Syndromes, which you did not know
In this post you will learn about interesting syndromes our body of knowledge which will help us to become a bit more erudite and understand even a small part of how and that is arranged in the human head and entrails.
Stendhal Syndrome
Very funny syndrome, although, of course, those who are exposed to it is sometimes not so fun. Stendhal Syndrome manifests itself in dizziness, fainting, palpitations and sometimes hallucinations, surrounded by works of art or an incredibly beautiful nature. Can you imagine it? As if you come to the Hermitage and slammed it into a swoon from the power of art.
The name of the syndrome was due to one of the books by Stendhal, in which he described his feelings during a visit to Florence: "When I left the Church of the Holy Cross, my heart beat, I thought that dried up the source of life, I went, fearing collapse on the ground ... I saw masterpieces generated by the energy of passion, and then everything was meaningless, a small, limited, so that when the wind passions cease to inflate the sails which push forward the human soul, then it becomes devoid of passion, and therefore, vices and virtues " .
Duckling syndrome
Funny psychological principle - a man sometimes behaves like a newborn duckling, which is perceived as a mother first and seen the moving object. In our case, we will certainly be able to distinguish his own mother from poloronovogo ball on a moving belt, but nevertheless it is something with which we are confronted for the first time we subconsciously believe the most correct and the best. For example, a cartoon that we saw as a child, always the default is better than what the kids are watching.
Van Gogh Syndrome
I bet you're thinking about the artist's ear? And to think about right. This syndrome is reflected in the fact that the patient is very insistent on the operation or even - horror of horrors - operates itself.
Syndrome Wachter
He is the chief of a small syndrome. At this point everyone can nodded in agreement, because there is no one in the world more important than puny guards, cleaners, vahtershi, aunties in a glass in the subway, and even in the theater cloakroom. Curious paradox "I was given the power, oh I'm going to show everyone" works not only for this kind of services, but also in the minor officials.
French syndrome brothel
Amazing ability of female community who spend a lot of time together, after a short time to synchronize their menstrual cycles. Scientists say the blame pheromones that lady unwittingly trapped in the air, and all the other train in sarcasm at suddenly and hard to befriend people of any gender, "You there is not yet synchronized month?»
And another interesting fact. Cycles all the ladies adjusted to the cycle of alpha females, even though officially there is no such a team.
Jerusalem syndrome
This kind of megalomania, which is shown only in Jerusalem. The tourist, who arrived in the ancient city for religious purposes, or pilgrim suddenly decides that it is just something and holds divine and prophetic powers. Even the world must necessarily be saved. An indispensable addition to a variety of symptoms in a theatrical voice and movements.
This syndrome is ranked as psychosis and lead to involuntary admission.
Paris Syndrome
Another trick of the unstable nervous system is also manifested in a special place. And most often in calm and polite Japanese tourists. They come to dream shrouded in an aura of romance and luxury in the outdoor cafes, and get pretty aggressive city in which an infinite number of migrants was not much you strive to please, people are aggressive and thriving street theft. About 20 Japanese people a year on this basis falls into acute delirium, feels a sense of persecution, derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and other symptoms of mental disorder. The best way to treat the syndrome of Paris - immediately send the sufferer to their homeland.
Genovese Syndrome
He "bystander effect." People who witnessed the emergency, often try to help the victims. The probability that any of the witnesses begin to help the victims, the smaller, the more people will just stand and watch. One of the main ways to cope with this effect, and wait for all the same assistance from the crowd to choose a specific person, and contact him targeted.
Adele syndrome
So called all-consuming obsession with love and a long, painful passion that remains unanswered. Syndrome its name derives from the true story that happened to Victor Hugo's daughter, Adele.
Adel met with an English officer Albert Pinson and immediately decided that he - a man of her life. We can not say for sure whether he was a heartless scoundrel deceived innocent creature, or a victim of erotomania. However, Pinson not reciprocated - has not helped or rare beauty of the girl, nor the glory of her father. Adele chased him around the world, lying to everyone that they are already married, and eventually completely lost my mind.
Munchausen Syndrome
A kind of hypochondria. When all the hurt and nothing helps, but it only seems. It is a disorder in which a person pretends, or artificially exaggerates the causes themselves symptoms of the disease to undergo medical examination, treatment, hospitalization, surgery and so on. The conventional explanation for Munchausen syndrome says that the simulation of the disease allows people with this syndrome get the attention, care, sympathy and psychological support.
But that's nothing. Where serious "delegated Munchausen syndrome" when mothers believe their children are terribly sick. And even the intention to create conditions for them manifestations of those or other serious symptoms.
Stockholm Syndrome
In Hollywood movies we know what Stockholm syndrome is a situation in which a hostage begins to understand the invader, even sympathize with him and to provide various forms of assistance. Psychologists call this "protective subconscious traumatic bond».
But this is no paradox psychological or psychiatric disorder, but rather a normal psychological reaction. And despite the fact that Hollywood tells us, it's pretty rare, happening in about 8% of cases of hostage-taking.
Diogenes Syndrome
Diogenes was famous for having gone to live in a barrel and showed himself as a sociopath and an inveterate misanthrope. Syndrome in honor of his name (it is sometimes referred to as senile squalor syndrome) is shown as plus or minus. It is dismissive attitude toward themselves, self-isolation from society, apathy, hoarding and the absence of any shame.
Dorian Gray Syndrome
This syndrome can be said to suffer all actively molodyaschiesya, all his strength to throw on the preservation of foreign youth. Those who have raised is the preservation of a cult. Offset by an unjustified use of youth attributes, selection of clothes in the youth style, leads to the abuse of plastic surgery and cosmetics. Sometimes it ends disorder depression and even suicide attempts.
Cotard delusion
If you are someone suddenly starts to complain that he had rotten intestines, no heart, he does not sleep forever. Says he nihilistic hypochondriac-depressive delirium, combined with the ideas of vastness. the greatest, yet unprecedented in human history, a criminal, that he infected all with syphilis or AIDS, poisoned his bad breath the whole world. With drama and pathos report that soon he ever pay off, and all the pain the world may seem nonsense in comparison to the suffering that he happen to experience a punishment, then call an ambulance with a note "mental health team, please, we've got Cotard delusion."
The syndrome Kandinsky - Clerambault
Another syndrome of psychiatry, also called syndrome of mental automatism. From the "I control the little green men" and "legs themselves somewhere to go, I do not supervise them».
Tourette's syndrome
So often referred to as "coprolalia" - an irresistible attraction to the morbid shouting obscene words, although it is only one component of Tourette's syndrome. Often used in the movie.
Interestingly, the word eschrolalia Greek can be translated as "verbal diarrhea».
Alien hand syndrome
This is not what many of you thought pohabniki. If you watched the last part of "Harry Potter", you can remember the tail strangled by his own hand. In many other films and cartoons, too, found something similar, but this is not fiction writers. Alien hand syndrome does exist, is complex, not very treatable disorder.
Chinese restaurant syndrome
Be wary of Chinese food. This syndrome was identified in 1968 when a Chinese man described in the medical journal what happens to him after the visit of Chinese restaurants in the United States: "The syndrome occurs in 15-20 minutes after eating the first course lasts about two hours, it runs with- out any consequences. The most prominent symptoms are numbness in the back of the neck, gradually extending to both arms and the back, general weakness and palpitations. " At first we thought that this is due to MSG, but studies have not confirmed the hypothesis. It is still a mystery.
Source: www.adme.ru

Stendhal Syndrome

Very funny syndrome, although, of course, those who are exposed to it is sometimes not so fun. Stendhal Syndrome manifests itself in dizziness, fainting, palpitations and sometimes hallucinations, surrounded by works of art or an incredibly beautiful nature. Can you imagine it? As if you come to the Hermitage and slammed it into a swoon from the power of art.
The name of the syndrome was due to one of the books by Stendhal, in which he described his feelings during a visit to Florence: "When I left the Church of the Holy Cross, my heart beat, I thought that dried up the source of life, I went, fearing collapse on the ground ... I saw masterpieces generated by the energy of passion, and then everything was meaningless, a small, limited, so that when the wind passions cease to inflate the sails which push forward the human soul, then it becomes devoid of passion, and therefore, vices and virtues " .
Duckling syndrome

Funny psychological principle - a man sometimes behaves like a newborn duckling, which is perceived as a mother first and seen the moving object. In our case, we will certainly be able to distinguish his own mother from poloronovogo ball on a moving belt, but nevertheless it is something with which we are confronted for the first time we subconsciously believe the most correct and the best. For example, a cartoon that we saw as a child, always the default is better than what the kids are watching.
Van Gogh Syndrome

I bet you're thinking about the artist's ear? And to think about right. This syndrome is reflected in the fact that the patient is very insistent on the operation or even - horror of horrors - operates itself.
Syndrome Wachter

He is the chief of a small syndrome. At this point everyone can nodded in agreement, because there is no one in the world more important than puny guards, cleaners, vahtershi, aunties in a glass in the subway, and even in the theater cloakroom. Curious paradox "I was given the power, oh I'm going to show everyone" works not only for this kind of services, but also in the minor officials.
French syndrome brothel

Amazing ability of female community who spend a lot of time together, after a short time to synchronize their menstrual cycles. Scientists say the blame pheromones that lady unwittingly trapped in the air, and all the other train in sarcasm at suddenly and hard to befriend people of any gender, "You there is not yet synchronized month?»
And another interesting fact. Cycles all the ladies adjusted to the cycle of alpha females, even though officially there is no such a team.
Jerusalem syndrome

This kind of megalomania, which is shown only in Jerusalem. The tourist, who arrived in the ancient city for religious purposes, or pilgrim suddenly decides that it is just something and holds divine and prophetic powers. Even the world must necessarily be saved. An indispensable addition to a variety of symptoms in a theatrical voice and movements.
This syndrome is ranked as psychosis and lead to involuntary admission.
Paris Syndrome

Another trick of the unstable nervous system is also manifested in a special place. And most often in calm and polite Japanese tourists. They come to dream shrouded in an aura of romance and luxury in the outdoor cafes, and get pretty aggressive city in which an infinite number of migrants was not much you strive to please, people are aggressive and thriving street theft. About 20 Japanese people a year on this basis falls into acute delirium, feels a sense of persecution, derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and other symptoms of mental disorder. The best way to treat the syndrome of Paris - immediately send the sufferer to their homeland.
Genovese Syndrome

He "bystander effect." People who witnessed the emergency, often try to help the victims. The probability that any of the witnesses begin to help the victims, the smaller, the more people will just stand and watch. One of the main ways to cope with this effect, and wait for all the same assistance from the crowd to choose a specific person, and contact him targeted.
Adele syndrome

So called all-consuming obsession with love and a long, painful passion that remains unanswered. Syndrome its name derives from the true story that happened to Victor Hugo's daughter, Adele.
Adel met with an English officer Albert Pinson and immediately decided that he - a man of her life. We can not say for sure whether he was a heartless scoundrel deceived innocent creature, or a victim of erotomania. However, Pinson not reciprocated - has not helped or rare beauty of the girl, nor the glory of her father. Adele chased him around the world, lying to everyone that they are already married, and eventually completely lost my mind.
Munchausen Syndrome

A kind of hypochondria. When all the hurt and nothing helps, but it only seems. It is a disorder in which a person pretends, or artificially exaggerates the causes themselves symptoms of the disease to undergo medical examination, treatment, hospitalization, surgery and so on. The conventional explanation for Munchausen syndrome says that the simulation of the disease allows people with this syndrome get the attention, care, sympathy and psychological support.
But that's nothing. Where serious "delegated Munchausen syndrome" when mothers believe their children are terribly sick. And even the intention to create conditions for them manifestations of those or other serious symptoms.
Stockholm Syndrome

In Hollywood movies we know what Stockholm syndrome is a situation in which a hostage begins to understand the invader, even sympathize with him and to provide various forms of assistance. Psychologists call this "protective subconscious traumatic bond».
But this is no paradox psychological or psychiatric disorder, but rather a normal psychological reaction. And despite the fact that Hollywood tells us, it's pretty rare, happening in about 8% of cases of hostage-taking.
Diogenes Syndrome

Diogenes was famous for having gone to live in a barrel and showed himself as a sociopath and an inveterate misanthrope. Syndrome in honor of his name (it is sometimes referred to as senile squalor syndrome) is shown as plus or minus. It is dismissive attitude toward themselves, self-isolation from society, apathy, hoarding and the absence of any shame.
Dorian Gray Syndrome

This syndrome can be said to suffer all actively molodyaschiesya, all his strength to throw on the preservation of foreign youth. Those who have raised is the preservation of a cult. Offset by an unjustified use of youth attributes, selection of clothes in the youth style, leads to the abuse of plastic surgery and cosmetics. Sometimes it ends disorder depression and even suicide attempts.
Cotard delusion

If you are someone suddenly starts to complain that he had rotten intestines, no heart, he does not sleep forever. Says he nihilistic hypochondriac-depressive delirium, combined with the ideas of vastness. the greatest, yet unprecedented in human history, a criminal, that he infected all with syphilis or AIDS, poisoned his bad breath the whole world. With drama and pathos report that soon he ever pay off, and all the pain the world may seem nonsense in comparison to the suffering that he happen to experience a punishment, then call an ambulance with a note "mental health team, please, we've got Cotard delusion."
The syndrome Kandinsky - Clerambault

Another syndrome of psychiatry, also called syndrome of mental automatism. From the "I control the little green men" and "legs themselves somewhere to go, I do not supervise them».
Tourette's syndrome

So often referred to as "coprolalia" - an irresistible attraction to the morbid shouting obscene words, although it is only one component of Tourette's syndrome. Often used in the movie.
Interestingly, the word eschrolalia Greek can be translated as "verbal diarrhea».
Alien hand syndrome

This is not what many of you thought pohabniki. If you watched the last part of "Harry Potter", you can remember the tail strangled by his own hand. In many other films and cartoons, too, found something similar, but this is not fiction writers. Alien hand syndrome does exist, is complex, not very treatable disorder.
Chinese restaurant syndrome

Be wary of Chinese food. This syndrome was identified in 1968 when a Chinese man described in the medical journal what happens to him after the visit of Chinese restaurants in the United States: "The syndrome occurs in 15-20 minutes after eating the first course lasts about two hours, it runs with- out any consequences. The most prominent symptoms are numbness in the back of the neck, gradually extending to both arms and the back, general weakness and palpitations. " At first we thought that this is due to MSG, but studies have not confirmed the hypothesis. It is still a mystery.
Source: www.adme.ru