10 rare psychopathological syndromes that will amaze you
Editorial interested in rare syndromes, because they are much more interesting than the banal depression and neurosis! We have compiled a selection of disorders and marveled at the diversity of human abnormality. Paris syndrome: anxiety at the sight of the French h2> disorder called Paris Syndrome is most common among Japanese tourists. Every year, at least 12 of them to seek the help of a therapist during or after a trip to France and other Western European countries.
Stendhal Syndrome: hallucinations museums h2> Stendhal Syndrome occurs when getting acquainted with the works of art in museums and art galleries. Its symptoms somewhat like Paris Syndrome: dizziness, hallucinations, tachycardia, disorientation, fainting, hysteria, destructive behavior. The disorder may also occur during the observation of natural phenomena, animals, music of the Romantic era and meetings with incredibly beautiful people.
Hospitalism Disease Hospital h2> psychopathological disorder that occurs during and after a stay in state and public institutions, called hospitalism. It occurs in children and adults who have to live a long time in hospitals, nursing baby, nursery and nursing homes.
Diogenes Syndrome: disregard for yourself h2> Patients with Diogenes Syndrome - pathological drives that are suffering from extreme neglect of self, apathy, emotional lability, suspicion and lack of shame. Diogenes Syndrome often leads to social isolation, increasing by as a man in the house collects trash, and appearance changes under the influence of the disease.
Dorian Gray Syndrome: the cult of youth painful h2> Dorian Gray Syndrome, named after the protagonist of the novel of Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" many experts consider more cultural and social phenomenon. However, this condition can be dangerous, because in some cases leading to depression and suicide attempts.
Manichaean delusions: the war between good and evil h2> A man who suffers Manichaean delusions, feels on the edge between good and evil. His tortured conflicting auditory hallucinations and fear of imminent catastrophe. This is how his condition is one of the patients: "Twice a day I go to church and constantly carry a Bible, because I find it hard to understand itself around. At first I did not know what is right and where sin. Then I realized that God is in everything and everywhere is the devil. God calms me, and the devil tempts. Pugh, for example, water, made an extra sip - sin, God helps atone - read prayers, but then there are two voices, one God, the second of the devil, and they began to argue with each other and fight for my life, and I'm confused. "< br />
Stockholm Syndrome: love aggressor h2> Stockholm Syndrome is not included in any international list of mental illnesses, but it is perhaps the best known "rare disorder". This condition occurs when the victim begins to sympathize with their kidnappers felt for him a one-way or mutual sympathy and even identify with it.
savant syndrome: the island of genius h2> savant syndrome occurs in people with autism and other mental illnesses, and it can also be the result of head injuries. In this case, the background of the general limitations of the individual there is "an island of genius": a phenomenal memory and extraordinary ability in the field of music, arithmetic, visual arts, mapping, three-dimensional models of architecture or in another area. At the same time the rest of the abilities and skills can be developed very bad, up to mental retardation.
Psychosis return: the thoughts of others h2> Psychosis recoil hypersensitivity or psychosis, schizophrenia occurs against the backdrop of the abolition of neuroleptics and metoclopramide, which is used for the treatment of migraine.
Emotional burnout: exhaustion vulnerable h2> Burnout syndrome most often occurs in people who work in prisons, hospitals and other state-owned institutions. This growing emotional exhaustion, which leads to a profound indifference, dehumanization, feeling their own professional failure, depersonalization, reduced quality of life and psychosomatic diseases.
Paris syndrome: anxiety at the sight of the French h2> disorder called Paris Syndrome is most common among Japanese tourists. Every year, at least 12 of them to seek the help of a therapist during or after a trip to France and other Western European countries.
Travelers are experiencing culture shock, complaining about the aggressive behavior of residents and staff suffer from the fact that their expectations and investments of forces and means did not justify itself. For some, it ends with the strongest psychosis, which requires months of therapy.
Stendhal Syndrome: hallucinations museums h2> Stendhal Syndrome occurs when getting acquainted with the works of art in museums and art galleries. Its symptoms somewhat like Paris Syndrome: dizziness, hallucinations, tachycardia, disorientation, fainting, hysteria, destructive behavior. The disorder may also occur during the observation of natural phenomena, animals, music of the Romantic era and meetings with incredibly beautiful people.
Stendhal Syndrome most often occurs in the visitors museums in Florence. Ill suddenly is struck to the core beauty of the artwork and begins to perceive the emotions invested in it by the artist, with unusual sharpness. In some cases, this has even resulted in attempts to disrupt or damage the picture of the statue.
Hospitalism Disease Hospital h2> psychopathological disorder that occurs during and after a stay in state and public institutions, called hospitalism. It occurs in children and adults who have to live a long time in hospitals, nursing baby, nursery and nursing homes.
In adulthood, the disorder usually occurs in elderly patients who are in hospital for more than 10-15 months. It is characterized by social exclusion, loss of interest in work and the loss of skills, the deterioration of contact with others and the desire to admit his chronic disease. Particularly strong hospitalism susceptible patients of psychiatric wards of hospitals.
Diogenes Syndrome: disregard for yourself h2> Patients with Diogenes Syndrome - pathological drives that are suffering from extreme neglect of self, apathy, emotional lability, suspicion and lack of shame. Diogenes Syndrome often leads to social isolation, increasing by as a man in the house collects trash, and appearance changes under the influence of the disease.
Such people accumulate a huge amount of unnecessary things, indifferent to the dirt and debris, spiteful to visitors and usually somehow resist attempts to help them change their lifestyle. However, they are not always poor: just choose not to spend money.
In psychiatric practice, this condition is also called the Elijah syndrome, senile squalor syndrome and social decay. Today, its prevalence in the world is around 3%. Most often, this syndrome is manifested in mature and elderly people.
Dorian Gray Syndrome: the cult of youth painful h2> Dorian Gray Syndrome, named after the protagonist of the novel of Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" many experts consider more cultural and social phenomenon. However, this condition can be dangerous, because in some cases leading to depression and suicide attempts.
Patients with the syndrome of Dorian Gray experiencing panic fear of aging and overused cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery without worrying about the risks. Sometimes they also compensate its own fading passion for youth symbolism and clothing. In people with the syndrome of Dorian Gray meets daffodils, immaturity and dysmorphic disorder, where minor defects in appearance causing permanent strong anxiety, fear, depression, low self-esteem.
Manichaean delusions: the war between good and evil h2> A man who suffers Manichaean delusions, feels on the edge between good and evil. His tortured conflicting auditory hallucinations and fear of imminent catastrophe. This is how his condition is one of the patients: "Twice a day I go to church and constantly carry a Bible, because I find it hard to understand itself around. At first I did not know what is right and where sin. Then I realized that God is in everything and everywhere is the devil. God calms me, and the devil tempts. Pugh, for example, water, made an extra sip - sin, God helps atone - read prayers, but then there are two voices, one God, the second of the devil, and they began to argue with each other and fight for my life, and I'm confused. "< br />
Thus a person suffering from delusions of Manichaeism, superficially seems healthy, and that makes him dangerous to upset others. Experts believe that terrorists and martyrs may become people at Manichean delirium.
Stockholm Syndrome: love aggressor h2> Stockholm Syndrome is not included in any international list of mental illnesses, but it is perhaps the best known "rare disorder". This condition occurs when the victim begins to sympathize with their kidnappers felt for him a one-way or mutual sympathy and even identify with it.
The desire to identify with the aggressor was first described by Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, in 1936. And after the taking of hostages in the bank Kreditbanken in Stockholm in 1976, this syndrome received its present name. Then former prisoner Jan Erik Ulsson alone seized the bank, took hostage four of his employees and held them for six days. During this time it has had time to join his cellmate Clark Olofsson, who was taken to the bank at the request of the offender. The hostages were freed during a special operation with the use of gas, but after that, they said, they feared not the aggressor and the police.
savant syndrome: the island of genius h2> savant syndrome occurs in people with autism and other mental illnesses, and it can also be the result of head injuries. In this case, the background of the general limitations of the individual there is "an island of genius": a phenomenal memory and extraordinary ability in the field of music, arithmetic, visual arts, mapping, three-dimensional models of architecture or in another area. At the same time the rest of the abilities and skills can be developed very bad, up to mental retardation.
American actor Dustin Hoffman won the "Oscar" for his role as a savant Raymond Babbitt in the film "Rain Man».
Psychosis return: the thoughts of others h2> Psychosis recoil hypersensitivity or psychosis, schizophrenia occurs against the backdrop of the abolition of neuroleptics and metoclopramide, which is used for the treatment of migraine.
When psychosis impact the person has the feeling that he feels their own and others' thoughts that "come into it." This patient suffers from hallucinations and delusions, involuntary movements and tremors. First is a disorder described in 1981. Today, its prevention experts advise not to prescribe antipsychotics in anxiety and affective disorders, limiting their scope only to the treatment of schizophrenia.
Emotional burnout: exhaustion vulnerable h2> Burnout syndrome most often occurs in people who work in prisons, hospitals and other state-owned institutions. This growing emotional exhaustion, which leads to a profound indifference, dehumanization, feeling their own professional failure, depersonalization, reduced quality of life and psychosomatic diseases.
In the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 burnout syndrome called overwork. In Russia, it is also called a professional burnout. It is believed that he was more vulnerable to people who are prone to sympathy and idealistic attitude, but it is unstable and immersed in dreams.
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/9791-psikhiatriya
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