How to get out of the maze of uncertainty
On the way to Your goal through Your door you can't stop nobody and nothing but yourself. Or rather, may prevent only a lack of faith and insecurity. In General, a lack of faith and uncertainty is the same order of things. Both, which makes the internal intention inefficient, and practically impossible.
Anything done in a state of uncertainty, it will be done poorly. The higher the voltage the desire to act well, the worse the result. The lack of faith in their abilities, along with the overestimation of complexity of the external problems, leads to a state of inhibition or stupor.
The nature of torpor is that the stiffness holds itself. The external importance of the goal gives rise to the anxious desire to achieve it. Internal importance raises doubts in their capabilities. It all merges together in uncertainty.
Uncertainty struggling compresses the grip inner intentions in seeking to achieve the goal. Not even taking into account the effect of equilibrium of forces, the effect of such a grasp is directly opposite to the intention. Energy is spent on maintaining multiple redundant capabilities.
Forty three million two hundred nine thousand eight hundred ninety three
Look at all of them: internal and external importance, of the lingering desire, the desire to control myself and the situation under control. Free energy just doesn't cover it all. People feel constrained, trapped, and acts clumsily and awkwardly. As a result, the grip of control is even more clamped.
So you can get to catalepsy, when the person is unable to move or to say anything intelligible. It may seem that his intention is clamped in a vise. But really, intention is absent. All the energy of intention went to the maintenance of overcapacity.
Uncertainty in the form of anxiety and concern goes directly to feed the pendulums. Anxiety is generated by a forecast of the type "What if...". In a state of doubt, as a rule, the prognosis is pessimistic. The energy then goes to the scrolling negative scenarios and experiences in this regard.
Here the same energy of intention. But in this case, the very fact that power consumption is not as bad as what is this energy. Anxiety, worry and fear are powerful generators of worst-case expectations which, as you know, true.
Another rich source of insecurity is the feeling of guilt that blooms bouquet of inadequacy, inferiority, unworthiness. What kind of confidence! Guilt and all that it involves, leads to a narrowing of energy channels. The energy of the intentions are only enough to act sluggish, indecisive and inept.
Besides, if you are inclined to feel guilty around you constantly will curl manipulators, like moths around a light bulb. Feeling your weakness, they assert themselves at your expense and gladly absorb your energy. They are constantly playing on your guilt, and you endlessly explained and justified before them, are increasingly strengthening their uncertainty.
Uncertainty creates a vicious circle. The stronger the importance and desire, the greater the uncertainty. The stronger grip of control over himself and the situation, the greater the stiffness. The more anxiety, the more quickly they are justified. Guilt generally turns life into a miserable life of a loser. Trying to escape from this maze, one seeks in any way to gain confidence.
One of the ways is to immediately go on the offensive at the world. Attacking the person seeks a preemptive maneuver to demonstrate the power and to hide his insecurity. Acting on the world with vigor and determination, a person seeks to erect a wall of his confidence.
This path requires a lot of energy, but the wall of confidence still and then collapses. The energy force of the impact goes into the creation of excess capacities and on the resistance to flow of options. In any case, sooner or later defeated, and he has again to fight and build a wall of confidence.
Another way to gain confidence is to do not build a Foundation of confidence and to play VA-Bank. Self-confidence is the same as shyness, only turned inside out. This is when an empty place is the visibility of what should not be there. If confidence is based on nothing, so there is excess capacity.
But it is not only in the potential, and that, acting confidently, you hurt someone's interests. Imagine people standing in the desert yelling that the whole world at his feet. Health – it doesn't hurt anyone, so the equilibrium forces could not care less.
But if unfounded confidence placed in comparison with the other, there are relations of dependence. The confidence is based on comparing yourself to others is the pure excess capacity. Especially if confidence is based on a dismissive or contemptuous attitude towards other people. Such false confidence, sooner or later, is sure to be punished by a flick on the nose, or excuse me, a kick up the backside.
There are more exalted confidence, which arises as an excited state of a timid person, suddenly had a taste of confidence. This is also a false assurance based on a temporary emotional lift, and keeps it very long.
How to gain authentic confidence? As you know, to deal with uncertainty is useless. It is impossible to hide behind a curtain of false confidence. Hide will still fail, and the energy expended to create false confidence, will be used against you.
Fight for confidence, that is to force yourself to be confident, is also useless. Absolutely makes no sense to force yourself to be bold and decisive, when in fact it is not. Get to keep yourself well. As shown above, the energy of intention is not clamped, she is just used to maintain the grip of control, so in effect its just not enough.
Fifty seven million two hundred sixty five thousand three hundred twenty two
It is useless also to develop self confidence, by whatever means. It may seem that confidence is developing with decisive action. In fact, when a person stops fighting and begins to operate, the energy of intention looses its grip and switches with redundant capacities for the implementation of the action.
It turns out that the "eyes are afraid, and hands do", and everything works. But confidence does not develop action – this energy is released intentions. Confidence cannot be developed, it is the same energy – either it is or it is not.
Confidence, like faith, cannot be achieved by auto-suggestion. You can blissfully repeat to yourself affirmations that you believe in yourself. Very naive and useless. It's like that to deal with the consequences of the disease without addressing the causes.
What would you do with your insecurity, it will not disappear. No matter how you achieved confidence, you won't get it. You will not be able to maintain appropriate stream of his thoughts to constantly be on the wave of confidence. You can say to yourself this morning: "I am confident. Nothing can shake my confidence. I'm solid as a rock".Try to do it and you will see what happens.
Some time you will really feel confident and it will give you more confidence and joy. But very soon some the pendulum will give you vile provocation, and you will not notice as you fall off waves of confidence. And here you are again annoyed or depressed again, you have some trouble, something oppresses you, and again you are afraid of something or hate something. You thought ahead and flashed the clearance, but again, you have stalled.
How to escape from this labyrinth? No you it will not break. Him no way out. The secret of this maze is that the walls will collapse, when you cease to seek out and refuses importance.
Uncertainty is generated by two groups of reasons.
The first group – internal reasons. These include excessive concern about their personal qualities. This gives rise to feelings such as dissatisfaction about the existence of deficiencies and lack of advantages, a feeling of inferiority in comparison with others, shyness, fear to fail, to be ridiculous, and so on.
The second group is external causes related to inadequate overestimation of external factors. As a result, there is unfounded concern about non-compliance of their internal qualities low and high external demands, external reverence, the feeling of being a small man in a big city, finally, just the fear of the surrounding reality.
The paradox is the following: to gain confidence, you need to give it up. The walls of the maze are made of importance. You walk through the maze, trying to get rid of uncertainty and gain confidence. So, certainty is a Chimera.
This is another invention of the pendulum – about a Mirage, a trap for importance. Confidence is a game of pendulums, where they'll always win. Where there is faith, there is always a place for doubt. Similarly, where there is confidence, there will be a place for hesitation and indecision. Confidence is a kind of belief in success. In any scenario you can turn a negative amendment. One little amendment is enough to collapse the wall of confidence.
The concept of confidence is built on redundant potentials and dependent relationships. Any variations on the theme of confidence like this. "I'm determined. I am steadfast and immovable as a rock. I'm better than others. Nothing will stop me. I overcome any obstacles. I am stronger and braver than others." And so on.
To become a grey rock, or What to do to a psychopath left you aloneWhat is my strength and my weakness
Confidence is just a temporary excess capacity and that's it. No matter what package you are wrapped confidence, it will only be excess capacity. Even calm confidence, there is no more than a temporary tension.
After all, confidence is the uncertainty with the opposite sign. He and the other potential, requires energy. Potential confidence will be inevitably destroyed by equilibrium forces. Therefore, the pursuit of certainty is as fruitless as chasing a happiness that is looming somewhere in the future. published
©Vadim Zeland
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/09/blog-post_429.html
Anything done in a state of uncertainty, it will be done poorly. The higher the voltage the desire to act well, the worse the result. The lack of faith in their abilities, along with the overestimation of complexity of the external problems, leads to a state of inhibition or stupor.
The nature of torpor is that the stiffness holds itself. The external importance of the goal gives rise to the anxious desire to achieve it. Internal importance raises doubts in their capabilities. It all merges together in uncertainty.
Uncertainty struggling compresses the grip inner intentions in seeking to achieve the goal. Not even taking into account the effect of equilibrium of forces, the effect of such a grasp is directly opposite to the intention. Energy is spent on maintaining multiple redundant capabilities.
Forty three million two hundred nine thousand eight hundred ninety three
Look at all of them: internal and external importance, of the lingering desire, the desire to control myself and the situation under control. Free energy just doesn't cover it all. People feel constrained, trapped, and acts clumsily and awkwardly. As a result, the grip of control is even more clamped.
So you can get to catalepsy, when the person is unable to move or to say anything intelligible. It may seem that his intention is clamped in a vise. But really, intention is absent. All the energy of intention went to the maintenance of overcapacity.
Uncertainty in the form of anxiety and concern goes directly to feed the pendulums. Anxiety is generated by a forecast of the type "What if...". In a state of doubt, as a rule, the prognosis is pessimistic. The energy then goes to the scrolling negative scenarios and experiences in this regard.
Here the same energy of intention. But in this case, the very fact that power consumption is not as bad as what is this energy. Anxiety, worry and fear are powerful generators of worst-case expectations which, as you know, true.
Another rich source of insecurity is the feeling of guilt that blooms bouquet of inadequacy, inferiority, unworthiness. What kind of confidence! Guilt and all that it involves, leads to a narrowing of energy channels. The energy of the intentions are only enough to act sluggish, indecisive and inept.
Besides, if you are inclined to feel guilty around you constantly will curl manipulators, like moths around a light bulb. Feeling your weakness, they assert themselves at your expense and gladly absorb your energy. They are constantly playing on your guilt, and you endlessly explained and justified before them, are increasingly strengthening their uncertainty.
Uncertainty creates a vicious circle. The stronger the importance and desire, the greater the uncertainty. The stronger grip of control over himself and the situation, the greater the stiffness. The more anxiety, the more quickly they are justified. Guilt generally turns life into a miserable life of a loser. Trying to escape from this maze, one seeks in any way to gain confidence.
One of the ways is to immediately go on the offensive at the world. Attacking the person seeks a preemptive maneuver to demonstrate the power and to hide his insecurity. Acting on the world with vigor and determination, a person seeks to erect a wall of his confidence.
This path requires a lot of energy, but the wall of confidence still and then collapses. The energy force of the impact goes into the creation of excess capacities and on the resistance to flow of options. In any case, sooner or later defeated, and he has again to fight and build a wall of confidence.
Another way to gain confidence is to do not build a Foundation of confidence and to play VA-Bank. Self-confidence is the same as shyness, only turned inside out. This is when an empty place is the visibility of what should not be there. If confidence is based on nothing, so there is excess capacity.
But it is not only in the potential, and that, acting confidently, you hurt someone's interests. Imagine people standing in the desert yelling that the whole world at his feet. Health – it doesn't hurt anyone, so the equilibrium forces could not care less.
But if unfounded confidence placed in comparison with the other, there are relations of dependence. The confidence is based on comparing yourself to others is the pure excess capacity. Especially if confidence is based on a dismissive or contemptuous attitude towards other people. Such false confidence, sooner or later, is sure to be punished by a flick on the nose, or excuse me, a kick up the backside.
There are more exalted confidence, which arises as an excited state of a timid person, suddenly had a taste of confidence. This is also a false assurance based on a temporary emotional lift, and keeps it very long.
How to gain authentic confidence? As you know, to deal with uncertainty is useless. It is impossible to hide behind a curtain of false confidence. Hide will still fail, and the energy expended to create false confidence, will be used against you.
Fight for confidence, that is to force yourself to be confident, is also useless. Absolutely makes no sense to force yourself to be bold and decisive, when in fact it is not. Get to keep yourself well. As shown above, the energy of intention is not clamped, she is just used to maintain the grip of control, so in effect its just not enough.
Fifty seven million two hundred sixty five thousand three hundred twenty two
It is useless also to develop self confidence, by whatever means. It may seem that confidence is developing with decisive action. In fact, when a person stops fighting and begins to operate, the energy of intention looses its grip and switches with redundant capacities for the implementation of the action.
It turns out that the "eyes are afraid, and hands do", and everything works. But confidence does not develop action – this energy is released intentions. Confidence cannot be developed, it is the same energy – either it is or it is not.
Confidence, like faith, cannot be achieved by auto-suggestion. You can blissfully repeat to yourself affirmations that you believe in yourself. Very naive and useless. It's like that to deal with the consequences of the disease without addressing the causes.
What would you do with your insecurity, it will not disappear. No matter how you achieved confidence, you won't get it. You will not be able to maintain appropriate stream of his thoughts to constantly be on the wave of confidence. You can say to yourself this morning: "I am confident. Nothing can shake my confidence. I'm solid as a rock".Try to do it and you will see what happens.
Some time you will really feel confident and it will give you more confidence and joy. But very soon some the pendulum will give you vile provocation, and you will not notice as you fall off waves of confidence. And here you are again annoyed or depressed again, you have some trouble, something oppresses you, and again you are afraid of something or hate something. You thought ahead and flashed the clearance, but again, you have stalled.
How to escape from this labyrinth? No you it will not break. Him no way out. The secret of this maze is that the walls will collapse, when you cease to seek out and refuses importance.
Uncertainty is generated by two groups of reasons.
The first group – internal reasons. These include excessive concern about their personal qualities. This gives rise to feelings such as dissatisfaction about the existence of deficiencies and lack of advantages, a feeling of inferiority in comparison with others, shyness, fear to fail, to be ridiculous, and so on.
The second group is external causes related to inadequate overestimation of external factors. As a result, there is unfounded concern about non-compliance of their internal qualities low and high external demands, external reverence, the feeling of being a small man in a big city, finally, just the fear of the surrounding reality.
The paradox is the following: to gain confidence, you need to give it up. The walls of the maze are made of importance. You walk through the maze, trying to get rid of uncertainty and gain confidence. So, certainty is a Chimera.
This is another invention of the pendulum – about a Mirage, a trap for importance. Confidence is a game of pendulums, where they'll always win. Where there is faith, there is always a place for doubt. Similarly, where there is confidence, there will be a place for hesitation and indecision. Confidence is a kind of belief in success. In any scenario you can turn a negative amendment. One little amendment is enough to collapse the wall of confidence.
The concept of confidence is built on redundant potentials and dependent relationships. Any variations on the theme of confidence like this. "I'm determined. I am steadfast and immovable as a rock. I'm better than others. Nothing will stop me. I overcome any obstacles. I am stronger and braver than others." And so on.
To become a grey rock, or What to do to a psychopath left you aloneWhat is my strength and my weakness
Confidence is just a temporary excess capacity and that's it. No matter what package you are wrapped confidence, it will only be excess capacity. Even calm confidence, there is no more than a temporary tension.
After all, confidence is the uncertainty with the opposite sign. He and the other potential, requires energy. Potential confidence will be inevitably destroyed by equilibrium forces. Therefore, the pursuit of certainty is as fruitless as chasing a happiness that is looming somewhere in the future. published
©Vadim Zeland
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/09/blog-post_429.html