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Rejuvenation of the endocrine system is IMPORTANT for you to know!

The human body is a magnificent self-renewing system, but even she cannot function normally without the required materials.

The main function of glands of internal secretion, or endocrine glands, is to produce specific substances (hormones) and allocate them directly into the blood or lymph.

Can a person to do anything to ensure the normal functioning of these glands and thereby prolong youth? I think that it can, and using natural methods — providing them with essential nutrients and doing special exercises to improve blood flow.

There are artificial methods of rejuvenation of breast pills, hormonal injections, transplantation of living tissue. However, they are not effective enough, because there comes a short-term rejuvenation, but after treatment you may experience a relapse.

Scientists have proven that exposure to rejuvenate just one gland does not benefit the body as a whole. All the endocrine glands interact with each other, so, for example, over-stimulation of one gland can cause dysfunction of the other.

Some scholars dealing with the problem of rejuvenation, developed the special theory. It is the most important role sex glands, which are the source of vital energy. Consequently, the rejuvenation of these glands will have a positive impact on the state of the organism as a whole.

However, a good idea has not yielded positive results. It was found that the aging of the human body occurs not only due to the weakening of the functions of the gonads (although, of course, is a signal of the beginning of the aging process), but also disorders of the whole endocrine system. Biologists believe that the immediate cause of aging are the changes in connective tissues.

What is the reason for these changes? Recent research has shown that in our minds.

Professor Alexander Bogomolets says: "the Extension of youth and longevity largely depend on the state of our psyche".

Memorize this phrase. It is an important key to solving the problem of longevity.

How can you affect the endocrine glands? In this Chapter we will focus on how to improve the functional status and activities of these glands with the main factor — power.

So, let's consider what raw materials you need to glands in order to prolong our lives to 180 years.

The thyroid gland

This gland located in the neck, the trachea and the cartilages of the larynx. It has a significant impact on the functioning of the human body.

With its normal functioning people feel cheerful and healthy, there is a feeling of joy of life.

By reducing thyroid function:

  • appears fatigue, skin becomes loose;
  • as a result of violations of metabolism observed stunted growth of hair and brittle bones;
  • man becomes swollen, sluggish, lethargic;
  • he has reduced mental capacity and slow reactions.

Poorly developed thyroid gland affects the sex glands, causing loss of interest in sexual activity.

When a deficiency of thyroxine (thyroid hormone) containing iodine, the person has a goitre.

Removal of this gland or its functional failure can cause the symptoms of aging in a relatively short period of time.

Needs of the thyroid gland. First of all need iodine to regulate metabolism in the body. The body should be the normal content of iodine, to maintain a supply of thyroxine in the blood. Thyroid essential b vitamins, vitamin C, and tyrosine — an amino acid that is involved in building proteins.

Sources of iodine. Sea foods (crabs, shrimps, salmon), all species of marine algae, fish oil, tomatoes, radishes, beets.

Sources of vitamin C. Black currants, lemons, oranges, tomatoes, cabbage, red pepper.

The gonads, or sex glands

These glands are important for the normal functioning of the organism as a whole and for normal sexual life. They perform mixed functions, i.e. produce products not only the external (potential offspring), but also internal secretion, which, falling into the blood stream, rejuvenate the body. Sexual glands are the ovaries (in women) and testicles (in men).

The lack of the necessary elements in consumed food products affects gonadal function and may cause sterilization — the loss of ability to bear children.

The needs of the sex glands. First of all, the sexual glands is necessary vitamins a, C, E and group B.

Vitamin A ensures the normal functioning of the ovaries and the prostate gland. As a rule, the dysfunction of the prostate is easily eliminated with the introduction in the diet of adequate amounts of vitamin A.

B vitamins are necessary to maintain libido and potency. The disadvantage of these vitamins is accompanied with nervousness, irritability, sense of fear, which leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

For the functioning of the ovaries needed vitamin C. His absence, in particular, causes anemia.

In men, the lack of vitamin C in the beginning reduces the ability to bear children, and then leads to loss of libido.

It is believed that vitamin E increases the ability to reproduce offspring. The absence or lack of this vitamin can cause sexual sterilization.

You must know that starvation leads to loss of libido. For the normal functioning of the sex glands the necessary protein diet. In particular, very important arginine is an essential amino acid present in one of the proteins.

In addition, the necessary minerals, particularly iron and copper.

The sources of vitamin A. cod liver oil, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, liver.

Sources of vitamin E. wheat germ, lettuce, egg yolk, cereals, sunflower oil.

Sources of arginine. Eggs, milk, oats, peanuts, wheat, yeast and other protein products.

Sources of iron. Beans, nuts, wheat, oats, raisins, eggs, green vegetables. Iron is also found in meat, but is poorly absorbed by the body.

Sources of copper. Sprouted wheat, lentils, beans, parsley, mushrooms, asparagus, liver.

The adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are two paired glands the size of a thumb, adjacent to the upper part of each kidney (hence the name).

Each gland consists of two entities, different in their structure and functions: the outer layer of bark and inner layer.

Each of these entities produces a certain secret. For example, hormones of the adrenal cortex that affect carbohydrate metabolism, sexual function, enhance protective reactions of the organism and the efficiency of muscles. In fact, the adrenal glands produce the hormone adrenaline, stimulating the metabolism.

The adrenal glands are called glands of confrontation or survival, since the products of their secretion provide the body the flow of energy and vitality.

The needs of the adrenal glands. First of all, they need products with high content of protein and vitamins a, C and E. As for your thyroid, adrenal tyrosine is very important.

Parathyroid or parathyroid, glands

These four important gland located on the neck near the thyroid gland (two on each side) and generally adhere to it, so until recently they were considered part of it.

The main function of these glands is the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. The weakening of the functions of the parathyroid glands affects primarily the nervous system: a person has uncontrolled irritation, there is increased irritability.

A low content of calcium in the blood can cause allergies, cramps and spasms.

Needs parathyroid glands. First of all, they need vitamin D. It helps the body to absorb calcium regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

Sources of vitamin D. Egg yolks, fish and fish oil. Because vitamin D is formed under the influence of sunlight, the summer deficit in the organism less likely. In winter, food should be added the fat contained in cod liver or halibut.

The sources of calcium. Milk, cheese, oranges, apples, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, radish, wheat, carrots, beets, honey.

Thymus (thymus) gland

This gland located in the chest, behind the upper part of the sternum. The period of greatest activity of the gland — childhood, so it was thought that with age, lost its importance for the organism.

In the aging process (puberty) there is a decrease in the weight and size of the thymus gland, a partial replacement of her fatty tissue.

This gland is in functional relationship with sex glands and the adrenal cortex.

The needs of the thymus gland. For its operation the necessary vitamins of group B.


This gland is located in the abdominal cavity. As the gonads, performs both intra-and exocrine function. Produces the hormone insulin (involved in the regulation of fat metabolism in the liver). At an insufficient formation or secretion of insulin may develop diabetes.

Needs pancreas. First of all the b vitamins, which contribute to the formation of insulin. Of minerals — sulfur and Nickel. Also required cystine (sulfur amino acid) and glutamic acid.

Sources of cystine, and glutamic acid. They are present in most protein foods, particularly in milk.

Sources of sulfur. Cabbages (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage), lettuce, strawberries, gooseberries, egg yolks, turnips, onions, nuts, carrots.

Sources of Nickel. Fresh vegetables and meat.


So now you know what the normal functioning of the endocrine glands — the basis of health and longevity.

In conclusion, I want to mention another important point:cancer is very sensitive to concentrated attention.

If you focus just on the iron, imagining it and saying that it functions perfectly, soon make sure that its activities have really improved.

The method of concentration need to be applied regularly (preferably every day). For this you need only a few minutes in the morning or before bedtime.

Again, what vitamins and other substances included in the "diet" for glands of internal secretion.

  • Thyroid gland: iodine, vitamins b, C; tyrosine.
  • Gonads: vitamins a, b, C, E; arginine; iron and copper.
  • Adrenal glands: vitamins a, C, E; tyrosine.
  • Parathyroid glands: vitamin D and calcium.
  • Thymus gland: the b vitamins.
  • Pancreas: the b vitamins, sulphur and Nickel; cystine and glutamic acid.published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.redov.ru/zdorove/zhit_do_180_let/p6.php