts. In those moments, when something goes not as you would like, do not try to find the cause in the outside world. Look for it inside yourself. Emerson once said, "the Limited people with all my heart believe in luck, strong in cause and effect".
16. The law of adoption. Not given to man to know what is correct and what is not. Just as and do not know which life paths are correct, and which are not. Confidence in the future determines how we ourselves trust our lives. As they say, that we are waiting, respectively, and receive. If you set yourself that all that is done – for the better, then so be it.
17. The law of harmony. Man full of happiness always something missing. Few people can settle. Even harder to force yourself to settle for many. You can get all what you want, remain without a soul. Normally we seek happiness outside, not inside. To have complete harmony means to accept and love herself. "The main task of human life is gaining life for yourself. Man must become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of human effort is his own personality".
18. The law requests. If we do nothing we ask of life, then you will not get anything. You ask for and get what you want. Reality attracts nothing like our request. But first you have to know your secret desires.
19. The law of attraction. Our life is arranged in such a way that it is always able to reciprocate. People can easily obtain what he wants. The more you take time the thoughts, the stronger they will attract in your life, certain events. Aristotle said: "Man gets what he expects".
20. The law of change. Life is never going to change if nothing is done. In that case, if you need in your life changes, be ready to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. Become the helmsman of their own destiny and move in the selected direction. "For the man the wind never blows fair, if he does not know to which port lies his way".
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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