10 myths about healthy eating, in which we still believe
By getting rid of stereotypes is always very difficult, but necessary. Because of this, we deprive ourselves much. Especially sharply it comes to food. That is why the website publishes a list of the most popular claims about healthy eating that are actually untrue. Myth № 1. There after six harmful to figure h2> This misconception is as old as the world. At the present pace of life is after 18:00 is not only possible, but necessary. Many people in our time, go to bed later than our ancestors did. Fasting can negatively affect health. What is really true is that you should not eat 3 hours before bedtime. And the dinner should be light.
Myth № 2. fats harmful to the body h2> Fats considered very harmful for your figure and health, but it is not so. Without them, it can not be correct metabolism. Without fat in the body not absorb vitamins A and E, almost cease to be produced sex hormones. With a lack of fat is rapidly aging and skin suffering from liver. Therefore, oil, especially cooking, you need to restrict, but not to abandon it altogether. It is best to eat less foods containing hidden and not always healthy fats: sausage, mayonnaise, biscuits, cakes.
Myth № 3. Snacking harmful h2> Snacks - it is a necessity. Everyone who cares about health, must periodically replenish energy reserves. Only these meals should be balanced. For example, you can eat nuts or fruits.
Myth № 4. All organic products are useful h2> The products that are on the packaging the words "organic" (that is, made without the use of GMOs, pesticides, various food additives), often indistinguishable from their conventional counterparts. Well, if only because there are much more expensive.
Myth № 5. Do not eat carbohydrates h2> Carbohydrates are simple and complex. The first is really to reduce in their diets. They are found in sugar, confectionery, chocolate, honey, jam, sweet fruit and drinks, white bread and potatoes. The second is a must eat those who try to eat right. Namely, there is often cereals, legumes, fruit, vegetables, herbs.
Myth № 6. Fruits and vegetables lose all their beneficial properties during freezing h2> Modern technologies allow to maintain the freeze almost all nutrients. This is especially true for the winter season.
Myth № 7. A separate food helps to lose weight h2> This is not true. Set of enzymes that produce the stomach and pancreas, allows simultaneous digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. While there is no scientific evidence that separate food helps fight obesity. People who choose this method of weight loss, often just strictly selected products, reduce calorie and thus lose weight.
Myth № 8. Dark bread gives the body more good than white h2> Dark bread does not mean that it has a lot of fiber. Brown shade can give the test and caramel dyes. Calorie black and white bread is almost identical, so weight gain can be obtained in any case. The most useful and rich vitamins bread unleavened bread and bran of whole grains, and cereals with cereals.
Myth № 9. juices are also useful, as are the fruits h2> Juices contain virtually no valuable fiber. The amount of vitamins and minerals is markedly reduced in their manufacture. Therefore, if possible, better to eat fresh fruit.
Myth № 10. Sushi and rolls - dietary products h2> By themselves, sushi and rolls will not cause much damage figure. Although white rice, which is used for the preparation of this product, is not a leader among health food. Most dangerous are soy sauce, mayonnaise, which is sometimes used in such dishes, cheese and fat - they are high in calories.
Myth № 1. There after six harmful to figure h2> This misconception is as old as the world. At the present pace of life is after 18:00 is not only possible, but necessary. Many people in our time, go to bed later than our ancestors did. Fasting can negatively affect health. What is really true is that you should not eat 3 hours before bedtime. And the dinner should be light.
Myth № 2. fats harmful to the body h2> Fats considered very harmful for your figure and health, but it is not so. Without them, it can not be correct metabolism. Without fat in the body not absorb vitamins A and E, almost cease to be produced sex hormones. With a lack of fat is rapidly aging and skin suffering from liver. Therefore, oil, especially cooking, you need to restrict, but not to abandon it altogether. It is best to eat less foods containing hidden and not always healthy fats: sausage, mayonnaise, biscuits, cakes.
Myth № 3. Snacking harmful h2> Snacks - it is a necessity. Everyone who cares about health, must periodically replenish energy reserves. Only these meals should be balanced. For example, you can eat nuts or fruits.
Myth № 4. All organic products are useful h2> The products that are on the packaging the words "organic" (that is, made without the use of GMOs, pesticides, various food additives), often indistinguishable from their conventional counterparts. Well, if only because there are much more expensive.
Myth № 5. Do not eat carbohydrates h2> Carbohydrates are simple and complex. The first is really to reduce in their diets. They are found in sugar, confectionery, chocolate, honey, jam, sweet fruit and drinks, white bread and potatoes. The second is a must eat those who try to eat right. Namely, there is often cereals, legumes, fruit, vegetables, herbs.
Myth № 6. Fruits and vegetables lose all their beneficial properties during freezing h2> Modern technologies allow to maintain the freeze almost all nutrients. This is especially true for the winter season.
Myth № 7. A separate food helps to lose weight h2> This is not true. Set of enzymes that produce the stomach and pancreas, allows simultaneous digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. While there is no scientific evidence that separate food helps fight obesity. People who choose this method of weight loss, often just strictly selected products, reduce calorie and thus lose weight.
Myth № 8. Dark bread gives the body more good than white h2> Dark bread does not mean that it has a lot of fiber. Brown shade can give the test and caramel dyes. Calorie black and white bread is almost identical, so weight gain can be obtained in any case. The most useful and rich vitamins bread unleavened bread and bran of whole grains, and cereals with cereals.
Myth № 9. juices are also useful, as are the fruits h2> Juices contain virtually no valuable fiber. The amount of vitamins and minerals is markedly reduced in their manufacture. Therefore, if possible, better to eat fresh fruit.
Myth № 10. Sushi and rolls - dietary products h2> By themselves, sushi and rolls will not cause much damage figure. Although white rice, which is used for the preparation of this product, is not a leader among health food. Most dangerous are soy sauce, mayonnaise, which is sometimes used in such dishes, cheese and fat - they are high in calories.
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/10-mifov-o-zdorovom-pitanii-v-kotorye-my-do-sih-por-verim-957610/
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