If you pay a foot massage at least 15 minutes each day, then after a few weeks you will feel the courage, extraordinary lightness and a burst of energy. If you will patiently and consistently implement all the recommendations Ranzhita Mohanty, you can get rid of many diseases. Indian foot massage - a simple and proven way to health for centuries.
Try to master a simple way of improvement of their feet - charging. Yoga is considered the preparatory stage, warming.
This Indian gymnastics will have the following effects:
• ensure the mobility of the foot muscles;
• increase the power and strength of the muscles of the foot and lower leg;
• prevent the possibility of mechanical damage to the foot;
• relax and relieve the foot.
Exercise 1. meerkat patrol
Standing on the floor, get up on his toes, slowly lower your heels. Quickly get up on her toes and slowly lower the heel, repeated 5 times (development of the calf muscles).
Exercise 2: Crane on the swamp
On tiptoe several times to walk around the room.
Exercise 3: The caterpillar
Standing on the floor throughout the sole, their feet parallel to each other. Moving feet, imitating a moving caterpillar. First unload the front of the foot, pull it forward, and then unload the heel. Body weight transfer on the toes, heels as close as possible to tighten the fingers. Again unload the front of the foot and move it forward.
Without losing full contact with the floor, tilt the foot to the right and to the left, moving it and moving way, walk a few meters back and forth (the impact on the short muscles).
If standing is an exercise does not work, try to perform its first sitting.
Exercise 4. crab claws
Try to lift the toes off the floor as high as possible small objects lying on the floor, such as a paper napkin, pencil, and so on. D. (Developing finger flexor muscles.)
Exercise 5. Swallowtail
This exercise is done sitting. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, legs extend forward. Forefoot and toes with force lift up little hold, take away as far as possible down. Repeat several times.
Exercise 6. Whirlpool
Rotate the foot: lift up the inner edge, the forefoot, the outer edge, then lower the power of the forefoot. When the fingers of your feet should describe a large circle; Repeat this movement several times, then do the same, but in reverse.
Exercise 7. Hunting spider
Toe with the power squeeze, then force rastopyrte (finger muscle development). Repeat several times. If the exercise does not work immediately, first, you can help yourself ¬ru¬kami.
Because of the narrow shoes, many have forgotten how to perform such movements. Frequent repetition of this exercise, mobility, speed and ease of movement can be increased.
Exercise 8. Poloz
The exercise is performed while sitting: the thumb of the right foot should be spend on the left lower leg up to the knee, it is desirable, then the thumb of the left leg, repeat the same exercise on the right shin.
Try to do the same with his heels while sitting up straight (coordination of the foot and the whole leg).
Exercise 9. Pada
Both legs are straight, feet flat on the floor. Pressing the heel to the floor, try to take as much as possible inside and up the front part of the foot so that its outer edge touches the floor.
Now press your fingers to the floor, the inner edge of the foot while still in the air. Repeat with the other leg. Do some exercise.
Exercise 10. Catch eel
Put on the floor or a thin rope folded scarf; feet at a distance of 15 cm from one another. Grasp the toes scarf or rope and hold them.
Exercise 11. Bowstring
The exercise is performed while sitting. Scarf lying on the floor, grab your toes, straighten your legs, raise the floor with scarf, pull tight. Without Hold this position, repeat several times.
Exercise 12. Cock step
The exercise is performed while sitting. Forefoot put on the floor, lift your heels as high as possible. When fixed toe heels and knees move alternately inside-out and upside-up. The movement is done first individually each foot, then both feet simultaneously, then alternately (impact on the short and long muscles).
Exercise 13. Duck Walk
Stand up straight. The load on the heel. Both forefoot raised, turn right. Stop. Now move the load on the front of the foot, twist right heel.
Thumbs up to the right; heel up, right. So go sideways a few meters, then go back to the left, with the toes and heels lift as high as possible, keep the body straight.
In conclusion, do gymnastics for 2-3 minutes Exercise 2.
Walking barefoot
Legs, in particular, the sole - is the point through which not only contact with the floor, ground, and contact with the environment, so that our ¬uda¬leno.
From them depends largely on our free and joyful perception of the world - our Earth, we can work around. Legs and perform the role of intermediaries. While we admire the beauty of the world, they report on the internal state of the knees, soles, and so on. D.
The natural view foot massage is walking barefoot. We, in India, you can if you want to walk barefoot all year round. I'm not saying to go barefoot on urban asphalt or on dusty country roads. This is best done on a pebbled beach. But what if this is not close to the beach? It is possible to arrange it in the yard or in the garden: you'll need a small piece of land, a little sand and gravel - and go on your health! If you live in a country where the fall, winter and spring are very cold season, you can find a way out of this situation - to arrange an artificial beach in the ... apartment.
Artificial beach
Take a box of width of 50-60 cm and a length of 80-100 cm and a height of 15 cm. Pour in a mixture of coarse washed sand and different size stones (river pebbles). In addition, the box must be somewhat large stones with sharp edges. ¬Postavte a "beach" in the warmest part of the apartment as often as possible and walk on it barefoot.
You'll quickly realize how useful it is sometimes painful effects of stones on your body. Legs will be warm and easy. Large stones with sharp edges you need to work on hardened sites feet (horny skin).
For the elderly it is recommended next to the box to put a chair or table. They can rely on, it's easier to keep your balance. With their help, quickly removed the load when our foot at some point it becomes too painful.
It helps a 'beach' children - their health, learning and growth.
Tsitatata s book doctors and teachers Ranzhita Mohanty.