Beauty actress of Soviet cinema
Lyudmila Gurchenko
Born on 12 November 1935.
In 1958 she graduated from the Film Institute, he has played in "Contemporary" and State Concert Theatre (1966-1969). She starred in such popularly favorite movies like "Carnival Night", "Beloved Woman Mechanic Gavrilov" "," Love and Pigeons "," Station for Two ».
Best Actress in 1983 in a survey of the magazine "Soviet Screen". People's Artist of USSR (1983).
He has the Order "For Services to the Fatherland» IV degree (2000).
"Why are painted? This is my natural color! »
Hope Rumyantsev
She was born September 9, 1930 in the village of Smolensk region.
In 1948-1950 - the actress of the Central Children's Theatre in 1955 - studio theater actor.
The winner of the All-Union Film Festival in the category "Award for the actors" for 1960.
In 1963 he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
The most famous films - "Girls", "Queen of the petrol station».
"Kissing will not. And poperedelaem today, for tomorrow will be nothing left! »
Svetlana Svetlichnaya
Born May 15, 1940 in Armenia, in 1963 he graduated from the VGIK.
Since 1963 - the actress studio theater actor.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
Her movies have glorified "Thirty-three", "Cook", "The Diamond Arm».
"I'm not guilty, he has come!»
Irina Alferov
Born in Novosibirsk 13 March 1951.
She graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Arts. Lunacharsky.
Since 1976 - actress Lenk.
Notable films: "The Road to Calvary," "The Three Musketeers," "Do not part with your beloved».
Honored Artist of Russia (1993).
Our favorite Constance Bonacieux!
Alisa Freundlich
Born on December 8, 1934 in Leningrad, in a family of well-known actor Bruno Freundlich. He graduated from the Leningrad Theatre Institute. Alexander Ostrovsky.
1976 - Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. Stanislavsky theater of operation.
People's Artist of USSR (1981).
"Princess and the Pea", "Office Romance", "D'Artanyan and 3 Musketeers," "The Mystery of the Snow Queen," "Cruel Romance", "Stalker».
Dry-Wet mymra and Queen of France!
Natalia Andreichenko
Born on May 3 1956.
She graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in 1977.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
"Lullaby for men", "Leaving - leave", "Wartime Romance," "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!».
You - perfect!
Leah Akhedzhakova
Born on July 9, 1938 in Dnepropetrovsk. She graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Arts. Lunacharsky (1962). Since 1961 - the actress MTYUZ, 1977 - Theater "Sovremennik»
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1970). People's Artist of Russia (1994).
"I am a man", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", "Office Romance", "Garage»,
"Old horse", "Playing the Victim".
"The woman should be a mystery!»
Elina Bystritskaya
Born on April 4 1928.
She graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Arts in 1953.
Since 1953 - the actress Vilnius Russian Drama Theatre, from 1956 - the Moscow Drama Theater. Pushkin, 1958 - Actress Akademicheskoggo Theater of the USSR. From 1979 - teacher GITIS them. Lunacharsky.
People's Artist of USSR (1978).
"Unfinished story", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Summer residents».
Larisa Guzeeva
Born May 23, 1959 in the village of Orenburg region.
Since 1986 - the actress film studio "Lenfilm».
Honored Artist of Russia (1994).
"Cruel Romance", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson," "Secret Fairway", "Life of Klim Samgin».
Bride Russian culture.
Olga machine interface
Born on June 29th, 1964 in Leningrad. She graduated from the VGIK. Since 1986 - the actress film studio. Gorky.
"Vassa", "Guys", "Kin-Dza-Dza", "Midshipmen, forward!", "St. John's wort».
Sofia !!! - Alyosha !!!
Irina Miroshnichenko
Born on July 24, 1942. She graduated from the school-studio at the Moscow Art Theatre.
Since 1965 - the actress MAT.
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).
"Walking the Streets of Moscow", "My love, my sorrow", "blunder", "You can not dream ..." "Old New Year", "Winter Cherry 2»
Yevgeny Simonov
People's Artist of Russia (1995).
Born June 1, 1955 in Leningrad. After graduating in 1976 Drama School BV Shchukin.
Actress of the Moscow Academic Mayakovsky Theater.
Winner of USSR State Prize (1984, for a theatrical work).
Winner of the "Golden Eagle" for Best Actress in a TV movie in 2006 ("Children of the Arbat»).
"Go to fight some old", "Athos", "Ordinary Miracle", "School Waltz", "Children of the Arbat»
"Hi, brown-eyed!»
Irina Muravyov
Born on February 8, 1949 in Moscow in the family of a serviceman.
In 1970 she graduated from drama school at the Central Children's Theater;
In 1970-1977 - the actress Central Children's Theater;
In 1977-1993 - the actress Theatre. Moscow City Council;
In 1982, when the Mossovet Theater actress, graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Art im.AVLunacharskogo (course Oscar Yakovlevich Remiza);
Since 1993 - the actress of the Maly Theater.
Winner of USSR State Prize (1981 - for participation in the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears»).
People's Artist of Russia (1994).
"Midsomer Murders", "Duenna", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Carnival", "The most charming and attractive", "Stage of Gribov", "When are late to the registry office ...».
"I - the most charming and attractive!»
Olga Ostroumova
Born on September 1 1947.
Graduated GITIS them. Lunacharsky. Since 1970 - the actress of the Moscow Youth Theatre, in 1973-1983 - Theatre on Malaya Bronnaya, 1983 - Theatre. Moscow City Council.
People's Artist of Russia (1993).
"We'll Live Till Monday", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...", "garage", "Vasily and Vasilisa", "very faithful wife", "Snake Spring».
The world's best Zhenya Komelkova!
Elena Proklova
Born September 2, 1953 in Moscow. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School (1973). Since 1973 - the actress MAT.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985).
"The Snow Queen", "Mimino", "dog in the manger", "Be my husband».
Our Gerda!
Natalya Varley
Born on 22 June 1947.
She graduated from the acrobatic department of the State College of Circus and Variety Arts (1965), the Theater School. B. Shchukin (1971). Until 1967 - Moscow State Circus tightrope walker. In 1971-1978 - the actress of Drama Theatre. Stanislavsky.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989).
"Kidnapping, Caucasian Style", "Wii", "Seven Brides corporal Zbrueva", "The Twelve Chairs," "Three Days in Moscow", "Talisman", "No access allowed", "The Wizard of Oz." < br />
Margarita Terekhova
Born August 25, 1942 in the city of Sverdlovsk Turinsk area. She graduated from the school at the Academic Theatre. Moscow City Council (1964). Since 1964 - actress Theater. Moscow City Council. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976).
"Hello, it's me!", "Running on Waves", "Belarusian Station", "Mirror", "dog in the manger", "The Three Musketeers," "The Pious Marta».
"Love ... Why do you torture me?»
Alexander Zakharov
Born June 17, 1962 in Moscow, the son of film and theater director Mark Zakharov. She graduated from the Theater School. B. Shchukin.
The actress of the Moscow theater Lenkom.
In 2001. awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.
"The House that Swift Built", "Formula of Love," "Criminal talent", "Kill the Dragon", "The Fall».
"Amor ... and eyes so - s!»
Lyubov Polishchuk
October 21, 1949 - November 28, 2006
Born in Omsk. She graduated from the All-Russia creative workshops pop art (1967), GITIS them. Lunacharsky (1985). Until 1988 - actress conversational genre of the Omsk Philharmonic, the Moscow music-hall theater "Hermitage" from 1990 - actress "School of modern play" under the direction of Raihelgauz.
People's Artist of Russia (1994)
"June 31", "In my death I ask blame Klava K", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel," "Zmeelov", "Love and Privileges", "My sailor».
Born on 12 November 1935.
In 1958 she graduated from the Film Institute, he has played in "Contemporary" and State Concert Theatre (1966-1969). She starred in such popularly favorite movies like "Carnival Night", "Beloved Woman Mechanic Gavrilov" "," Love and Pigeons "," Station for Two ».
Best Actress in 1983 in a survey of the magazine "Soviet Screen". People's Artist of USSR (1983).
He has the Order "For Services to the Fatherland» IV degree (2000).

"Why are painted? This is my natural color! »
Hope Rumyantsev
She was born September 9, 1930 in the village of Smolensk region.
In 1948-1950 - the actress of the Central Children's Theatre in 1955 - studio theater actor.
The winner of the All-Union Film Festival in the category "Award for the actors" for 1960.
In 1963 he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
The most famous films - "Girls", "Queen of the petrol station».

"Kissing will not. And poperedelaem today, for tomorrow will be nothing left! »
Svetlana Svetlichnaya
Born May 15, 1940 in Armenia, in 1963 he graduated from the VGIK.
Since 1963 - the actress studio theater actor.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
Her movies have glorified "Thirty-three", "Cook", "The Diamond Arm».

"I'm not guilty, he has come!»
Irina Alferov
Born in Novosibirsk 13 March 1951.
She graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Arts. Lunacharsky.
Since 1976 - actress Lenk.
Notable films: "The Road to Calvary," "The Three Musketeers," "Do not part with your beloved».
Honored Artist of Russia (1993).

Our favorite Constance Bonacieux!
Alisa Freundlich
Born on December 8, 1934 in Leningrad, in a family of well-known actor Bruno Freundlich. He graduated from the Leningrad Theatre Institute. Alexander Ostrovsky.
1976 - Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. Stanislavsky theater of operation.
People's Artist of USSR (1981).
"Princess and the Pea", "Office Romance", "D'Artanyan and 3 Musketeers," "The Mystery of the Snow Queen," "Cruel Romance", "Stalker».

Dry-Wet mymra and Queen of France!
Natalia Andreichenko
Born on May 3 1956.
She graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in 1977.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
"Lullaby for men", "Leaving - leave", "Wartime Romance," "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!».

You - perfect!
Leah Akhedzhakova
Born on July 9, 1938 in Dnepropetrovsk. She graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Arts. Lunacharsky (1962). Since 1961 - the actress MTYUZ, 1977 - Theater "Sovremennik»
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1970). People's Artist of Russia (1994).
"I am a man", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", "Office Romance", "Garage»,
"Old horse", "Playing the Victim".

"The woman should be a mystery!»
Elina Bystritskaya
Born on April 4 1928.
She graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Arts in 1953.
Since 1953 - the actress Vilnius Russian Drama Theatre, from 1956 - the Moscow Drama Theater. Pushkin, 1958 - Actress Akademicheskoggo Theater of the USSR. From 1979 - teacher GITIS them. Lunacharsky.
People's Artist of USSR (1978).
"Unfinished story", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Summer residents».

Larisa Guzeeva
Born May 23, 1959 in the village of Orenburg region.
Since 1986 - the actress film studio "Lenfilm».
Honored Artist of Russia (1994).
"Cruel Romance", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson," "Secret Fairway", "Life of Klim Samgin».

Bride Russian culture.
Olga machine interface
Born on June 29th, 1964 in Leningrad. She graduated from the VGIK. Since 1986 - the actress film studio. Gorky.
"Vassa", "Guys", "Kin-Dza-Dza", "Midshipmen, forward!", "St. John's wort».

Sofia !!! - Alyosha !!!
Irina Miroshnichenko
Born on July 24, 1942. She graduated from the school-studio at the Moscow Art Theatre.
Since 1965 - the actress MAT.
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).
"Walking the Streets of Moscow", "My love, my sorrow", "blunder", "You can not dream ..." "Old New Year", "Winter Cherry 2»

Yevgeny Simonov
People's Artist of Russia (1995).
Born June 1, 1955 in Leningrad. After graduating in 1976 Drama School BV Shchukin.
Actress of the Moscow Academic Mayakovsky Theater.
Winner of USSR State Prize (1984, for a theatrical work).
Winner of the "Golden Eagle" for Best Actress in a TV movie in 2006 ("Children of the Arbat»).
"Go to fight some old", "Athos", "Ordinary Miracle", "School Waltz", "Children of the Arbat»

"Hi, brown-eyed!»
Irina Muravyov
Born on February 8, 1949 in Moscow in the family of a serviceman.
In 1970 she graduated from drama school at the Central Children's Theater;
In 1970-1977 - the actress Central Children's Theater;
In 1977-1993 - the actress Theatre. Moscow City Council;
In 1982, when the Mossovet Theater actress, graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Art im.AVLunacharskogo (course Oscar Yakovlevich Remiza);
Since 1993 - the actress of the Maly Theater.
Winner of USSR State Prize (1981 - for participation in the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears»).
People's Artist of Russia (1994).
"Midsomer Murders", "Duenna", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Carnival", "The most charming and attractive", "Stage of Gribov", "When are late to the registry office ...».

"I - the most charming and attractive!»
Olga Ostroumova
Born on September 1 1947.
Graduated GITIS them. Lunacharsky. Since 1970 - the actress of the Moscow Youth Theatre, in 1973-1983 - Theatre on Malaya Bronnaya, 1983 - Theatre. Moscow City Council.
People's Artist of Russia (1993).
"We'll Live Till Monday", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...", "garage", "Vasily and Vasilisa", "very faithful wife", "Snake Spring».

The world's best Zhenya Komelkova!
Elena Proklova
Born September 2, 1953 in Moscow. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School (1973). Since 1973 - the actress MAT.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985).
"The Snow Queen", "Mimino", "dog in the manger", "Be my husband».

Our Gerda!
Natalya Varley
Born on 22 June 1947.
She graduated from the acrobatic department of the State College of Circus and Variety Arts (1965), the Theater School. B. Shchukin (1971). Until 1967 - Moscow State Circus tightrope walker. In 1971-1978 - the actress of Drama Theatre. Stanislavsky.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989).
"Kidnapping, Caucasian Style", "Wii", "Seven Brides corporal Zbrueva", "The Twelve Chairs," "Three Days in Moscow", "Talisman", "No access allowed", "The Wizard of Oz." < br />

Margarita Terekhova
Born August 25, 1942 in the city of Sverdlovsk Turinsk area. She graduated from the school at the Academic Theatre. Moscow City Council (1964). Since 1964 - actress Theater. Moscow City Council. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976).
"Hello, it's me!", "Running on Waves", "Belarusian Station", "Mirror", "dog in the manger", "The Three Musketeers," "The Pious Marta».

"Love ... Why do you torture me?»
Alexander Zakharov
Born June 17, 1962 in Moscow, the son of film and theater director Mark Zakharov. She graduated from the Theater School. B. Shchukin.
The actress of the Moscow theater Lenkom.
In 2001. awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.
"The House that Swift Built", "Formula of Love," "Criminal talent", "Kill the Dragon", "The Fall».

"Amor ... and eyes so - s!»
Lyubov Polishchuk
October 21, 1949 - November 28, 2006
Born in Omsk. She graduated from the All-Russia creative workshops pop art (1967), GITIS them. Lunacharsky (1985). Until 1988 - actress conversational genre of the Omsk Philharmonic, the Moscow music-hall theater "Hermitage" from 1990 - actress "School of modern play" under the direction of Raihelgauz.
People's Artist of Russia (1994)
"June 31", "In my death I ask blame Klava K", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel," "Zmeelov", "Love and Privileges", "My sailor».