Rejuvenation - one exercise!

It seems incredible, but with just one simple exercise can get rid of wrinkles and gray hair! Facial rejuvenation is a reflection of the processes occurring in the body as a whole. This exercise leads to a rejuvenation of the entire body! So what is this wonderful exercise for rejuvenation?
This exercise is familiar to us from childhood. And, at the same time it is one of the key 3, yogis used for rejuvenation. We know it under the name "birch».
On what is based the rejuvenating effect of this exercise?
Rejuvenation - from the point of view of yoga.
Rejuvenation - from a scientific point of view.
Rejuvenation - in terms of yoga:
In the literature about yoga, you can learn about Soma chakra, which is located in the upper part of the forehead. So, this chakra exudes the so-called lunar nectar that slowly drains the body of energy flow in the solar plexus.
Nectar is considered a source of youth and health, it flows down to the solar plexus chakra in the district of Manipur, which is fiery chakra. This is the most fiery chakra Manipur burns nectar, which automatically leads to aging.
In order to prevent burning of Manipur chakra the nectar of immortality, you just have to accept the inverted position, ie turn the body upright and the nectar does not fall on the solar plexus. Nectar starts to flow in the other direction, or accumulates in the head, resulting in the rejuvenation and development of unusual abilities, the most famous of which - clairvoyance and clairaudience.
In order to achieve this method of rejuvenation, yoga recommends the following asanas (positions):
Stand on the blades with raised legs (or "birch»),
The greatest effect is the fulfillment of all these asanas, but stand on his head can cause unwanted side effects if run it properly. In principle, it is sufficient to perform the simplest of these asanas - birch. There are 2 ways of its implementation:
Rejuvenation: Sarvangasana.
Rejuvenation: Viparita-Karani.
Performing Sarvangasanu, you must ensure that there are no heavy load on the cervical spine. In other possible serious injuries. Injuries of this kind are most susceptible to well-trained newcomers who deceives the apparent ease of this asana.
Viparita-Karani, in this sense is much safer.
After one of these asanas should move his legs behind his head, and then gently down on his back, vertebra by vertebra. Then be sure to relax supine (on the floor or other hard and flat surface).
Here is what they write about Viparita-Karani in classical treatises:
Practice Viparita-Karani Mudra remains young body. The skin does not fade and the hair does not become gray over time. Wrinkles and gray hair disappear in six months. And gradually darken the hair, even in those with whom they have almost completely turned gray.
As for the length of stay in an inverted position to achieve the desired effect (rejuvenation of the entire body, getting rid of wrinkles and gray hair) Various sources differ. Some treatises asserts that it is necessary to remain in this position for at least 30 minutes, while others said, enough 8 minutes a day.
But one thing all sources agree: one should start with 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise (you can dobyvlyat to 30 seconds per day).
Rejuvenation - from a scientific point of view:
Reversed body removes some of the load from the circulatory system due to the need to overcome the force of gravity during the passage of the blood of the lower body. Blood rushes to the abdomen and upper body, in particular - to the neck and head. The blood vessels of the legs a rest, the brain receives an additional blood supply, thyroid abundantly washed with fresh blood.
In addition, this exercise eliminates constipation, indigestion, anemia, increases the appetite and the body's overall vitality. Viparita-Karani helps neutralize and destroy toxins in the body.
Well, no harm will notice improvements in the muscles of the upper body and flexibility of the spine, on the condition that affects the normal functioning of almost all organs of the body.
Exercise for rejuvenation - contra-indications and limitations:
You can do the exercise daily, in the morning. Breakfast before that it is not necessary, but you can drink a glass of juice.
This exercise is not compatible with the use of hard liquor - the effect of such practices can only be negative.
For the same reason as the spirits, it is desirable to eliminate all junk food and heavy: the most harmful products and meat.
At the same time, you should eat right and possible to increase the amount of food consumed (if you do not try to lose weight).
Women should not do this exercise during pregnancy or menstruation.
During the exercise, relax and close your eyes. If you are not able to relax in this position, then either you are doing something wrong (look again at the picture, which shows the correct position of the body in Viparita-Karani) or too fast increases the duration. Perform each exercise only until the discomfort and after some time will notice that you can be in this position longer without discomfort.
Patients can be Sarvangasane no more than 1 minute and Viparta-karani - up to 5 minutes.