Endocrine gland — the "DICTATORS" of FATE
What are the two small triangular glands sitting on top of the kidneys like a hat during the second half of the seventeenth century?
At least the fact that without them life is impossible and inevitable death, and how high that along with the immune system is the "fighters" of the endocrine system.
However, the adrenal glands more than any other cancer due to one of the main hindering negative emotions – fear, which, however, can be transformed into fearlessness or courage.
There is also a view, and it is arguable that the adrenal gland is a gland of the cash accounts of karma, that is, their functional status is directly correlated with our activity in General, i.e. how we perceive the blows of fate, and how and what we spend vitality — creativity, creation and the harmony of body and soul, or the eternal struggle with the world and themselves.
Whether so it actually, we will consider in this article. But no doubt still one, the adrenal glands are the main "culprits" of many psychosomatic conditions, which are based on fear, anger and anxiety.
As Max says Handel: "among the seven glands that do not have and have excretory duct, which is primarily engaged in the occult, belong to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus, thymus, spleen and adrenal capsule or adrenal glands. In these obscure bodies, of which at least some have received attention in ancient times, but to a greater or lesser extent, were forgotten in the early middle Ages, today began to recognize the "dictators of our destiny".
What "dictates" of the above-mentioned glands and their importance over the other?
First, a hierarchy related to the subtle world of man, namely the seven main chakras or wheels of fire, performing the role of plants in the etheric or vital body. Seven glands, literally, precipitated by the energy of the chakras, passing it the rest of the physical human body systems: nervous, circulatory, immune, etc.
1. Head centre — the Pineal gland
2. Ajna — Pituitary
3. The throat center — Thyroid gland
4. The heart center — the Thymus gland
5. Solar plexus center — Pancreas
6. Sacral center — the gonads
7. The centre at the base of spine — Adrenal glands
Second, these seven glands are important in an evolutionary sense, playing the role of catalysts for psychological/psycho-emotional and psychosomatic problems that should encourage the person to pay attention to their own spiritual development.
And third, if a failure occurs in the glandular system or any other system of the human body, with a functional or organic nature, these glands take on "responsibility" is not just static and summative in nature, but all the forces they "trying" to restore order in the life support system of the body. Another issue is that it is not always possible on their own, then help may come we, as a self-conscious being, able to manage their semi-automatic nature, because of its potential ability to heal itself, as a reparative function.
Other glands perform minor and strictly "fixed" feature, not having "authority" coordinating and controlling nature.
Whatever it was, but in this article I will consider the psychological and psychosomatic aspects of endocrine system, in which the adrenal glands perform very significant and important role associated with the control functions of internal organs through hormonal and psycho-emotional activity.
It is no secret that the conducted hormonal studies have confirmed the presence of secretion of norepinephrine and cortisone in depressed fear, as well, and anger. Norepinephrine increases blood pressure and raises your heart rate by reducing blood vessel walls, and cortisone "includes the suppression mechanism of action", which is repeated many times, over time, depresses the immune system, destroying the thymus (thymus).
All this leads to psychosomatic diseases.
So, the adrenals as a system, linking them with the kidney function, confirm the ancient concept that this area is a repository of fears. But today this is not enough, as an understanding of the mechanism of occurrence and its elimination. Because fear is an automatic reaction of the body associated with our biochemistry, and then "remove" it like surgery is not possible, for he is like a cancer will grow all new mi new metastases.
But this information does not bind us, rather, eliminates the illusion of overcoming due to the fact that fear is not a material object. It cannot be felt and be seen but can be felt.
Fear is a dynamic momentum that can be modified or simply transformed. Fear, like death, is a Veil that hides amazing natural potency changes, because they do not fear has energy but he is able to change its focus or direction along with a change of polarity.
However, do not fear a single due to psychosomatic diseases associated with the adrenal glands, and anger, as I wrote above, is a trigger in the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders. But this also can be attributed to anxiety, which always hides a neurosis ("the collective name for a group of functional disorders of psychogenic reversible, with a tendency to long for").
To understand how anxiety is linked with the adrenal glands, it is important to know what it is?
First, a universal emotion, make/hold tension in a particular place of the body – muscle, ligament, organ: "Psychosomatic illness may be caused by a valid alarm, but only if it is associated with real fear." – Antonio Meneghetti. Psychosomatics.
In this sense, we must always remember that unlike fear, which can be associated with the past as actually sadness, "anxiety – the emotion of the future".
And at the level of the nervous system "fear activates the sympathetic influence and anxiety of the parasympathetic through the insulin".
By the way, according to various researchers it being overweight a result of bodily expressions of anxiety. But there are other common diseases, based on constant anxiety. It's diabetes, allergic reactions, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sexual dysfunction, endocrine disorders.
In each of these diseases, and anxiety and fear play a role, often with them, and begins a pathological effect, as in the case of peptic ulcer disease when anxiety involves a process of excessive consumption that triggers the acidity.
So, for example, for diabetes anxiety plays a watchdog role just in life (constantly running or looking to the future, instead enjoy the present moment). But fear is simply "paralyze the liver on the intake of glucose and its conversion into glycogen, including long-term reserves in the form of fat." – Ravens. Psychosomatics.
In particular, in the case of hyperthyroidism, the leading role, due to unconscious preference behavior and play just alternating fear (the past) and anxiety (future), and release the anger/discontent and irritability, which eliminates the symptoms, bringing temporary relief.
But back to fear, because it often leads to all sorts of critical somatic reactions of the body, for example, seizures in the case of asthma and cardiovascular diseases.
"The adrenal glands by stimulating cause (as a psychological result of a physical action) a burst of courage and focus will thereby be possible to achieve that in the normal state is almost unthinkable." – A. Bailey. Esoteric psychology.
Fear can and should be transformed-willed and courageous/fearless effort. In this sense, fearlessness is not so much the absence of fear, how much the transformation of existing energy lying in the impetus of fear: "fight or hide/run."
In this connection, the following curious information indicating the evolution of man, the direct effect of the endocrine system and its essential correspondences – chakras.
So, for example, an ordinary person's adrenal glands being associated with the center at the base of the spine – Muladhara chakra – center of vitality, play a role in shaping his will to live, which is supplemented by the energy of the lower mind of desires, and the will to achieve anything that is associated with the third chakra, the navel – manipura – the solar plexus.
"At this time, the animal instincts have great force; the centers below the diaphragm especially intensively saturated with energy; emotional demands are extremely enliven the solar plexus center, and the center at the base of the spine increases the activity of the adrenal gland, when the human will is called upon to overcome the danger. Greatly enhanced the will to live and its concomitant will to perpetuation and continuation of life in their children. To this we must add the main collateral wars factor – the will of Nature itself (according to some divine laws) to compensate for the shortening of life and military losses fresh influx of life into the form, saving, thus, the human race, providing the bodies of the next tide "ego" and populating the earth." – Djwhal Khul.
Coccygeal center, is regarded as Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-Ray complex. The energy of the red Beam connected with reproduction or reproductive function.
"This beam should be understood as the primary reinforcement beam in each density. It should never be belittled or considered less important or productive of spiritual evolution, for he is the Foundation. In the first density (mineral Kingdom — ed.) the basis of all that will happen is a red beam." — RA. The Law Of One. Don Elkins, Karl Rückert, Jim McCarthy.
That is why it is important the centre in connection with the spine, as the analogue of the mineral Kingdom. Moreover, the adrenal glands corresponds to the thoracic spine and PDS — vertebral-motor segments at the level of Th9 — Th10, if we consider the segmental areas.
Pain or increased sensitivity of the muscular-ligamentous sites of PDS may indicate the lock fears, excessive cold and other psychosomatic conditions directly or indirectly related to the area of the adrenal glands and kidneys.
Accordingly, chiropractic and massage correction will greatly improve the innervation of this region, freeing it from the clips/blocks of the body and negative emotions, particularly fear, shame, guilt.
However, considering the adrenal glands, will be interesting, in my opinion, to give here the classification of the adrenal type of personality, proposed by max Handel, for, according to Esoteric Psychology: "Man is what his glands make, but they, in turn, is merely a consequence of the work of other powerful internal sources of energy."
"The human face of the adrenal type is often dark or freckled and usually broad and irregular features, and the head has a square shape. High brow gives the appearance of low eyebrows, and on the cheeks there is a significant hair.
Leather is one of the main keys to identifying the adrenal type: the epidermis is always more or less pigmented. Pigmentation is due to deposition in the skin of dark brown colorants of different intensity. It is known that skin pigment has a direct relation to the reaction of the organism to light, especially ultraviolet rays, thermal radiation and hence the production and consumption of energy by cells.
The hair of the adrenal type, lush, thick, dry and rough. This is particularly noticeable on the chest, stomach and back. Hair tend to be curly. They often have the unexpected color: an Italian can be straw-yellow, and the Norwegian — black and curly.
People adrenal type have the pronounced teeth-fangs. Proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the pituitary adrenal type has amazing strength, energy and persistence. Such a person can easily become rapidly progressive person and a strong fighter who rarely loses sight of its purpose.
Among women the adrenal type is always masculine. If a woman is physically feminine due to adequate feminine reactions on the part of other glands, it exhibits, at least, powerful masculine qualities. A few decades ago, these women had to suppress their deep-seated desire to occupy a prominent position in society, but now they are pushed forward and occupy positions which bring them a high salary.
Dr. Berman suggests that the first woman President of the United States will likely be an adrenal type.
Certainly, people of this type are good workers or leaders. They are successful for the reason that possess an internal driving force that always motivates them to achieve what they want.
President Harding (twenty-ninth President of the United States from 1921 to 1923) was a typical representative of the male adrenal-centered type, as Carrie nation (a member of the movement of temperance in the period prior to the adoption of prohibition in the USA) – perfect example of the female adrenal-centered type.
Insufficient adrenal type built in the same lines as the adrenal adequate, and can easily be adopted for him, but deep they stand in stark contrast. This one of a kind and possibly the most common kind of neurotic. Such a person is weak, lazy, irritable, has a poor appetite and not react to stimuli of all kinds. Chronic indecisiveness is one of his most striking traits.
Among its main problems is fatigue caused by low blood pressure, low body temperature and lack of ability of the body to use sugar as fuel. Children who have a lack of adrenal function, not easy to learn; their growth stunted, and they cannot be customized or rushed. Often, children suffer from the deficiency of adrenal secretion before puberty, become more energetic when developing other endocrine glands, especially sex. Therefore, in the future, they are not so hopeless.
Fear and anger induce endocrine glands to useless hard work, and frequent indulgence in any of these emotions will interfere with the effective functioning of these glands. If you do not give them time to recover their weakness, ultimately developing into chronic adrenal insufficiency and the individual finds himself in a very difficult physical and mental condition. Optimism, good humor and faith in God, enliven and strengthen the adrenal glands, imbuing them with power and making them adequate to the task." – Max Handel.
All, according to max Handel, there are five pure psycho-physical types of people: adrenal, thyroid, gipotezy, pineal, and thymus, along with mixed types, which I will consider in his aforementioned book.
"In the case of pure type, one particular of iron or by their excessive action, either due to its reduced activity has a dominant influence on the traits of the individual. Or as the strongest link in the chain of the glands, or the weakest as it gets the management, and everyone else needs to adapt to its dominance. Among all others it serves as the primary steward growth, development and normal functions and preserves the equilibrium of forces. His strength or weakness, it holds all sorts of extremes and thus generates its own type of individual with specific characteristics and attributes".
Thus, it becomes clear that the sacred centers and the glands have a fundamental influence on health – good, mediocre or bad – and the psychological equipment of a man.
"We need to understand that the primary result of the work of the glands and their secretion is psychological. On the physical plane man is what it makes it endocrine system, primarily, emotionally and mentally, and then physically, as the latter often is determined by the psychological state of mind and emotions.
The main attention of the ordinary egocentric person is focused on the physical Explorer, and he pays little attention, if any draws, on the balance or imbalance of their endocrine system or the setting (so to speak) in how it determines its psychological impact on others.
Medicine, in the end, will have to see whether (and doctors already feel it) that it is impossible to radically change the personality or the physical equipment of a man, dealing only with the glands. The best minds in this field are aware of the fact that it is terra incognita.
And this situation will not change until until modern medical science recognizes that the world of reason (in relation to the endocrine glands) is the etheric body with its seven centers. Then it becomes clear that all associated with the glands work must move from the seven effects or materialization of the centers, the centers." – A. A. Bailey.
Fear is basically active or dynamic, directing their energy outward or inward or passive with the same manifestation.
At the pathological level dynamic fear is a psychosis, as expressive and inadequate response. At the level of adequate and healthy response — overcoming obstacles — physical or psychological.
If active fear is directed inward — it is self-destructive, up to vascular hemorrhage and/or acute neurological manifestations neuritis.
Passive fear is markedly and rapidly, but with no less pathological consequences. The role of gray Eminence in the case of such fear performing adrenal glands.
"How the adrenal glands are essential for life, evidenced by the fact that their deletion at any period of life inevitably ends in death. "For a long period of evolutionary ascent of mankind to present his power, the adrenal glands serve the person of his chief protection in the process of survival of the fittest". — Dr. Herman G. Rubin.
"The adrenal glands taking revenge on those who incite themselves in an unhealthy mental or emotional reaction. The adrenal glands are glands of the cash payment on accounts of fate for failing to control himself. They serve as clear evidence that the normal to all the essential for health". M. Handel.
And here's one professional opinion on the adrenal glands and their psychological and psychosomatic role in our body.
"Our jealousy, hatred, fears, the struggle for wealth, power and position, our passions and desires, and our prejudices — all this causes the need for backup supply made in the adrenal glands of adrenaline — a hormone too warlike and energetic, until the gland is completely depleted. So is it any wonder that so many people die from heart disease (heart overloading), Briteway disease (kidney inflammation), diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer and other illnesses as a result of reduced resilience of the body." Dr. M. W. Kapp. Our glands and our environment.
And here is what he thinks about the role of the adrenal glands other authoritative expert Manley Palmer Hall: "the Adrenal glands are called "fighters" of the endocrine system, but they give a person not only courage, but also fear. The balance of the nature of the individual to some extent and helps the adrenal glands to maintain equilibrium, and the normal activity of these glands, in turn, develops optimism, generosity and kindness. Adrenal glands cooperate peacefully with the pituitary gland, and together they have a very noticeable effect on the brain and reproductive system". M. P. Hall. Occult Anatomy.
In other words, adrenal glands, and their healthy functioning is due to normal or appropriate psychological activity is not overwhelming and displacing nature, but overcoming their own imperfections in the form of doubts, uncertainty, anxiety, etc.
In this sense, the courage or strong-willed determination are analogous to courage, as targeted actions aimed at meeting your own fears and false sense of insecurity or seeming impossibility of overcoming all the time arising of life difficulties or obstacles.
Well, to extend the psychophysical characteristics of the activities of the adrenal gland and show the relationship of the microcosm with the macrocosm, contact astrology.
Despite the fact that astrology is still in the shadow of science is allowed, however, to her more and more, "listen", because often it is the "planetary influences" are too obvious (including changes in the Sun – the main generator of the planets in our solar system). Therefore, the "it" word:
"Two of the adrenal cortex are under the control of Jupiter, the great benefactor, and have a calming, soothing effect when the emotional activity of the moon, Mars or Saturn upsets the balance. When bounding the right hand of Saturn awakens melancholy and squeezes the heart, secretion of the adrenal glands carried by blood to heart and have a powerful stimulating effect, helping to maintain circulation. At the same time the optimism of the Jupiter Saturn is struggling with anxiety, or impulsiveness of Mars, plunging the body of desires in the messy emotions of irritation, which leads to tension and tremors in the muscles, and energy dissipation of the system.
In addition, the secretion of the adrenal glands releases more than usual, glycogen of the liver until it has addressed the critical situation and the equilibrium is restored. The same thing is happening with all the other stress or strain. It is the knowledge of this esoteric fact that prompted the ancient astrologers, is that the kidneys are under the control of the sign of Libra, and to avoid confusion, we add that the kidneys themselves play an important role in the nourishment of the body and controlled by Venus, Pravitelnitsa Weights. However, the adrenal gland, which we now study is managed by the Jupiter." M. Handel. Astrodiagnosis. A guide for Healing.
Thus, we can conclude that fear and anger and other related emotions (including anxiety, irritation, impatience, frustration) induce our endocrine glands in the unnecessary strenuous activities. And, accordingly, often indulging in any of these emotions (because of the inability or unwillingness to change/to convert/to transform, but not to suppress) would interfere with the effective functioning of both the glands and other body systems.
If you do not give them time to recover (with the help of meditation, breathing practices, emotional non-involvement, alternating active and passive labour-leisure), their weakness, ultimately, may develop into chronic adrenal failure, and this, in turn, can not affect the General mental condition of such a person.
Optimism, good mood and belief in the divine or a better ability of transformation as purposeful action "revive and strengthen the adrenal glands, imbuing them with power and making them adequate to the task."
Modern medical astrology relates the adrenal glands to the influence of the open in 1977 asteroid/comet/planet group of the Centaur Chiron, in its form resembling Saturn has the ring system with a radius of 324 ± 10 km, orbiting the Sun with a period of about 50 years, with an orbit located between Saturn and Jupiter, Chiron is associated with Jupiter and Saturn much more than has modern science allowed.
Esoterically, the Spirit of Jupiter associates the person with the Saturn, a planet in a special way connected with the Earth.
The adrenal glands in our body is not knowingly associated with coccygeal, lower chakra, representing the physical world and the ability of the ground/gravity/gravity Yin energy.
Being associated with Jupiter, energy of the adrenal glands is expressed primarily as "benevolence, vision, expansion, optimism, honor, charity, kindness, generosity, cheerfulness, the ability to comprehend the expression of the cosmic law, the ability to form and perception of ideas of religious understanding."
And here is how the relationship of the adrenal glands is presented in the symbolism of the Rosicrucians:
"When in contact with the keynote of Jupiter, I find it clear, comprehensive, encompassing and expanding. It seems that all the power of Jupiter envelops the individual, awakening in him a sense of confidence and security, the ability and desire to go out into the world and transform the acts of clumsy stumbling, polipropilenovoj of the human race in a wonderful creation, full of deep meaning. Clarified vision of such a person can contemplate with joy the heights to which you have to climb the great spiritual forces which need to be developed. His expanded consciousness recognizes in each of his comrade, the other half of your "I" longs for a true understanding of the mysteries of life, ignited a desire to give these children one great Father's love, selfless service, which will reveal to them that the real goal of life of each individual is the development of his latent possibilities into dynamic, godlike powers.
Once having found these forces, the individual may not be able to use them, and this is one of the greatest crimes that can be committed. Misuse of spiritual power is black magic, which leads to the fact that in the end the crumbling bridge of reason, linking the Spirit with the person. After some time, this Spirit is automatically drawn to the planet Saturn, which leaves the memory of their past lives, and then, upon decomposition, the conductors goes into Chaos, becoming one of the moons of Saturn, and remains there until the dawn of a new Day of Creation, when he will again have to begin its work at the appropriate time of development.
Misuse of these energies manifests itself in arrogance, extravagance, sempotichnii, waste, posturing, bombast, buffoonery, vanity, violation of laws, dissolute way of life, improvidence, and procrastination. All of it leads Ego to a profound grief, suffering and disappointment, through which it usually finds out just the right use of these spiritual powers it is possible to break free from your painful difficulties which he himself has created. When through the pain and suffering of this lesson learned, the Ego is really getting ready for the next step forward on the path of development. For the corresponding two adrenal glands are the first two roses on the cross his life's body in full bloom!
Energy is absolutely necessary adrenal glands no longer expressed in the militancy, aggression and pugnacity. She now goes by force, born in cleansed, contrite Spirit, and manifests itself as benevolence, vision, expansion and charity.
The Ego consciousness is born knowing what is good for all is good for everyone. Ego, this individualized spark of God, now recognizes the unity of all created beings and their relationship with the great Creator of our Solar system. Accordingly, to him the brotherhood of men has become an established fact."
The triangle is the most powerful "masculine" geometric form of transformation of the energies of third density (along with female – circle), symbolizing and splavlyaya electrical energy of the spirit with the solar energy of the soul and of the magnetic nature of the body (the key to electromagnetic and informo-wave nature of man).
What is the role of the adrenals in the SCIENCE of TRIANGLES of the BODY?
Because the adrenal glands are associated with the coccygeal center via 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic, the most that neither is immediate, for realizing the effect of fear and traced where it sprouted tentacles, perhaps through fixed algorithms-steps to transform all the veils of fear: shame, guilt, resentment and much more.
In this sense, interest is a big pranic triangle formed etheric spleen, navel/sacral center — Svadhisthana chakra and coccygeal center is Muladhara chakra.
Let me remind that the coordinator of the centers below the diaphragm with the centers on the solar plexus is the etheric spleen or pranic chakra, providing with the help of three of pran vital energy of our whole body. communicating with the two lower centers stomach it fuses the energy to translate/transform/uplift in the centers of the chest to the head.
As evidenced Esoteric Psychology is about the great pranic triangle: "These centers form a great triangle of force associated with matter, with substance, formation, creation, life force and vitality of the form. This triangle is the reflection of another, higher, consisting of three parts:
1) the Throat centre is associated with the sacral center.
2) the Pituitary gland, associated with the center of the spleen.
3) Pineal gland, associated with the base of the spine.
The ratio of these two triangles is the key to the instinct of self-preservation, survival of the subtle bodies after death and the principle of immortality, which is in the soul and is valid when self-preservation and survival lose their power. They form a Trinity of ideas that require the most careful study and which, if I may say so, give a key to the spiritual movement."
In practice, the adrenal connection with any of the centres/chakras allows you to scan the fears or any other negative emotions (generated destructive program or engram), "entrenched" or stuck in the body (and not only physical but also emotional), allowing you to transform or remove them from a specific timeline of the past.
Many modern scholars agree that the subconscious mind together with unconscious bodily reactions largely determines our everyday life. And some even more categorical, as I wrote above, arguing that in our body there are "dictators of our destiny", assigning such a role of the endocrine glands.
And the number of such "dictators", along with the pituitary gland include adrenal glands. It is therefore quite justified to consider the approval of Samuel Willis of Bandler in his book "the endocrine Glands": "If in the near future the world will apportion its diplomats, senior officials, legislators, residents of the proper glands of internal secretion, especially by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and slightly inhibit the operation of the cortical substance of adrenal glands, wars may no longer be."
This statement largely relates to two basic human emotions, in which the adrenal glands are directly involved is fear and anger, or discontent.
Thus, based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that the effect of adrenal glands on our body in General and its psychological and psychosomatic characteristics – is undeniable.
But, this effect is caused not only and not so much the physical characteristics of our nature as psychological and emotional influences that directly affect our health, energy, vitality and life expectancy.
10 simple steps for cleansing the lymphatic system and maintain hormonal balance
The reasons for the increase of lymph nodes — psychosomatics
It is in our power to reduce the negative impact to a minimum, increasing in proportion to the positive characteristics of volitional participation in my life and healthy existence. What all of us want! published
Author: Sergey Kolesa
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kolesha.ru/nadpochechniki-zhelezy-smelosti-ili-straxa/
At least the fact that without them life is impossible and inevitable death, and how high that along with the immune system is the "fighters" of the endocrine system.
However, the adrenal glands more than any other cancer due to one of the main hindering negative emotions – fear, which, however, can be transformed into fearlessness or courage.

There is also a view, and it is arguable that the adrenal gland is a gland of the cash accounts of karma, that is, their functional status is directly correlated with our activity in General, i.e. how we perceive the blows of fate, and how and what we spend vitality — creativity, creation and the harmony of body and soul, or the eternal struggle with the world and themselves.
Whether so it actually, we will consider in this article. But no doubt still one, the adrenal glands are the main "culprits" of many psychosomatic conditions, which are based on fear, anger and anxiety.
As Max says Handel: "among the seven glands that do not have and have excretory duct, which is primarily engaged in the occult, belong to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus, thymus, spleen and adrenal capsule or adrenal glands. In these obscure bodies, of which at least some have received attention in ancient times, but to a greater or lesser extent, were forgotten in the early middle Ages, today began to recognize the "dictators of our destiny".
What "dictates" of the above-mentioned glands and their importance over the other?
First, a hierarchy related to the subtle world of man, namely the seven main chakras or wheels of fire, performing the role of plants in the etheric or vital body. Seven glands, literally, precipitated by the energy of the chakras, passing it the rest of the physical human body systems: nervous, circulatory, immune, etc.

1. Head centre — the Pineal gland
2. Ajna — Pituitary
3. The throat center — Thyroid gland
4. The heart center — the Thymus gland
5. Solar plexus center — Pancreas
6. Sacral center — the gonads
7. The centre at the base of spine — Adrenal glands
Second, these seven glands are important in an evolutionary sense, playing the role of catalysts for psychological/psycho-emotional and psychosomatic problems that should encourage the person to pay attention to their own spiritual development.
And third, if a failure occurs in the glandular system or any other system of the human body, with a functional or organic nature, these glands take on "responsibility" is not just static and summative in nature, but all the forces they "trying" to restore order in the life support system of the body. Another issue is that it is not always possible on their own, then help may come we, as a self-conscious being, able to manage their semi-automatic nature, because of its potential ability to heal itself, as a reparative function.
Other glands perform minor and strictly "fixed" feature, not having "authority" coordinating and controlling nature.
Whatever it was, but in this article I will consider the psychological and psychosomatic aspects of endocrine system, in which the adrenal glands perform very significant and important role associated with the control functions of internal organs through hormonal and psycho-emotional activity.
It is no secret that the conducted hormonal studies have confirmed the presence of secretion of norepinephrine and cortisone in depressed fear, as well, and anger. Norepinephrine increases blood pressure and raises your heart rate by reducing blood vessel walls, and cortisone "includes the suppression mechanism of action", which is repeated many times, over time, depresses the immune system, destroying the thymus (thymus).
All this leads to psychosomatic diseases.
So, the adrenals as a system, linking them with the kidney function, confirm the ancient concept that this area is a repository of fears. But today this is not enough, as an understanding of the mechanism of occurrence and its elimination. Because fear is an automatic reaction of the body associated with our biochemistry, and then "remove" it like surgery is not possible, for he is like a cancer will grow all new mi new metastases.
But this information does not bind us, rather, eliminates the illusion of overcoming due to the fact that fear is not a material object. It cannot be felt and be seen but can be felt.
Fear is a dynamic momentum that can be modified or simply transformed. Fear, like death, is a Veil that hides amazing natural potency changes, because they do not fear has energy but he is able to change its focus or direction along with a change of polarity.
However, do not fear a single due to psychosomatic diseases associated with the adrenal glands, and anger, as I wrote above, is a trigger in the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders. But this also can be attributed to anxiety, which always hides a neurosis ("the collective name for a group of functional disorders of psychogenic reversible, with a tendency to long for").

To understand how anxiety is linked with the adrenal glands, it is important to know what it is?
First, a universal emotion, make/hold tension in a particular place of the body – muscle, ligament, organ: "Psychosomatic illness may be caused by a valid alarm, but only if it is associated with real fear." – Antonio Meneghetti. Psychosomatics.
In this sense, we must always remember that unlike fear, which can be associated with the past as actually sadness, "anxiety – the emotion of the future".
And at the level of the nervous system "fear activates the sympathetic influence and anxiety of the parasympathetic through the insulin".
By the way, according to various researchers it being overweight a result of bodily expressions of anxiety. But there are other common diseases, based on constant anxiety. It's diabetes, allergic reactions, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sexual dysfunction, endocrine disorders.
In each of these diseases, and anxiety and fear play a role, often with them, and begins a pathological effect, as in the case of peptic ulcer disease when anxiety involves a process of excessive consumption that triggers the acidity.
So, for example, for diabetes anxiety plays a watchdog role just in life (constantly running or looking to the future, instead enjoy the present moment). But fear is simply "paralyze the liver on the intake of glucose and its conversion into glycogen, including long-term reserves in the form of fat." – Ravens. Psychosomatics.
In particular, in the case of hyperthyroidism, the leading role, due to unconscious preference behavior and play just alternating fear (the past) and anxiety (future), and release the anger/discontent and irritability, which eliminates the symptoms, bringing temporary relief.
But back to fear, because it often leads to all sorts of critical somatic reactions of the body, for example, seizures in the case of asthma and cardiovascular diseases.
"The adrenal glands by stimulating cause (as a psychological result of a physical action) a burst of courage and focus will thereby be possible to achieve that in the normal state is almost unthinkable." – A. Bailey. Esoteric psychology.

Fear can and should be transformed-willed and courageous/fearless effort. In this sense, fearlessness is not so much the absence of fear, how much the transformation of existing energy lying in the impetus of fear: "fight or hide/run."
In this connection, the following curious information indicating the evolution of man, the direct effect of the endocrine system and its essential correspondences – chakras.
So, for example, an ordinary person's adrenal glands being associated with the center at the base of the spine – Muladhara chakra – center of vitality, play a role in shaping his will to live, which is supplemented by the energy of the lower mind of desires, and the will to achieve anything that is associated with the third chakra, the navel – manipura – the solar plexus.
"At this time, the animal instincts have great force; the centers below the diaphragm especially intensively saturated with energy; emotional demands are extremely enliven the solar plexus center, and the center at the base of the spine increases the activity of the adrenal gland, when the human will is called upon to overcome the danger. Greatly enhanced the will to live and its concomitant will to perpetuation and continuation of life in their children. To this we must add the main collateral wars factor – the will of Nature itself (according to some divine laws) to compensate for the shortening of life and military losses fresh influx of life into the form, saving, thus, the human race, providing the bodies of the next tide "ego" and populating the earth." – Djwhal Khul.
Coccygeal center, is regarded as Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-Ray complex. The energy of the red Beam connected with reproduction or reproductive function.
"This beam should be understood as the primary reinforcement beam in each density. It should never be belittled or considered less important or productive of spiritual evolution, for he is the Foundation. In the first density (mineral Kingdom — ed.) the basis of all that will happen is a red beam." — RA. The Law Of One. Don Elkins, Karl Rückert, Jim McCarthy.

That is why it is important the centre in connection with the spine, as the analogue of the mineral Kingdom. Moreover, the adrenal glands corresponds to the thoracic spine and PDS — vertebral-motor segments at the level of Th9 — Th10, if we consider the segmental areas.
Pain or increased sensitivity of the muscular-ligamentous sites of PDS may indicate the lock fears, excessive cold and other psychosomatic conditions directly or indirectly related to the area of the adrenal glands and kidneys.
Accordingly, chiropractic and massage correction will greatly improve the innervation of this region, freeing it from the clips/blocks of the body and negative emotions, particularly fear, shame, guilt.
However, considering the adrenal glands, will be interesting, in my opinion, to give here the classification of the adrenal type of personality, proposed by max Handel, for, according to Esoteric Psychology: "Man is what his glands make, but they, in turn, is merely a consequence of the work of other powerful internal sources of energy."
"The human face of the adrenal type is often dark or freckled and usually broad and irregular features, and the head has a square shape. High brow gives the appearance of low eyebrows, and on the cheeks there is a significant hair.
Leather is one of the main keys to identifying the adrenal type: the epidermis is always more or less pigmented. Pigmentation is due to deposition in the skin of dark brown colorants of different intensity. It is known that skin pigment has a direct relation to the reaction of the organism to light, especially ultraviolet rays, thermal radiation and hence the production and consumption of energy by cells.
The hair of the adrenal type, lush, thick, dry and rough. This is particularly noticeable on the chest, stomach and back. Hair tend to be curly. They often have the unexpected color: an Italian can be straw-yellow, and the Norwegian — black and curly.
People adrenal type have the pronounced teeth-fangs. Proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the pituitary adrenal type has amazing strength, energy and persistence. Such a person can easily become rapidly progressive person and a strong fighter who rarely loses sight of its purpose.
Among women the adrenal type is always masculine. If a woman is physically feminine due to adequate feminine reactions on the part of other glands, it exhibits, at least, powerful masculine qualities. A few decades ago, these women had to suppress their deep-seated desire to occupy a prominent position in society, but now they are pushed forward and occupy positions which bring them a high salary.
Dr. Berman suggests that the first woman President of the United States will likely be an adrenal type.

Certainly, people of this type are good workers or leaders. They are successful for the reason that possess an internal driving force that always motivates them to achieve what they want.
President Harding (twenty-ninth President of the United States from 1921 to 1923) was a typical representative of the male adrenal-centered type, as Carrie nation (a member of the movement of temperance in the period prior to the adoption of prohibition in the USA) – perfect example of the female adrenal-centered type.

Insufficient adrenal type built in the same lines as the adrenal adequate, and can easily be adopted for him, but deep they stand in stark contrast. This one of a kind and possibly the most common kind of neurotic. Such a person is weak, lazy, irritable, has a poor appetite and not react to stimuli of all kinds. Chronic indecisiveness is one of his most striking traits.
Among its main problems is fatigue caused by low blood pressure, low body temperature and lack of ability of the body to use sugar as fuel. Children who have a lack of adrenal function, not easy to learn; their growth stunted, and they cannot be customized or rushed. Often, children suffer from the deficiency of adrenal secretion before puberty, become more energetic when developing other endocrine glands, especially sex. Therefore, in the future, they are not so hopeless.
Fear and anger induce endocrine glands to useless hard work, and frequent indulgence in any of these emotions will interfere with the effective functioning of these glands. If you do not give them time to recover their weakness, ultimately developing into chronic adrenal insufficiency and the individual finds himself in a very difficult physical and mental condition. Optimism, good humor and faith in God, enliven and strengthen the adrenal glands, imbuing them with power and making them adequate to the task." – Max Handel.
All, according to max Handel, there are five pure psycho-physical types of people: adrenal, thyroid, gipotezy, pineal, and thymus, along with mixed types, which I will consider in his aforementioned book.
"In the case of pure type, one particular of iron or by their excessive action, either due to its reduced activity has a dominant influence on the traits of the individual. Or as the strongest link in the chain of the glands, or the weakest as it gets the management, and everyone else needs to adapt to its dominance. Among all others it serves as the primary steward growth, development and normal functions and preserves the equilibrium of forces. His strength or weakness, it holds all sorts of extremes and thus generates its own type of individual with specific characteristics and attributes".
Thus, it becomes clear that the sacred centers and the glands have a fundamental influence on health – good, mediocre or bad – and the psychological equipment of a man.
"We need to understand that the primary result of the work of the glands and their secretion is psychological. On the physical plane man is what it makes it endocrine system, primarily, emotionally and mentally, and then physically, as the latter often is determined by the psychological state of mind and emotions.
The main attention of the ordinary egocentric person is focused on the physical Explorer, and he pays little attention, if any draws, on the balance or imbalance of their endocrine system or the setting (so to speak) in how it determines its psychological impact on others.
Medicine, in the end, will have to see whether (and doctors already feel it) that it is impossible to radically change the personality or the physical equipment of a man, dealing only with the glands. The best minds in this field are aware of the fact that it is terra incognita.
And this situation will not change until until modern medical science recognizes that the world of reason (in relation to the endocrine glands) is the etheric body with its seven centers. Then it becomes clear that all associated with the glands work must move from the seven effects or materialization of the centers, the centers." – A. A. Bailey.

Fear is basically active or dynamic, directing their energy outward or inward or passive with the same manifestation.
At the pathological level dynamic fear is a psychosis, as expressive and inadequate response. At the level of adequate and healthy response — overcoming obstacles — physical or psychological.
If active fear is directed inward — it is self-destructive, up to vascular hemorrhage and/or acute neurological manifestations neuritis.
Passive fear is markedly and rapidly, but with no less pathological consequences. The role of gray Eminence in the case of such fear performing adrenal glands.
"How the adrenal glands are essential for life, evidenced by the fact that their deletion at any period of life inevitably ends in death. "For a long period of evolutionary ascent of mankind to present his power, the adrenal glands serve the person of his chief protection in the process of survival of the fittest". — Dr. Herman G. Rubin.
"The adrenal glands taking revenge on those who incite themselves in an unhealthy mental or emotional reaction. The adrenal glands are glands of the cash payment on accounts of fate for failing to control himself. They serve as clear evidence that the normal to all the essential for health". M. Handel.
And here's one professional opinion on the adrenal glands and their psychological and psychosomatic role in our body.
"Our jealousy, hatred, fears, the struggle for wealth, power and position, our passions and desires, and our prejudices — all this causes the need for backup supply made in the adrenal glands of adrenaline — a hormone too warlike and energetic, until the gland is completely depleted. So is it any wonder that so many people die from heart disease (heart overloading), Briteway disease (kidney inflammation), diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer and other illnesses as a result of reduced resilience of the body." Dr. M. W. Kapp. Our glands and our environment.
And here is what he thinks about the role of the adrenal glands other authoritative expert Manley Palmer Hall: "the Adrenal glands are called "fighters" of the endocrine system, but they give a person not only courage, but also fear. The balance of the nature of the individual to some extent and helps the adrenal glands to maintain equilibrium, and the normal activity of these glands, in turn, develops optimism, generosity and kindness. Adrenal glands cooperate peacefully with the pituitary gland, and together they have a very noticeable effect on the brain and reproductive system". M. P. Hall. Occult Anatomy.
In other words, adrenal glands, and their healthy functioning is due to normal or appropriate psychological activity is not overwhelming and displacing nature, but overcoming their own imperfections in the form of doubts, uncertainty, anxiety, etc.
In this sense, the courage or strong-willed determination are analogous to courage, as targeted actions aimed at meeting your own fears and false sense of insecurity or seeming impossibility of overcoming all the time arising of life difficulties or obstacles.
Well, to extend the psychophysical characteristics of the activities of the adrenal gland and show the relationship of the microcosm with the macrocosm, contact astrology.

Despite the fact that astrology is still in the shadow of science is allowed, however, to her more and more, "listen", because often it is the "planetary influences" are too obvious (including changes in the Sun – the main generator of the planets in our solar system). Therefore, the "it" word:
"Two of the adrenal cortex are under the control of Jupiter, the great benefactor, and have a calming, soothing effect when the emotional activity of the moon, Mars or Saturn upsets the balance. When bounding the right hand of Saturn awakens melancholy and squeezes the heart, secretion of the adrenal glands carried by blood to heart and have a powerful stimulating effect, helping to maintain circulation. At the same time the optimism of the Jupiter Saturn is struggling with anxiety, or impulsiveness of Mars, plunging the body of desires in the messy emotions of irritation, which leads to tension and tremors in the muscles, and energy dissipation of the system.
In addition, the secretion of the adrenal glands releases more than usual, glycogen of the liver until it has addressed the critical situation and the equilibrium is restored. The same thing is happening with all the other stress or strain. It is the knowledge of this esoteric fact that prompted the ancient astrologers, is that the kidneys are under the control of the sign of Libra, and to avoid confusion, we add that the kidneys themselves play an important role in the nourishment of the body and controlled by Venus, Pravitelnitsa Weights. However, the adrenal gland, which we now study is managed by the Jupiter." M. Handel. Astrodiagnosis. A guide for Healing.
Thus, we can conclude that fear and anger and other related emotions (including anxiety, irritation, impatience, frustration) induce our endocrine glands in the unnecessary strenuous activities. And, accordingly, often indulging in any of these emotions (because of the inability or unwillingness to change/to convert/to transform, but not to suppress) would interfere with the effective functioning of both the glands and other body systems.
If you do not give them time to recover (with the help of meditation, breathing practices, emotional non-involvement, alternating active and passive labour-leisure), their weakness, ultimately, may develop into chronic adrenal failure, and this, in turn, can not affect the General mental condition of such a person.
Optimism, good mood and belief in the divine or a better ability of transformation as purposeful action "revive and strengthen the adrenal glands, imbuing them with power and making them adequate to the task."

Modern medical astrology relates the adrenal glands to the influence of the open in 1977 asteroid/comet/planet group of the Centaur Chiron, in its form resembling Saturn has the ring system with a radius of 324 ± 10 km, orbiting the Sun with a period of about 50 years, with an orbit located between Saturn and Jupiter, Chiron is associated with Jupiter and Saturn much more than has modern science allowed.
Esoterically, the Spirit of Jupiter associates the person with the Saturn, a planet in a special way connected with the Earth.
The adrenal glands in our body is not knowingly associated with coccygeal, lower chakra, representing the physical world and the ability of the ground/gravity/gravity Yin energy.
Being associated with Jupiter, energy of the adrenal glands is expressed primarily as "benevolence, vision, expansion, optimism, honor, charity, kindness, generosity, cheerfulness, the ability to comprehend the expression of the cosmic law, the ability to form and perception of ideas of religious understanding."
And here is how the relationship of the adrenal glands is presented in the symbolism of the Rosicrucians:

"When in contact with the keynote of Jupiter, I find it clear, comprehensive, encompassing and expanding. It seems that all the power of Jupiter envelops the individual, awakening in him a sense of confidence and security, the ability and desire to go out into the world and transform the acts of clumsy stumbling, polipropilenovoj of the human race in a wonderful creation, full of deep meaning. Clarified vision of such a person can contemplate with joy the heights to which you have to climb the great spiritual forces which need to be developed. His expanded consciousness recognizes in each of his comrade, the other half of your "I" longs for a true understanding of the mysteries of life, ignited a desire to give these children one great Father's love, selfless service, which will reveal to them that the real goal of life of each individual is the development of his latent possibilities into dynamic, godlike powers.
Once having found these forces, the individual may not be able to use them, and this is one of the greatest crimes that can be committed. Misuse of spiritual power is black magic, which leads to the fact that in the end the crumbling bridge of reason, linking the Spirit with the person. After some time, this Spirit is automatically drawn to the planet Saturn, which leaves the memory of their past lives, and then, upon decomposition, the conductors goes into Chaos, becoming one of the moons of Saturn, and remains there until the dawn of a new Day of Creation, when he will again have to begin its work at the appropriate time of development.
Misuse of these energies manifests itself in arrogance, extravagance, sempotichnii, waste, posturing, bombast, buffoonery, vanity, violation of laws, dissolute way of life, improvidence, and procrastination. All of it leads Ego to a profound grief, suffering and disappointment, through which it usually finds out just the right use of these spiritual powers it is possible to break free from your painful difficulties which he himself has created. When through the pain and suffering of this lesson learned, the Ego is really getting ready for the next step forward on the path of development. For the corresponding two adrenal glands are the first two roses on the cross his life's body in full bloom!
Energy is absolutely necessary adrenal glands no longer expressed in the militancy, aggression and pugnacity. She now goes by force, born in cleansed, contrite Spirit, and manifests itself as benevolence, vision, expansion and charity.
The Ego consciousness is born knowing what is good for all is good for everyone. Ego, this individualized spark of God, now recognizes the unity of all created beings and their relationship with the great Creator of our Solar system. Accordingly, to him the brotherhood of men has become an established fact."
The triangle is the most powerful "masculine" geometric form of transformation of the energies of third density (along with female – circle), symbolizing and splavlyaya electrical energy of the spirit with the solar energy of the soul and of the magnetic nature of the body (the key to electromagnetic and informo-wave nature of man).

What is the role of the adrenals in the SCIENCE of TRIANGLES of the BODY?
Because the adrenal glands are associated with the coccygeal center via 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic, the most that neither is immediate, for realizing the effect of fear and traced where it sprouted tentacles, perhaps through fixed algorithms-steps to transform all the veils of fear: shame, guilt, resentment and much more.
In this sense, interest is a big pranic triangle formed etheric spleen, navel/sacral center — Svadhisthana chakra and coccygeal center is Muladhara chakra.
Let me remind that the coordinator of the centers below the diaphragm with the centers on the solar plexus is the etheric spleen or pranic chakra, providing with the help of three of pran vital energy of our whole body. communicating with the two lower centers stomach it fuses the energy to translate/transform/uplift in the centers of the chest to the head.
As evidenced Esoteric Psychology is about the great pranic triangle: "These centers form a great triangle of force associated with matter, with substance, formation, creation, life force and vitality of the form. This triangle is the reflection of another, higher, consisting of three parts:

1) the Throat centre is associated with the sacral center.
2) the Pituitary gland, associated with the center of the spleen.
3) Pineal gland, associated with the base of the spine.
The ratio of these two triangles is the key to the instinct of self-preservation, survival of the subtle bodies after death and the principle of immortality, which is in the soul and is valid when self-preservation and survival lose their power. They form a Trinity of ideas that require the most careful study and which, if I may say so, give a key to the spiritual movement."
In practice, the adrenal connection with any of the centres/chakras allows you to scan the fears or any other negative emotions (generated destructive program or engram), "entrenched" or stuck in the body (and not only physical but also emotional), allowing you to transform or remove them from a specific timeline of the past.

Many modern scholars agree that the subconscious mind together with unconscious bodily reactions largely determines our everyday life. And some even more categorical, as I wrote above, arguing that in our body there are "dictators of our destiny", assigning such a role of the endocrine glands.
And the number of such "dictators", along with the pituitary gland include adrenal glands. It is therefore quite justified to consider the approval of Samuel Willis of Bandler in his book "the endocrine Glands": "If in the near future the world will apportion its diplomats, senior officials, legislators, residents of the proper glands of internal secretion, especially by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and slightly inhibit the operation of the cortical substance of adrenal glands, wars may no longer be."
This statement largely relates to two basic human emotions, in which the adrenal glands are directly involved is fear and anger, or discontent.
Thus, based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that the effect of adrenal glands on our body in General and its psychological and psychosomatic characteristics – is undeniable.
But, this effect is caused not only and not so much the physical characteristics of our nature as psychological and emotional influences that directly affect our health, energy, vitality and life expectancy.
10 simple steps for cleansing the lymphatic system and maintain hormonal balance
The reasons for the increase of lymph nodes — psychosomatics
It is in our power to reduce the negative impact to a minimum, increasing in proportion to the positive characteristics of volitional participation in my life and healthy existence. What all of us want! published
Author: Sergey Kolesa
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kolesha.ru/nadpochechniki-zhelezy-smelosti-ili-straxa/
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