Dry fasting: a rejuvenating effect
1. During dry fasting the body put in more stringent conditions, it shall be reconstructed so that "produce" not only foodstuffs, but water
Body tissues are broken down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.
Stages of fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as when "wet", but the terms are significantly reduced.
So, the stage of "arousal food" lasts less than a day, the stage of "growing ketoacidosis" — 1 to 3 days.
On the third day of dry fasting comes ketoatsidoticheskaya crisis. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs at 9 – 11 days.
The sooner begins acidotic crisis, the faster it goes, the more time remains for the updates, treat, and cleanse the body. Autolysis during the passage of dry fasting comes much earlier than in other types of fasting, so much faster disappear all cystic tumors and benign tumors.
2. During wet fasting the body receives exogenous water, i.e. water outside
And it is the main cleaning factor. By law, the biological feasibility, the cell in this case is spending a minimum of their own energy – and so all is normal: all toxins, poisons, toxins are dissolved and, figuratively speaking, there is leaching of toxins from the cells from the intercellular space.
But the water is very necessary, and the cells lose these concessions, especially the sick and changed. In such circumstances, survive the strongest, most healthy cells and they, Willy-nilly, to survive in such a severe, harsh conditions, it is necessary to intensify the production of its own – super high-quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than the exogenous water, again, based on the biological law of expediency. Because of the energy the cell must expend a lot – hence the product that have the quality to correspond to the effort invested.
It's not the human mind, which can be wrong. It is nature itself that provides any scenario and doing everything to keep life going.
Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared to a poisoned river where dumps waste from the local chemical plant during flood and mountain stream originating from the earth and fueled by meltwater from the healing energy.
3. There is a replacement of old dead water, living water quality, synthesized by the body, and erased all the negative information listed in the our body from the outside
After not very long fasting without water, we are forcing the body to process the water which it contains, and thus we would like updated information, and because at the end of hunger awareness pristine and represent the information matrix, where nothing negative is not recorded environment.
This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and also we can say, is one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of dry fasting.
Such arrangements do not exist in any of the types of fasting that exist in nature.
4. Many have noted that dry fasting is physically transferred more easily fasting on water, primarily because of the lack of the sense of hunger and less intoxication
It is, in General, is not surprising. The fact that the water outside the body water and assimilated – it is two big differences. Molecule entering water body processes, cleans unnecessary information structures and turns in "their" having the properties of a given organism. For this it is the same as for digestion, you need to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute starvation more fully, as it provides complete rest. If the body fails to receive food and a dead, heavy water, in fact our blood is not getting many harmful substances. So the blood is constantly clean our bodies, that is actually the same composition of blood repeatedly be purified through the filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. On dry fasting, occurs absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so physically it is easier.
5. Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulirutuyu the effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than when wet starvation
The thing is that inflammation can not exist without water. Any inflammation place swelling (swelling with water). Only sufficient water environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. The shortage of water is detrimental for inflammation.
Due to the dehydration starts the strongest competition between body cells and pathogens for water. The cells of the body in the position of the host select water from micro-organisms, but the organism can not only synthesize the endogenous water in the required quantity, the water in this period comes from the air being absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body is in the process of SG does not work for the allocation and absorption. Strong healthy cells get the extra energy and water, and sick, viruses and bacteria can not. Germs, viruses, and worms without water die instantly.
When dry fasting achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids.
At carrying out of dry fasting the temperature rises, gives a positive immunological effects:
Most importantly from my experience, temperature is an important indicator of the body's defenses. If during the C there is the temperature, the prognosis of cure is very large.
6. In wet starvation to enhance the detoxification effect using special treatments: enemas, colon hydrotherapy, bath, sauna etc.
On dry fasting the body to neutralize poisons or toxins, includes a completely unique mechanisms that are neither at the sight of starvation. During the dry fasting is incineration toxins, we can say, in his own furnace – every cell in the absence of water, runs an internal fusion reaction. It is a kind of extreme Express method destruction within the cells of all unnecessary, difficult, painful. Each cell at the time turns into a mini-furnace mini - reactor. It is as if the internal temperature of the body. This temperature can not register a thermometer, but it felt by people during the passage of dry fasting as internal heat, fire or chills.
The most important point in this condition is that the temperature itself is an important part of defensive reactions.
From our experience we know that when the temperature is destroyed all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells and completely suspend their livelihoods. This process speeds recovery. In response to the increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to hunt down and kill all alien and changed.
During dry fasting no enema is not needed, as the absorption of toxins from the intestine is missing due to the lack of water. Therefore, pri this kind of fasting this is not intoxication, what happens in other types of starvation. Respectively physically dry fasting is transferred much easier.
7. The effect of weight loss
When the SG in the human body is not receiving neither food nor water, i.e., completely stops the flow of energy from the outside. The body is forced to produce energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside ourselves. Therefore, in the body start to occur very different, unusual chemical reaction, ie change of metabolic processes. Lost less muscle relative to fat.
During water fasting loss of muscle and adipose tissue is almost equal proportions.
During dry fasting the person is like a camel, first and foremost, the body maintains its vital functions at the expense of fat stores. Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently, and never recovers its original volume, it breaks up 3-4 times faster muscle, because fat tissue more than 90% consists of water and muscle tissue remained relatively intact.
The same organism from water deficit does not suffer and his needs is water from the adipose tissue.
When dry fasting adipose tissue is burned exactly 3 times faster than during fasting on water. While full recovery of adipose tissue never occurs and that it compares favorably of fasting on water.
It is noted early and more complete breakdown of deposited fats than with water fasting. If after usual fasting is sufficiently rapid full recovery of adipose tissue (under the former food), when dry this happens to a lesser degree.
Unlike many remedies for weight loss that dry fasting is worth nothing and most importantly — is harmless, so is effective for the treatment of obesity. Transferred more easily than many debilitating starvation diets that do not bring nothing but harm.
The power of their own stocks perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment he needs, and not the fact that he was artificially imposed from the outside.
8. Rejuvenating effect
Why the dry fasting is more powerful rejuvenation of the body than when wet starvation? Hard extreme conditions can't withstand the diseased cells, degenerate, weak. They die and disintegrate.
Which remain? Those who have good organization, hard-working and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to pass such harsh conditions, survived and preserved viability.
Thus, fasting helps to cull unnecessary, weak, sick and harmful. This cell-parasites. They do not perform their duties, work, responsibilities. And better if to get rid of them in time not to let them die a natural death. Because, in this case, they manage to create such offspring. The same dead, ruin and unusable. Multiplying, cells divide. Offspring can surpass in quality. Apple not far from the tree rolls.
But left after the starvation the cells are strong, they have something in the division and will give an improvement in quality. Their offspring will have the characteristics of stem cells.
I of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend of count Cagliostro. According to some versions of the count of Cagliostro was doing dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And based on some of the allegations, during such fasts he sprinkled himself some powder. What awful torments. His skin is as a result of these posypanny cracked and peeling, like a snake. But after the fast he looked like 25 years. Such execution on himself count Cagliostro held every 50 years and demanded the same from their environment.
Now it is difficult to separate these legends fact from fiction. But from the standpoint of logic here, everything is spotless.
That is, most likely, lies the mystery of eternal youth count Cagliostro, one of the claims lived 5,000 years and others living for ever. By the way, is the Earl recruited people kindly, balanced and consonant to the same practice periodically, and the count himself, of starvation.
Fasting Cagliostro and his entourage were not some end in itself, was only a means to obtain good health, which in turn was necessary for rugged, active life with feasts and feasting.
Here's the perfect combination of dry fasting and methods of modern cosmetology, of course, in this situation such a long dry fasting is not necessary, you can do dry fractional starvation in combination with chemical peels.published
Author: Sergey Filonov
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: filonov.net/statji/preimushestvo-suhogo-golodaniya
Body tissues are broken down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.
Stages of fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as when "wet", but the terms are significantly reduced.

So, the stage of "arousal food" lasts less than a day, the stage of "growing ketoacidosis" — 1 to 3 days.
On the third day of dry fasting comes ketoatsidoticheskaya crisis. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs at 9 – 11 days.
The sooner begins acidotic crisis, the faster it goes, the more time remains for the updates, treat, and cleanse the body. Autolysis during the passage of dry fasting comes much earlier than in other types of fasting, so much faster disappear all cystic tumors and benign tumors.
2. During wet fasting the body receives exogenous water, i.e. water outside
And it is the main cleaning factor. By law, the biological feasibility, the cell in this case is spending a minimum of their own energy – and so all is normal: all toxins, poisons, toxins are dissolved and, figuratively speaking, there is leaching of toxins from the cells from the intercellular space.
But the water is very necessary, and the cells lose these concessions, especially the sick and changed. In such circumstances, survive the strongest, most healthy cells and they, Willy-nilly, to survive in such a severe, harsh conditions, it is necessary to intensify the production of its own – super high-quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than the exogenous water, again, based on the biological law of expediency. Because of the energy the cell must expend a lot – hence the product that have the quality to correspond to the effort invested.
It's not the human mind, which can be wrong. It is nature itself that provides any scenario and doing everything to keep life going.
Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared to a poisoned river where dumps waste from the local chemical plant during flood and mountain stream originating from the earth and fueled by meltwater from the healing energy.
3. There is a replacement of old dead water, living water quality, synthesized by the body, and erased all the negative information listed in the our body from the outside
After not very long fasting without water, we are forcing the body to process the water which it contains, and thus we would like updated information, and because at the end of hunger awareness pristine and represent the information matrix, where nothing negative is not recorded environment.
This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and also we can say, is one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of dry fasting.
Such arrangements do not exist in any of the types of fasting that exist in nature.
4. Many have noted that dry fasting is physically transferred more easily fasting on water, primarily because of the lack of the sense of hunger and less intoxication
It is, in General, is not surprising. The fact that the water outside the body water and assimilated – it is two big differences. Molecule entering water body processes, cleans unnecessary information structures and turns in "their" having the properties of a given organism. For this it is the same as for digestion, you need to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute starvation more fully, as it provides complete rest. If the body fails to receive food and a dead, heavy water, in fact our blood is not getting many harmful substances. So the blood is constantly clean our bodies, that is actually the same composition of blood repeatedly be purified through the filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. On dry fasting, occurs absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so physically it is easier.
5. Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulirutuyu the effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than when wet starvation
The thing is that inflammation can not exist without water. Any inflammation place swelling (swelling with water). Only sufficient water environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. The shortage of water is detrimental for inflammation.
Due to the dehydration starts the strongest competition between body cells and pathogens for water. The cells of the body in the position of the host select water from micro-organisms, but the organism can not only synthesize the endogenous water in the required quantity, the water in this period comes from the air being absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body is in the process of SG does not work for the allocation and absorption. Strong healthy cells get the extra energy and water, and sick, viruses and bacteria can not. Germs, viruses, and worms without water die instantly.
When dry fasting achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids.
At carrying out of dry fasting the temperature rises, gives a positive immunological effects:
- Increased production of interferon
- Increase antiviral and antitumor activity of interferon
- Increase T-cell proliferation
- Increasing the phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils, increase the cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes
- The reduction in the growth and virulence of microorganisms.
Most importantly from my experience, temperature is an important indicator of the body's defenses. If during the C there is the temperature, the prognosis of cure is very large.
6. In wet starvation to enhance the detoxification effect using special treatments: enemas, colon hydrotherapy, bath, sauna etc.
On dry fasting the body to neutralize poisons or toxins, includes a completely unique mechanisms that are neither at the sight of starvation. During the dry fasting is incineration toxins, we can say, in his own furnace – every cell in the absence of water, runs an internal fusion reaction. It is a kind of extreme Express method destruction within the cells of all unnecessary, difficult, painful. Each cell at the time turns into a mini-furnace mini - reactor. It is as if the internal temperature of the body. This temperature can not register a thermometer, but it felt by people during the passage of dry fasting as internal heat, fire or chills.
The most important point in this condition is that the temperature itself is an important part of defensive reactions.
From our experience we know that when the temperature is destroyed all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells and completely suspend their livelihoods. This process speeds recovery. In response to the increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to hunt down and kill all alien and changed.
During dry fasting no enema is not needed, as the absorption of toxins from the intestine is missing due to the lack of water. Therefore, pri this kind of fasting this is not intoxication, what happens in other types of starvation. Respectively physically dry fasting is transferred much easier.
7. The effect of weight loss
When the SG in the human body is not receiving neither food nor water, i.e., completely stops the flow of energy from the outside. The body is forced to produce energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside ourselves. Therefore, in the body start to occur very different, unusual chemical reaction, ie change of metabolic processes. Lost less muscle relative to fat.
During water fasting loss of muscle and adipose tissue is almost equal proportions.
During dry fasting the person is like a camel, first and foremost, the body maintains its vital functions at the expense of fat stores. Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently, and never recovers its original volume, it breaks up 3-4 times faster muscle, because fat tissue more than 90% consists of water and muscle tissue remained relatively intact.
The same organism from water deficit does not suffer and his needs is water from the adipose tissue.
When dry fasting adipose tissue is burned exactly 3 times faster than during fasting on water. While full recovery of adipose tissue never occurs and that it compares favorably of fasting on water.
It is noted early and more complete breakdown of deposited fats than with water fasting. If after usual fasting is sufficiently rapid full recovery of adipose tissue (under the former food), when dry this happens to a lesser degree.
Unlike many remedies for weight loss that dry fasting is worth nothing and most importantly — is harmless, so is effective for the treatment of obesity. Transferred more easily than many debilitating starvation diets that do not bring nothing but harm.
The power of their own stocks perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment he needs, and not the fact that he was artificially imposed from the outside.
8. Rejuvenating effect
Why the dry fasting is more powerful rejuvenation of the body than when wet starvation? Hard extreme conditions can't withstand the diseased cells, degenerate, weak. They die and disintegrate.
Which remain? Those who have good organization, hard-working and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to pass such harsh conditions, survived and preserved viability.
Thus, fasting helps to cull unnecessary, weak, sick and harmful. This cell-parasites. They do not perform their duties, work, responsibilities. And better if to get rid of them in time not to let them die a natural death. Because, in this case, they manage to create such offspring. The same dead, ruin and unusable. Multiplying, cells divide. Offspring can surpass in quality. Apple not far from the tree rolls.
But left after the starvation the cells are strong, they have something in the division and will give an improvement in quality. Their offspring will have the characteristics of stem cells.
I of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend of count Cagliostro. According to some versions of the count of Cagliostro was doing dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And based on some of the allegations, during such fasts he sprinkled himself some powder. What awful torments. His skin is as a result of these posypanny cracked and peeling, like a snake. But after the fast he looked like 25 years. Such execution on himself count Cagliostro held every 50 years and demanded the same from their environment.
Now it is difficult to separate these legends fact from fiction. But from the standpoint of logic here, everything is spotless.
- On the one hand dry forty days fasting in itself is mobilizing internal resources factor in the situation already mentioned by us, smarterphone.
- On the other hand , the powder (composition unknown), which is sprinkled on himself a great magician, if not been some chemical reagent that promotes rejuvenation, by itself, adding dryness to the body, this influenced the mobilization of even more than just when dry fasting, but because this powder contributed to a better rejuvenation of the body. After all the box had in the days of famine focusing all his will on the patient and thus literally to sweep away the old age and infirmity from the body, not to mention the diseases, infections, harmful bacteria.
That is, most likely, lies the mystery of eternal youth count Cagliostro, one of the claims lived 5,000 years and others living for ever. By the way, is the Earl recruited people kindly, balanced and consonant to the same practice periodically, and the count himself, of starvation.
Fasting Cagliostro and his entourage were not some end in itself, was only a means to obtain good health, which in turn was necessary for rugged, active life with feasts and feasting.
Here's the perfect combination of dry fasting and methods of modern cosmetology, of course, in this situation such a long dry fasting is not necessary, you can do dry fractional starvation in combination with chemical peels.published
Author: Sergey Filonov
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: filonov.net/statji/preimushestvo-suhogo-golodaniya