Restless legs syndrome: the causes of disease and specific treatment
Neurological disease, diagnosed as restless leg syndrome usually manifests itself not only unpleasant sensations in the legs, but also deprives the person of sleep.
In this disease, unfortunately, as the main symptom, for example, there are involuntary desire to move the legs, which at the time often occur to the point where people have to sleep. Some people find it difficult to imagine a man who came time to sleep and dream, and his feet move and go shake.
And that is typical with restless legs syndrome (RLS), is the fact that these people, for example, there are no explicit appeal to existing pain in his legs. A person suffering from restless legs syndrome, mostly complaints of burning, crawling, twitching in the calves, legs, hips, squeezing.
The emergence of just such sensations forcing people to change over and over again the position of the legs, wiggling them. Some of these unpleasant sensations forced to get out of bed and start pacing back and forth in the expectation that they will manage the movement of all these symptoms gradually weaken and even make their disappearance.
In patients with restless legs syndrome during sleep, designed to recover forces for evil mockery of fate coincides with the intensification of the process of spontaneous twitching and wiggling legs, which can last for the entire first half of the night. Consolation comes in the morning until noon, in most cases, the disease does not resemble itself.
Because of this disease, some people are deprived of elementary conditions for sleep to recuperate. A person suffering from RLS, in spite of himself exposed from chronic insomnia, which leads to fatigue and irritability, unmotivated. In a particularly acute exacerbation of symptoms of restless legs syndrome, the person is capable of night pacing the room up to 10 km or more.
Restless legs syndrome deprives a person the opportunity to live a full life: going to the theater, to be at a party just because he had the legs at this time literally find no place. In medical statistics, there are descriptions of when due to RLS, contributing to the extreme exhaustion of the nervous system of the patient, the doctors were forced to appoint a group of disability in such patients.
About the causes of restless legs syndrome
Experts note that the restless legs syndrome, a disease that can occur in childhood, adolescence and growing up as a person's disease has a tendency to progression. Unfortunately, about 15% of people aged over 60 are faced with symptoms of RLS. Statistically it found that approximately 30% of patients with restless legs syndrome diagnosed the disease as hereditary. This is called the primary stage of RLS.
The secondary stage of restless legs syndrome is usually caused by lack of iron in the body. RLS The disease begins to develop, as a rule, in patients with renal insufficiency, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, sciatica and other diseases that provoke or activate the disease and enhance the state of restless legs syndrome.
Those skilled in the case where RLS triggered diabetes, renal insufficiency or other disease attempt primarily to treat the patient and to deliver on the main manifestations of the disease. If the laboratory tests it is found that the patient's deficiency of iron in the body, it is assigned to ferric sulfate at a dose of 1 tablet (325 mg) three times a day for 4-5 months. It recommended also with the inclusion of the patient in the diet as much as possible of apples, liver, meat, beans, spinach.
Scientists stage of development of primary RLS is usually associated with disorders of biochemical processes in the brain. It was found that the dopamine deficit, special agents taking part in the regulation of motor activity, serves as the trigger to start the irresistible urge to move, to move his legs.
In fact, a well-known at this stage sc option entered into the textbooks of medical schools since 1945. Even then, it became clear that the problem is not with the legs and the head. That is, to paraphrase, known popularly saying RLS, -. This is when the patient's head resting feet prevents
Difficulties in diagnosing restless legs syndrome
Unfortunately, restless legs syndrome, as in other complex diseases, patients are not always able to clearly tell the doctor about the symptoms that concern them. Symptoms of RLS acutely tormented the patient in the first half of the night, when he already gets the afternoon to see a doctor, then, as a rule, it is nothing, no discomfort in the legs, is no longer experiencing.
All this leads to treatment, though long, gels, ointments, mud, baths, other physiotherapy. Since the relief does not come, the doctors begin to mistakenly sin for any patient pathologies of the joints or veins.
Yet to know which indications can definitely judge a patient restless legs syndrome, scientific medicine is not suggested that clinicians special tests, and no special methods of laboratory research. Therefore, outside of periods of exacerbation of the disease practitioner engaged in the identification of the patient, any violation is not possible.
Art in the diagnosis of the doctor patient RLS lies in its ability to formulate questions so that the patient could remember as much detail and tell the doctor about the most unpleasant sensations, and thereby bring the doctor to the correct diagnosis.
WHAT SPECIFICS Treatment of restless legs syndrome
More recently, clinicians in the treatment of restless legs syndrome was used, as a rule, tranquilizers, in the treatment of the severe cases prescribed narcotic drugs. These methods of treatment were given temporary relief, but at the same time maintained the threat of drug addiction to these funds.
To date, the efforts of scientists succeeded in synthesizing the specific drugs that, providing a stimulating effect on the dopamine receptors in the human brain, make life easier for the patient's RLS. The pharmacy chain is sold, for example, drug mirapex that even in minimal doses almost completely eliminates the RLS, while ensuring the quality of sleep and quality of life.
Just for the information that in Parkinson's disease mirapex drug is given one tablet three times a day and for patients with RLS disease just enough ¼ - ½ tablet mirapex evening before bedtime
. At the initial stage of development of RLS when the disease is in the mild form, it recommended the so-called distraction therapy. By means of distracting therapy primarily include both cold and hot foot baths, which will contribute to the suppression of abnormal sensations.
It recommended also intense rubbing and moderate exercise for the legs, which are held before going to bed. But physical effects should not go beyond the point at which the disease can worsen symptoms.
Experts warn and advise to stick to a diet in which there is no place alcohol, as well as such popular drinks like coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks (cola, Fanta, Sprite, which contains caffeine). It is necessary to note that in green tea, which is now a lot of advertising, caffeine is greater than in black.
A special place in the prevention of RLS takes advice on smoking cessation, as an activator of the nervous system. And while from the stresses in our time no one is safe, but you have to avoid them.
In a series of warnings and recommendations of the Council holds a special place not to take sleeping pills at RLS, since they are aimed at a symptom, but do not cure the cause. We must understand that the harm from taking sleeping pills without medical supervision, can lead to severe addiction, which has more devastating than the disease itself restless legs syndrome.
In this disease, unfortunately, as the main symptom, for example, there are involuntary desire to move the legs, which at the time often occur to the point where people have to sleep. Some people find it difficult to imagine a man who came time to sleep and dream, and his feet move and go shake.

And that is typical with restless legs syndrome (RLS), is the fact that these people, for example, there are no explicit appeal to existing pain in his legs. A person suffering from restless legs syndrome, mostly complaints of burning, crawling, twitching in the calves, legs, hips, squeezing.
The emergence of just such sensations forcing people to change over and over again the position of the legs, wiggling them. Some of these unpleasant sensations forced to get out of bed and start pacing back and forth in the expectation that they will manage the movement of all these symptoms gradually weaken and even make their disappearance.
In patients with restless legs syndrome during sleep, designed to recover forces for evil mockery of fate coincides with the intensification of the process of spontaneous twitching and wiggling legs, which can last for the entire first half of the night. Consolation comes in the morning until noon, in most cases, the disease does not resemble itself.
Because of this disease, some people are deprived of elementary conditions for sleep to recuperate. A person suffering from RLS, in spite of himself exposed from chronic insomnia, which leads to fatigue and irritability, unmotivated. In a particularly acute exacerbation of symptoms of restless legs syndrome, the person is capable of night pacing the room up to 10 km or more.
Restless legs syndrome deprives a person the opportunity to live a full life: going to the theater, to be at a party just because he had the legs at this time literally find no place. In medical statistics, there are descriptions of when due to RLS, contributing to the extreme exhaustion of the nervous system of the patient, the doctors were forced to appoint a group of disability in such patients.
About the causes of restless legs syndrome
Experts note that the restless legs syndrome, a disease that can occur in childhood, adolescence and growing up as a person's disease has a tendency to progression. Unfortunately, about 15% of people aged over 60 are faced with symptoms of RLS. Statistically it found that approximately 30% of patients with restless legs syndrome diagnosed the disease as hereditary. This is called the primary stage of RLS.
The secondary stage of restless legs syndrome is usually caused by lack of iron in the body. RLS The disease begins to develop, as a rule, in patients with renal insufficiency, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, sciatica and other diseases that provoke or activate the disease and enhance the state of restless legs syndrome.
Those skilled in the case where RLS triggered diabetes, renal insufficiency or other disease attempt primarily to treat the patient and to deliver on the main manifestations of the disease. If the laboratory tests it is found that the patient's deficiency of iron in the body, it is assigned to ferric sulfate at a dose of 1 tablet (325 mg) three times a day for 4-5 months. It recommended also with the inclusion of the patient in the diet as much as possible of apples, liver, meat, beans, spinach.
Scientists stage of development of primary RLS is usually associated with disorders of biochemical processes in the brain. It was found that the dopamine deficit, special agents taking part in the regulation of motor activity, serves as the trigger to start the irresistible urge to move, to move his legs.
In fact, a well-known at this stage sc option entered into the textbooks of medical schools since 1945. Even then, it became clear that the problem is not with the legs and the head. That is, to paraphrase, known popularly saying RLS, -. This is when the patient's head resting feet prevents
Difficulties in diagnosing restless legs syndrome
Unfortunately, restless legs syndrome, as in other complex diseases, patients are not always able to clearly tell the doctor about the symptoms that concern them. Symptoms of RLS acutely tormented the patient in the first half of the night, when he already gets the afternoon to see a doctor, then, as a rule, it is nothing, no discomfort in the legs, is no longer experiencing.
All this leads to treatment, though long, gels, ointments, mud, baths, other physiotherapy. Since the relief does not come, the doctors begin to mistakenly sin for any patient pathologies of the joints or veins.
Yet to know which indications can definitely judge a patient restless legs syndrome, scientific medicine is not suggested that clinicians special tests, and no special methods of laboratory research. Therefore, outside of periods of exacerbation of the disease practitioner engaged in the identification of the patient, any violation is not possible.
Art in the diagnosis of the doctor patient RLS lies in its ability to formulate questions so that the patient could remember as much detail and tell the doctor about the most unpleasant sensations, and thereby bring the doctor to the correct diagnosis.
WHAT SPECIFICS Treatment of restless legs syndrome
More recently, clinicians in the treatment of restless legs syndrome was used, as a rule, tranquilizers, in the treatment of the severe cases prescribed narcotic drugs. These methods of treatment were given temporary relief, but at the same time maintained the threat of drug addiction to these funds.
To date, the efforts of scientists succeeded in synthesizing the specific drugs that, providing a stimulating effect on the dopamine receptors in the human brain, make life easier for the patient's RLS. The pharmacy chain is sold, for example, drug mirapex that even in minimal doses almost completely eliminates the RLS, while ensuring the quality of sleep and quality of life.
Just for the information that in Parkinson's disease mirapex drug is given one tablet three times a day and for patients with RLS disease just enough ¼ - ½ tablet mirapex evening before bedtime
. At the initial stage of development of RLS when the disease is in the mild form, it recommended the so-called distraction therapy. By means of distracting therapy primarily include both cold and hot foot baths, which will contribute to the suppression of abnormal sensations.
It recommended also intense rubbing and moderate exercise for the legs, which are held before going to bed. But physical effects should not go beyond the point at which the disease can worsen symptoms.
Experts warn and advise to stick to a diet in which there is no place alcohol, as well as such popular drinks like coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks (cola, Fanta, Sprite, which contains caffeine). It is necessary to note that in green tea, which is now a lot of advertising, caffeine is greater than in black.
A special place in the prevention of RLS takes advice on smoking cessation, as an activator of the nervous system. And while from the stresses in our time no one is safe, but you have to avoid them.
In a series of warnings and recommendations of the Council holds a special place not to take sleeping pills at RLS, since they are aimed at a symptom, but do not cure the cause. We must understand that the harm from taking sleeping pills without medical supervision, can lead to severe addiction, which has more devastating than the disease itself restless legs syndrome.