Blue iodine is not new and forgotten old
Why are so many talking about the healing properties of blue iodine? It's not a new magic tool that I want to make a panacea from all diseases.
Blue iodine was first tested in clinical practice in 1942 during the great Patriotic war. The drug gave patients a severe form of bacterial dysentery, which was at that time a deadly disease. Using blue iodine dysentery took place in just three days!
Then began to treat blue with iodine colitis and enterocolitis, once again the results exceeded all expectations: patients recovered eyes. The test results showed that the intestinal mucosa was purified from bacteria already on the fifth day of treatment, a blue with iodine. However, the daily dose of this drug was huge and was 500 g. in the treatment of other acute and chronic intestinal infections were applied and a large dose of blue iodine – up to 1500-2000 grams per day.
With the discovery of antibiotics and the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry is a simple and affordable tool was forgotten. Although the side effects of chemical drugs on the human body has created all new problems, which means that all new medicines.
After taking large doses of antibiotics often develop allergic reactions, almost always there is a dysbacteriosis, impaired metabolism, it affects all internal organs. Therefore, when antibiotic treatment for the patient advancing a vicious circle. It is not surprising that a huge number of people suffer from chronic diseases, taking handfuls of pills, to somehow maintain your health.
Here we answered the question of why blue iodine again gained popularity. However, as with any medication, this drug need to know how to cook, store, use and, of course, aware of its medicinal properties. This will be discussed further.
Healing properties of blue iodine iodine possesses all those properties, and elemental iodine, so his main task is to stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for all major functions of the body, protecting it from viruses and microbes, participating in the metabolism and relieving nervous tension. Since dysfunction of the thyroid leads to a disorder of the Central nervous system, blood circulation, and lowering the body's resistance to infections, with all the pathologies caused by iodine deficiency, blue iodine is indispensable. He is the most powerful drug is able to rapidly return the body to normal.
• Antiviral and antibacterial properties of blue iodine can successfully apply it in all acute and chronic diseases of infectious nature. These include colitis and enterocolitis, gastric ulcer, dysentery, diarrhea with blood poisoning, tonsillitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, long non-healing wounds and burns.
• The ability to influence the composition of blood makes the blue iodine an excellent tool to combat atherosclerosis. Blue iodine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, purifies blood vessels, increases the activity of white blood cells and red blood cells in the blood. Using blue iodine improves the elasticity of blood vessels, so it is used for the treatment of stroke, as well as Hypo– and hypertension: the blue iodine helps to normalize high and low blood pressure.
• Another property of the blue iodine – the ability to boost immunity. Therefore, the drug used in the treatment of various diseases: cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal, kidney and genitourinary organs. It is particularly important to conduct regular preventative treatments to not run the disease.
• Due to sedative properties of blue iodine can be taken as a sedative.
• Disinfectant, antiseptic and protective properties make the blue iodine is a great remedy for burns, especially in those cases when it is impossible to find urgent medical care (at the cottage in the woods, etc.).
How to prepare and store blue yodamaster two methods of preparation of blue iodine. The first most often mentioned in recipes, actually invented V. O. Mokhnach. For this recipe we recommend the preparation of blue iodine. However, the second recipe has its advantages, although it is used much less frequently. It allows you to prepare blue iodine more soluble, eliminating even the minimum possibility of irritation or burns of the mucous of the throat and esophagus when eating. Obviously, the second recipe blue iodine suitable for people with sensitive skin and mucous membranes.
Recipe No. 1 (V. O. Mokhnach)Take a quarter Cup (50 ml) of warm water and dissolve in it 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of potato starch. Stir and add 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of sugar and a few crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid. Mix again.
Then cook the "jelly". To do this, boil 3 /4 Cup (150 ml) of water and the boiling water carefully and slowly pour the solution of starch. "Jelly" to cool at room temperature and in the cooled liquid, pour 1 teaspoon of a 5% pharmacy alcohol solution of iodine. Mix everything carefully. "Jelly" will immediately turn blue.
Present in a solution of sugar and citric acid is necessary not only to improve its taste. Acid contributes to long-term storage of blue iodine, preventing its decomposition. So the blue iodine, prepared according to this recipe can be stored for several months without losing its properties, but to keep it is necessary in a sealed container. Their healing properties of blue iodine saves up until he has an intense blue color.
Recipe No. 2Возьмите tank with a volume of 250 ml, pour it in 1/4 Cup (50 ml) cold water. In water, mix 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of potato starch, and then immediately 1 teaspoon of 5% alcoholic solution of iodine. Then boil 200 ml (1 Cup water) and cool for 5 minutes, slowly pour in the iodine, the starch, continuously stirring with a spoon. You get a dark blue viscous solution. This is the blue iodine. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 20 days, yet will not lose its blue color. It is an indicator of its validity. Before use, the blue iodine should be shaken.
Contraindications and the combination of blue iodine with other forms of treatment• do Not combine the blue of iodine with drugs of chemical nature, particularly lowering blood pressure. If we take blue iodine during intensive treatment with medications, it may cause a negative reaction from the vascular system – breathlessness, palpitations, weakness and other symptoms.
• Cannot be combined blue iodine intake of thyroxine which is a thyroid hormone.
• Blue iodine is incompatible with solution of potassium permanganate and silver water.
• Women during menstruation blue iodine can not be accepted.
• Blue iodine cannot be used indefinitely, as, for example, hydrogen peroxide: can cause overdose, therefore requires periodic monitoring.
• When the disease is thrombophlebitis of the blue iodine can be taken in very small doses and only under medical supervision.
• Do not take blue iodine in the removal or destruction of the thyroid gland.
• Blue iodine is compatible with the therapeutic traditional medicine.
Blue iodine should not be taken during the destruction of the thyroid gland, but in limited doses for violation of its work. In diseases that affect the thyroid gland (thrombosis, cardiovascular, cancer, AIDS), should start taking blue iodine with minimal doses.
Prevention of iodine deficiency and treatment blue to blue iodapromonet iodine to prevent iodine deficiency should moderate, but not too small doses. The fact that a small dose of blue iodine may be not just useless, but even harmful. This was proved by V. O. Mokhnach, when I was testing the drug on his patients. His research showed that at low concentrations iodine blue (1 teaspoon per day) located in the human body pathogenic microbes can develop strains that are resistant to its action. Therefore, the optimal dose is 5 tea spoons of blue iodine a day, and the course of treatment is five days. Take the blue iodine always after eating, about 20-30 minutes.
When treating blue with iodine, there are other approaches. First, it all depends on the condition of the person, and secondly, from the disease. Common approaches to a full intact thyroid gland are as follows: take 8 spoons h. 1 times a day 30 minutes after meal, washing it down with a simple jelly. The course of treatment is 5 days, then 5 days break. You can take for 8 h. spoons every other day. The total duration of treatment is selected individually. If the person is very weakened, and disease – heavy dose of blue iodine is reduced to 2-3 h. spoons. The duration of intake adjust for being. In this case, about your method of treatment should know the attending physician, after receiving the blue iodine not combine a treatment with chemical agents.
The length of treatment blue with iodine depends on the presence or absence of iodine deficiency. If iodine deficiency is still observed, feel free to continue. If the body is already saturated with iodine, it is possible to suspend the treatment. Each person has their own need for this item.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.baby.ru/community/view/22622/forum/post/1581489/
Blue iodine was first tested in clinical practice in 1942 during the great Patriotic war. The drug gave patients a severe form of bacterial dysentery, which was at that time a deadly disease. Using blue iodine dysentery took place in just three days!
Then began to treat blue with iodine colitis and enterocolitis, once again the results exceeded all expectations: patients recovered eyes. The test results showed that the intestinal mucosa was purified from bacteria already on the fifth day of treatment, a blue with iodine. However, the daily dose of this drug was huge and was 500 g. in the treatment of other acute and chronic intestinal infections were applied and a large dose of blue iodine – up to 1500-2000 grams per day.

With the discovery of antibiotics and the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry is a simple and affordable tool was forgotten. Although the side effects of chemical drugs on the human body has created all new problems, which means that all new medicines.
After taking large doses of antibiotics often develop allergic reactions, almost always there is a dysbacteriosis, impaired metabolism, it affects all internal organs. Therefore, when antibiotic treatment for the patient advancing a vicious circle. It is not surprising that a huge number of people suffer from chronic diseases, taking handfuls of pills, to somehow maintain your health.
Here we answered the question of why blue iodine again gained popularity. However, as with any medication, this drug need to know how to cook, store, use and, of course, aware of its medicinal properties. This will be discussed further.
Healing properties of blue iodine iodine possesses all those properties, and elemental iodine, so his main task is to stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for all major functions of the body, protecting it from viruses and microbes, participating in the metabolism and relieving nervous tension. Since dysfunction of the thyroid leads to a disorder of the Central nervous system, blood circulation, and lowering the body's resistance to infections, with all the pathologies caused by iodine deficiency, blue iodine is indispensable. He is the most powerful drug is able to rapidly return the body to normal.
• Antiviral and antibacterial properties of blue iodine can successfully apply it in all acute and chronic diseases of infectious nature. These include colitis and enterocolitis, gastric ulcer, dysentery, diarrhea with blood poisoning, tonsillitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, long non-healing wounds and burns.
• The ability to influence the composition of blood makes the blue iodine an excellent tool to combat atherosclerosis. Blue iodine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, purifies blood vessels, increases the activity of white blood cells and red blood cells in the blood. Using blue iodine improves the elasticity of blood vessels, so it is used for the treatment of stroke, as well as Hypo– and hypertension: the blue iodine helps to normalize high and low blood pressure.
• Another property of the blue iodine – the ability to boost immunity. Therefore, the drug used in the treatment of various diseases: cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal, kidney and genitourinary organs. It is particularly important to conduct regular preventative treatments to not run the disease.
• Due to sedative properties of blue iodine can be taken as a sedative.
• Disinfectant, antiseptic and protective properties make the blue iodine is a great remedy for burns, especially in those cases when it is impossible to find urgent medical care (at the cottage in the woods, etc.).
How to prepare and store blue yodamaster two methods of preparation of blue iodine. The first most often mentioned in recipes, actually invented V. O. Mokhnach. For this recipe we recommend the preparation of blue iodine. However, the second recipe has its advantages, although it is used much less frequently. It allows you to prepare blue iodine more soluble, eliminating even the minimum possibility of irritation or burns of the mucous of the throat and esophagus when eating. Obviously, the second recipe blue iodine suitable for people with sensitive skin and mucous membranes.
Recipe No. 1 (V. O. Mokhnach)Take a quarter Cup (50 ml) of warm water and dissolve in it 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of potato starch. Stir and add 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of sugar and a few crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid. Mix again.
Then cook the "jelly". To do this, boil 3 /4 Cup (150 ml) of water and the boiling water carefully and slowly pour the solution of starch. "Jelly" to cool at room temperature and in the cooled liquid, pour 1 teaspoon of a 5% pharmacy alcohol solution of iodine. Mix everything carefully. "Jelly" will immediately turn blue.
Present in a solution of sugar and citric acid is necessary not only to improve its taste. Acid contributes to long-term storage of blue iodine, preventing its decomposition. So the blue iodine, prepared according to this recipe can be stored for several months without losing its properties, but to keep it is necessary in a sealed container. Their healing properties of blue iodine saves up until he has an intense blue color.
Recipe No. 2Возьмите tank with a volume of 250 ml, pour it in 1/4 Cup (50 ml) cold water. In water, mix 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of potato starch, and then immediately 1 teaspoon of 5% alcoholic solution of iodine. Then boil 200 ml (1 Cup water) and cool for 5 minutes, slowly pour in the iodine, the starch, continuously stirring with a spoon. You get a dark blue viscous solution. This is the blue iodine. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 20 days, yet will not lose its blue color. It is an indicator of its validity. Before use, the blue iodine should be shaken.
Contraindications and the combination of blue iodine with other forms of treatment• do Not combine the blue of iodine with drugs of chemical nature, particularly lowering blood pressure. If we take blue iodine during intensive treatment with medications, it may cause a negative reaction from the vascular system – breathlessness, palpitations, weakness and other symptoms.
• Cannot be combined blue iodine intake of thyroxine which is a thyroid hormone.
• Blue iodine is incompatible with solution of potassium permanganate and silver water.
• Women during menstruation blue iodine can not be accepted.
• Blue iodine cannot be used indefinitely, as, for example, hydrogen peroxide: can cause overdose, therefore requires periodic monitoring.
• When the disease is thrombophlebitis of the blue iodine can be taken in very small doses and only under medical supervision.
• Do not take blue iodine in the removal or destruction of the thyroid gland.
• Blue iodine is compatible with the therapeutic traditional medicine.
Blue iodine should not be taken during the destruction of the thyroid gland, but in limited doses for violation of its work. In diseases that affect the thyroid gland (thrombosis, cardiovascular, cancer, AIDS), should start taking blue iodine with minimal doses.
Prevention of iodine deficiency and treatment blue to blue iodapromonet iodine to prevent iodine deficiency should moderate, but not too small doses. The fact that a small dose of blue iodine may be not just useless, but even harmful. This was proved by V. O. Mokhnach, when I was testing the drug on his patients. His research showed that at low concentrations iodine blue (1 teaspoon per day) located in the human body pathogenic microbes can develop strains that are resistant to its action. Therefore, the optimal dose is 5 tea spoons of blue iodine a day, and the course of treatment is five days. Take the blue iodine always after eating, about 20-30 minutes.
When treating blue with iodine, there are other approaches. First, it all depends on the condition of the person, and secondly, from the disease. Common approaches to a full intact thyroid gland are as follows: take 8 spoons h. 1 times a day 30 minutes after meal, washing it down with a simple jelly. The course of treatment is 5 days, then 5 days break. You can take for 8 h. spoons every other day. The total duration of treatment is selected individually. If the person is very weakened, and disease – heavy dose of blue iodine is reduced to 2-3 h. spoons. The duration of intake adjust for being. In this case, about your method of treatment should know the attending physician, after receiving the blue iodine not combine a treatment with chemical agents.
The length of treatment blue with iodine depends on the presence or absence of iodine deficiency. If iodine deficiency is still observed, feel free to continue. If the body is already saturated with iodine, it is possible to suspend the treatment. Each person has their own need for this item.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.baby.ru/community/view/22622/forum/post/1581489/